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Ralulo thumbnail
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Posted: 2 days ago

Guess Mohan is just going with the flow,useless to plan something else after Manan was in danger,can lead to a bigger disaster. No need to care about Yug's existence either,not after that confrontation. All indicates he will know about his evilness through this incident involving Pari Dadi;then same as R tried to expose D his turn to expose Yug. Will manage once R will be in his team or hear Yug like he heard D. 

LAV2725 thumbnail
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Posted: a day ago

R as a character is one of the MOST shabbily written, ott used and presented FLs of Zeetv prime time serials of atleast last decade that were streamed onscreen, with such negligible connect and relatability with viewers, in almost all tracks.smiley24 

Edited by LAV2725 - a day ago
Mayakiran thumbnail
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Posted: a day ago

Obviously time for Yug to show his full on villain roop🤪🤪🤪. Not that it was not known before, but guess it will be an open truth now... even in front of R?.. Or maybe both RM die in the end of the track n get re incarnated😂😂. 

What happens to Kaddu though 😛😛

Ralulo thumbnail
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Posted: a day ago

Originally posted by: Mayakiran

What happens to Kaddu though 😛😛

Can follow them to the other side smiley15sure tired to wear that wig and use the wheelchair. 

But this looks like one of those promos where only idea happens? (Unless are tired of this leap and will bring RM under same roof with Yug as open enemy next door,like last bit of D presence in their lives.) Could be different in episodes,like RM teaming up for a case-Pari Dadi actually. As long as they're more friendly is better than repeated lectures and angry looks from R(adhika) to Mohan and his childish ideas to break the happy couple

Mayakiran thumbnail
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Posted: a day ago

Yeahh... cos RM can't stay in the same house together with Yug living as their neighbour. Seemed liked RM would work together on something together to help Gungun maybe if she gets trapped in some accident case🤨. 

Also legally she is Radhika Kohli... more the mess😛😛😛

The day R tells Yug she wants to leave him, he is definitely not gonna agree and let her go happily with a smil😂. And she needs to have a reason to leave.. her love for Mohanji can't be enough for her to literally take that BIGG decision... Or maybe just like she broke the ms and left Mohan... she thinks she can leave Yug???? Then she has not understood the level of his madness😱😱🤣🤣🤣. Will learn in time🤪

Ralulo thumbnail
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Posted: a day ago

No way to understand Yug's madness until she sees it with her own eyes-maybe when/if he attacks Manan in front of her or if she hears one of his crazy monologues. 

Of course Yug can play kind soul card and release her...but then would spy on RM smiley36obsession will keep growing,more dangerous than D.

Ralulo thumbnail
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Posted: a day ago

July 3

Less of Mohan-only short phone call with Pari Dadi and attempts to call her back to know what she tried to tell him-and short R scene at office-feeling something bad about to happen.

Rest is Yug and his madness,truly mental. Nothing can cure this guy! If he can hit his Dadi and mom like that what will be strangers fate?? Pari Dadi knows he attacked Manan&Gungun,also told her about his Radhika,no way she can remain alive or sane after such secrets revealed. Ohh and also knows Manan is Mohan's. Managed to distract Manan with a videogame to go ahead with his moves. Guess his mom will cover this incident. Can't vanish both.

Mayakiran thumbnail
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Posted: a day ago

Yuggg😯😯😯. Damn he gives the creeps now😜. Fab  fab acting there👍👍. Pari dadi ka it's tata bye bye time now😂😂. Her shock should have been a bit more effectively shown.. felt it was slightly subdued.... Also don't get what's it with ppl telling villains 'I will expose u'... in front of them🤪. It's like digging ones own grave💀. And upar se she also said she would unite RM... Wrong dialogue in front of wrong person 🤨. 

Punam will save dadi perhaps... but Yug will kill her or not sure what hez gonna do. Is Dadi Punam's mom or mil... Cos if Yug harms dadi  fatally n Punam still keeps quiet to protect him... feels strange. Maybe she will go to any extend to protect Yug??? 

Yug n Manan scene... sighh such a nice sweet scene had it been a real one. Same like D, Yug also could have shown true love to Manan and then maybe R would have stayed with him forever. But yeah the truth is that Yug is the new villain this season so has to stay evil 😎. 

He will never let R go that's for sure... Radhika meri he... 🧐🧐. Best drama would be for R to get Yug to fake kill her n then vanish forever. Of course with help from MGM

Wonder if creatives would go that way🤪

Ralulo thumbnail
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Posted: a day ago

So Gungun is in trouble cause the car she drives hits Pari Dadi-courtesy to Yug. This explains RM team,have to save Gungun like borewell track-that time too Mohan took Radha statue away.
