Thumkeshwari might be in trouble????? - Page 2


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NatkhatPyare thumbnail
Posted: 1 years ago

Originally posted by: HearMeRoar

Oh, God. You think that's the one example where Christians or Christian symbols were used in an unflattering way? Bollywood has a history of portraying Christians as drunk and promiscuous .  

I might get mildly miffed by it, but mostly, my reaction is meh. 

I wasn't aware of the other bans. I am against bans period. No matter what religion it offends. 

I can read Last Temptation and contemplate the Piss Christ exhibit. Doesn't fill me with joy, but some people just do that kind of thing to get themselves famous. Not bothered by it. I'm more irritated when they try to ban religion from public expression to please atheists. 

Your reaction may be different. YOU may be different but that's not how the majority of the minorities is. Otherwise why would Sonia have to appease them by banning da vinci code.

One hindu does a heinous crime and the whole of Hinduism is shamed with placards "I'm ashamed as a Hindu". Did u see such placards when the bishop was released and acquited of his crimes in the Kerala nuns case? 

YOU may be an exception but exceptions are irrelevant.

P.s about Christians being depicted as drunk - bollywood has stereotypes for thakur pandits etc also but they are not directly insulting the religion.

Edited by NatkhatPyare - 1 years ago
HearMeRoar thumbnail
Posted: 1 years ago

Originally posted by: NatkhatPyare

Your reaction may be different. YOU may be different but that's not how the majority of the minorities is. Otherwise why would Sonia have to appease them by banning da vinci code.

One hindu does a heinous crime and the whole of Hinduism is shamed with placards "I'm ashamed as a Hindu". Did u see such placards when the bishop was released and acquited of his crimes in the Kerala nuns case? 

YOU may be an exception but exceptions are irrelevant.

Sonia thinks she will win votes. The same as BJP which uses religion.

Neither is a good thing.

I don't live in Kerala anymore, but I have family there, and plenty of them were outspoken about the church.

In fact, the director of Great Indian Kitchen, who was accused of being anti Hindu, has spoken out against the church in his interviews. Many of the Christian mallu movie people have spoken against it. 

Antony, who used to be CM, is an avowed atheist. IIRC, he has spoken against the church.

In India and outside, I've read plenty of Mary was w***e statements. Heck, someone tried to rile me up with it only a few weeks ago on IF😆.

There are also attempts to ban. Like the idiotic response to Hrithik Roshan's usage of *pope.* And the banning of Last Temptation in University of Kerala.

I am for freedom of expression no matter what.

NatkhatPyare thumbnail
Posted: 1 years ago

Originally posted by: HearMeRoar

Sonia thinks she will win votes. The same as BJP which uses religion.

Neither is a good thing.

I don't live in Kerala anymore, but I have family there, and plenty of them were outspoken about the church.

In fact, the director of Great Indian Kitchen, who was accused of being anti Hindu, has spoken out against the church in his interviews. Many of the Christian mallu movie people have spoken against it. 

Antony, who used to be CM, is an avowed atheist. IIRC, he has spoken against the church.

In India and outside, I've read plenty of Mary was w***e statements. Heck, someone tried to rile me up with it only a few weeks ago on IF😆.

There are also attempts to ban. Like the idiotic response to Hrithik Roshan's usage of *pope.* And the banning of Last Temptation in University of Kerala.

I am for freedom of expression no matter what.

Again u r repeating the same thing. Your reaction may be the ideal. I would be extremely okay if that was the reaction of majority of people from all religions but THAT is not the case. Ofcourse some people from a community do have their own liberal opinions but still Govt has gone to extremes for appeasing the majority of minorities by banning certain movies and books. But then FOE was not endangered. In contrast to Hindus and Hinduism, Neither is FOE endangered nor is a certain community called intolerant despite STSJ slogans and actually executing it. 

Also, Christians, mainly the original Christians from abroad (not the converts), have been more tolerant  and receptive to provocative material on their religion than people from other religions I will agree to that.

Edited by NatkhatPyare - 1 years ago
HearMeRoar thumbnail
Posted: 1 years ago

Originally posted by: NatkhatPyare

Again u r repeating the same thing. Your reaction may be the ideal. I would be extremely okay if that was the reaction of majority of people from all religions but THAT is not the case. Ofcourse some people from a community do have their own liberal opinions but still Govt has gone to extremes for appeasing the majority of minorities by banning certain movies and books. But then FOE was not endangered. In contrast to Hindus and Hinduism, Neither is FOE endangered nor is a certain community called intolerant despite STSJ slogans and actually executing it. 

Also, Christians, mainly the original Christians from abroad (not the converts), have been more tolerant  and receptive to provocative material on their religion than people from other religions I will agree to that.

