Posted: 1 years ago

I am back to do my akshu jaap, abhi jaap, abhira jaap, band bajavu both and get a closure for my month long DDP. ⚽⚽⚽🦿🦿🦿🦡🦡🦡


Akshu at the start of the serial told to manish she wanted to explore herself and learn her own expectations in life before sharing her life and trying to know the other person's expectations when manish asked about ak and ar opinion on shadi.

Later when abhi asked her what is her opinion In love. Ak told love is like her music it's her soulmate. For the one who I loose herself is my victory. And before that one should fall in love one self to love someone.

During dhanteras swarna told akshara that what ak wishes is also right but in life when one cannot connect to oneself it is done by someone else. Tht doesn't mean we should stop life we might meet someone at some point.



In udaipur kairav, neil, abhi, akshu and aarohi all prayed for their wishes.

Neil coin slipped on own and told he has everything in life with a family who gives him lots of love and a brother like abhi and he wishes everything to stay the same.

Don't know God would take his wish so strong bandha like his coin fell in iccha kund went and slipped on own to his fate and birlas are still same as he wished for. Mata is still the same as day 1 wishing for ar shadi. πŸ™ We have manju and harsh 2 in parth and shifali who live in a abusive life for their son. Tauji is still waiting for a coffee from mahima hand. Abhi is still the old abhi who lived a lonely and pian filled life even with his whole family beside him. Mahima the evergreen dominating woman for power and position.

Aarohi wish and obsession is to get a equal partner like her in her life. Partner as in she asked someone who is equal in studies and work so she got one in abhi with who she works equal now.

Akshara with her first coin wished for her family to be happy, aarohi to be no. 1 always and whatever the feelings she is having for abhi to be taken care by destiny. Just like how she wished with ak absence families are happy now. Ar is no. 1 in everything be it work, bahu, widow etc and etc.

When aarohi told her wishes won't be fulfilled akshu went and threw another coin asking God that she doesn't need anything and fulfill all her sisters wishes. And today ak lost her everything her love, her family. Which all is now aarohi's. Birla bahu even though she is a widow. Abhir ka papa becoming ruhi ka poppy, Abhi even though still working as a doctor we can see he isn't doing a full time job that way ar is no. 1 in work too which she once wished to beat abhi up when her MBBS results came out.

Kairav wished for bridge the gap between his sisters. Akshara and aarohi together is a disaster. Both of the girls should have been married in different sasural ak too said the same and tried to tell birlas but who listened to her words. Starting from one day shadi, one day pregnancy, one day widow everything went down in ar life with her own obsession to beat ak up in life. Kairav only wished for a bridge between them. Which is abhi. Both the sisters need to cross that bridge to make another chaos in their life.


Abhi banda asked for a very complicated wish. Like a one line poem he quoted let me tell he practically ordered God " mujhe sirf akshara chaiye " And now God is like it is very complicated man you are the last in line wait till your turn comes and along with him we too need to wait now. πŸ₯³πŸ₯³πŸ₯³πŸ₯³


Akshara born as daughter to karthik and naira sister to kairav, step daughter to sirat and step sister to aarohi. Though sirat gave her a love of a mother she preferred her uncontrollable daughter and told ak to adjust with her. In future this same adjustment turned into a daily life routine for akshu. Aarohi was the one she loved the most and she was ready to give her everything to her sister. As life took a turn for worst ak giving and giving everything only gave more hurt for her abhi came her showed her what she is doing isn't right and made her to love and live for her own self.

When she told manish she wanted to explore herself we can feel how lost ak is in her life. Her words to abhi became right when she fell in love with herself prioritising her own self choosing her love and acknowledging abhi love.


As much as aarohi told she hates akshu her life rotates around akshu . More than us this girl does her akshu jaap. When she knew ak is not her own sister she vowed herself to not share her mother and In latter life it turned out her seeing her own sister as her competitor in anything and everything. Be it ak love life, shadi, pregnancy anything she saw ak as her competition. Knowing this nature of ar ak wanted to keep her away from birlas as she was afraid ar would shake their peace like she did in goenkas. Finally end of story ar husband died, ak was thrown out of house that too by her beloved husband who she trusted the most. And even though widow ar is above all and got everything that she wanted their. She just as promised to ak got everything of hers but the price was the death of her husband. People might think how ar is being good and happy in birlas even after the death of her husband. Her sole reason is she lost her competitor with whom she fought since day 1. She got good doctor in work place, best bahu in house which she couldn't get when ak was working in that hospital or was birla house bahu.


