Shreyas Talpade Suffers Heart Attack - Page 3


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Bekind thumbnail
Visit Streak 180 0 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 5 months ago

Originally posted by: Blueeeee

This is the unsafest advice on the thread. Most of medical research is paywalled. Unless you are paying 40 dollars per article to do "own research", everyone should take their doctors' advice. They are the ones reading new research and competent to make judicious conclusions.

People should not risk their lives because of shoddy research done online by anti-vaxxers.

Seek mental health treatment for stress; don't take supplements without prescriptions, they will ruin your kidneys and livers. Cardiac ailments most definetly have a genetic predespostions; get yearly check-ups. Keep cholestrol down, cut down daaru and cigerettes. 

Most importantly, seek mental health treatment like you rightly said.

Many times doctors does not take your blood work and gives you medicine. A lot of doctors said this covid vaccine is good but it turned out that specific vaccine was not safe. There are tons of articles out there. There is good research and bad research. I do not consider google a research. There are other ways. You have to see side effects of medicine. You have to ask questions, will this medicine be good for long term or short term? Same ways weight loss, there are extreme diets and then there is healthy lifestyle. I use to listen doctors advice but then 3 doctors messed up big time! When any doctor refer me to any medicine I do research. When i told my recent doctor that my previous doctor given me that medicine, she was shocked. Many medicine increases your blood pressure. When virus is in your body, you got to take antibiotics, many people go to herbalist. Like i said a good doctor and your own research can do wonders, not all doctors gives you accurate information. I have been blessed to fine good doctors at the right time.

Today there is so much information on medicine and what works.

Silpa20 thumbnail
IPL 2023 Match Winner Thumbnail Visit Streak 500 0 Thumbnail + 9

Comedy Crew

Posted: 5 months ago

Hope he gets well soon 

myviewprem thumbnail
Anniversary 14 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 5 months ago

Hope he recovers 

Its a myth that only actors are suffering heart attacks or strokes 

Even commoners in age group of 25 to 45 are suffering heart attacks in plenty recently 

I have heard many ppl of that age group who had heart attack or stroke in last 4-5 years especially 

I think many viruses are around covid many strains, zika, nipah, dengue etc you do not know who is having what virus inside them 

and today's youngsters are not that hygienic. They do not wear masks or wash hands or throw outside clothes to wash after coming and keep repeating them so viruses will easily attack 

And those who have fever or cold cough will roam everyhere spreading viruses to others rather than staying home till its cured, people sneeze near by others openly there is no hygiene at all 

So any virus can enter your body any given day and you are not aware at all, and because you are below 50-55 it does not show much symptoms that are sever . Even if it shows ppl take paracetamol or self medicate and roam around. After few weeks the vrus would have damaged your heart, lungs, kidney, liver you would not even know and drop dead or fall with heart attacks or strokes etc suddenly 

If you stay in city food, water, air all have chemicals and already your body is damaged inside at young age than a vllager but you do not know. So when a virus attacks you will fall faster than a villager or those living in good clean environments 

Only those above 60-65 maintain some hygiene because they are scared for their lives. Yet if youngsters stay with them or they live in apartments with many ppl, they infect them 

Also nowadays if you have symptoms no one checking for any virus no tests 

This is situation everywhere  in world 

Edited by myviewprem - 5 months ago
Manavi_kesari thumbnail
IPL 2023 Participants 3 Thumbnail Anniversary 12 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 5 months ago

Ppl suddenly falling becos of heart attacks , increased .

velvetscarf thumbnail
Anniversary 16 Thumbnail Visit Streak 180 0 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 5 months ago

As other’s have noted this may be after effects of COVID. Ppl take it as a simple cold/ flu type illness but from day 1 it was known it causes blood clots and heart attacks. Research say effects last for 2 years or more. More worrying research is being published constantly but even medical ppl have forgotten basic infection controls. 

Also this Effect was seen long before vaccines. I personally know of 2 youngish ppl who had heart attacks in 2020. 

Edited by velvetscarf - 5 months ago