New Year Resolutions: Understand Yourself

Viswasruti thumbnail
Posted: 6 months ago

New Year Resolutions: Understand Yourself !

Cuento de Hadas | Writing a book, Writing, Writers write

The new year is fast approaching, and a fresh chapter is waiting to be written! smiley10

Making resolutions is one of the most popular New Year's traditions, but year after year, individuals admit failing to maintain those well-intentioned plans. According to statistics, only 9% of those who make resolutions stick to them, and others prefer to forget! 

However, let us make some choices and move forward with this objective to make ourselves and our fellow members fit and enthusiastic! 

Every new year marks the beginning of a new chapter in our life's narrative, a new verse in our heart's cherished song!  Let us make it more fascinating, fun, and beneficial to others. smiley27

Eventually, we, the humans, have to write it. We have the option of closing the coming year on a good note. Every stride forward must enhance our confidence, as should every inner thought. 

Here are a few resolutions from Google Uncle for the new year.

What are your plans or thoughts for this new year? What happened to your last year's resolutions? 

Let us share and have fun for a while before moving forward to welcome the new dawn together. smiley27

102 Inspiring New Year Quotes to End 2023 on a High Note


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Viswasruti thumbnail
Posted: 6 months ago

My New Year's resolutions are :

Never go out to the backyard verandah if it is pouring! Enjoy the rain from a window or from a glass door! Because earthworms will be there to terrorize!  smiley39 

Even if I am bored in the middle of the night while watching an IPL Match, I shouldn't choose to eat a soft chunk of a coconut while holding its hard shell in my palm! We have to rush to the hospital at that odd hour to get the knife out! smiley5Later, friends would scold us and warn us not to eat coconut again!!

Never try to sing a song in front of pets, especially dogs! Because they would like to sing a duet with us!!

Yes, I must be brave while dealing with stock market trading! If I lose tens of thousands in a single day, I have to console myself by stating, Tomorrow will be a good day! smiley44 

Fun apart, let us make our lives better than the previous years. smiley31

Even if the road to reinventing yourself is hard at first, you can always get back on track at any time of the year. So, look over the possibilities,  pick your top five to focus on, and remember that 2024 is your year, so treat yourself as the Queen / King of 2024!smiley10

Edited by Viswasruti - 6 months ago
MochaQueen thumbnail
Posted: 6 months ago

I don't bother keeping resolutions anymore because I forget them within a monthsmiley36

But overall, I do wanna work on my inner self and become a more positive and happy soul.

Viswasruti thumbnail
Posted: 6 months ago

Originally posted by: MochaQueen

I don't bother keeping resolutions anymore because I forget them within a monthsmiley36

But overall, I do wanna work on my inner self and become a more positive and happy soul.

That is great, Hinna. Making the decision to work on one's inner self and become a more positive person. This enhances your sense of serenity as well as the peace of those around you. smiley27

Rosyme thumbnail
Posted: 6 months ago

Eat more healthy food hopefully.

Yes difficult to follow it always. Let's see.

Be more organised and be happy.

Happy New Year to everyone 🎊

Life_Is_Dutiful thumbnail
Posted: 6 months ago

I will never make any resolutions anymore. Life is so unpredictable. Hum jo sochte hain jo plan karte hain things never go as per our plans. Sometimes due to such circumstances we never get to fulfill our resolutions. 

Last year I had made this firm resolution of traveling to a place I had always wanted to visit and I had even booked my tickets but then I met with an accident in April due to someone else's fault and am unable to walk. Life gave me a very big reality check. I always used to think fate is in our hands and we change our own fates with our karma. I forgot there's someone above us who probably writes our destinies. 

Viswasruti thumbnail
Posted: 6 months ago

Originally posted by: Life_Is_Dutiful

I will never make any resolutions anymore. Life is so unpredictable. Hum jo sochte hain jo plan karte hain things never go as per our plans. Sometimes due to such circumstances we never get to fulfill our resolutions. 

Last year I had made this firm resolution of traveling to a place I had always wanted to visit and I had even booked my tickets but then I met with an accident in April due to someone else's fault and am unable to walk. Life gave me a very big reality check. I always used to think fate is in our hands and we change our own fates with our karma. I forgot there's someone above us who probably writes our destinies. 

I am very sorry, Subha. smiley31How are you now? I hope you recovered well from the shock and injuries. smiley31 

We may believe that we are in control of our lives at times, but harsh realities remind us that we are not. We will, nevertheless, be able to conquer all hardships if we are resolute. 

 And I am sure that our Subha is a brave girl who will overcome all obstacles to move forward.smiley31

Prizi thumbnail
Posted: 6 months ago

Oh I've stopped taking resolution.. Jab follow nhi karna hai toh resolution leke karenge kya

Viswasruti thumbnail
Posted: 6 months ago

Originally posted by: Prizi

Oh I've stopped taking resolution.. Jab follow nhi karna hai toh resolution leke karenge kya

Most of us will never follow, but thinking about certain things will make us happy! 

Posted: 6 months ago

Every evening, I remind myself that I need to clear out junk the next day. At the end of a year, I hope to get a head start on this resolution for the new year. Time spent on analytical and creative pursuits is essential for a happy life, but I need to eliminate clutter and not be one of those people who pass it on.

All around me are voices telling me I should say no more often. To others, not to them, of course. In the new year, I resolve to remember always how happy it makes me to say yes.