I wasn't trying to argue Christians are more tolerant. ðŸ˜• They're as bad or as good as most others in the world. 

What I'm saying is Bollywood and other movie sectors use whatever imagery they think will make them more money. That has included Christian imagery. Very few dare with Islam because people generally worry about violent reactions. But Kerala has done that as well. 

Bollywood is not especially anti Hindu because of these songs or dialogue. They're not anti Christian because they show Christians in a bad light. There have been Sikhs shown in bad light or at least comical light. 

Secondly, Ishwar is the Hindi word for God. It is used by other religions as well. I believe Hindi speaking Christians use both Khuda and Ishwar. This particular song is not making mockery of Hinduism especially. It's like calling Elvis the God of Rock.

Bollywood just likes to make money and will go to any length for it. No special animosity toward anyone. 

Edited by HearMeRoar - 1 years ago
NatkhatPyare thumbnail
Posted: 1 years ago

Originally posted by: HearMeRoar

I wasn't trying to argue Christians are more tolerant. ðŸ˜• They're as bad or as good as most others in the world. 

What I'm saying is Bollywood and other movie sectors use whatever imagery they think will make them more money. That has included Christian imagery. Very few dare with Islam because people generally worry about violent reactions. But Kerala has done that as well. 

Bollywood is not especially anti Hindu because of these songs or dialogue. They're not anti Christian because they show Christians in a bad light. There have been Sikhs shown in bad light or at least comical light. 

Bollywood just likes to make money and will go to any length for it. No special animosity toward anyone. 

U have ur own opinion and i respect that. But from what I've seen and deducted, Hindus and Hinduism have been the most easy targets for Bollywood cos the only reactions are limited to only asking for ban or verbal threats or at the most occasional small physical attacks like in case of Padmavat.

However other minorities have shown much more outroar even extremely violent ones when their holy figures were disrespected in any way. I don't exactly remember those incidents right now but there were many outrages from Sikhs too for insulting sikh gurus or Sikhism but nothing like STSJ i think... so bollywoodiyas are still careful while taking 'creative' liberties with other religions compared to Hinduism.

Showing Christians as drunks or showing sikhs as funny or dumb people is not the same thing as showing an actor dressed as God Shiva hiding in bathroom or running scared in streets. Hope u understand the difference. If not then it's useless to argue. 

HearMeRoar thumbnail
Posted: 1 years ago

Originally posted by: NatkhatPyare

U have ur own opinion and i respect that. But from what I've seen and deducted, Hindus and Hinduism have been the most easy targets for Bollywood cos the only reactions are limited to only asking for ban or verbal threats or at the most occasional small physical attacks like in case of Padmavat.

However other minorities have shown much more outroar even extremely violent ones when their holy figures were disrespected in any way. I don't exactly remember those incidents right now but there were many outrages from Sikhs too for insulting sikh gurus or Sikhism but nothing like STSJ i think... so bollywoodiyas are still careful while taking 'creative' liberties with other religions compared to Hinduism.

Showing Christians as drunks or showing sikhs as funny or dumb people is not the same thing as showing an actor dressed as God Shiva hiding in bathroom or running scared in streets. Hope u understand the difference. If not then it's useless to argue. 

1. This song is not especially targeting anything Hindu. It's using the feminine of the Hindi word for God, which is not specific to Hinduism.

2. Have you ever watched Monty Python? I have. And yes, that has Jesus made fun of. Not an actor playing Jesus. Jesus, the character. Last Temptation actually focuses on Jesus's possible sex life. Book and movie. DaVinci Code didn't specifically focus on Christ but the church was most definitely ripped a new one.  The prequel to 3rd Rock?

The Western world uses Christianity to mock and make money because it's the dominant religion. Bollywood uses Hinduism because it's the dominant religion in India.

Frankly, there's a mercenary attitude in India in using Hinduism on film whereas Hollywood openly states animosity to Christianity.

If you feel Hinduism is alone in being targeted, I'd have to say you haven't really seen what happens in the rest of the world.

And yes, Islam gets made fun of too. Some cartoonists in Paris could tell you. But of course, they can't since they died for it. I don't ever want my religion to get to a point where that kind of attitude is acceptable. 

No religion should be beyond mockery. No religious figure, up to and including God, should be beyond jokes. 

Edited by HearMeRoar - 1 years ago
NatkhatPyare thumbnail
Posted: 1 years ago

Originally posted by: HearMeRoar

1. This song is not especially targeting anything Hindu. It's using the feminine of the Hindi word for God, which is not specific to Hinduism.

