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Posted: 10 months ago

And the revelations, while she is gone, mom perfectly sees the powder, which should not be in food at all. And do not say that Priya's mother is blind, she is all in her daughter. And I really hope that the distraction to the beautiful kitchen will not prevent her from informing Priya about the oddities with the protein (bold quotes to the studio) powder.

Even if nothing opens now, Priya will still understand, get ready for a burning ass, gentlemen.

The maid already got it, the others will get it too. And much more. I look forward to this. Let the poor maid dare and tell the right person. For example, Priya. She'll find the best way to deal with this shitty situation. And the conspirators will not be able to escape punishment, I guarantee you. Just wait and see.

The mob tries to humiliate Priya and make her look irresponsible, but they have no idea who they are dealing with. Priya's mom is absolutely right. And it is clearly not Priya who is engaged in the humiliation of the family here.

And for some, like Kriti, it's generally better to shut your mouth and not piss me off. Ram, by the way, too. I found with whom and with what to agree, a naive immature boy.

Shalu's mom also knows, as does Priya's mom, that their daughter will never let her down, especially if she made a promise.

And Ram should hold back his tirades for Kriti and her stupid speeches.

I understand him, he is emotional, but he knows Priya like no one else, and he should quickly remember this, otherwise, mister security guard, the green one will bite off his head and be right.

Priya just divinely interrupted him, the queen is in the blood. Finished, dear? So go with God and let me pass. Don't get distracted from important things.

The comments of the crowd should be put in the same pit where garbage is thrown in this house. Priya got flowers and sweets for mom Shalu and dad Kapoor, the rest and the rest with their long tongues can go to hell. Mom and dad are proud of their newfound daughter. And we are also proud of Priya, right, my dear and beloved members of the forum?

She appreciates not only time, but also people, more importantly, she knows how to store and protect feelings, give a lot of love. So she got another mom and dad.

Edited by SEA05 - 10 months ago


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DazzlingLight thumbnail
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Posted: 10 months ago

I absolutely loved Priya today and also her dignified response to Ram - Are you done? Can I go now? ❤️

SEA05 thumbnail
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Posted: 10 months ago

Tranquility and dignity - that was and is Priya