ARSHI FF - HIT WICKET MY HEART 3.0 - Take 44-Pg.51(10.5.22) - Page 3


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coderlady thumbnail
Most Comments (2023) 1 Thumbnail Most Comments (April 2024) 1 Thumbnail + 9
Posted: 3 years ago

How is he going to eat that candy floss without taking off the mask?

coderlady thumbnail
Most Comments (2023) 1 Thumbnail Most Comments (April 2024) 1 Thumbnail + 9
Posted: 3 years ago

He never even got to know her name. But he knows what she looks like.

mysticltales111 thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 3 years ago

Hellooooo Guysssssssss....

Hope you and your family all are Safe and Sound amidst the rising Covid Tsunami in India. Stay in and Stay Safe - Guysss!!๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™

Word Count - Short-Medium- 5K Words.(Have split the otherwise long chapter as by the time I finished writing this - I wanted it to stand alone.)

Taking some hours off to just Write this Out finally has truly been my Respite in taking my Mind Off - Everything Covid! And I truly hope - that you are able to experience some distraction and entertainment through the Story Too.โค

Will be Eager to know your feedback on the Same!

Also, yes this is the First Draft. Please definitely ignore editing/common repition of words errors etc - since I have not proofread.

And I shall now let you all dive in without Further Delay.


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Text Copyrightยฉmysticaltales11111โ„ข2020

The Moral Right of the Author has been asserted. All Rights Reserved. This Story is published subject to the condition that it shall not be reproduced or transmitted/distributed in whole or in part, in any manner, whether in electronic or in hard copy, without the written consent of the author, and any infringement of this is a violation of Copyright Law.

All Rights Reservedยฎ mysticaltales11111


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TAKE 3 - Doodle

Two Days Later - On the night of 18th Feb,2019

10:00 PM

Khushi's Home

Khushi's Home

Khushi's POV

Khushi's POV

I continue to pace around in front of my bed nervously with Maya and Sarah shooting me ridiculous looks all curled up in my bed on either sides.The girls are sleeping over - tonight.And I kind off called them over - because now that it's finally taken me all this while - (53 hours to be precise) - to process and digest the crazy joke - my Life pulled on me - two days ago - I do want to talk to them - about it.

Maya narrows her eyes at me first - " K - stop this crazy pacing now will you?? you'v been at it for the last ten minutes - silently which is the signal that you are prepping yourself to get ready to talk to us...and your dinner's surely digested by now this better be about that strange weird thing in a good way from the Thorpe Park moment..."

(We finished dinner with Mum - a while ago - and she went into her Study to finish up on some Work/Reading. And we came to my room.)

Sarah nods as she sips on some water from the bottle - " yeah babe...and it better be about that..or else be ready to get squashed and beaten in our pillow fight.I shall spare you no respite with the tickles in the middle...tonight..even if Maya say's so.."

I can't help but bite back on my chuckle on the reference of that. Pillow fight is just our Fun Thing and when I am winning - Sarah likes to attack me with my weak point which is that I tickle so freaking easily and end up laughing into giggles until I can't breathe and she only let's me catch up on a breath when Maya comes to my rescue or if I admit defeat. I say now pausing for just a second - " two minutes girls...just give me that - I just need to process the fact again that whatever I am about to tell you actually ended up happening for real and was not a figment of my crazy imagination..."

They nod at me in silent unison - as I begin pacing nervously again.


They'v been asking about that strange weird thing in a good way moment since that day - but I'v just been pushing talking to them about it - because just saying all of it loud was going to make it seem more Real and Crazy . And like I hinted prior I'v just been in the middle of absorbing the crazy shocking surprise off it all + the fact that all of it really did Happen in Reality.I still feel comfortable when I think about the elements of our encounter but the Reality of The MaskCap's Dude - identity was something that's just been pushing me off the hook and I'v just been pushing it out of my Head - until this point.

I mean - guys - you all understand where I am coming from - right?

I mean - just when I made that resolution - of Staying at An Arm's Distance away from Cricketer's - I bump into a super famous cricketing celebrity in the craziest unsual of ways and spend some super fun+ strangely comforting time with him. I swear to Gods - I was literally feeling all light as a feather(all thanks to his subtle/warm support prior) while binging into My Candy Floss - until the very second he took his Mask+ Cap Off.

For the second he did that - it was like as if - all of my Switches Flipped at Once and Red Alert Alarms went Blazing in my Head - which is why I just Freaking Ran away from Him.

I know it was Rude of me to abruptly do that for he'd been only been so cool/supportive/friendly/warm - towards me in all the time prior + he was lot of fun to chill with.


I just Had Too.


As all of it finally sinks in again - I can't help but think in my head.


Just Why?

Just Why couldn't he just be - The MaskCap Dude? Why couldn't he be any other chilled out bloke from around the block? Like - just why did he even take his Mask Off? Just Why did he have to be a Godamm Freaking - Cricketer?