I want to I really want to write something great about this guy and when I search it's like needle in haystack 🌾🌾🌾 and I finally found this.

1. Abhi once promised akshu that he will forever love only her and even without kid their love will be for 50 more years and bandha kept it. Being the best lover.

2. He is the best son any mom ( unfortunately can't say the same to his mom) could ask for but is the worst hubby any woman won't dream off.

Saying his anger gets the worst out of him is puski. He can be angry only on his wife but can give hundreds of lame excuses for his toxic, suffocating, selfish and brainless family.

After math of neil death.

Let me recount what happened back then.

Ak wanted to save those girls and neil chose to fight those goons. That way both neil and akshu fell on the hands of their fate. One wrong choice by both one lost his life and the other lost her everything in life. Next akshu comes to know she lost her kids too and tells her husband. Any sane husband would have held his wife and cried with her but our hero chose to throw his wife out of house listening to his mom and sister in law words blaming her for the death of her brother, kids, their complicated love life and the low blow of it all is to call on her mother death. When she called him multiple times to tell the truth of their alive kid he in anger kicked her away through phone.


A completely lost ak enters a bus and reaches pathankot in her dead state where she meets a co-passanger and he takes her to hospital and later to his home in her weak heath state as he is an accha aadmi. Fast forward 6 years ak lives with abhinav and her son abhir in a fake shadi.

Swarna words of ak finding herself with someone and when she can't her life won't stop and she will meet someone at some point who will help her in finding herself.

Abhinav told akshara a happy journey and to take break from problems for some time when she needs it. Apart from her own family ak met abhimanyu, birlas, Kunal, maya and now abhinav, neilma and muskan. These people have made her learn things in life in one way or the other.

1. Kunal and maya made ak to show her love for abhi is above everything to the world.

2. Ak when she entered birlas in her innocence she thought they all need a little love and guhmar to stop being all uptight but they proved her otherwise that they are happy the way they all are.

3. Abhinav as he said he gave a happy journey to her with the safety and security he provided for her and her son as a friend.


Is it wrong for ak to make abhinav abhir papa?

Maybe Or maybe not. Her husband kicked her out right after she had a miscarriage. Told he never wanted to see her face again. She later realised she is still pregnant with one of their kids and tried to reach him for that again and again. When abhinav asked even if she was pregnant with their kid won't he meet her and he right out told them off. She had a complicated pregnancy with a life and death delivery. Their is always a saying that a woman can never forget how she was treated during her pregnancy and after it. When ak was almost dieing here with her son her husband was in his self pity party mode. And then their is this man who held their son and gave him life which a father should have done. That way ak giving him that place is her sense of gratitude for what he did to her son. Abhi rejected her first later didn't even hear out or acknowledge their might be something about their kid in way rejecting their own son. Until he acknowledges them like how he had rejected them he can't get that place.

Should ak have gone to goenkas after being kicked out?

Abhi closed her off by touching sirat death knowing what was the impact of it in akshu life. And those people who know gonekas history must know the are best in being jail wardens to people who are labelled as criminals with or without crimes. They kept ar on head to pacify her for sirat death and made ak to bend and loose her own life. What's new will be now. Ak along with her son would have got the same fate. Both maa and beta would have bent to aarohi and their ladli ruhi and again lost their own self. Instead she chose her own life and security for her son. Finally ak did what abhi had always wanted her to do. Not interfere in others life, live your own life, take care of yourself. Top it manish too held ak responsible for neil death in front of her friend that kicked her last hopes of going to her grandparents or calling and keeping them with her. She isn't even using their money for her livelihood.


Ak could have chosen to have nav as her friend and abhir a mamu. But na she entered a fake shadi with him and gave her son a father. Ak herself dipped in a dung. In other side she clearly chose not to go back to her past which has nothing more than DDP in her life. Rejection after rejections. Her sister never acknowledged her and rejected her a million times, she was conditioned to live a sacrificial life for others, her own husband rejected her and didn't acknowledge the presence of their son. Entering their again is a nightmare filled life for her again. When ak told manish she had come far away from that place doesn't simple mean that city but that life filled with sorrows, disappointment, unfulfilled promises too.

From her words to manish how far she had come from their their is no turning back for akshu to her past life. It's her journey followed by her son with nav, neelima and muskaan being part of her journey. Whoever joins them happily they welcome and accept them.


