AbhiMaan FF || Abhi Na Jao Chhod Kar || Chapter 3 UPDATED (Page 3) - Page 3


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LegalEagle thumbnail
Posted: 2 months ago

Originally posted by: bajarbattu

Ye toh stadium ke baaher ka sixer hai ........ smiley43smiley42smiley32

jhappi pao! smiley31

Agla chapter jaldi likho, behen. 
much love, light and laughter

 Hahaha thank you so much! Next chapter is up in a few moments smiley9

LegalEagle thumbnail
Posted: 2 months ago

A/N: Hi guys! I’m back with another update. This chapter is my favourite, I hope you enjoy reading it. Do let me know what you think, I really look forward to reading all your comments smiley9


AbhiMaan FF || Abhi Na Jao Chhod Kar || Chapter 3

The next time she woke, it was quiet; Her head was pounding, her mouth was dry, and there was a curious sort of numbness in her limbs. But her thoughts were clear, and she had regained some sort of control over herself, as evidenced by the way she could clench her hand into a fist. Someone was breathing deeply; looking down the length of her body, she saw that she was lying in a bed with a heavy comforter over her body. Armaan was in a chair next to her, leaning his upper body on the bed, where he had fallen asleep with his head next to her hip. The position looked highly uncomfortable, and she knew he would be feeling it when he woke up. She yawned. How could she still be tired? Lazily, she realized that they must have given her some type of medicine. Horrible things had happened, but it seemed distant from her, almost as if it had happened to someone else. Whatever she had been given was dulling the mental pain as well as the physical.

Taking in her surroundings, she saw that she was in a hospital room, and in the dimmed lights, she could make out the shadows of a few pieces of furniture and the table. Along with it stood a pitcher and a glass, and her throat ached at the sight; she moved to stretch out her arm, but it was just out of her reach. Her movement must have been felt by Armaan, because he jolted awake with a loud snort, raising his head and looking about the room wildly. He seemed confused for a moment at the lack of danger, then noticed that she was watching him. A small noise of delight escaped his throat, before a look of worry crossed his face, and he leaned over her to stare at her intently. Judging from the bags under his eyes, he hadn't been asleep for long; he was still in the clothes he had been wearing when she saw him last, there was a layer of light stubble on his face, and one side of his hair was matted down from where he had been lying on it. She thought, perhaps, that this was the best sight to wake up to.

"Abhira! You woke up!”

She opened her mouth, and wheezed out an answer. "Ar-Armaan."

"Yeah, it's me. How do you feel? I know that's a stupid question, but-I mean-, can you tell if there's anything wrong?"

"Throat. Thirsty."

"Oh! Yeah, the Nurse left some water. Here, let me-"

He nearly tripped over his chair to get to the pitcher, and spilled a few drops as he poured it into the glass. Abhira struggled to sit up, but was still feeling weak. Without having to be asked, Armaaan gently slid a hand behind her neck, and helped prop her up. He brought the glass to her lips, and tilted it for her. The cold water stung, and she choked; Armaan started to pull it away, but she raised her hand and blocked him, signalling she wanted to try again. She was more careful this time, taking tiny sips. Her throat still felt strange, and she thought she might have strained her vocal cords.

Armaan placed the empty glass back on the table, and lowered her back to the pillow, thoughtfully pulling her hair away from her neck. "Are you sure that you're alright? I mean, I know you're not alright, but...you know. I was just-you were...and then-" He closed his eyes, and took a steadying breath. "I'm gonna go get Nurse Farooqui; she said to tell her as soon as you woke up. I'll be right back!"

He moved to the door quickly, and Abhira was suddenly afraid. She didn't want to be alone. She made an effort to get up, but fell backwards. "Wait!"

Armaan stopped, and came back to the bed, helping her settle back into a more comfortable position. "What is it? Is there something wrong? You should let me get the Nurse so she can check on you!" He said nervously, glancing at the door.

She shook her head, slightly embarrassed. "No," she whispered, since it was easier on her throat, "Just...please don't leave yet. I don't even know what's going on. How long have I been asleep?"

His hand came up to run through his hair, and his eyes had a haggard, haunted look. "For hours. You just had surgery and they-"

"It was close, wasn't it?" She asked, already knowing the answer.

"Too close." He growled, leaning over her. "Don't ever do that again."

His face was quite ferocious, but Abhira saw the fear in his eyes, and heard the tremor in his voice. Weakly, she raised her hand to brush the fringe from his eyes, smoothing her fingers over his forehead as he pressed into her briefly, his eyelids drooping shut.