Why did he have to be Arnav Singh Raizada?(On that note - even though I have been refering to him as the MaskCap Dude. I do think - just his name - Arnav (now that I know it)has got a really nice warm ring to it. Kind off suits him more than ASR too(That's what everyone else usually calls him in the cricketing world)

I pause on my thought as I Spot Maya and Sarah exchange a mischevious look picking up on some pillows and I say gesturing to them - " hold on girls - I am sure you are going to forget all about the pillow fight once you finally hear the crazy freaking joke Life pulled on me - two days ago at the Thorpe Park.."

Maya and Sarah shoot me a look in unison as they ask getting off the bed and walking up to me together gesturing me to sit in between of them on the carpet on the floor and they ask in unison - " what do you mean??a crazy freaking joke?"

Sarah insists wrapping her arm around my shoulder - " babe - you gotta start right from the beginning with the context..please??

I sigh and nod as I look to and fro in between the two of them and Maya shoots me a comfortable supportive smile and I begin to fill them in - starting right from the top - from the minute I first bumped into him in the Fast-Track Lane.


Twenty Minutes Later

Khushi's POV Continues

The minute I finish telling - them - about who The MaskCap Dude actually turned out to be - I see Maya's jaw drop in shock + Sarah's eyes widen in sheer /disbelief as they exclaim in unison - " wait..........what??????????????? who did you say he turned out to be???"

I exclaim shrugging my shoulders in part disbelief yet again - " yeah - you heard me right the very first's him...Arnav.As in Arnav Singh Raizada from the Indian Cricket team..."

Sarah gapes at me still ridiculously surprised - "hold on...hold on... just to reconfirm - you mean this dude - whom we were edging towards having a little soft corner for because of the ways he supported you and actually got you to talk out of your shell (even if it was in partially ambigious ways)- for the very first time - is ASR - India's ace premier bowling all-rounder - the man with the golden arm - or as they say..."

I nod and Maya chips in a tone that mirrors her partial shock still - "correction Sarah.They call him the Man with a Platinum arm now that he's catching up on some medium pace in his already ridiculously deceptive spin bowling...okay..yes as this kind off sinks in...I gotta admit... this really is crazy..."

I nod - " you guys know what I mean - what a crazy joke this is -don't you?"

They nod and Sarah asks - " so wait - what happened after? When you found out who he was - I'm sorry we just had to pause because of the shock+ surprise..."

I admit with a casual shrug - " I ran away from him at the speed of light - ofcourse..."

Maya asks - " what? wait? You just ran away? Just like that??"

I nod - silently. I know Maya's going to not shy away from letting me know that - it was abrupt of me to do so. Its what I love about both my girls the most. They support me unconditionally always - but they also never hesitate from speaking their mind out to me.

Maya says holding my hand - " I know why you did what you did- K. But - that was surely abrupt of you his credit - he seemed like a nice know what I mean??"

Bingo! See - I know her through and through.

I nod - " I was abrupt and super rude of me to do that maybe - but - I couldn't help it guys - I mean - he did turn out to be a godamm freaking cricketer.."

Maya nods in an instant understanding and she shoots me a look - " but that doesn't change the fact that you'v been feeling a tad bit guilty surely for jetting away that way? Now does it? c'mon admit it - we know that look..."

I groan picking up my cushion and cuddling on it in my arms. " Ofcourse..I am feeling a tad bit guilty guys...I mean - as much as I do not want to accept it. I gotta admit - that there was something about him that was like super comfortable. It was like as if he could just see through me in the way you guys do. Like I told you didn't I ? he literally even called - my way of masking up my eyes from giving away too much of what I feel - as my thing of flipping the switch - like how is it just even possible that he could see through me that way??,"and I add with another groan - "ughhhhh...just whyyyyy can he not be a Cricketer?"

Sarah chips in picking up her phone shooting me a look - " well...just like you can't deny everything you just said...there's also no denying the fact that no matter how much you wish - the bit of him being who he is - is not going to change... for...he surely is a cricketer and a super duper famous one at that. I mean he's always been on the list of top 5 cricketers from India ever since his debut I he's been backing the TOP 5 All-Rounders in the ICC World Rankings for years at a stretch too...."

Maya and me both Nod.

Sarah continues scrolling into her phone - " plus and given that he's their top all-rounder - he's crazily popular otherwise too back in India...given the numerous brand endorsements/advertisements/other social media engagements - yup - see...this is what I mean - I thought I spotted this while scrolling up on facebook yesterday because my feed is filled with news of cricket given my love for the game anyway - apparently his fan clubs on social media/specially Instagram - have been pretty pepped up since yesterday given that - he hit 17 million follower's on Instagram and they'v been celebrating because the number to the million finally matches his Jersey Number..."

Sarah shoves her phone in her hand to show us the article from one of India's sports entertainment online handle.