Abhinav as a kind hearted person and being an orphan himself gave shelter to two other orphans akshu and abhir. They now live as abhir ki maa and abhir ki papa in front of the society. Internally their relationship is one that of friends, two business partners, two people sharing a house. Ak had always shielded from nav as a angry woman so that she won't let him near her. Nav doesn't even know maa and beta favorite food as ak told him once specifically what abhir and her like. And regarding taking care of her son it's always her who does that above abhinav. Showing her own independent life and single mom status. Unlike aaru doll who handed her kid in that kid poppy hands and trying to be best doctor of the year. The way nav told to put money in kid school fees and the way how ak told she has to contribute in nav buying a new car shows their shared life with no attachments and only responsibilities.

Nav feelings for ak is an added masala to the story. The other day ak asked him was he expecting anything from them as he had given so much to them but guy chose to tell ak he is happy being abhir ki papa. He should have told ak their only how he wants to marry.

With abhi in the mix akshu angry shield had been diverted to abhi which makes abhinav to think ak had dropped her guard against him.


Manjari, Swarna, Sirat, Akshara and Aarohi are examples of selfish mothers in yrkkh.

Manjari though along with abhi she brought up neil, parth, anisha and nistha the kids fate tells the parvarish she gave to them. In start of episodes if we see abhi was always the demanding one through his thod phod to his family which we can see in ruhi too now how she gets her way with everyone in family. Manjari kept royally one kid on throne and fulfilled all demands never teaching kids from right and wrong. Parth son of 2 successful surgeons can't even attend a simple conference. Another girl turned into a runaway and suicidal, neil was the lost fellow in his own life going in everyone else flow of desires, nistha looks like junior parth holding her chachi.

Swarna being herself a second wife she kept all second wife and their kids in royal throne over first wife and their kids. Her support to aarohi and sirat had always been above what she gave to naira and akshara.

Sirat though she took kairav and akshara as her own when it came to her own daughter instead of trying to mend her daughter ways it's always sirat telling akshu to adjust as aarohi is choti, adamant and uncontrollable.

Aarohi with her daughter told her life is fulfilled. How come she can't be with her daughter in tummy she achieved what she can never do. She had wanted to compete with ak and win over her in anything. In her obsession she chose neil a hospital md above what she dreamt of getting a doctor who is successful. Now through her daughter she got a royal place in birla house, hospital and the best part of it all is abhi leaving his own family life and doing non stop servant work to her daughter.

Akshara when abhir was born she clearly told herself that she is a selfish mom and would do anything for her son and asked abhinav consent to be abhir father.

Shifali chose her bad karma for her son so that he can get a full family instead of a broken one.


Not talking much about them now. Maybe another day another big post and jaap by me. 😀😀😀 For now let me make it simple. Abhi met nav an accha admi who told his family jaap again and again and kicked abhi in heart. This had always been abhi dream family with akshu. Ak on the other hand the moment she saw abhi one side she is afraid of her past hunting her. And her worst fear is abhi rejections be it for her son Or herself on the other side she don't want to distrub her and her son safe and secure present life. In iccha kund ak wished to explore her feelings for abhi. Her journey for their love started with her trying to understand their love, their marriage until she lost her own self in her love.


Ladies in blue are kicking as uniters of abhira and their family.

Mata in blue kicked abhi for shadi and banda ran to himalayas next day. πŸ₯³πŸ₯³πŸ₯³

Aarohi gave in gate way for it as conference and sent him away.

Next mahima kicked abhi twice how important conference is and he can't leave it in half way.

Akshu in blue kicked nav for coming home getting cheated which in trun made baap beta meet in keechad wala football ⚽ground. πŸ₯³πŸ₯³πŸ₯³


I see people everywhere around since a month talking about aarohi and abhi shadi. Now added with it is ak and nav shadi. If shadi is what they wanted to do why should abhi waste his petrol money and come this far to shimla and see a happy married ak and go back to marry ar. Doesn't he know ak married already he could have done that then only or when his mata told to marry ar. He could have invested his petrol money on shadi mala. 😀😀😀

Akshu could have married for real 6 years back not to sit with a fake shadi and damage herself in front of society.

Not come and meet each other and go back to kachra.



Both in a way did penance for neil death. Both learnt responsibilities in life. Abhi always told ak to tc of herself and live for herself instead of helping others which ak is doing now. Ak told abhi to take family responsibilities and abhi learnt how to do it in all these years. Top it all he always fought with ak how can she bend for others and do everything for aarohi now with his very own hands he realised what sort of life ak lived back then.

