MANEET FF SAAJAN | UPDATED PART 41 - P.N. 36 - 30 JUNE 24 - Page 36

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coderlady thumbnail
Posted: 2 days ago

Why are they hiding the truth from Annie and Mohini? They need to know it. Sheltering them will not help.

Mg13 thumbnail
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Posted: 2 hours ago

Part 41

Rajveer looked at his son, having seen silent suffering of his son....he knew , somewhere he was also at fault but today is not the day to think about all past deeds and waste the time in he thought something and came to decision... 

Taking a deep breath to compose himself, Rajveer tapped lightly on the door before entering.

Maan instantly put the frame aside as he glanced up at his father.

"Good afternoon, Dad," Maan greeted warmly, setting aside his tablet and leaning back in his chair. 

"Afternoon, Maan," Rajveer replied walking closer to the desk, his gaze assessing Maan's demeanor. "Got a minute?"

Maan nodded, giving his father his full attention. "Of course, Dad. What's on your mind?"

Rajveer paused, choosing his words carefully. "I need you to handle a meeting for me, Maan. It's with an important client who's heading abroad due to a family emergency. They're considering a significant deal with us, and I can't make it."

Maan leaned forward, his brow furrowing slightly as he processed the request. "Sure, Dad. When's the meeting?"

Rajveer pulled out his phone and checked his calendar. "It's in two days, in Mumbai. The client specifically asked for someone senior from our team, and I believe you're the best person for the job."

Maan nodded again, his mind already calculating logistics and preparation needed for the meeting. "I'll make sure everything is ready. Do we have all the details from the client?"

Rajveer nodded approvingly. "Yes, I'll forward you the brief and the contact details. They're expecting a proposal on the new project scope we discussed last month."

Maan jotted down notes on a nearby pad, his expression focused and determined. "Consider it done, Dad. I'll fly out tomorrow morning to ensure I have everything in place."

Rajveer smiled, a mix of pride and relief evident in his eyes. "Thank you, Maan. I know I can count on you."

As Maan continued to outline his plan for the meeting, Rajveer felt a surge of reassurance. His son, poised and capable, was proving himself more than worthy of carrying on the Khurana legacy. But more than that there was one more important reason he has behind walking in to his son's cabin on the first place. He would have easily handle this deal...but for the purpose he is sending Maan to Mumbai only need Maan's attention. 

With a final nod of agreement, Rajveer turned to leave, "make sure, this time you not come alone Maan, but bring back my daughter in law..." he said softly before stepping out of the office, leaving Maan blank for a moment...he was stunned, it took time for him to realize the meaning behind his words. 

That means, geet is in Mumbai and dad found it out...! He got up with jerk hearing his cell buzzing. He looked at the MSG sent by his father, and full smile covered his face after long. He saved her address and got up to prepare everything to go to his Jaan...


She changed into her night wear and settled herself on the bed. But when she turned to switch off the bedside lamp, her hands halted on the place and eyes widen in disbelief seeing him there.

Tum? What are you doing here? How did you got here? She asked in one go still not believing her eyes seeing her hubby there. She had lost hope now when after month and half even he didn't attempt in finding her.

But he didn't say anything, only kept starring at her with his passionate eyes. 

Maan..." She called out in husky voice and that ignited the fire within as he hovered over her before slamming his mo*th on her, shutting her down. 

Her wrists were pinned to the bed by his one hand while other one working on her one go he removed her tee and left her mouth leaving her breathing heavily. He hovered her heaving up and down ch**t, before dipping his face there making her m*an out loudly..


Geet got up with a jerk, sweating like anything for having seen this sen*uous dream about her hubby. She wiped her face and drank the whole glass of water in one go...after calming down herself she switched on the lamp beside her bed and rested back to the bed rest.

It's been like this from the time she shifted to this flat...she has been having his dreams every night after their departure..none night went like this where she had slept peacefully without his dreams...from past few days dreams has taken dir*y turn leaving her dry and high, craving for him...she always found herself drifting to the memories of her initial marriage life where her husband though not in his senses but used to love her...showered her with his affection... 

