Dil Dosti Dance and Discussions - Wk 1 - X-factor vs. K-effect - Pg 6 - Page 5


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ssttuuttii thumbnail
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Posted: 29 days ago

Originally posted by: sreeja_rox

sure we can all reconnect and discuss like what could have been improved in the show or not . 

Personally being a Taarey viewer , till date i am disappointed with the fact that Taani and Taarey had a bad ending . Leave TR , chalo chalta hai not sure even today why Taani was bought back to show her engagement track . That was totally unnecessary. And oh yes the  content showing that a non dancer cannot be frnds with a professional dancer was actually such a wrong msg being passed to the youth watching the show that time .  

I'm still in the process of watching D3 for the first time and so, while aware of most of the tracks and scenes, I haven't seen Taani's exit and short return yet. In fact, I've just reached the point where Taarey became a couple,,, so happier times ahead I guess smiley36.

I agree, Taani being a non-dancer resulted in her being left at the outskirts of their group most of the times. Perhaps, that was also in part because of her false audition tape and the unsavory beginning, but either way, I do feel bad about how she's always treated as an outsider while those who came after her (like Aashi) found their way among the ranks much more easily. Not bashing on Aashi, I like her as well... just saying that dance is a very integral part of this group as that is what bonded them in the first place... which is why a non-dancer finds it hard to fit in smiley24.

sreeja_rox thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 29 days ago

Originally posted by: ssttuuttii

I'm still in the process of watching D3 for the first time and so, while aware of most of the tracks and scenes, I haven't seen Taani's exit and short return yet. In fact, I've just reached the point where Taarey became a couple,,, so happier times ahead I guess smiley36.

I agree, Taani being a non-dancer resulted in her being left at the outskirts of their group most of the times. Perhaps, that was also in part because of her false audition tape and the unsavory beginning, but either way, I do feel bad about how she's always treated as an outsider while those who came after her (like Aashi) found their way among the ranks much more easily. Not bashing on Aashi, I like her as well... just saying that dance is a very integral part of this group as that is what bonded them in the first place... which is why a non-dancer finds it hard to fit in smiley24.

Yea was kinda unrealistic in that part that Taani being a non dancer was always shown outside of the group . And yes even the fact that main leads like Rey & Swayam were always shown to be the ones never making any mistake. Dude like if you are a human you should be making mistakes but i guess serials back then never showed the main leads making mistakes . 

ssttuuttii thumbnail
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Posted: 28 days ago

Originally posted by: sreeja_rox

Yea was kinda unrealistic in that part that Taani being a non dancer was always shown outside of the group . And yes even the fact that main leads like Rey & Swayam were always shown to be the ones never making any mistake. Dude like if you are a human you should be making mistakes but i guess serials back then never showed the main leads making mistakes . 

Well, I wouldn't go as far as saying that they weren't shown making mistakes. There was quite some hullabaloo over Swayam's cheating to make Kriya the Rose Queen, and it caused problems between Swaron. Nearly the whole Aditya Khurana track is about Rey making a mistake and the group paying for it. In fact, as a Taarey fan, you would know that it was Rey's wrong approach towards making Taani independent that caused their rift. Both Rey and Swayam have been shown getting angry and saying mean things which they regret later. While, Swayam's mistakes may be few and far in between, that's just because of how his character is... they needed a cool-headed and fairly faultless guy to balance out Sharon's hot-headed and highly flawed character. Rey on the other hand has been shown to make plenty of mistakes... and has had the group turn on him or argue with him too.

In fact, this is something I like about D3, the shades of gray they manage to inculcate in all the characters. The Heroes can take a misstep and the Villains can turn over a new leaf here. About main leads never making mistakes in serials back then, I'll have to disagree again. Not only for D3 where Sharon, one of the main leads is a complicated person who makes mistakes often... but even for other shows. Iss Pyaar Ko Kya Naam Doon (2011-12) has an Anti-Hero as the main lead (Arnav), and he was shown to be so ruthless that people were actually rooting for the bad guy in the beginning (before he showed his true colors as well smiley36).

So yeah, while they may be slightly white-washed and unbelievable at times, I believe that D3 did manage to show realistic characters and situations mostly smiley9.