Edited by hari15 - 1 years ago


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Frequent Posters

Posted: 1 years ago

Our innocent akshu to scary akshu



Gone are akshu 's innocent face where she showed her heart goodness to outer world in place of her is a woman with kholed eyes and scary earrings with nose rings. So that she can scare people away with her looks, anger, a chapati roller and frying pans in hands. πŸ₯³πŸ₯³πŸ₯³

Edited by hari15 - 1 years ago
Posted: 1 years ago

Akshu ki ddp free life journey






And then her ddp knocks back ✊✊✊


Edited by hari15 - 1 years ago
Posted: 1 years ago



Manish after abhi announced divorce understood that Abhi is not in a good state of mind and speaking that way.

Even when abhi came home to see if ak is there when shefali said ak missing he gave him water and made him relax. He didn't shout at him. He understood the mistake from ak too as she is made responsible for Neil's death. So manish is not taking anyone's side. When ak details known in pathankot he asked abhi to come with him so that ak can come back but he refused. Manish went alone to a friend of ak . But he blurted that Ak could not have taken Neil with her. Ak listened and can't accept that her own family is making her a criminal again.So she refused him to meet saying she will set her life on her own. Knowing her zid he didn't budge in .She did the same in sirat death blames time and stayed away from family. Though Ak is in touch with him informing her shadi, and kid she didn't let him near her or reach her. In a way Ak took her own punishment staying away from family . In sankranti Manish asked Abhi , how are you. He knows how he can't stay without ak but as a responsibility to Neil's promise he is leading his life lonely. When kv asked why you support your ladla, Manish said i know both are at mistakes. So i understand them.As a brother kv is cared for his sisters.Manish has no intentions for Ar shadi but when manju got it through swarna they just wanted to ask Ar. Kv threw them all saying abhi is not a good husband. Manish swapped kids gifts. So he is in constant touch over phone with ak but ak didn't let her meet him. When kv personal life is questioned he ran away in the name of dating. So manish too faked it as dating with swarna to show kv what a real life dating is a life partner.

All three kids are making their own decisions in life not balancing relations. Ar wants to be a single mom prioritising her daughter as main. Kv lost his trust in love and relationships in family seeing ak broken and went away so choosing a roaming life for himself so that he is not hurt. Ak is roaming around in anger taking care of her son as priority and against society not helping anyone which is her main motto before. Because helping the ngo kids made her lose all relations, Her brother Neil is dead ,she lost her hubby love and her one kid in tummy. So she is not trusting any relations due to Abhis divorce and family's reverse psychology.



As Nairas son he is pampered one and struggled a lot to get his family . When he got his complete family with Akshu , Nairas death affected him much. He saw Naira in sirat a mom figure with her features wanted her forever so that he won't miss dead naira much. He bended to sirat slowly made his father bend for her pacifying her struggling life. Later with Ar his life is a shared brother. With sirats death his muteness increased and he can't support ak his own sister as not to make Ar cry. So he bended for Ar pacifying her wishes against Ak. These siblings and their family jaap continued till they lost what they want in their lives. Kv lost love and trust on love due to Anisha cHeating him for another man .her death made him vulnerable and his old trauma shooted back losing his confidence in life.With Ak help and motivation he cope up with life and made his work place comfortable.After Ar lost Neil and Abhi left Ak he lost trust in relationships totally.He left home like ak and comes in as guest.He does not like abhi as he threw ak away from their family made her chose that path due to his blames.He didn't like Ar being manipulated by abhi and him hiding his mistakes behind Ruhi.He opposed Ar alliance for abhi as he is failed pati.He can't fulfil anyone's promises.So he got an alliance for Ar but she rejected it saying she wants to be single.This kv is strong opposing his own family because they are never supportive to kids anytime chosing one and leaving another. He is avoiding Ar and Ruhi but countering manjari, abhi and Goenkas perfectly like Naksh in S2.At last mute bhayyaiah changed himself totally as opposer of wrong chosing right. His dating is a facade to avoid being with families. Nothing much there to get manipulated by all so running away from them. Hope so he continues his support to Ak which is wanted from day1 in show.

Edited by Mehersudha - 1 years ago
Posted: 1 years ago

Before leap connects .