As Maya and me - look through it - I can't help but gulp down my partial disbelief as I admit another one of my thoughts handing the phone to Sarah - " guys - know what? seriously this still feels unreal though...I mean - just how could the MaskCap Dude be him??? And how could I not get a huff of this. I mean -as in it isn't like I haven't seen his frame on the ground... in live matches we'v all gone too here in our country in between off England and India in the last couple of now I just feel like even though I couldn't see his face - how could I not connect in the familiarity of his frame at the least??"

Maya pulls me into a sidehug - " hey..don't be so hard on'v never seen him up close plus it was obvious to not link his frame to him - because - it was at such a totally unexpected spot perhaps? I mean - who knew you'd bump into him at the Thorpe park of all places"

I nod - " yeah...maybe you are right about that..."

Sarah says now - pulling her phone back from Maya's hand giving me a mischevious smile- " okay..yes...this did turn out to be crazy... but just for the record on a lighter note - I gotta a good bloke soft corner for him already nonetheless for two reasons. The first being the way he was all grounded/friendly/warm/supportive nonetheless no matter how big a shot he is in the cricketing world or the fact he is kind off a sports figure that is worshipped back in India..."

Maya nods and says shrugging - " well I gotta agree with Sarah on that..."

I sigh as I admit - " well there's nothing wrong in that. He surely was super grounded.He's surely got no hoity celebrity air about him..,"and I admit because I need to be fair - " Rob was always super grounded around me and us too though - he didn't flaunt any crazy celebrity airs too..."

Sarah scowls - " yeah. I hate that I have to fair to him on this though no matter how angry I am at him. He was always cool - given his crazy popularity here in the UK and now that I say this out loud I do have to admit that it was cool of him to always just respect the bit off you wanting to keep your dating a secret from the public eye...because you were always so sceptical about the potential drama it could add to your life...Rob surely was keen on talking about it more openly - remember how he was super bummed when you did not attend the national cricketing awards of the year with him in public..."

Well. Sarah is right about that. I was kind of coming around to that bit off coming out in the public about our dating in my head - only because Rob was so upset that I didn't go the cricketing awards(prior to the WI tour) with him- as his date. It was right after this - that I just felt like I wanted to talk to him about my vulnerable secret - because it was so important for me to know his reaction to the same before everyone in public knew about us. And given the way things turned out - I am so glad that - just everyone in his inner circle of friends and couple of his team-mates and his parents - knew about us.(Just like it was at my End.)

Maya nods - " well yes to that - just to be fair to Rob too. He was always super friendly otherwise. But I do need to add in a point - here - even though I know a comparison doesn't necessarily make sense but Rob could never see through your mask - emotionally so easily - as in he just always went with gauging your actual words...he surely was wanting too break in more to you emotionally and he was trying - only you were so cautitious with your emotions because you wanted to know his reaction...first..."

I nod as I admit - " exactly -and now after what happened... am glad that I was cautitious. And guys even though as Maya says that a comparison doesn't make any sense whatsoever but given the encounter at the Thorpe Park - everything about Arnav is now red alert - beep - godammit - beep. I am so freaking afraid of the ways - he can see through my curtain - a reason why I am also counting on never running into him again..."

Maya shoots me a knowing look - " are afraid that he can make you talk by reading through?? I mean its obvious that its difficult to keep your curtain on in front of someone - who knows thats exactly what you are trying to pull.."

I nod - nervously as I admit - " yeah - I am so afraid off that ...given that the comfortable vibe from his supportive/warm support in our conversation continues to haunt me.."

Maya nods - " I understand..."

Sarah chips in misceheviously next diverting the topic- " hmmm I get all of that..but...okay...back to what I was saying...for a second please..coz... hey..none of you asked me the second reason...for my good bloke soft corner for ASR already?"

We both shoot her a look - " what's the second reason Sarah?"

She winks - "and the second reason obviously is that he's just the one whose freaking got Rob's wicket every single time - in the last six years. Haaaa...given that I am anti-Rob now - that truly is like the icing on the freaking cake..."


This just continues to get Crazier.

I groan at the reminder of that - " I know right....I mean - I know how Rob's just always courteous to him because of the customary sporting routines because of his respect to the game -but Arnav is like his arch nemesis on the field - and Rob's always preppeing up on how to play him in the nets every time he is set to face India/or his team in the IPL and I just can't believe I rattled out about my break-up with Rob to him too - ughhhh...just why couldn't I have kept my mouth shut and just been my usual guarded self..??,"and I punch my cushion - " ughhh...I totally gotta blame that super warm/comfortable vibe of his over the same..."

Maya pats my shoulder - " okay..before you freak out more - just a reminder - you didn't mention Rob actually. He doesn't know any names. He doesn't even know your name..."

I sidehug Maya - " thank you for that bestie - exactly the reminder I needed to hear....,"and as I spot Sarah smiling to herself with mischievousness written all over her face looking into her phone - I ask narrowing my eyes at her - " Sarah...what are you upto??"

Sarah looks up and shoots me a knowing look - " checking his handle out on Instagram - obviously. Plus- I just followed him..."