P.S. Since you mentioned that you are a Taarey fan, I wanted to ask whether you would like to be tagged for the earlier episode analysis or only after Taani enters the show? I don't mind tagging, but I would rather not annoy you and make you lose interest in this thread altogether smiley36.

sreeja_rox thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 28 days ago

Hey surely do tag me . Yea was a Taarey fan but would love to revisit all the old episodes too when time permits . 

ssttuuttii thumbnail
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Posted: 28 days ago

Originally posted by: Bhavisweet03

Just relived the rollercoaster of emotions from that episode! Kriya's determination to stay true to herself, despite the challenges she faces, is truly inspiring. And the twist with Reyansh adds an unexpected twist to the story. Can't wait to see what's next for Kriya at St. Louis College of Arts, Commerce & Science!

Thank you for your review smiley9.

I was hoping to put up the second episode within a day, but kal me jaldi so gai smiley36. It should be up by tonight though (probably smiley23).

ssttuuttii thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail Visit Streak 30 0 Thumbnail
Posted: 27 days ago

Episode 1

Dil Dosti Dance – Episode 2 (12th April 2011)

Mere Haath Mein

Written Update :

As Kriya grapples with the conundrum of how to keep her promise to her mother while also staying true to herself, her odd mannerisms make the other college students poke fun at her. Amidst the mocking, she finds another quirky girl – Neha, and they become friends.

Neha informs Kriya about the existing norms of the college and how the students there are divided in two groups – the Dazzlings who are rich and talented in artsy forms while the rest are called Weaklings and they are only supposed to be studious and nerdy while refraining from participating in anything else. Kriya is unhappy about these fractions as she was interested in Footloose dance auditions coming up in the college.

As Neha guides Kriya to the fees payment counter, they find a long line of students there. Reyaansh, who is the leader of the Dazzlings group, comes there with his friends and cuts the line to go directly to the counter. This prompts Kriya to call him “Linecutter”,which earns her more stares and remarks from the other students who all adore Reyaansh.

Reyaansh offers to help her pay her fees quickly, in return for a private conversation, which she agrees to. Reyaansh tells her about his popularity and status in this college and wants her to keep mum about their Dehradun incident; as it won’t look good if the other students find out that their Hero got into trouble with the Police. Kriya refuses his appeal, wanting everyone to find out the truth so that they will stop worshipping him. At this, Reyaansh counteracts by saying he will inform the college principal that their new student had been arrested in her home town, as they will surely reconsider her admission on that basis. Trapped by this remark, Kriya finally agrees to stay quiet about the whole incident and they make a spit deal; which is witnessed by all the college students who are curious about why Reyaansh is talking to this new Weakling girl. Reyaansh’s friend Vicky interrupts them and Kriya goes away, leaving the two of them conversing about what just happened.

Their third friend barges in, creating a rap about Reyaansh’s best friend Sharon, who the others assume to be his girlfriend. There enters Sharon, the college Diva, who tops the popularity charts every week and has many admirers. As her friends update her about the morning’s commotion, she is angry about someone else holding Reyaansh’s attention and demands to know who the new girl is.

Mumbai = Dance

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New Characters Introduced :

Neha Kapoor (portrayed by Alisha Singh) –

Neha Kapoor

A loner but quick to make friends with Kriya. Belonging to the Weakling group, she seems to have accepted the unusual rules of their college as the standard and tries to abide by them. But with hot-headed Kriya by her side, will she find the courage to break free? Only the future can tell…

Vikramjeet “Vicky” Kalsi (portrayed by Archi Pratik) –

Vikramjeet Kalsi

As a Dazzling group member and Reyaansh’s best friend, he is very concerned about his friend’s reputation. Whether he is able to relinquish his prejudices with time or not, is yet to be seen…


Sharanjeet “Sharon” Rai Prakash (portrayed by Sneha Kapoor) –

Sharanjeet Rai Prakash

Another of Reyaansh’s best buddy and Miss Popular, she is the Diva of the college, ruling the hearts of many. But does that apply to Reyaansh as well, like his friends seem to believe? That is the question to ponder…


(Not introducing Nilesh, Simmi and Rinni as there’s not much exposition on their characters yet.)

