Actor Siddarth,Netizens slam Anupam Kher - Page 5


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aaditi123 thumbnail
Posted: 3 years ago

Originally posted by: BirdieNumNum

now you're sounding like the bin laden conspiracy crowd throwing around "attacks" and acting as if they prove complicity on the part of the organizations you hate. You should remember that most of these events happened during the UPA/ congress years. They had no love for the BJP and they had umpteen years to bring the perpetrators to justice.. The fact that they hardly got anywhere in the courts with their accusations should tell you something. 😂

you also forget some very basic words- scale and degree! No one is perfect. Even the guy who gets into top jobs or universities or aces exams is not perfect. But he/ she is more "perfect" than the person who keeps flunking. You seriously cant compare the two sets of people and say they are the same. Its the jihadis, primarily, and the khalistanis secondarily that have been a menace wherever they've gone. For you to equate everyone the same is a kind of moral equivalence and quite repugnant. And where you lose your credibility.

as for the CIA adding/ removing anyone, again, the BD has never been classified as a terrorist organization. Religious organization, perhaps. Terrorist organization, no. You really need to check your facts before you keep peddling that stuff. Also, just the fact that these designations can be easily changed (as per your own admission) should tell you that they are not worth the toilet paper they're written on.  

The Bajrang Dal & the VHP were both classified as "Religious militant organization" by the CIA until 2018. RSS was classified as a "nationalist organization". You're the one who needs to get your facts right. 

Oh so we're going by bombing per capita then? 😆

Well in that case the Khalistanis are way ahead of the Sangh Parivar. They only have that one Air India bombing and nothing else.😆

Take off your hate glasses. You might have aced your SAT but it hardly matters if you still can't see the whole picture. Segregation is the key to politics, so a small group can rule over a much larger one. Religion is how they devide people today.  

An extremist is an extremist. A violent organization is a violent organization. It doesn't matter what they claim to represent. Islam, Sikhism, Christianity, Hinduism....they don't represent any of it. They're just a small group of politically affiliated groups meant to create unrest and hatred. Don't fall for it. 

CuckooCutter7 thumbnail
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Posted: 3 years ago

Originally posted by: aaditi123

The Bajrang Dal & the VHP were both classified as "Religious militant organization" by the CIA until 2018. RSS was classified as a "nationalist organization". You're the one who needs to get your facts right. 

Oh so we're going by bombing per capita then? 😆

Well in that case the Khalistanis are way ahead of the Sangh Parivar. They only have that one Air India bombing and nothing else.😆

Take off your hate glasses. You might have aced your SAT but it hardly matters if you still can't see the whole picture. Segregation is the key to politics, so a small group can rule over a much larger one. Religion is how they devide people today.  

An extremist is an extremist. A violent organization is a violent organization. It doesn't matter what they claim to represent. Islam, Sikhism, Christianity, Hinduism....they don't represent any of it. They're just a small group of politically affiliated groups meant to create unrest and hatred. Don't fall for it. 

😂 well, at least we've gotten you to climb down from that terrorist organization claim. That accusation against the RSS/ BD was pretty wild, you know. 😂

as for the rest of what you have, again, its a shame you would make light of the Air India incident. Shocking actually!

Beyond that, there's a world of a difference between religions/ organizations that have 10 to 20% of their adherents that are violent and others that have close to 0%. People are supposed to be inherently good when they are born, so what kind of religious force is it when 10-20% go off the deep end and turn bad?! It's like a product with high defect rates. You'd be selling the religion down to 0 if they were Apple or Alphabet stock. 😂

by the way, i have yet to meet someone from certain persuasions that dont feel strongly about their Book. Quite extreme. But as long as they keep it to themselves, its their outlook. Only reason it would bother anyone is when they go around blasting planes from the skies or beheading people.

Edited by BirdieNumNum - 3 years ago
aaditi123 thumbnail
Posted: 3 years ago

Originally posted by: BirdieNumNum

😂 well, at least we've gotten you to climb down from that terrorist organization claim. That accusation against the RSS/ BD was pretty wild, you know. 😂

as for the rest of what you have, again, its a shame you would make light of the Air India incident. Shocking actually!

Beyond that, there's a world of a difference between religions/ organizations that have 10 to 20% of their adherents that are violent and others that have close to 0%. People are supposed to be inherently good when they are born, so what kind of religious force is it when 10-20% go off the deep end and turn bad?! It's like a product with high defect rates. You'd be selling the religion down to 0 if they were Apple or Alphabet stock. 😂

by the way, i have yet to meet someone from certain persuasions that dont feel strongly about their Book. Quite extreme. But as long as they keep it to themselves, its their outlook. Only reason it would bother anyone is when they go around blasting planes from the skies or beheading people.

Wasn't laughing at the Air India tragedy, but your wild notion of Bombings per capita. If 10-20% of Muslims were really Jihadists then this world would seize to exist. 

Your last couple of lines go for everyone. You can keep being a Hindu supremacist at home, but when you start bombing Mosques, killing minorities it becomes a problem for everyone including other Hindus.

Thatgirl16 thumbnail
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Posted: 3 years ago

Originally posted by: cutejodikangal

If we learned our lesson the first time when we were forced to stand in long lines in front of the banks, today we wouldn’t be standing in long lines in front of the crematoriums waiting to bury our loved ones.

