Working Woman (GREEN) - Maria, Anoshay, Faiza, Srha, Ilsa

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Legendary Lovers

Posted: 9 months ago

Yasra Rizvi, Maria Wasti, Anoshay Abbasi, Faiza Gillani and Srha Asghar Teamed Up For a New Show Titled Working Woman The Show Will Replace Daurr



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awida thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Jimmy Jab Games Season 4 0 Thumbnail + 7
Posted: 9 months ago

It is good to see such realistic dramas about the lives of working women.. something we can relate to.

MochaQueen thumbnail

Neutral Nomads

Posted: 9 months ago

Another women centric show like sinf e aahan

anikamathur thumbnail
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Legendary Lovers

Posted: 9 months ago

Originally posted by: MochaQueen

Another women centric show like sinf e aahan

Even Daurr was also a women centric show 

anikamathur thumbnail
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Legendary Lovers

Posted: 9 months ago

New Date Revealed For Working Woman It will began on September 20th


Looks anoshay will have 2 green shows after hajra yamin 

NINALOGY thumbnail

Neutral Nomads

Posted: 9 months ago

Hopefully they will show working women in positive light. 

Chemcart_MJ thumbnail
Anniversary 14 Thumbnail Group Promotion 8 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 9 months ago

Lets see how it turns out. Looks interesting. 

anikamathur thumbnail
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Legendary Lovers

Posted: 9 months ago

Trailer is out now


Chemcart_MJ thumbnail
Anniversary 14 Thumbnail Group Promotion 8 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 9 months ago
Trailer kinda fizzles out at some point. Like it felt the execution kinda failed or maybe its the editing or something. I might try first couple of episodes & probably the story might be not as bad but you never know. 

I've seen one of the actresses in Jhok Sarkar show. 

NINALOGY thumbnail

Neutral Nomads

Posted: 9 months ago

Have to skip it 