A thought crossed her mind, and it scared her. "Do you think Yuvraj… still could?"

His head jerked, and one of his hands came up to grip hers tightly. "No! No. Papa has arrested him and his men for good. They’re not going to be getting out for a long time… I’ll make sure of it."

She could hear the shakiness in his voice and when she looked over her heart clenched at the sight of him looking down at their hands with his bottom lip trembling. "I almost lost you, Abhira. It was horrible, seeing you lying there in all that blood… and after we had that fight and… you saved my life… I don't know what I would've done if –if you had-"


"Hey, stop that," Abhira said and uncurled her fingers from his and stroked his cheek as she swallowed the urge to break down herself. She wanted nothing more than to scream at the top of her lungs and break every damn thing in the room. She wanted to be there when they questioned Yuvraj who dared to mess with her Mumma before and now Armaan and his family… her family. Her growing hatred and quickly descending patience was starting to win out. But she paused and forced herself to stare back into Armaan's fearful eyes and knew that the most important thing right now was right in front of her. Nothing else mattered except wiping that terrified and miserable look off of Armaan's face.


"You didn't lose me," Abhira continued as she took his hand again. "And you were so brave and I'm so thankful that you came for me.”


"Yes, I know. I'm trying so hard to be strong for you. I really am," He said and wiped at his eyes before shaking her head as if to clear it. "Sorry."


He let out a choked sob. “It’s not enough. I have to do more for you. The way I've been… the things I've said… it isn't right. I told myself I wouldn't do this and here I am blubbering on when I should be trying to make you feel better. I'm so s-sorry."


Abhira's brain felt like it was pounding against her skull with the most intense headache she'd ever experienced. She couldn't move her legs, and most of her body in fact, because of the medicines and the bandages, but she could still feel the dull but steady pain. However, listening to Armaan apologizing for everything and sobbing in front of her was more painful than all the broken bones and injuries in her body.


"Armaan, what are you on about?" She shook her hand to stop him from talking and closed her eyes briefly as a wave of nausea suddenly swept over her, making her feel dizzy. Her hand tightened around his, making him jerk in suprise.


"Oh my god, are you alright? I've upset you, haven't I? You might need some medicine or something. I'll go-"


"Armaan, stop!"


She snapped her eyes open when her head stopped spinning and saw Armaan watching her, his big brown eyes wide with worry. "I-I'm sorry," he said quietly as he continued to stare at her.


"Don't be," Abhira sighed and couldn't help but close her eyes as the pounding in her head moved to the front of her face and the dull ache throughout her body was slowly become less… dull. "I am. I shouldn't've yelled at you like that."

"Abhira, you need something for the pain, I can get-"


"No, just give me a second." She pulled his hand out from hers and used it to pinch the bridge of her nose, squeezing her eyes shut.



"Abhira, you're shaking!" Armaan exclaimed from beside her then sighed with frustration. "This is ridiculous. I'll be right back." She felt the bed dip as she stood up and a moan escaped her mouth as the movement caused her body to shift.


"No, don't go," Abhira managed to say then gasped as a new pain shot up her chest causing her to spasm and then cry out once more from the involuntary movement. She heard Armaan's shuffling feet on the floor as he hurried over to her side of the bed.


"Abhira," he said quietly. His voice sounded so much calmer and stronger than a moment ago that Abhira took a deep breath and held it so that she could hear what he had to say. "It's almost midnight and that's usually when you should get your medicines anyway. I'm only going to stick my head out the door and find Nurse Farooqui, alright? Just… stay calm."


With her eyes still closed, Abhira was using all of his strength to concentrate on keeping her body perfectly still, not wanting to make any sudden movements. However, the effort was making her shake uncontrollably, and a low groan sounded from deep in her throat.


"Abhira, please try to relax," Armaan said in a more desperate tone and placed a warm hand on her forehead. She felt the shaking slow down and although the pain was still ascending, she felt her body relax enough for her eyes to unclench. She peered at Armaan and saw him smile at her with relief.


"That's better," he said. Abhira couldn't speak, but she gave him a small nod. And then he was gone from her vision and she tried not to let her nerves and the pain get a hold of her again.