Ak held her pallu in the bus and kept quiet that's for her kid. Abhi left her pallu the moment ak said mc .She does not know where to go. Abhinav came in from back and took her ticket till the last stop. The moment he took the tkt in hand it flew away so ak will not be in his hands anytime . When he stands in the bus , blue and pink baggage is shown on his back side of head and a blue bag in front . He said happy journey to her. He also said i don't know your problems nor will they be solved. But you need a break for it in life.

Pink and blue baggage on his side are Ak and her baby boy baggage on him .The blue bag in front is his journey with Ak next giving her that stability and wisdom in life.

Abhi slept down in his room and his whole world is toppled. The mirror image of his sleeping position and room is clear his life is reversed with ak exit. He ran and pressed his feet on Ak bracelet. It gave him pain and he limped and walked out to open the door. This is the limping truth which he ignored when ak called him regarding her pregnancy. He didn't listen to her but cut the call in anger. When nav spoke to abhi as mr.india same thing happened. He himself rejected ak and kid over phone. So his anger and impulsiveness cost ak and kid badly.

When ak realised she went away from udaipur, she wanted to get off the bus. But she fainted and fell into Abhinav's arms. He stopped the bus and took her to a nearby hospital. The place where the bus stopped is told Pathankot

Abhi has touched the sati phase of Ak reminding sirat's death and blames. So the story went to square one back where she is blamed for the deaths of sirat to prioritise Ar over abhi , intruding in family matters , one yr away to Mauritius leaving abhi and directly responsible for neil death and Ak mc with her carelessness and stubbornness.This is where Ak is badly hurt and determined not to come back to anyone but stay in life by exploring who she is. Khud se khud ka rista of Ak which started in initial episodes through ak and manish started again. Ak prioritised her family members always never choosing herself or her happiness.Later after shadi she prioritised her husband whom she loved most.But she got divorce papers in return. She lost herself and her spirit totally and wants to know who she is.In this process she got Abhinav as a friend and helping soul to her grieving life. It's her independent journey and who understands her struggle in this joins her.

Ak got a confirmed pregnancy after she was checked with that doctor. He confirmed one kid alive after her mc. When ak called abhi he didn't listen to her talks threw the phone away.Next when she called it was near manju and she was shaken. In his anger he shouted not to call him as she killed his kids and he had to save his mom.He told her not to return back to his life anytime.

Abhinav helps her in the police station saying as her pati and joins her in the hostel. As she was pregnant she is not allowed there so he comes to take her home.

In abhinavs room panchajanya picture is shown on the wall .It represents the protector lord Vishnu saving Ak from bad in society through Abhinav. In a way kanhaji helping her as kanhaji is a form of Vishnu. This is for Ak new journey with her kid through Abhinav.

Panchajanya conch is a samudramanthan product came out of churning of milk ocean .

Abhis blowing conch for Neil bday havan resulted in destruction in birlas with Neil's death and Ak exit with her mc. From that day his life is bound to responsibility bhoj of Neil's promise to hold betal kid.

Abhi drank when he remembered Ar, manjari crying for Neil.

Madhira drink is a samudramanthan product taken by Indra who has high sky ego. Abhi is his ego and anger is like Indra unable to see reality of Ak against his DDP. Did he ever feel bad what she is feeling or how she is taken care away. He never bothered because he does not want her.

Ak boss tried to molest her in office and Nav saved her. When she is taken in hospital Abhis call comes and Nav talks as well wisher and tells regarding ak and kids but abhi refused both saying i don't want them even if kid there.This is where ak got anger and kept him away.

Ak had premature delivery before manjus bday and she informed Manish that she married someone.Abhi lost Ak completely that day. Ak lost abhi totally the moment he rejected her and kid existence through talks with nav as stranger.This Separation is needed in story to realise what's the importance of each other in their lives.

Posted: 1 years ago

Panchajanya from Nav side and Ak is the golden swan with purity and successful in giving birth to abhir with abhinavs help.


Edited by Mehersudha - 1 years ago
Posted: 1 years ago

His baggage for Ruhi and Nav baggage for ak and abhir


Posted: 1 years ago

Three episodes compilation 21st to 23rd


Abhi is heart broken as Ak moved on easily in life. He can't remember he threw her away from him. So his mistakes he is unable to see in his DDP or ego with self pity. But his past should not affect Ak present is his motto.

Ak is angry with his rejection when she talks about the kid and herself twice. That's where her self-respect is hurt. The moment Abhi has to stay with her and hold her with love , Abhinav holds her in the name of humanity and gives her son a father figure in him from birth. This is where Ak can never forget what he did for her son or herself against Abhis betrayal. Her present should not be spoiled by her past is her motto.