One drop of tear falls from her close eyes, but she wiped it instantly, not wanted to cry anymore on her fate.... because she was well aware until now that crying won't change anything but make it worse for her...she also knew, she wouldn't get what she wanted with these tears.

she has been in worse situation before then why couldn't she handle this heart pain...she clutches her chest tightly with deep sigh....and looked at his picture in her phone, I missed you so much hubby bee...I not ashamed or shy to confess it...she kissed his lips in picture with wet eyes.

I know I walked out, I know I pushed you away but I thought you will understand the depth of my feelings....I thought I feeling my separation you might realize your true feelings regarding me.

I thought, you need to live your life the way you want... I thought you will have chance to decide if you want me in your life or not...and if you really want me then you will chase after me, even silently I wished Maan that you may break my given promise and find about me.....I silently wish, may your love he so strong to make you break my promise and bring me back to you..

But....she stopped, inhaling sharply...

I guess I took wrong decision again to hope...why did I hope so much...y did I expected something from you....when I knew in the end my hopes are going to be crush the end I am alone...

I am alone again like the way before you walked in my life." 

Don't dare to dream again geet because are dreams are bound to get break when you will open your eyes."







Early evening, She got ready for her job and left early... because her job location was at some distant from the orphanage she is staying, Beside working at the restaurant in evening shift, she does part time job cum her hobby at the small orphanage. She had took the work of organizer in the orphanage which was situated at the boundary of Delhi. Even though having enough experience in working at KC, she didn't wish to work in any company but orphanage where her knowledge and experience could be useful for betterment of those innocent children rather than money minded lustful people of corporate world.

She entered the restaurant and could feel something different in the air today...there was little hustle bustle also. are little late honey, her colleague rushed to her, now get back to work fast, manager is already upset for there is VIP person today in our restaurant.

VIP?? Geet looked confused but she couldn't ask anymore when Nisha, colleague pulled her along with her.

She changed into her uniform and took her notepad to take the orders. it's been an month she started working here on the position of someone else... that someone else was actually the young girl who used to worked here as part time waitress and part time she worked along with her in the orphanage as teacher...but before one month unfortunately she met with an accident and her one leg was put on plaster, she was in great need for monetary help for her further studies. seeing her in trouble emotionally and physically, geet couldn't hold back and offered her helping hand. the manger was kind enough to take her on the girl's place until she could recover and get back to work. geet too decided to change her appearance and identity for time being to work at hotel...clearly understanding that now her husband's status and reputation joins with her too...with this not much people recognized her....

She was pulled out of her thoughts when Nisha called her, sir had ask you to handle this VIP table more work for you! Nisha said cheekily, lucky early leave after this ViP leaves. 

Geet frowned, suddenly not liking the idea...she Had early leaves...she hates going home early...she hate to sleep early... because she couldn't get an ounce of sleep and she gets then she will be always haunting by his dreams that made her craving for him...does he miss me too...does he crave me too... do he love me too...? 

Ira, where are you lost, hurry up... people are already waiting at table no. 20

Geet moved gracefully between the tables, her mind focused on her tasks yet her heart still heavy with thoughts of Maan. Why suddenly she is thinking about him....and feeling restless, she felt knot in her stomach and goosebumps all over her body... feeling something familiar yet not able to pinpoint what is happening to her.

She didn't notice the familiar figure seated at one of the tables until she reached his side.

"Good evening, sir. May I take your order?" Geet asked politely, her eyes fixed on her notepad, trying to maintain professionalism despite the turmoil within.

"Yes, please," 

Her movement halted, fingers stopped moving as she heard the same deep baritone voice after long...the voice which made her go crazy for him.


She lifted her eyelashes only to stare into his deep chocolate eyes...both were lost for a moment before he cleared his throat, breaking the spell.

Her heart raced, memories flooding back of their time together, the moments they shared, and the pain that ultimately drove her away.