I groan as my eyes widen at that as I gulp down a thought - " would you do that??"

Sarah chuckles - " oh please - he's got 17 million followers more isn't going harm - plus it's not like I am commenting on anything - like even if he manages his social media by himself - he's got crazy volumes of fan engagements happening on every post/story of his anyway - I don't really think he'd be reading it all or even checking out whose viewing his stories...,"and she keeps her phone aside and hugs me - "look all I am saying is - he seems like a nice dude and he was kind to you okay? So let's just give him the due credit for that - even if he is a cricketer...and just in case you run into him ever again - and he strikes up a conversation about the can just tell him that you were momentarily intimidated by his celebrity identity - which is kind off true anyway - because even though cricketers here in England our significantly a celebrity popular figure - no one can beat the Indian fan wave around Indian cricketers - for cricket is an unofficial religion in India..."

Maya nods as she picks up her phone and looks into it and taps her screen and smiles - " well...that point does seem like a fair enough explanation so..I think you could say that..."

I sigh - " maybe you guys are right.But let's just hope I never run into him again in the first place?"

Maya and Sarah nod and Maya adds grinning - " okay..lets hope that for you K ...nonetheless...but I just followed him too...,"and she picks up my phone from my bed and hands it to me - "come on - K -why don't you look him up on Instagram too? it's not going to harm just scrolling through his Instagram - he's got a public profile anyway - so you don't have to follow him to check it out......"

I shoot them a look that I know they will catch up on.

Guilty as Charged.

Ofcourse - I'v already checked up on his Instagram.I'v been doing it for the last two nights - and every time I'v seen his posts/ pictures on his grid - I'v just been reprimanding myself over and over for not catching up on his frame prior. Plus just looking at those pictures - has been my way to reconfirm the fact - that it really was Him that I saw with my very own eyes. (He did post up a couple of pictures chilling out with his squad after Nets Time etc - yesterday too.)

But I just looked him up.

I didn't follow him.

Maya and Sarah take in the look on my face and they state with their eyes widening - " whoaaa - no way - we know that look on your face - you'v already looked up his Insta... haven't you??"

I nod embarrassed - burying my face into the cushion admitting my reasons on the same to them and once I am done with that - Sarah states - " it's okay K - we get it..,"and it is right then my phone beeps with a reminder notification.

The reminder notification with the schedule off Mum's - Routine Mammography checkup at 3:30 Pm with the Doc tomorrow. I show it to Sarah and Maya and they nod in an instant understanding and we all get up on reflex and head to Mum's study to remind her off the same.


Mum's Okay- Health wise.


Ever since she turned 45 - I just kind off nudged her into getting her routine follow up's/check up's done - just to be extra cautious with regards to Breast Cancer as her grandmother - (my great-grandmother) - passed because of the same and ever since I once read - that genetics could have a role to play in the same (and Mum did say it was just a theory under research with no significantly conclusive evidence) - I kind off went into an over protective-paranoid mode for Mum.She's my whole wide world. Just about nothing can happen to her.I would never let it.

Once we near her study I say to the girls - " ok girls - I haven't talked about meeting Arnav in the ways I did alright? she doesn't need to know -chances are that I anyway might never see him again so...I don't want to worry her with the bit of just bumping to a cricketer - again...she's been worried for me after the break up with Rob - already.."

They nod at me and grin in an understanding and we knock on the door.

Out comes Mum's relaxed chirpy voice - "and since when do my girls need to knock on my door before coming in huh?? Come on in darlings..."

We share a happy grin and step.

I say as we walk up to her desk - " I know Mum

I say as we walk up to her desk - " I know Mum...but you know I hate to disturb you when you are busy up with reading...,"and I walk up to stand behind her hugging her by the shoulders from behind as I say - "'v had along day Mum...why not rest now??"

Mum kisses on my hand lovingly as she says - " yup I will baby..just need to finish reading this last know I got this medical conference coming up after India's tour...".She constantly keeps up reading up on medical articles/attending conferences in the field of sports physiotherapy to keep herself upto date with everything.

Maya insists catching my look - " yes aunty...but..there's still a long time to go for that...look you gotta retire for the day already.."

Sarah chips on next - " yup...and that's coz - we'v just come here to remind you about your routine check up with the doc's tomorrow.."

Mum sighs taking out her specs and placing it on her desk lovingly as she kisses on my hand again turning to look up at me- " is it time for that already??"

I nod as I kiss her head - " and I just knew you won't keep up with the reminder so I did. Yup my dear Alice in Wonderland - its time for that already and just like I do every single time - I am coming with you..."

She chuckles - " yes...Maam..,"and she pulls me up her lap and hugs me from behind by the waist. Even though I am 24 now - I love when she cradles me this way and I admit tucking her article back in her file carefully - " sometimes I wonder if I should start calling you Alice in Physio or Medical land given that you are always so busy with your work in the nights Mum..."( And the minute I say that out loud- I regret it too. Because I know better than anyone else - that Mum keeps her self so busy because otherwise the loneliness of the Heart - can really catch up on you - right?)