Ak saying Abhinav is super papa always and kept a chit in his tiffin box.This is forever her gratitude on him for what he did to her. She can't leave that father's love to Abhir and go for Abhi who never cared for her. Ak wants abhir to be safe all time.if abhi knows will he accept truth or denies it don't know because of his past behaviour. So she can't guarantee a life to her kid which is based on allegations and blames. She can't give the same bhoj to her kid as legacy. Ak has no feelings on Nav it's simply grateful to him for his help as friend. Whereas Nav has feelings of admiration for Ak as he wants abhirs mom to be his wife permanently.

Ak centre table has red tulips showing her passionate love for Abhi and orange tulips for abhinavs understanding nature.

Ak has already thanked Abhinav for what he has done to her. Nav said you are judge listen to two parties and decide not like a lawyer. Two parties mus and confession has to come out from abhira and ak has to decide what next in her life.

Abhir said Nav is super papa before abhi entered their home . To abhi he said i am abhir ,Dr abhir. So abhinav Sharma is cut that day it self.

Abhir is holding Abhis shoe box and sleeping showing Back to Nav. So flipping started from beta πŸ˜‚ Ak already left Nav handhold the moment abhi entered in their home and coming face to face to him.

Abhir wanted a thank you note for teachers. Ak wrote Abhimanyu as father name in school book and cut the paper changed it to abhinav.Her mind vs heart is ringing all time after she saw Abhi.

Ak burnt jam bartan so her jam factory is burnt it seems. Nellima has to clean it.

Abhi scolded Nav saying i came here for four days not to settle her permanent or janm janm Vada nibhao. He realised later why am I shouting on Sharma ji. His inner jealousy burning on Nav being Ak pati is making him speak that way.

Blue Angel bells shown in entrance of watch shop is for new beginnings of Abhi with angels guidance. Angel bells and wind chymes show good luck .

Butterfly watch bought by Abhi have 8 white butterflies which are for purity and resurrection. New birth for abhi and Abhis beti as he said for her. 5 butterflies shown in one side showing independent living of abhi and reflection in wooden frame. Wooden watch indicates perfection .8 butterflies show positivity, revival, guidance.

As per the kuku clock made by Lovers angel number 11.11 is set in all clocks and it's magical time for lovers to unite. Abhi lost faith on all these. But Ak came in front of him in right time. All clocks started at 11.11 with o Kanha bgm and abhira yearning for each other. He is calmly earning for her and she is painful. He went out controlling himself but his heart is pulling to her . Ak is staring at him but he avoided as she is a married lady now.

Shefali scolded Ruhi for touching her makeup and Ar came as defence for her beti. Mata riled parth on shefali for Ruhi. Parth suffocation in his office and mahimas pressure to prove himself as best is irritating him and total nonsense shown on shefali in the name of domestic violence. Harsh mata parallels shown in parth shefali. But here parth said sorry as he can't control and loves her too . Shefali is clear in staying with parth it's for shivu baby having relationships.this is quite ulta of Ak where she cut all kachra family for his parvarish.

Ar abhi equation is same as Nav ak equation regarding kids. It's kept equal in both sides.

Ar cross checked abhi if he met any old friend or went to anyone's house. Is this deliberate or she knows ak staying there with her kid. Or just a normal talk. It's clear Sr became a good doctor in Abhis guidance in these years and a pillar in birlas.

Ravan head burn dhol is blurred while abhi is shown . His inner demons are still yet to come out open completely. 4 dhols truth from 4 people is going to come out. With that his ego will crumble totally like how ravab head fell down.

Abhis dhak dhak dil ka connects connected to ak as she is dancing there. He saw Nav and kid around ak. Abhi thinks abhir is nav ka kid and ak is raising him .His rs2 brain can connect that way only .

Abhi observing ak how she danced in shadi can't take out his eyes.

Ak unknowingly pulled abhis hand and got him in between. This is pulling him in her messed life created dung by her. There she left his hand so he has to struggle next with her messed things to pull her out. As abhira are pushed by. Other persons they came near. This is for the external supports to unite them.Nav got abhir in his lap and came in between. So nav and kid are hurdle for abhira. So if abhi wants to claim ak her fake truth should be out.Then only he can process about the kid.

Abhinav referred abhi as ak her dilwale sirji so nav connected ak ka dil connect to abhi.

Abhi though angry took blessings from Neelima as she is older in that group.