This makes so much of sense each passing moment 💔

NimbuMirchi thumbnail
Posted: 3 years ago

Originally posted by: Thatgirl16

This makes so much of sense each passing moment 💔

Given that Bengal has elected Mamata 3rd time, I agree, people don’t learn. 

Thatgirl16 thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 3 years ago

Originally posted by: NimbuMirchi

Given that Bengal has elected Mamata 3rd time, I agree, people don’t learn. 

The opposition here was calling out Mamta Banerjee for having a broken leg. That she needs to wear a bermuda. It's highly offensive. They who promotes রগড়ে দেবো, ন্যাকামি করবেন না, নেচে বেরান। I absolutely disagree. People of Bengal learned and did the correct thing. 

It's not anymore a debate. You're hell bent on proving a wrong point. So ending it here. Be kind and DON'T QUOTE ME ANYMORE. 🙏

K.Universe. thumbnail
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Posted: 3 years ago

First off, this topic doesn't even meet the bare minimum criteria required to be classified as a debate. There is no introduction to the issue of the problem area, no mention of potential resolutions and no discernible scope. Heck, it isn't even posed as a question - "Should actors, netizens (and other such portmanteau class of people) have 'slammed' Anumpam Kher?". At best it is a rant and at worst it is wastewater flowing from some other forum into DM diverted here for reasons best known to only the mods. Of late, DM seems to have turned into a catchment area for such sewage, but I digress!

Second, kudos to BirdieNumNum for making a debate even out of this malarkey! He infused positive energy into this (matter of fact, into many other such "debates") and made it lively while at the same time articulating many a brilliant point along the way. IMO, to borrow from my own analogy, Birdie steered the flow to a potable reuse state. I could go ahead and hit the "like" button on all his posts but I am sure it's pointless to him; unlike thousands of posters who spend the best part of their waking lives here on these forums and on other social media sites, clinging on to "like minded" folks, begging for acceptance, he's clearly here only sporadically, looking to have an intellectually stimulating conversation.

Sadly, a few of his arguments were countered by red herrings, ad hominems, false equivalences and straw man arguments; a few more weren't even addressed.

It would be a shame if voices like his were drowned out by members of social media echo chambers who, in all likelihood, never heard of the word rebuttal let alone provide one in order to engage in a productive, meaningful discourse.

P.S: I only logged in to acknowledge Birdie's unparalleled flair and his contributions to DM in response to some comments made by a few non-DMers in this thread; otherwise, I am not really interested in debating anyone, anymore. We all have our biases and it's extremely tough to be objective now-a-days.

P.P.S: (to all ex-DMers) hope all is well with you and yours :) Take care!

loginidran thumbnail
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Posted: 3 years ago

Originally posted by: NimbuMirchi

Given that Bengal has elected Mamata 3rd time, I agree, people don’t learn. 

No they did. They didn’t give in to the false promises of Modi and his stooges. They thought smaller evil is better than this bigger evil because of whom the entire country is dying with the lack of oxygen, let alone the all time low GDP, economy gone to dogs , communal hatred, minorities lives jeopardized and what not. The rest of the country should do that too. Whichever way you look at it,  it’s a good beginning. There is a reason why the entire country is cherishing this result unlike no other.

Edited by cutejodikangal - 3 years ago
NimbuMirchi thumbnail
Posted: 3 years ago

Originally posted by: cutejodikangal

No they did. They didn’t give in to the false promises of Modi and his stooges. They thought smaller evil is better than this bigger evil because of whom the entire country is dying with the lack of oxygen, let alone the all time low GDP, economy gone to dogs , communal hatred, minorities lives jeopardized and what not. The rest of the country should do that too. Whichever way you look at it,  it’s a good beginning. There is a reason why the entire country is cherishing this result unlike no other.


Just becoz election result is in favor of your political leaning — it’s the correct one. 

When it’s opposite — voters are dumb.  

I am sorry but that’s hilarious. 

It will be good if Modi loses 2024. BJP has gone arrogant. And anyways, I believe govt should change after 2 terms. It pushes parties to work for people and not become too big for their shoes. So I will be happy. 

loginidran thumbnail
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Posted: 3 years ago

Originally posted by: NimbuMirchi


Just becoz election result is in favor of your political leaning — it’s the correct one. 

When it’s opposite — voters are dumb.  

I am sorry but that’s hilarious. 

It will be good if Modi loses 2024. BJP has gone arrogant. And anyways, I believe govt should change after 2 terms. It pushes parties to work for people and not become too big for their shoes. So I will be happy.

Presumptuous much?You mean I love TMC? 😆 What do you know about my political leaning. My only political leaning is opposite the current government at the center. The lack of opposition has made them aggressive, dishonest and arrogant. So anything and anyone which will bring them to their knees.

When did I say the voters are dumb? that is what the BJP bootlickers in Delhi and Bengal were saying. Don’t confuse people like me who are voicing against the Government’s fascist ways with them. 

I don’t believe in calling the viewers dumb when a movie doesn’t run neither do I like to call the voters dumb when a particular party wins. Voters are mere humans trying to make their ends meet despite the Governments which are trying to steal from them. 

@Bold: Exactly my point! But that doesn’t happen by itself though. You cannot be wanting Modi to lose by going around justifying his every act even when its screaming in your face how it’s a bad one. In the absence of a good opposition, it becomes even more a duty of the Media and people to question the governments.* You means not ‘you’ btw*

Edited by cutejodikangal - 3 years ago