Star plus domestic abuse and surrogacy

Shaome thumbnail
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Posted: 1 years ago

Star plus being the responsible channel how dealing with issues like treason, domestic abuses and infertility.. 

I wonder why there no regulatory body to censor such content before broadcasting on national television.. 

Off late three shows on stus plus having similar tracks on  infertility and surrogacy...Its really disappointing writers and star plus  are portraying such sensitive matters with no care... Let alone doing any research on surrogacy law, they are explicitly promoting domestic abuses through Ghum..


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Moor278 thumbnail
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Posted: 1 years ago

Same feelings...

If the intention and directive was to promote surrogacy and generate support for the law... Then ghum has failed terribly... I don't watch other shows so can't comment on that.

I feel many and especially those with lesser understanding of rules and regulations and those with questionable motives would misuse the law or be wary of it.

I would still say... Logically speaking ... Surrogacy in Anupama would have made much more sense... 

But i also feel ki P successful hoke rahegi in implantation. It's only when they would face harsh criticism and some thrashing maybe they would show P ka failure... With a token dialogue about why it needs a woman who has carried a healthy full term baby. 

I don't see them back tracking ... P has crossed all limits this time. 

Shaome thumbnail
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Posted: 1 years ago

Logically and legally any of the  couples of star plus are not eligible to apply for surrogacy because intended parents have to try at least for five years.. 

On top of that they have ruled out all the chances becoming mother... How medically and scientifically it is logical?? How merely 22 years old girl loosing egg counts.. 

Makers and channel are being so negligent and arrogant.. It is like my way or high way 👎🏼..

Fans want to watch it but they  are pushing us away 

Edited by Shaome - 1 years ago
Shree15 thumbnail
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Posted: 1 years ago

But I don't think so Star plus even really cares about Ghum anymore now, they hardly promotes the show on their official page, didn't even gave them footage in RWSP, if you compare the footage Anupama, Imlie, Yrkkh and all got, then Ghum is nowwhere, I think once the trp will go under 2.0, channel will warn them and will not even blink an eye to offair them, they're very very ruthless for that, it's just matter of time, I feel Ghum's days are numbered now, noway trp will increase with this shit, trp audience also like to watch their FLs win!!

Moor278 thumbnail
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Posted: 1 years ago

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scarlett22 thumbnail
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Posted: 1 years ago

I don't know where the regulatory bodies are, why doesn't the media notice? In India, a person who has not had a baby can't be a surrogate. It is against the law. I'm surprised they would go that route when it's illegal. 

Plus of course this limited eggs, it has to be done in 3 hours. It's such a distressing situation to treat like just another  drama because it is ill informed. The amount of anxiety an infertile woman has immeasurable. So much wrong information. Ideally, the PH and the channel should be sued. 

Edited by scarlett22 - 1 years ago
Shaome thumbnail
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Posted: 1 years ago

Originally posted by: Shree15

But I don't think so Star plus even really cares about Ghum anymore now, they hardly promotes the show on their official page, didn't even gave them footage in RWSP, if you compare the footage Anupama, Imlie, Yrkkh and all got, then Ghum is nowwhere, I think once the trp will go under 2.0, channel will warn them and will not even blink an eye to offair them, they're very very ruthless for that, it's just matter of time, I feel Ghum's days are numbered now, noway trp will increase with this shit, trp audience also like to watch their FLs win!!

It's the channel who decides tracks and the rest fall on how writers would execute the track.. 

Both makers and channel are being irresponsible.. No way a channel and makers would risk their cash cow...

It shouldn't matter whether it's successful or not but maker and channel should be wary of the content they telecasting on national television.. 

Shaome thumbnail
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Posted: 1 years ago

I have corrected it lol 😆

In one of my posts have mentioned that Sai can not be ruled out from having babies given her age.. Also I have mentioned about my personal experience.. My mother had me in her early 20s .Due to several health issues her uterus was weak..still she had Norman pregnancy because she was cushioned my her age.. 

Edited by Shaome - 1 years ago
Moor278 thumbnail
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Posted: 1 years ago

Vahi to yaar... Medical science has progressed so much...

Par ITV main sab kuch unrealistic hi hota hai ... 

It's always a one shot pregnancy... 

Pregnancy because of one occurence of r*pe... (Not the regular abuse kind)... vo abuser kya fertile period dekh ke r*pe karne aayega kya? 

Miscarriage bhi choti se chot pe... 

And now infertility bhi ek hi baar main... 

Usse acchha they could have shown an injury to mid region of Sai and then said her uterus damaged etc... Tab bhi kuch logic banta... Itne accident hue hai Sai ke.. aur ek sahi 

And then this time bomb ... Vo to hadd hai... Jhola chaap doctor bhi aisi baat nahi karenge 🤣

Rosyme thumbnail
Posted: 1 years ago

They should show injury for Pakhi . Not for Sai please.