Whom does Vishvambhar consult? (Piratīçā Vanavā Urī Peṭalā) - Page 11


Who is Vishvambhar's unseen advisor for the plot against Arjun?

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1215019 thumbnail
Posted: 8 months ago

The rickshaw driver who insisted on giving Arjun a ride to Mahambare's factory is the same actor who played Mahendar, the labourers' leader who got belt-whipped by Arjun in Episode 2 - January 10, because Mahendar was planning to kill Dipesh.

Is Mahendar planning revenge on Arjun? देवच पावला आज, he says, when Arjun sits in the rickshaw.

rainbow_colours thumbnail
Group Promotion 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 8 months ago

What they are showing wrt salary distribution etc is all BS..... i dont think even in a small place like Bhairavgad this is remotely possible in these times.

People are aware of their rights and there is something called as labour laws dept where they can complain if their salary is not given and workers are mistreated.

Why are the writers making the story so dumb.... pls...i can't bear to see it anymore.

Out of the blue Vidya thinks of Bhimas baby girl..... when it was already said that she was thrown in the river what makes him doubt that statement ?


1215019 thumbnail
Posted: 8 months ago

It is too ridiculous that Balaram can step on the hand of a man who lives by manual labour, and the other manual labourers stand there meekly. Even nonviolent people would restrain the tyrant, raise their voices, or something!

The creative team should tone down the fascist storytelling, dial it way down. There are too many depressing scenes of helpless hardworking people who can't fundraise for their own children's school ... can't tell Balaram to keep his nose out of their personal donations or they'll see him and his "insubordination" excuse in court ... can't collect their owed wages ... while Arjun the action hero singlehandedly takes on the oppressors. It's not enough that Arjun is generous and determined; his superiority over mere mortals has to be proved bodily, and Savi has to behave like a ringside girlfriend in entertainment wrestling.

Arjun has been trudging through the streets in uniform for how many days, and anyone who caught the news of his bicycling fundraiser would know that Arjun was unable to write a check for Rs. 50,000, but still the citizens of Kavathe-Bhairavgad are grovelling in front of him in scene after scene, saying garībālā lāzavatāya when he asks for a job, reminding him that he could buy many businesses like theirs and create jobs for everyone because he naturally belongs at the top of society.

On top of that, we hear disabled Vidyadhar and wimpy Krishna'i declaring that Arjun is a superman who will succeed even without his inherited wealth, while Balaram shouldn't even bother trying to succeed.

On a lighter note, Arjun, who once had a scene of desperation for a toilet, has suddenly acquired the super power to control his bladder and bowel for 24 hours!

Pradip was in Kavathekar custody when Arjun was thrown out, so it's strange that Vidyadhar had to go out to find Pradip. However, I don't think Vidyadhar is wrong to suspect that the real Khopade heir is alive. Pradip only said that he gave the baby to the molakarīṇa to drown, not that the baby was drowned. No one has said that the baby was a girl. And Pradip only called to Sharada to come; it was Vidyadhar who decided that Sharada must have been the molakarīṇa's name.

rainbow_colours thumbnail
Group Promotion 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 8 months ago

Agree @BrhannadaArmour ....This present story track should be definitely toned out....not only down !

The creative team is under utilizing the actors capabilities.... the actors are repeating the same emotions week after week.....

Arrey kuch aur dikhaiye..... first only Saavi was weepy and helpless and now they have made Arjun the same.....

Arjun is a businessman...does he not know how to make the workers aware of their rights.....shame on him for letting the workers get mistreated !

1215019 thumbnail
Posted: 8 months ago

Omkar B. Padwal, the actor who plays Phadake, might treasure Thursday's episode, in which Nanda tried to sack Phadake and he told her she can't afford to lose him; everyone else will quit because no one takes her seriously as the boss. The scene ended with Phadake's slight but confident smile.

Phadake, who had to pacify Arjun's tantrums ... who perspired when Arjun joked about sacking him before announcing his promotion ... who did squats whenever Arjun was unhappy with him ... who had to shut up when Arjun ignored deadlines to wallow in his personal problems ... finally found his self-respect. In his previous role as Vivek on Sundarā Manāmadhe Bharalī, Omkar Padwal had to submit to Vivek's boss Abhilasha pouring water on his head.