"NURSE FAROOQUI! I need you in here now! ... Please!" Abhira couldn't help but jump in surprise and hiss in pain when she heard Armaan shout, his voice so loud that she was sure the entire hospital heard him And then just as suddenly Armaan was back at her side. "She's coming. I think I might have startled her," Armaan said breathlessly then ran his fingers through her hair. The soothing feel of his hand on her scalp was brilliant, but did nothing for the pain that was becoming worse by the minute. Where the hell was that bloody Nurse?


"I'm so sorry! I was supposed to be here fifteen minutes ago, but the patient in room 258… well, that's not the point. I have your medicines right here, Mrs. Poddar. Just sit tight. Is there any pain… any numbness?” 


Abhira nodded. "Both. My arms and legs tingle like they're asleep, but then I get these sharp, stabbing pains. And my chest aches when I’m taking deep breaths."

The Nurse bit her lip. "I see."


"What? What do you see? What's wrong with her?" Armaan asked rapidly, looming over Nurse Farooqui, who shot him a look. 


"Did I say there was something wrong with her? Nothing more wrong than one could expect, after her ordeal.”


"Sorry! It was just the way you said it!"


The Nurse turned back to Abhira "I think I can give you something for the pain I imagine you would like something to help with that throat, no?"


"Yes, please," Abhira whispered, trying to hide a twinge of pain. The Nurse glanced sharply at her, but didn't comment.


"How bad is it?" Abhira pressed, not wanting to be coddled.


Nurse Farooqui hesitated. "Bad enough, but not as bad as it could have been. You’re lucky to be alive.”


Armaan looked stricken, and slightly guilty; Abhira had braced herself for much worse. Of course, she still had medicines in her system and was about to receive more, so she might not be so relaxed about things once those wore off, and she experienced the pain at its full force. But she could handle even worse if it meant that Armaan was alive and well. She’d much rather be in this position than Armaan. 


Perhaps it was the lingering effects of the medicines she had already been given, or else it was the mind's way of protecting itself from shock; either way, she pushed it aside to be dealt with later, in private. As it was, it took almost all of her full concentration to choke down the multiple syrups the Nurse was pressing on her; did she really need so many? She must, because when she tried to refuse one, Nurse Farooqui gave her a stern look, and held the bottle against her lips.


"I need to look at the rest of your wounds, to see how they are healing," She finally said, motioning to Abhira's body, still under the blankets.


It was then that Abhira became aware that she was wearing only a thin hospital gown; her arms were exposed, and she suspected it didn't cover very much of her legs. Someone had removed her bra; bandages covered a large portion of her torso.


"Mr Poddar, if you wish to stay with your wife whilst I’m assessing her wounds, you may." 


Armaan shot a look at Abhira and stuttered, his cheeks becoming increasingly flushed. “I’ll – um – come back as soon as you're done," he said, looking back over his shoulder several times as he left the room.


The Nurse smiled. "Poor man, he's got it bad for you, doesn't he? 


“Er, yeah,” Abhira said awkwardly. 


“Your husband has hardly left your side since he brought you here.” 


“How is he, really?

“I reckon he's a bit overwhelmed right now, obviously, but from what I can tell…he's trying his best. Just… let him take care of you. That might be what's best for him and ultimately what is best for you, which is my main concern." She said the last sentence pointedly and then smiled warmly at her.


Abhira nodded, with a heavy sigh. 


The Nurse continued, "Now. Since we are alone, how do you really feel?"


"I think...worse without medicines."


A bandage was peeled back, the wound beneath it assessed. "Right now, you must concentrate on getting enough food and rest. I’ve told Mr. Poddar all the list of the medicines that need to be administered once you get discharged.”


Nurse Farooqui had barely tucked the covers back around her when the door cracked open. "Can I come in now?"


Abhira nodded at the Nurse, who called for Armaan to come in and shut the door.


"How is she?" He asked Nurse Farooqui, then immediately turned to Abhira, looking her over like he was afraid something had gone wrong while he was out. "How are you?"


“She’ll be fine, Mr. Poddar,” The Nurse reassured. “I’ve changed her bandages, she can rest now if she wishes. Wake me if she needs anything. Is that alright, Abhira?"


Once she was gone, Armaan looked back at Abhira, his face slightly flushed, and his expression shy.


"Sorry, Abhira. I didn't even ask, but maybe you'd rather someone else? Ruhi's here, or Charu."


He started to stand up, but she wouldn't let go of his hand.


"I don't want anyone else, Armaan. Just you."