Neelima words there should be a reason to go away Is for future hint why abhi has to go away from here.Reason for staying away and going away should be correct as told by Abhi. So for him staying here there should be a reason next more than his own family.

Abhi forgot he left Ak in middle of their shadi life by signing divorce. Is he self taunting himself as he is failed pati or taunting Ak for leaving him in life. πŸ˜‰ Does he have any amnesia issue of what he did to Ak. Rupees 2 brain of Abhi will speak this way in his DDP and self pity and victimization same puski mata ka beta .

Abhi and Nav are in same dresses black and lil different coloured coats, caps.When abhir said papa both turned their faces. Abhir dress matches with Abhi perfectly. In a way colour coordination started for baap beta that way. Black dress shows hidden identity of Abhir to all.

Mirror reflections of Abhi and Nav are clear. One has hidden intentions for Ak to be his permanent and another has why Ak can't be his permanent and left him away πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‚. Nav gave topi to Abhi so he gives his ijjat respect back which is Ak and kid. Navs words of i will give back what's bhais ijjat is connected this way through cap.

In corner of Dressing table there is a golden Ganesha with little trunk . It's shown when Abhir entered into the room and checked Abhis dress same as his. There is a small empty holder next to it showing the boy is not claimed by real father yet.

There is a dancing girl frame in room near dressing mirror showing Ak dancing in snow.

Abhi does tututu nazar removal of abhir and Abhir reminded him Ak doing it.

There is a man with guitar pic in that room so Abhi will be singing soon. As Ak left her voice singing for her love on Abhi he may recreate that for her by him singing and winning her.

Abhir is possessive on Abhinav that he is a good man and people cheat him easily and Ak won't trust anyone. Ak words of those who come near give more pain told by abhir to abhi.Ak pain is told by son to father that way. So both maa beta won't let anyone new comer near by with their past experience with abhi. So Ak keeping Nav away though he is good is reasonable. She can't trust anyone easily and hurt herself more .

Abhir warned Abhi that if he makes his mom cry he is gone. Abhi hugged abhir whole heartedly as he saw his reflection in Abhir protecting his maa fighting with father and world. Heart connects to kid for abhi.

Mirror reflection shown for Abhi when he hugged abhir is for his internal desire why can't this kid be mine ? His heart connects to kid are shown slowly him saying abhir looks my son not NAV son.

Next to Abhi 🐴 head is shown in small antique piece on dressing table. It shows freedom , competition and courage .

Abhi cracked Abhir code words easily as they both are same blood. Abhi called him junior today so he is on his beta mode to please him.

When Abhir fought with Abhi, his pyjama fell down. This is for the ijjat of kid kept being an illegitimate boy or orphan boy by anyone and Abhi saving his ijjat.

Abhis dialogues of next time you need to set your pyjama on your own next time is for future. When parents are gone kid has to take care of himself and his respect. Future elder kids connect and memories.

Abhi saying i am not that bad is him being good with kid and setting relationship soon . They don't bring past kachra infront of kid orelse kid hates father easily never accepts him. Hiding the dung and smell they may do something and bitter the kid as he is small and abhi will be made super dad.

There is a gold and silver ganesha near the entrance door. The trunk of elephant in silver showing the Ganesha story with golden Ganesha in backwards and abhi , abhir in room . Ganesha's head is replaced with an elephant trunk and life is given by shivji. Will put the total story once it comes into scenes as there are many connects for that. In a way rebirth to Abhir through Abhi will bring baap beta reunion and acceptance. Silver head of Ganesha brings pious and blessings. It brings luxury and wealth.

The dark lady in pink and yellow shown above Elephant trunk is Ak.The dark mom who gave birth to the boy and both baap and beta are unknown to real truth. Pink is for her love on kid and yellow for new beginnings.

There is a Yama pasham black thread pic shown near dressing table where abhi stood. This is for danger on life of Abhi or Abhir next. If Abhi gets struck by saving abhir or abhi on his own or Abhir having any threat where Abhi saves him and wins his love . As per shivji ganesha story, boy will be in danger through father and shivji saves his life and truth to be out that way to him. So let's see how that plays here.

Ak misunderstood Abhimanyu as Abhinav. Her mistrust and anger on abhi is there which she told thinking as Nav but manyu listened. Nav is half mental thinking with same dress as pati. What to do with this acha admi. He looks a servant in every place near Ak or Abhi or Abhir. 😜 Sorry to say this πŸ˜ƒ.