2. Have you ever watched Monty Python? I have. And yes, that has Jesus made fun of. Not an actor playing Jesus. Jesus, the character. Last Temptation actually focuses on Jesus's possible sex life. Book and movie. DaVinci Code didn't specifically focus on Christ but the church was most definitely ripped a new one. 

Just like the Western world uses Christianity to mock and make money because it's the dominant religion, Bollywood uses Hinduism because it's the dominant religion in India.

Frankly, there's a mercenary attitude in India in using Hinduism on film whereas Hollywood openly states animosity to Christianity.

If you feel Hinduism is alone in being targeted, I'd have to say you haven't really seen what happens in the rest of the world.

And yes, Islam gets made fun of too. Some cartoonists in Paris could tell you. But of course, the can't since they died for it. I don't ever want my religion to get to a point where that kind of attitude is acceptable. 

Omg here we go. Okkk 

1. I never said THIS song is targeting Hinduism. I said ishwari means devi and i did find it a bit offensive. The targeting Hindus and Hinduism part was in a general context of bollywood over the decades bollywood has been in existence. And also word ishwar may have been used for christ but there's no ishwari equivalent to Christ or Allah or in any other religion except Hinduism (except Buddhism i guess)

2.. was monty python released in cinema halls of India? No, i guess. Da vinci code tried but was not allowed to. I have already said that original Christians from abroad are much more lenient when it comes to stuff related to christ or Mary. But then so they have been to Hindu Gods like that Kali and Ganesha scene in that series supernatural. I've seen many such scenes myself in movies and series which i found insulting to mary or chris. But in India that would not ne allowed to be made or released in indian theatres. Still Christians or other communities were not called intolerant in any such cases. Not even in STSJ case. 

All the examples u r giving ate of abroad. France has taken a no tolerance approach towards islamic extremism but in India that is never going to happen atleast in the recent times despite actual beheadings for supposed insults but hindus will be tagged intolerant even for peaceful calls of boycotts

Edited by NatkhatPyare - 1 years ago
HearMeRoar thumbnail
Posted: 1 years ago

Something that occurred to me:

Worry when religion is wiped out from culture except for expressions for devotion. Because most people pay more attention to culture than religion.

Worry when government tells schools they can't start with a prayer or the military that they can't use rituals in inaugural use of a new aircraft. Because most people pay attention to God when there could be reali life impact like an exam or potential death.

Calling someone a goddess of thumkas is the least of all reasons to worry in terms of religion


HearMeRoar thumbnail
Posted: 1 years ago

Originally posted by: NatkhatPyare

Omg here we go. Okkk 

1. I never said THIS song is targeting Hinduism. I said ishwari means devi and i did find it a bit offensive. The targeting Hindus and Hinduism part was in a general context of bollywood over the decades bollywood has been in existence.

2.. was monty python released in cinema halls of India? No, i guess. Da vinci code tried but was not allowed to. I have already said that original Christians from abroad are much more lenient when it comes to stuff related to christ or Mary. But then so they have been to Hindu Gods like that Kali and Ganesha scene in that series supernatural. I've seen many such scenes myself in movies and series which i found insulting to mary or chris. But in India that would not ne allowed to be made or released in indian theatres. Still Christians or other communities were not called intolerant in any such cases. Not even in STSJ case. 

All the examples u r giving ate of abroad. France has taken a no tolerance approach towards islamic extremism but in India that is never going to happen atleast in the recent times despite actual beheadings for supposed insults but hindus will be tagged intolerant even for peaceful calls of boycotts

Once again, banning anything to appease religious minorities is bad. Freedom of expression should be paramount.

Also once again, Hinduism gets made fun of more in India because it's followed by 80% of Indians. Making fun of other religions in India would be as silly as Hollywood making fun of Hinduism. Because it would have little relevance to the audience. 

The examples from abroad were EXAMPLES of my point. How is that difficult to see?

Thirdly, the West still makes fun of other religions. As in Charlie Hebdo. Because the West does at least know about it. They have very little idea of any other isms to bother mocking. 

Fourthly,  at the very least, the examples from around the world should show mockery of religions is not especially directed to Hindus. It exists everywhere. Hinduism has not been singled out for victimization.

Fifthly, answer is not to ban mockery of Hinduism in India. It's to say mock away at all religions because that's your right. Because faith has to be voluntary.

Anyway, if someone wants to feel like a victim, I can't say or do anything to stop it. They'll inevitably find some slight to take offense at.

Edited by HearMeRoar - 1 years ago
Posted: 1 years ago

Originally posted by: Lostsoul11


Such vulgar songs should not be released/ supported💩

Tharki log toh Kam nahi hai duniya mein, upar se aise puke worthy gaane🤮