Mum kisses my cheek lovingly - " alrightyyy..complaint noted my about this? I push back on my work for now - and maybe we all indulge in some hot chocolate and marshmallows and get talking by continuing our conversation from dinner? Exactly what I need before I hit the bed all relaxed...."


I love that.

I kiss her cheek lovingly and we both get up - " that's perfect Mum...,"and she adds gesturing towards Maya and Sarah playfully - " plus now that we spent the dinner time talking my work and what you girls have been upto on that front too - I now want the deets on the personal stuff... ...Sarah can fill us in over how great it's been going with Brian and Maya - you better give me a valid reason as to why you aren't dating Jack already.."

We all chuckle at that and Maya says as we begin to head down to our kitchen - " Oh Mrs.J(They sometimes calls Mum that too) - you know already know how it is. I am so scared of messing up and losing him as a dear friend. Plus I just feel like - he's always been more of one of my best buds. Now if we date and we mess up - the entire dynamic will change. I don't want anything to change - that's all...."

Mum nods - " well yes...that's a valid point you make my darling"

Sarah insists - " oh no Mrs.J - you gotta be the one to convince her otherwise..."

And I pause for a second on a stair behind them to just soak in the happy sight of Mum/Sarah/Maya talking - thanking God for them again.


Two Hours Later

Khushi's POV Continues

I walk out the bath( I'd just walked in fifteen minutes prior to shower for the night) and I can't help but smile as I spot Maya and Sarah all dozed off to sleep already curled up in bed. Well - they'v both had a long day hectic day otherwise - and even though we did plan to chatter for a bit more after our pillow fight and catching up on the fun video call with Brian+ Jack on our usual chatter - I am glad that they are resting too - for I am the one on the work break and can wake up on leisure while I am at it.

I'v got the morning free anyway.

Mum's appointment is only at 3:30PM.

I walk upto my side-drawer in hushed steps now and take out my sketchbook - in which I like to randomly Doodle - and pick out a set of my brush sketch pens and tiptoe my way into my little cozy tunnel in the room.

I walk upto my side-drawer in hushed steps now and take out my sketchbook - in which I like to randomly Doodle - and pick out a set of my brush sketch pens and tiptoe my way into my little cozy tunnel in the room

Once I am tucked into it cozily - I begin to Just Doodle my way around the blank sheet of my book in quick strokes.


I love to Doodle/Colour not just because I am so passionate about animation. I love to do the same also because the scene of colours filling up a white sheet or a little picture of art always tends to have a super calming affect on my Mind. You know like on nights I am having difficulty falling to sleep - I just indulge in pouring out my silent thoughts through doodles+colours on a white sheet - and I begin to feel a lot calmer and sleep comes easily then.


Let's do this.

A part of my mind is obviously worked up - because of Mum's scheduled appointment with the Doc.It won't be at peace until her Mammography comes completely clear as its been coming always!

Plus - five minutes into Doodling - as the picture I was drawing comes to life and I come face to face with a Graphic of my hand-drawn- Candy Floss - and a mini Merry-Go-Round on my sheet of paper- I feel like I can't Lie to myself about the fact that - Arnav's strangely just been lurking around at some corners at the back of my mind - no matter how much I am trying to push his thought Out.

Plus - five minutes into Doodling - as the picture I was drawing comes to life and I come face to face with a Graphic of my hand-drawn- Candy Floss - and a mini Merry-Go-Round on my sheet of paper- I feel like I can't Lie to myself about the fact ...

I pause on the Doodling for a bit and pick up my phone.And I head to Instagram and open up his handle. And the second I do - I spot a fresh post come up on his feed grid - with a happy group picture at dinner - with his teammates( probably from tonight). I recognise them all - obviously. They are all superstar cricketers.


What am I doing?

Why am I hanging around his Insta - again?

I freshen up my feed and in comes in a fresh post on Rob's handle(ofcourse I follow him and couple of his close mates from the team who knew about us.And I did not unfollow him after our breakup because I just felt it would probably be immature of me to do so given that all I wanted to give him was Silence and no reaction.) I look at his pic from the Nets/Practice session at their end today too. I know its earlier from today - because I can see Mum chatting up in the background with Brad(who opens alongside Rob).


I just shut my screen and keep my phone aside and begin doodling again as another question enters my worked - up mind.No matter what happened with Rob and how he ended things and I am still in the middle of the process of getting past the grudge. Wouldn't it be like unfair or disrespectful to him - if I ever went around talking/chatting with his arch nemesis on the cricketing field - after knowing who he was?

It's also Strange that I do not have a Clear - Yes/No - answer to this within the walls of my Head - yet.




I just gotta push out the memory of ever meeting Arnav in the ways I did for now - I guess. Yup.That would be the best way to go about it.