Abhis ego Is hurt as Ak is prioritising Nav infront of him. His jealousy started already and it reaches its peaks till next destruction.

Pink Gerbera flowers symbolise sympathy, gratitude and admiration.

Nav giving Ak flower in hand is for his admiration for her being the strong lady and raised the kid well with good upbringing. This is where he wants her to be permanent with him .Ak has gratitude for Nav whi helped her in the time of her struggles and pain gave her son father's love till the owner claimed it. πŸ˜‰

Kuku had greed of Ak voice and blackmailed her for Abhis hand surgery. When he wanted it as permanent, madam flew away. So let's see What Ak does next 🀣 if Na. Intentions are known to her.

Ak wearing pink Gerbera flower on her right ear shows her being single status.

Abhir keeping that flower in heart is for keeping his love in heart forever with what Nav gave him.

Muskan said Abhi as bhayi ji so she can be for Rohan or kv . As Rohan is made chachu by abhi brother from another mother he is. If Abhi settled in shimla he can bring Rohan here and this muskan can be for him. We can get some freshness in story. Or if Ak goes to GV back she can take muskan with her for KV.

These muskan and Neelima riled Nav for love on Ak orelse he was quiet acha admi , acha insan, super papa image. πŸ˜‚ Anyhow masala needed in story for curiosity so this angle has to be beared till abhira unite and Abhi blasting his closed heart for Ak.

Mata Manjari Devi today accepted that Ar and Abhi grah won't meet. Because mataji they are not destined. Her mere bache jaap is piercing the ear drum πŸ₯. Swarna in shani blue clearly told kv and manish rejection on abhi. Mata's works famous beta is rejected by Goenkas πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ as if her son is perfect in life a d a perfect pati that she wants to hook him to Ar as she wants them. Her illusions from day1 won't stop till her death. πŸ₯°. It's like kv kicked Abhi for manipulating Ar for Ruhi and mata got her brain so concentrated on Abhi and Ar. Abhi clearly rejected and through Ar he made him reject her. Next mata and shefali booked swarna and kv kicked swarna Manish with abhi being failed pati. So he laid a kerchief for ak again there. He checked with Ar by getting his friend but she threw all and prefered a single life .In return swarna dumped garbage back in mata courtyard 😜. So it's Ar who should close matas motor mouth next πŸ—£οΈπŸ¦΅.mataos real shani in Ar life who ruined evetything in her illusions without understanding. Let mata be killed royal way makers get huge trps 🀣 mata is most hated one than Ar in story.

Ak again misunderstood Abhi as Nav and asked him for praying God.

Abhinav is called as Abhi by Neelima. She said Ak and Abhinav has to come forward . Abhi backed off and Is in between third angle to them.his own karma he got his medicine back this way he has to take this poision till he bears.

When Ak and Abhinav prayed God they showed abhi and Ak in half half pose aage peeche se not with Nav. Sly way of giving abhira in old form as equal halves shoe nh though Abhi is not trusting shivji , he is helping his bhakt in his way.

Abhir is shiv bhakt it's clearly seen .when Abhir prayed for shivji he is shown in centre as shiv parvati ganesha .In photo ganesha is not shown so the boy is shown sly way in side with photo.

Abhi don't trust God is known to Ak in that shadi. He lost trust in God and shadi. Neelima told him to ask for something which he wants. So this wish is reserved for Abhi next to give him ak and abhir back.

Ak not able to sing will be known in next episode. That way both lost what they loved most. Abhis gaze on ak is sensed by her no doubt as both have that attraction always. Abhi waits for ak song will she sing or not let's see . Because it's their connect so he waited for that and she won't open that chord or chapter now. Both lost each other completely with their mus and families in between. So they need to fall for each other again and get back together. Love is there but buried under hearts. This is same like Abhi Ar shadi time friction. New love story has to come out by Abhi winning Ak and son.

Already Abhir abhinav Sharma is said as Abhir. Next is Abhir abhimanyu Birla the transformation of ID of kid need to be out soon. Gold ganesha to silver elephant 🐘 trunk ganesha is Abhir and Abhi ki story next.

Loved freshness in story with positive characters built around Ak which is totally against the nonsense served through bulls in Birlas.

Edited by Mehersudha - 1 years ago
Posted: 1 years ago

Pallu left by him and again she wrapped his heart in her pallu after 6yrs


Posted: 1 years ago

Beta flipped to shoes box of abhi flippery khaandan and khoon πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

