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Ralulo thumbnail
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Posted: 9 days ago

June 23

Sad for Manan,not allowed to play,especially with his friend Uncle M. Radhika is the strict mom,unlike in Gungun case,Mohan is the cool playful daddy. smiley16

Radhika had to wear those heels to trip and fall...and for a RM catch&eyelock after looong. Yug would have got heart attack if would have witnessed the moment. Only kids see Manan's mommy and Gungun's daddy smiley36 in that pose.

Mohan managed to silence Radhika for some seconds with why would he care if Manan is annoyed,he's not his son. Bam! Is what madam wants him to think so...those tears after another short lecture are in vain. Can't make Mohan feel bad when face to face and cry when he's missing. 

Manan playing with kids and Mohan smiley27 like his daddy breaks another window. smiley36

Not bad that Mohan wants to teach the boy to be brave and strong. 

Mayakiran thumbnail
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Posted: 8 days ago

Manan stuck with homework during holidays🤣🤣. And all other kids enjoying with uncle eMMMM.. Bechaara. 😘

Liked Mohanji n kids n the cricket.... Good fun😁. And the jokes on Manan's bat being too big just like Mohanji ke clothes??... Woah maybe the writer also knows ki Mohanji wears such oversized kapde🤭🤭. 

Why on earth did R have to trip n fall😉... and the heels were not even so high... Just for the typical RK pose that all itv serials have... 😜😜. Honestly this trip catch is so so cliche...wonder why tv shows still have it... Purely my opinion.. 😂

R in shock when Mohanji said he doesn't care if Manan gets disturbed cos wo mera beta thodi he😯😯🤣🤣. R seems to have bi polar behavior... always does opposite things... reacts in opposite ways. She wanted him to believe that's not his kid right?. At times feel that R is actually a bit crazy... and being with Yug has made her pagalpan more😆😆. 

Feel that R will soon think Manan is becoming a rebel cos of Mohanji?... Cos he never disobeyed her n now is confident enough to call the cops?. And we have Yug also who can brainwash Radhika further saying that till Me Trivedi came back, Manan was such a nice sweet silent kid.. Now it's Mr Trivedi ka plan to turn Manan against both of us😛😛. And R will also believe what Yug says. 

Repeat of season 1 when Mohanji accused Radha of making him. N Gungun enemies... same with Radhika n Manan now😁😁. 

Though Mohanji says he wants to make Radha feel hurt, doubt he will himself feel happy if she is sad.. Cos Mohanji ka nature is too softt😊😊. 

Ralulo thumbnail
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Posted: 8 days ago

Well it was a surprise that RM even had such moment now-had less than many couples pre and after marriage but is a way to show that RM are still the jodi;plus since are enemies have to hunt ways to bring them close...or none will take a step to patch-up. Somewhere in between the few such moments in season 1 Mohan started to love R,may be Radhika turn to melt down and release the R hidden under her perfect life mask. Ohhh and also need to wash out the time she spent with Yug. 

Have to reveal how ideal pair met,it does look that they met at/near mental asylum and he played innocence card,he deserved to be there while she didn't. 

Ralulo thumbnail
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Posted: 8 days ago

June 24

Yug had to interrupt MaHan,nice way to enter/visit Kohli's,not using the door like most people.

While is true that Manan never answered back before Mohan entry in his life,his parents aren't treating him super nice either;Mohan knows how to make him a strong and happy kid,Radhika would want him sad&alone and Yug has the step parent data. And slaps are never the solution.

Manan with tears after the slap...called police smiley36 police arrival almost ruins Yug's new idea. (So Manan will be left home alone after this police drama and in danger for what Yug did in the kitchen.)

Ideal parents behave as if nothing happened but this time Mohan used his phone to record the slap,those rare times positives have proof against villains and nobody could delete it. smiley20 Not the best way to show Yug is not perfect dad (and Radhika supports his attitude) but at least Mohan feels how R says,all is fair if intentions are good. 

Mayakiran thumbnail
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Posted: 8 days ago

Manan was a sweet and obedient kid but was in full josh today 🤣🤣. Answered back to Yug and Radhika and spoke about uncle eMmmm with so much passion that Yug could not control his temper and his good dad act got discontinued 😛. Bechara Manan.. Radha used to be so vocal when Mohanji had raised hand on Gungun, but she seems rather mild with Yug.. that too when there was an actual slap😯. Is it cos she feels responsible for this mess  cos it's due to Mohanji being back that Yug is now furious?R is confusing 😁😁. Loves M but can see him in pain.. can give him pain.. can get angry with him and  can insult him. But with Yug, she plays safe... tries to be on her best behavior and covers up for him too?. Would they show that she was aware that he had a mental condition but still accepted him? That way when Mohan brings out the truth that Yug is mad... R will give a cold stare and tell him that yes she knew he is paagal😳😳? 

Manan calling police... Well while slapping a kid is wrong... police coming home just cos a kid got hit or prevented from playing.. That's a bit too much to digest🤣🤣. Manan n his ' I will make my parents pay' wala attitude was cuteee😘. But again as Gungun n Meera said it's not right to involve any kid in a right. Sure Mohanji will regret later..

Btw Yug and his chop chop.. fry fry ideas for his enemies 🤣🤣🤣. Have to know what he did in the past... definitely has a dark dark secret... 😎😎

Ralulo thumbnail
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Posted: 8 days ago

Knives,rods,chop-chop and fry...sure cooked someone 😏 maybe that's the secret behind the wall in ex-Kohli's actual Trivedi's house. Better way to cover 1 crime than what step did with Tulsi and her skeleton. 

Sometimes feels that Radhika can't love Manan enough-even if he's her own blood,he's too much like his daddy and his daddy kept her angry,tries to make him different cause doesn't want him to remind her of Mohan-yet his name is with M,dressing style is like Mohan,he's playful and naughty like Mohan;but did loved baby Gungun and pampered her like a real mom. 

Ralulo thumbnail
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Posted: 7 days ago

June 25

Mr and mrs Kohli arrested smiley42 Radhika can't have a speech in front of police.

Mohan and Manan are so sweet...Mohan had to stay with Manan for real,not leave him alone in a house with gas leak but how to imagine what Yug planned?? For drama sake no other Kohli is around either. 

Gungun and her Ramaa obsession smiley6 finally Mohan could tell her that's not her Ramaa,his R,that's Radhika Kohli,nothing theirs. Again tried to take his car and drive but Mohan stopped her. Meera wanted to help R after previous day drama,after the lemon face R shows every time Meera appears.

Champy smiley27 every time Manan is/will be in danger puppy is with him. 

Yug found true looove in jail smiley36that guy sticking to him like glue.

Red_eyes94 thumbnail
Posted: 7 days ago

Originally posted by: Ralulo

June 25

Mr and mrs Kohli arrested smiley42 Radhika can't have a speech in front of police.

Mohan and Manan are so sweet...Mohan had to stay with Manan for real,not leave him alone in a house with gas leak but how to imagine what Yug planned?? For drama sake no other Kohli is around either. 

Gungun and her Ramaa obsession smiley6 finally Mohan could tell her that's not her Ramaa,his R,that's Radhika Kohli,nothing theirs. Again tried to take his car and drive but Mohan stopped her. Meera wanted to help R after previous day drama,after the lemon face R shows every time Meera appears.

Champy smiley27 every time Manan is/will be in danger puppy is with him. 

Yug found true looove in jail smiley36that guy sticking to him like glue.

 Yug is in love with guys 🤣