Khumaar - Geo - Feroze Khan, Neelam Munir - Page 77


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Hatimoon thumbnail
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Posted: 2 months ago


lets not forget he did try reaching out to her by calling her , messaging her to hear her side of the story but his mother intervened there too  and kept responding on hareem’s behalf … she created more misunderstandings… his character is flawed but he is in no way a leach and far from a toxic male lead which are being celebrated in other dramas…. He did pay the cost of not believing hareem when he was left with nothing… they also brought up the point that forgiveness is encouraged by Allah if the person is truly repenting

He was far from toxic, but he was a very stupid person. When something big like this happens, you talk to that woman face-to-face whom you love so much, you just don't get satisfied by messages; and Hareem was still denying those accusations so didn't for once he thought that why she would send such messages when she is still denying accusations? 

NINALOGY thumbnail

Neutral Nomads

Posted: 1 months ago

Originally posted by: tgota92

Not defending the show. I totally agree with you. But since you didn’t see it they did touch upon a lot of things that they should have.

1. She found her agency after their misunderstanding. Didn’t think about him. Didn’t want to go back. Got her job back and moved on in life for about 15+ episodes. They showed her not needing him at all. There was no mourning from her side for him. She is the one who files for divorce. 

2. The one who is shown to suffer is the guy. Not the girl. He loses his wealth, his family, his job, everything. He is shown to make peace with the girl moving on from him and doesn’t believe he deserves her forgiveness at all. He accepts the other man in her life and agrees to let her go. 

3. Ultimately when they do patch up the fact that she was weak and gave in to love is brought up by her dad in disappointment. He says unfortunately you also turned out to be one of the girls who place love over everything else. So it’s addressed and not brushed under the rug. But at the same time the brother supports her decision because he says that they also can’t take away her agency and decision by enforcing their decision on her. 

Ghoom Phir ke howa wahi jo hamesha ptv main hota hai but I liked that the problematic aspects of such an arc were addressed by the writer. 

Got your point. As I have not watched this drama so no idea about storyline. I just talked generally. That mostly in dramas and movies they prefer love over respect. 

tgota92 thumbnail
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Emotional Epics

Posted: 1 months ago

Originally posted by: NINALOGY

Got your point. As I have not watched this drama so no idea about storyline. I just talked generally. That mostly in dramas and movies they prefer love over respect. 

Yep. PTV isn’t groundbreaking unfortunately. But I did find this to be an improvement? Again unfortunately the bar isn’t that high lol 

For a good chunk of the show the girl made all the right calls. Picked respect. Moved on. Got her life together. Filed for divorce. But still… you could tell she was conflicted because … love 🤣

I think for shows like Mein where they show very morally gray characters I guess audience accepts a no HEA (it was a great ending imo). But in a show where you’re depicting hero heroine to be mahaan and good and misled they trend is pretty set - HEA or the audience riots 🥴