Because I cannot deal with the memory of his comforting deep gaze boring into mine in those moments off our talk before we got onto the Merry-Go-Round.


Because it returns with the feeling of guilt coming back to claw me (for Just Running Away from him in the rude abrupt ways that I did) + shades of crazy nervousness over a gut feeling that if I ever ran into him again - My Flip The Switch Curtain Over My Eyes - might just be at a risk off malfunctioning around him - for Real.



How was That Guys??

I just really wanted to give a peek-abo into things at Khushi's end before the Next Meet too.And since I did split up my plan of the portion I wanted to finish writing this week - it also means that I shall give one more update by the end of the week.

Next Update (will come on Monday) : Take 4 - First Name Basis.

Until Then - Please take care and Stay Indoors and Safe guys!!!!๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™

Thanks Guys for all the Support and your Precious Time to my Work!

Much Love





shiv456 thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 3 years ago

Hope they meet soon awesome 

coderlady thumbnail
Most Comments (2023) 1 Thumbnail Most Comments (April 2024) 1 Thumbnail + 9
Posted: 3 years ago

Its good she has the girls over to unload her burden. It was a shock to her system.

coderlady thumbnail
Most Comments (2023) 1 Thumbnail Most Comments (April 2024) 1 Thumbnail + 9
Posted: 3 years ago

On a good note, the maskcap dude will probably beat the ex dude at the game.

coderlady thumbnail
Most Comments (2023) 1 Thumbnail Most Comments (April 2024) 1 Thumbnail + 9
Posted: 3 years ago

She had such a good connection going with the maskcap dude until she got scared. And now she is feeling all guilty.

coderlady thumbnail
Most Comments (2023) 1 Thumbnail Most Comments (April 2024) 1 Thumbnail + 9
Posted: 3 years ago

She checked out his instagram already. A part of her is still feeling that comfort.

coderlady thumbnail
Most Comments (2023) 1 Thumbnail Most Comments (April 2024) 1 Thumbnail + 9
Posted: 3 years ago

Khushi has three wonderful ladies in her life full of support.

mysticltales111 thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 3 years ago

Hellooooo Guysssssssss....

Hope you and your family all are Safe and Sound amidst the rising Covid Tsunami in India. Stay in and Stay Safe โ€“ Guysss!๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™

And Yup here I am on with the next update off HW3.0 given that I did end up going on a Writing Spree for most parts of the last two Days..๐Ÿ‘ฉโ€๐Ÿ’ปโœโœโœ๐Ÿ˜‰๐Ÿ˜‰๐Ÿ˜‰

Word Count-Long โ€“ 10.5K Words.

Taking some hours off to just Write this Out finally has truly been my Respite in taking my Mind Off โ€“ Everything Covid! And I truly hope โ€“ that you are able to experience some distraction and entertainment through the Story Too.โค๐Ÿ™๐Ÿค—

Also, yes this is the First Draft. Please definitely ignore editing/common repition of words errors etc โ€“ since I have not proofread.

And I shall now let you all dive in without Further Delay.


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Text Copyrightยฉmysticaltales11111โ„ข2020

The Moral Right of the Author has been asserted. All Rights Reserved. This Story is published subject to the condition that it shall not be reproduced or transmitted/distributed in whole or in part, in any manner, whether in electronic or in hard copy, without the written consent of the author, and any infringement of this is a violation of Copyright Law.

All Rights Reservedยฎ mysticaltales11111


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TAKE 4 โ€“ First Name Basis

Next Day

19th Febuary, 2019

Lahore, Pakistan

(Khan Mansion)

(Khan Mansion)

9:00 AM

Raahil stood smiling at his spot at the front porch of his house โ€“ watching his Abbu's Car head out of the gates. Abbu had left home earlier than him today โ€“ given the schedule off his important board meeting with the officials at the Cricketing Headquarters โ€“ with regards to the ongoing arrangements of their domestic franchise T20 cricket league โ€“ Pakistan Super League โ€“ which was scheduled to take place over a duration of little over three weeks next month starting March 20 with its finale being touted to be held on April 15th.

Raahil was scheduled to leave home in an hour too for Net's session with his national squad. He was a top-order batsmen in the national team โ€“ playing at spot no 3 and occasionally he did indulge in Bowling โ€“ Right Arm โ€“ off Break Spin too. He was excited about the cricket season ahead of him โ€“ because diving himself into his sport was exactly what had kept him going for the last couple of months. (After his Ammi's passing). In fact โ€“ in two days from now โ€“ the International bilateral series with Bangladesh was slated to begin as well. They were all set to play โ€“ 3ODI's + 3T20's over the period in between 22 Feb-12 March.(After which the regrouping/practice for the PSL would begin. He played for the Lahore Team.)

He was about to head in โ€“ when he spotted Noor's car pull into the gates. He smiled to himself and stayed put in his spot in order to welcome her.