Every actor has his day.

Of course, Phadake's claim that Arjun meticulously accounted for expenditures is nonsense. While Arjun was there, Savi embezzled Rs. 5 lakh that went to a hitman, for crying out loud!

Edited by BrhannadaArmour - 7 months ago
1215019 thumbnail
Posted: 7 months ago

I was surprised when Balaram remarked that Citragupta might accompany Yama. I didn't think Balaram was that knowledgeable.

Twice now, Vidyadhar has just happened to be spying on Arjun when Manali has found an excuse to touch Arjun. Why is Vidyadhar spying? Is Arjun meeting Manali regularly just because she asked him to meet her every day?

Arjun may be eating every meal at Ākkācī Khānāvaḷa because he refuses to eat meals cooked by Savi who insults Krishna'i. Yet Arjun won't throw Savi out of the shed where she cooks meals with his hard-earned money, supposedly because Krishna'i wanted them to stay married. Arjun assumes that Krishna'i wants him not to run for election (neither does Arjun ask Krishna'i nor is Krishna'i aware of Arjun's reasoning), but Arjun decides to run anyway. Arjun's motivation to please Krishna'i is all over the place.

Now we know from Vidyadhar's thoughts, as he spies on Arjun with Manali, that Manali's play for Arjun wasn't instigated by Vidyadhar. Out of earshot of Vidyadhar, Manali is suggesting that Arjun shouldn't run for election, the opposite of Vidyadhar's idea. So, is Manali working with Vishvambhar, with Balaram, or with Nanda?

The secret weapon that Vidyadhar confided in Vishvambhar might be a scandal for Arjun involving Manali. So, my guess is that Manali was put on Arjun's scent by Nanda.

1215019 thumbnail
Posted: 7 months ago

I still feel that Vidyadhar was needed as a benevolent intelligent character, and he's superfluous as a villain, but I enjoyed his reverse psychology dialogue with Arjun!

Will Arjun only return to Bhima Sadan when it's revealed that Krishna'i gave birth to him, and Balya Bailat actually grew up to be Balaram?

It makes no sense that Savi slept alone while Mother Māulī shared Mona's bed. Then where did Vishvambhar sleep?

When will Sharada find out that Dipu trained Savi to steal? When will she ask how Savi married Arjun? Or why Vidyadhar brought her to Savi with a lie instead of the truth?

Now that Savi is telling Krishna'i she's her mother figure, will Savi inform Arjun that she's no longer insulting Krishna'i? Or, will Savi again try to find out why Krishna'i is behaving heartlessly with Arjun?

1215019 thumbnail
Posted: 7 months ago

Nanda is demanding a DNA test to prove that Savi is Bhima'i's daughter. How is a test possible, with Bhima'i dead and presumably cremated 25+ years ago? Bāḷāsāheba Khopade is also dead. Would their DNA be preserved in a hairbrush, a toothbrush ... maybe a triśūla where Arjun hasn't pricked his thumb since then?

If they wanted to find the man who impregnated Bhima, and test Savi's DNA against his, would they ask Pradip, who is unreliable? Or Sharada, whose testimony Nanda refuses to believe, and who could theoretically have picked up a baby anywhere to take to Dipu?

Predictably, Savi will respond to Nanda's idea by demanding a DNA test to prove that Arjun is Kamalya Bailat's son, as alleged by Pradip. When the test result is "no match," suspicion will fall on Balaram, and he will turn out to match Kamalya and not Krishna'i. Finally, a DNA test will match Arjun with Krishna'i.

Satrangi_Curls thumbnail
Posted: 7 months ago

Exactly my thoughts. I hope the writers write this bit properly, otherwise it's gonna be a messsmiley44

rainbow_colours thumbnail
Group Promotion 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 7 months ago

Arjun cannot be Krishna'is son....coz then that makes Saavi and Arjun step- siblings and their marriage is absolutely invalid !!

Haven't been watching the serial so don't know what they are showing but hoping its not Arjun as Krishna'is son......

Also Saavi's DNA can be tested but compared with whom ? Has mother mowli preserved Bhima'is hair as a memory 😛

The hospital will def have Saavi's birth certificate with Bhima'is name as mother. And maybe now her real father will be revealed.....

I still want to know why Arjun tried to suicide..... 😊