Geet controlled her emotions and composed herself before proceeding to take his order. 

He quickly scanned the menu, choosing items almost at random, his whole attention was only on her. 


He had been restless since his father gave him the address since he knew her working at restaurant as waitress... The thought bothered him but as soon as it did he pushed away the feeling knowing geet wouldn't like it.

He knew how self respected and high headed woman his wife is...for her any work was near to God. And seeing him looking down at her for her profession, that thing would definitely won't be digestible for his sherni wife. 

He has chuckled painfully with that thought, realizing he was the only one because of him she decided to left him because of him she walked out of his life and ended up doing this job. When in real, she owned his whole billionaire property and business. She owns this Maan Singh Khurana.

Now, least he wanted to drove her away from him with this thing....

Geet noted his order diligently, writing it down without looking directly at him. She sensed his unease, a tension that mirrored her own. Her hands trembled slightly as she jotted down the last item, her heart pounding in her chest.


"Thank you, sir," Geet said softly, her voice barely audible as she turned to leave his table. She couldn't bear to stay any longer, the proximity to him threatening to unravel the fragile composure she had struggled to maintain.

Maan watched her retreat, his heart aching with every step she took away from him. He wanted to reach out, to call her back, to erase the distance between them that had grown so unexpectedly. But he couldn't risk showing any vulnerability in front of people, not when he needed to maintain a facade of control.

He had realized too late the depth of his feelings for her, regretting every moment he hadn't shown her how much she meant to him. Seeing her again after weeks of longing and regret stirred a mix of emotions in him—relief, hope, and guilt. 

how different she's been one and half month period and he could see difference in her appearance...her hair was cut short and was curly...while she appeared younger than before with her job uniform. he was still unaware about the real reason behind this all as he only got to know from his father about her location and work profile...even he was still unaware about her change of identity...nine the less she looked beautiful like always..even more now...he thought with painful smile. 

He knew he had to find a way to talk to Geet, to explain, to beg for another chance. But for now, he was trapped in silence, watching her disappear into the busy restaurant, unsure of how to bridge the gap between them once more.

As Geet walked away, she felt a wave of emotions crashing over her. She somehow reached the kitchen and handed over the menu to the cooks there before walking away to the restroom. She need to compose herself, however she wanted to hide away from him, from everyone at the moment...she couldn' was not into her nature. She was born to fight anything that came her way from childhood living life of orphan. But today she knew the thing is's related to her heart..which was beating badly for the man who sat outside waiting for her presence again. She knew his heart which shows in his eyes...the restlessness, the dilemma...

Did he came to take her back? The thought rise her hope with smile on her face. But that was instantly wiped away with another thought, no maybe he came here for another will coincidence...

But then also, isn't she the one who had told him about their Fate....and their destined meet... 

She closed her eyes and remembered her own words before their seperation.

When she opened them, her eyes were glistening with happy tears... could she believed her fate now? Why couldn't she when it brought her love before her eyes again today. As per she told him, he is there infront of her...they met again..." It's destined meet.

Her thoughts halted hearing footsteps, and she looked up to see him standing there before her.

Was it another dream of her...!?? 

Precap ;- most awaited....smiley2smiley43

will Geet forgive him and give him chance...????

I have typed and re edited this update...hope it had come out well...any loopholes..plz let me know.. will try to add in further update...

I wanted to post bride and Knight part but my laptop crashed down beside my phone battery has stopped I am updating my mother's phone. Ignore the errors and happy reading. smiley4

Thank you so much for all your lovely response through long reviews friends....smiley31it encourages me a plz keep that coming... smiley42

Edited by Mg13 - 37 minutes ago


aparna3011 thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 22 minutes ago


raj not able see restless maan who is missing geet but bound by her condition how to find her 

here geet waiting for maan n some where she wants maan to break her promise n find her 

geet can see restlessness in maan's eyes n longing for her n happy to see him which is accidental for her 

maan is finding difficult to convince her of his love for her 

hope everything goes fine 