 He smiled to himself and stayed put in his spot in order to welcome her

(Noor was the love of his life. They had been childhood sweethearts and with their families being friends for decades โ€“ their relationship had been blessed by the elders. They hadn't initially planned to get engaged this early for they were both only 23 โ€“ but when Raahil's Ammi had been detected with fourth stage of Breast Cancer last year โ€“ it was her wish to just see them get engaged before she shifted into the Hospital for the first round of Chemotherapy. Her health detoriated in the couple of months after and before her passing she made everyone promise โ€“ that come what may โ€“ they would not postpone the dates off the Nikaah celebrations for the two (after her passing due to shades of grief).It was her wish that the Nikaah take place on the dates mutually decided prior by the families to fall in the month of December, 2019(Later this year). She'd said she'd be in a Happier place in heavens above โ€“ with just the knowledge that her son was marrying the love of his Life โ€“ as planned prior. Everyone mutally came to terms with the decision to honour her wish โ€“ eventually.)

Raahil walks up to the car as it pulls up in front off him in order to open the door for his lady love but before he could successfully do the same โ€“ Noor โ€“ hops out groaning as she asks with a disappointed pout โ€“ " I missed Abbu didn't I? I just saw his car crossing mine โ€“ which is such a pity.Uff the traffic of Lahore seems to be getting worse by the day Raahil for just imagine even though I live โ€“ 15 minutes away โ€“ it took me double the time to reach you this morning..."

Raahil chuckles at that and takes her by the hand lacing his with hers as they begin walking in โ€“ " I know...but relax's okay..."

Noor shoots him a look as she smiles โ€“ " uff...ofcourse its not okay.... I was really hoping I could catch him over for a cup of Chai before his hectic day..."

Raahil winks at her playfully โ€“ "looks like you will have to just make ado your cup of Chai with me...then..."

Noor chuckles at that as she says sticking out her tongue at him playfully as they walk into the dining โ€“ " ofcourse..i'll make ado with that..before you head to your Nets for the day and I head to the workshop โ€“ it's going to be a hectic day for me too โ€“ given that we have so many orders lined up to be shipped to the end of this week.."

( Noor's family owned a chain of 5- Star Hotels in major cities of Pakistan. And even though she was the only daughter and her Abbu had initially been keen on her studying business and joining him and her cousin brothers in the business execution โ€“ he eventually realised that his daughter's happiness and dream was to master the Art of Jewelry Designing.And given that he loved her more than anything in the world โ€“ he didn't ask her to change her dream for him- instead insisted her to follow her own. And now โ€“ at the age off 23 years โ€“ she was one of the young budding women entrepreneurs of the city โ€“ as she founded her own chain off 5 Jewellery retail stores in the five major cities in the country + a store in Dubai and Abu Dhabi as well.)

They take their seats on the dining table.

The very next second โ€“ Amina Khala steps out off the kitchen all smiles as she greets Noor and asks them both โ€“ " garam garam chai ka ek aur round hojayee??( would you both like a round of hot cup of tea's??"

The very next second โ€“ Amina Khala steps out off the kitchen all smiles as she greets Noor and asks them both โ€“ " garam garam chai ka ek aur round hojayee??( would you both like a round of hot cup of tea's??"

Noor chuckles and nods happily โ€“ " khala jaan...bass ek garam chai hi toh chaiye mujhe..."( Khala Jaan...all I want is a cup of hot tea...indeed...)

Raahil grins โ€“ " haan khala...garam chai please...aura ap bhi aaye na...pijiye hamare saath..."(yes khala..two cups of tea for us please..and you too please join us...)

(Amina Khala was the head of the House Helps. Kind of like a Home manager who assisted his Ammi in the workings off their household. She had been in the Khan family for decades โ€“ even before Raahil was born. Raahil had great respect for her. She was like a family member)

Amina Khala smiles โ€“ " shaam ki chai saath peeyenge Rahhil beta...kyunki maine toh subah ki chai pi li..par aap dono ke liye abhi bhijwati hun..."( we will have our evening tea together beta โ€“ for I just finished my morning tea โ€“ but will send some for you too..)

Raahil and Noor nod at her happily and she heads back into the kitchen.

The minute she does โ€“ Noor leans forward in her seat as she holds Raahil's hand and asks โ€“ " know why I am here so early this morning..don't you Raahil?why couldn't you do this last night Raahil? know this was so important to was kind of like her last wish..."

Raahil sighs and nods โ€“ his expressions sombering up a little and he admits to her โ€“ " I know...which is why I really want to act on this Noor...but...I couldn't...I just couldn't talk to Abbu about this...I had the chance to for sure..last night..while we were chilling together in his study and discussing the game as usual...but...pata nai kyun himmat hi nai hui..."( but I don't know why..I just couldn't do it)

Noor clutches on his hand in support โ€“ " maybe โ€“ I know why...because you maybe feel like if you talk about this out loud to him it will become all the more real in your head..."