Page Divider

Episode Rating :

Plot ****1/2

The new college setting is explained well without being preachy. The pacing continues to be tight and the introduction of new characters keeps the episode interesting.


Screenplay and Dialogs ***1/2

While an improvement is seen from the last episode, the dialogs still remain a little repetitive.


Acting ***1/2

As more members of the main cast are introduced, the acting quality improves. Among the new-comers, Alisha’s dramatic expressions work well for Neha’s character, while Sneha’s subtle change in body language and a mere eyebrow raise are enough to make you scamper to fulfill Sharon’s demands. They manage to offset the slightly feeble performances by others.


Visuals ***

The Cinematography and Editing remain average, although the College Sets look charming.


Soundtrack ****

The background tunes work well along with the added laughter tracks and beats that assist in creating a wholesome feel for every scene. 


Choreography N/A


Overall rating – 3.7/5

Page Divider

Word/s of the Day :

Dazzling – the rich and creative students who love to have fun and rule the college

Weakling – considered to be weaker because of not having much money, they are relegated to the bottom of the hierarchy, only allowed to be good at studies.

Linecutter – an epithet given by Kriya to Reyaansh because of his habit of bypassing lines.


Dialog of the Day :

“Who is this new girl?” – Sharon wants to know about the new girl wreaking havoc in their college’s social ladder on her first day itself.


Scene of the Day :

Nilesh’s first rap deserves this space as we find out his love for rapping even before we know his name. smiley37 The juxtaposition with Sharon’s entry and her background music make this scene even more lively. Give him the beat guys! smiley36

Nliesh Rapping


Blooper of the Day :

The case of the haunted basketball that merely appeared for a few seconds to make Kriya fall and disappeared again after that. smiley3


Theme of the Day :

Dil / Dosti / Dance – Dosti

D3 Dosti

Episode 3

Edited by ssttuuttii - 24 days ago
SarafWasima thumbnail
Love Couple India Season 3 0 Thumbnail Jimmy Jab Games Season 6 0 Thumbnail + 7
Posted: 27 days ago

This episode really brought back the nostalgia of college days! The social dynamics felt so relatable, and I loved how Kriya found a true friend in Neha. The plot kept me on the edge of my seat, and it was great to see new faces like Vicky and Sharon adding depth to the story. Alisha and Sneha delivered some strong performances, and Nilesh's rap debut was a fun surprise! smiley37 While the visuals could have been better, the soundtrack was on point, and overall, it was a solid episode that made me feel like I was back in college. Can't wait to talk about what happens next! smiley42

Edited by SarafWasima - 20 days ago
SarafWasima thumbnail
Love Couple India Season 3 0 Thumbnail Jimmy Jab Games Season 6 0 Thumbnail + 7
Posted: 27 days ago

Originally posted by: ssttuuttii

Scene of the Day :

Nilesh’s first rap deserves this space as we find out his love for rapping even before we know his name. smiley37 The juxtaposition with Sharon’s entry and her background music make this scene even more lively. Give him the beat guys! smiley36

Nliesh Rapping

Gonna share this with him on IG smiley37

ssttuuttii thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail Visit Streak 30 0 Thumbnail
Posted: 27 days ago

Originally posted by: ssttuuttii

Tagging old members from Dil Dosti Dance forum. Please press like or comment if you want to be tagged in further analysis or discussion posts about D3 (you can even mention if you are only interested in specific characters / pairings so I can tag you accordingly). 

You can also join the new Dil Dosti Dance forum to check out the Creations Gallery and make new topics according to your liking smiley4


So what are you waiting for? Let's reminisce (and dissect) our beloved show together smiley9.



P.S. Sorry if you find the random tagging annoying. With the old forum closed, there was no other way to reach out to you smiley24. But once we are all connected and active again, we can make a request for the old forum to be reopened or the new private forum to be made public smiley10.

ssttuuttii thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail Visit Streak 30 0 Thumbnail
Posted: 27 days ago

Originally posted by: SarafWasima

Gonna share this with him on IG smiley37

Oh my god! I'm not sure whether to be excited or nervous about this smiley37. But if he responds, do let me know smiley36.
