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Mayakiran thumbnail
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Posted: 9 days ago

If police arrested indian parents on complaints from kids the way Manan called them up..then almost all parents would be jailed 🤣🤣. 

What has gotten into Mohanji 😝😝. He wants to teach R a lesson cos she blamed his parenting? But the stuff Gungun did... snooping into the house at night and all... In a normal case everyone would blame the parent of course😉. 

Does Mohan really hate R now.... Not sure what's in his head n heart.A bit unthinkable he sent her to jail🤓. He is angry with Yug too... for slapping Manan or does he dislike Yug just cos he is R's new husband now. Does Mohanji really feel betrayed? But the question is yyyy. Why would he think R would be still single and waiting for him in her sari and long choti and would welcome him with open arms😳😳🤣🤣. She left him... She didn't come back... Of course she was aware that Mohanji was in Vrindavan only. Did he think she never returned just cos she was angry and the moment he returns all would be fine? 🤣🤣itv and it's strange logic.

Gungun is also suffering from amnesia... When R has told hundred times that she is Radhika Kohli now... G still says she is your Raamaa.. Your wife 😝😝... Ufff. Gungun please come back to reality.

Yug and his co prisoner.. Lols😁😁😁. Such a chipkoooo aadmi. 

Did R feel afraid in the station Or did she feel disgusted... seeing what was happening with Yug... Her expressions were confusing. 

Keeping aside what Mohan did... It was a big risk to keep such a small kid alone in a big house... Even if the gas was not on. 😒

Ralulo thumbnail
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Posted: 9 days ago

Kid has a big loving family,any of them could take care of him,except arrest happened the day none is present. 😏 Why if rest of the time they do nothing but sit home and eat?? Cause had to create this situation where Manan is in danger...and make Mohan regret the plan;can attack or punish the happy couple,shouldn't involve the kid.  Hate for Kohlis can't be more important than M's safety. 

Ralulo thumbnail
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Posted: 8 days ago

June 26

Champy is the smartest character actually,felt Manan shouldn't go to the kitchen. smiley20

Lady officer and her punishment for Radhika-finally her lectures are useless or are rather dedicated to Mohan only. 

Mohan's entry with childfare worker Usha smiley36 Radhika's charm doesn't work with her either. 

Mohan's performance as baby-Radhika mommy smiley37how he hugs her and Yug burns inside his cell with his loving mate! Nice report for Kohli's,torture against the kid.

Radhika locked the fridge..again Manan has to use a stool to take the key and try to open the door;something else will stop him cause if fridge door opens is not good. smiley5

Mayakiran thumbnail
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Posted: 8 days ago

Champy obviously left with Manan at home with a reason... Protect the kid😇😇.. Would be the most faithful companion. 

The jail drama seemed to go ott a bit.. Yug is such an influential guy... Same with Radhika.. and no lawyer to help them🧐🧐. Why does it seem like the cops n ngo lady were doing so much draama. Yes the kid was slapped and it is really wrong but of course itv is so far away from reality😆. 

Mohan and his baby Mummy Mummy drama.. What has gotten into Mohan now... When Radha has told him she has moved on.. Is Yug's wife now.. And even Mohan knows they have a kid together ( fake though)... The hugging seemed wrong... Just my pov.. Very unlikely of Mohan to hug someone else's wife... Has he forgotten she is not 'his' Radha ... On whom he has rights 😏. 

Maybe it's only me who can't understand why Mohan is on this revenge mode😁😁... Tit for tat? But sending to the police station... calling media.. Is it payback for the forced shadi🤣🤣. Cos Mohanji seems to be involving a larger audience n the public in whatever he is doing now😉. 

And btw which police asks the culprits to write detention on white board 🤣🤣🤣🤣. Nadi kinaare saanp he... baccho ko maarna paap he😛

Ralulo thumbnail
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Posted: 8 days ago

Don't trust Mohan's revenge at all,won't be surprised if he already knows DNA was fake all along (like he could record the slap could have done same when Mommy ji replaced the samples and kept the video/proof for himself,no one else involved to not ruin his ideas) and he's playing all this drama to make Radhika confess. Otherwise,for how was portrayed in season one would have tried to mantain distance&understand she moved on. Never begged anyone's care&attention. What of her acts convinces she really is happy? Repeated dialogues? Secondly,if she won't do anything to break their distance,she's ready to accept her fate and live with Kohlis and if he accepts there is nothing left between them then what's show use? Where is the pyar between RM? So as odd/forced that may look Mohan needs to continue his game,add to it Gungun remains RM main shipper even if she was totally against right after leap. 