And she didn't. With Armaan...she could sleep and feel safe. She wasn't foolish enough to think that he could protect her all the evil in this world, but she also knew that Armaan wouldn't let anything happen without a fight, and she needed that sense of security, after all that had happened. At her answer, Armaan had let out a startled gasp, and his eyes had widened in surprise. The flush on his cheeks had deepened to a fiery scarlet, but he didn't look away.


"As long as that's what you want." He said softly.


Something was traded in the look they shared that hadn't been fully present till now. It seemed to be too much for Armaan, because he broke eye contact first, releasing her hand slowly.


"Then I guess I'll just nap there, alright? Unless you need me in the chair. Because I can do that too. No problem."


Again, Abhira pulled him back as he began to move away, too relaxed by the medicines to be more embarrassed about what she was going to ask. "Not there. Here."


"In the chair?" He asked, starting to sink back down, "Alright, then. I'll try not to fall on you this time-"


"Not there. Here." She patted the bed, wiggling over to the side so he would get the point. The bed was small, but still large enough for two.


Armaan stared at the bed, then at her, both hesitant and hopeful, like a puppy invited up onto the good sofa. "But...are you really sure..."


"We do it at home," she said, referring to them sharing a room.


"Yeah, but that’s- and I didn't think you would want to, especially in this-"


"I do." 


"Oh. Right. Then I'll just...lie down, then?"


For an answer, she pushed one of the pillows over enough for him to rest his head on. He sat down gingerly on the edge of the bed, before bringing his legs up to stretch out on the mattress. With a small jerk, he sat halfway back up from where he had started to lean against the headboard.


"Wait, are you sure this won't hurt you?"


Honestly, she knew it was going to. She also knew she was going to hurt regardless of where he slept. But after everything she had just gone through, she would much rather wake up in pain and know that it was over and she was safe, rather than waking up in pain and thinking that she was alone.


"It’s fine," she sighed, snuggling against him, hiding a wince as she twisted her body too fast.


Carefully, they arranged their limbs in some semblance of a mutually comfortable position. As they lay there, Abhira felt Armaan begin to relax, and his hand, which had come to rest on the back of her head, began to stroke it, his long fingers working through a few knots in her hair. He was warm and solid, the rise and fall of his chest under her cheek a soothing motion. It wouldn't last forever, she knew, but for right now, she felt at peace. Sleep danced on the edges of her consciousness, but she remembered that there was something important that she needed to say.


"Armaan. I'm gonna… get better, okay? Both of us will… I promise," she said, her voice coming out slightly slurred as the medicines were now in full effect, swimming inside her veins and working their magic.


"Yes, of course, Abhira. And you are going to get better; I'm going to make damn sure of it."


Abhira peered up at him, grinning slightly, "And how're you gonna do that?"


"I'm going to take care of you, don't worry," Armaan said and sniffled as his eyes shined with tears. He ran his thumb down her nose, making her eyes slide closed. And when she opened them again she saw him grinning back at her. "You're going to be sick of me by time you're fully healed."


"Nah, I doubt that," Abhira said shaking her head and peering at him through her lashes. Then she reached up and nuzzled closer into his neck. "I'm getting used to you bossing me around, Khadoosmaan."


Armaan let out a choked laugh before pulling her in closer and lowering his lips on the top of her head. She was fast asleep before he even pulled away.






Edited by LegalEagle - 2 months ago
Pinecone thumbnail
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Posted: 2 months ago

Beautiful! ❤️

Posted: 2 months ago

Amazing author.loved it ...loved the sweet, awkward and cute moments.eagerly waiting for the next chapter 😄♥️

LegalEagle thumbnail
Posted: 2 months ago
Thank you smiley9

LegalEagle thumbnail
Posted: 2 months ago

Originally posted by: Shamitashah1001

Amazing author.loved it ...loved the sweet, awkward and cute moments.eagerly waiting for the next chapter 😄♥️

Thank you so much! Glad you enjoyed it smiley27

8Lucky88 thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Visit Streak 90 0 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 2 months ago

Beautifully written 

Loved armaan taking care of abhira

PenguinBaby thumbnail
Anniversary 8 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 6
Posted: 2 months ago

This was so angsty and cute and painful all at the same time smiley19 

Update part 4 soonsmiley27

Posted: 2 months ago

Loved it!!

You write so beautifully <33

Juhi2020 thumbnail
Visit Streak 30 0 Thumbnail
Posted: 2 months ago

Your writing is simply mesmerizing; it draws me in with its beauty and vividness, making every word a joy to read. 😍😍