Mayakiran thumbnail
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Posted: 8 days ago

Yeah.... His revenge honestly loooks so unreal🤣🤣. But if it's a drama... then would be a surprise twist 😎. 

But seeing how creatives sometimes butcher a story... at times feel they are trying to give an angry young man in love kinda vibes😝... Staple of many itv shows... Radha has a u turn in her nature... Would not like Mohanji character to be butchered... He was a nice supportive guy pre leap😜

Ralulo thumbnail
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Posted: 8 days ago

He was bit angry post Tulsi death,also looked as if he hated her for leaving or cause he trusted the suicide version. Never managed to hate her and to really move on until was sure he loved R;unexpected was that asked her sign he's doing the right thing (and officially broke the engagement with D),only after got ready to propose. 

If couldn't hate R for marriage day hard to hate her for her new life where he's not included. Her attitude would make (almost) anyone react,not sit silent and accept when she says "i'm happy",not when her face shows the contrary. 

Ralulo thumbnail
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Posted: 7 days ago

June 27

Never leave kids home alone. Manan was lucky Champy is there with him and stopped him when wanted to open the fridge,then light went off so nothing tragic happened. Still fainted after smelling too much gas. smiley19 Second faint after school incident.

Media smiley36 trolling a bit Radhika's self love. Counselling accepted...Mohan back in baby Manan role smiley37no idea what happened that are showing more RM lately (nothing against those scenes),after fall&catch,eyelock, a tight hug and a cheek kiss like last year around same date. Looked as if R was waking up inside Radhika with those flashbacks,yeah Mohan's love has that effect smiley9 until she started to beat him or baby Manan?? with a stick. smiley3 Good mummy treatment. Fortunately (or not) Kohlis small visit to police station will end cause Mohan already got Gungun's call about gas smell. 

Mayakiran thumbnail
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Posted: 7 days ago

Mohanji again continues the baby act with more hugs and kisses 🤣🤣. Yug will definitely not let this go😝😝. Of course the act was stupid in itself with a grown up guy enacting a kid in a police station with media recording it... In real would have been a harrasement case😜😜.. Forcibly kissing a lady .. But then itv heros are shown so un- real... Mohanji is no exception😂. But guess have to show such moments for the story to progress... and show the re awakening of the love story? Wonder if Manan being in danger will make R love Mr Trivedi😆. Yug will definitely pin all the blame on Mohan... he is the one cos of whom Manan was left alone( partially true)... unless no one thinks how the gas leak happened. Maybe G tries to find out? 

Ruining Radhika n Yug reputation and exaggeration of Manan's parenting was not a nice thing to do. Ok Radhika may not be the best mother, but she is Manan's mom and loves him more than her life. While Radha made Gungun and Mohan friends and always advised G that Mohanji was the best dad who loved her the most, Mohanji making Manan go against his parents was not the best idea. Both R and M should leave kids out of their fights. R should stop blaming M for G being how she is... And Mohan should also not involv Manan in his further dramas😛😛. Kids are always innocent 😘. 

Feel Mohan will regret this act of his... and will say sorry?.. Cos of course he is the only one who will apologize 😂😂

Ralulo thumbnail
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Posted: 7 days ago

Originally posted by: Mayakiran

Ok Radhika may not be the best mother, but she is Manan's mom and loves him more than her life. While Radha made Gungun and Mohan friends and always advised G that Mohanji was the best dad who loved her the most, Mohanji making Manan go against his parents was not the best idea. 

Sometimes doesn't feel that way. She would have been ready to make her son look like 1 liar to defend Yug while in Gungun case was always pro-baby,had no problem to scold Mohan and protect the child. If not for last week drama would have never investigated what exactly happened at school/find the culprit. Third instance-when that other mom defended her child during Manan bday Radhika was not vocal. 

Course,Mohan is at fault cause never thought about consequences. Not that could guess Yug prepared new plan to kill Manan. 

Precap had Mohan bringing Manan outside,guess baby will react thanks to his daddy. Reverse of the times R helped Gungun-Mohan is Manan's hero. 