Raahil sighs and nods โ€“ " maybe...,"and he admits โ€“ " I don't know why its taking me all this time to come to terms with the fact that my parents were not the love of each other's life...I mean..I could have never imagined the fact that both Ammi and Abbu were in love with someone else before their Nikaah but ended up marrying one another instead...and even though theirs was a marriage of convience+ friendship+ bond off natural attachment after living together for all these years โ€“ it wasn't a bond- that had ever been knotted out of those deep shades of love..."

Noor nods as she sighs โ€“ " well there surely was love...Raahil..but probably just a different shade off it that gets born out of friendship/attachment due to living together โ€“ but given that Ammi did say that they'd both always felt that deep longing towards the memories of the one they were in love with prior โ€“ I feel like they just never really forgot about them..."

Raahil nods.

Noor nods and she gets up to hug him by the shoulders from behind in order to subtly comfort him.

( Pre: Context : A Couple of nights before โ€“ his Ammi passed away โ€“ a little over three months ago โ€“ she sat him down for a Heart to Heart in the Hospital and confided a secret to her son โ€“ that even though theirs had been a marriage of convenience arrangement in between their families โ€“ they were not the love of each other's lives. Gazala(his ammi) had been deeply in love with someone else in her college days but before they could even talk to their families โ€“ the one she loved had died in a terrible car accident โ€“ leading to a massive wound off grief in her heart, which she knew would never heal. She knew that she would never be able to love anyone ever again the way she had loved him.And she had been honest about it to Rehaan(His Abbu) โ€“ from day 1 โ€“ that even though she would try her best to be a good wifeโ€“ she didn't know if she could give him that place in her heart. Back then - she had been surprised by Rehaan's calm and composed reaction to the same โ€“ as he mirrored the acknowledgement of the same voicing the bit that he didn't know if he could do the same too for his heart was also coping with a bad breakup but he would also try his best to be a good husband to her โ€“ nonetheless- as he had sworn not to look back on the love that was. They also made a promise to never question each other about their pasts. And so โ€“ their marriage was built on honesty/friendship/understanding/shades of attachment โ€“ but not the truly, madly, deeply โ€“ kind off Love. It just never could grow into that.

But when his mother found out that she was diagnosed with Stage 4 Breast Cancer and in the months that followed in her intensive treatment โ€“ she was immensely moved by the way Rehaan had stood by her side in those last couple of months โ€“ showering her with immense care.

And even though Rehaan and Raahil were holding onto faith โ€“ given the way she could feel her body weakening Gazala knew that her battle with cancer was going to be off a losing cause โ€“ and on one of the nights as Rehaan had sat by her bedside falling off to sleep with his head over her hand - she had felt a wish take birth in her heart.

She knew she wasn't going to live for long and she wanted to help Rehaan seek a closure over the wound of love in his heart because she atleast knew that one he had been in love with was alive out there. Yes โ€“ she had no idea who she was- but she knew that she was Alive. And this is why she seeked her son for help so that he could help her act on this last wish that she knew she didn't have time to act on herself. She had wanted Raahil to find out from his father โ€“ about who the love of his life was โ€“ and then maybe search up on how she was doing in life(in which ever part of the Globe she was) and have them atleast come face to face for a normal conversation with one another once so that Rehaan could probably get the closure he needed.She did think that His wound had probably never healed because of the abrupt bitter ways in which things had ended for him.)

Raahil says now taking comfort from Noor's warm embrace โ€“ " know what Noor? Now when I think of Ammi and Abbu's situation โ€“ I think I understand why they were both always so happy about us. I feel that I understand now โ€“ the magnitude of the happy tears in their eyes โ€“ when I first told them that I'd found love in you and that you felt the same way. It's Allah's precious blessing isn't it? to have the one you love โ€“ love you back with the same intensity โ€“ and to make a life with them..."

Noor kisses his head lovingly โ€“ "it surely is a Allah's precious blessing โ€“ Raahil โ€“ I am so glad to have found love in you too. I love you more than anything else in the know that don't you??"

Raahil nods โ€“ holding her by the hand and making her sit in front off him lovingly now and she clutches on his hand back as she says โ€“ " which is why โ€“ I insist you begin to talk about this to Abbu. As unexpected as it is โ€“ acting out on Ammi's last wish is surely going to bring you peace for are not alone in this Raahil. I am with you. We can also do this together โ€“ if you want??"

Raahil nods kissing on her hand โ€“ " I are with me...know what? ill try talking to Abbu if not tonight for we are coming over to yours for dinner...then tomorrow night for sure...I mean even if I can just get to know her first name out of Abbu's mouth it will be a huge step to begin with..right?"

Noor nods in acknowledgement of the same and she now wanted to make Raahil grin so she adds with a happy wink โ€“ " also...guess what's been keeping me glued to my phone screen this morning?"

Rehaan asks โ€“ " what is??"

Noor winks โ€“ " this amazing article in the media about your cricketing journey so far โ€“ Raahil โ€“ It talks all about your journey as to how you started as a ball boy at the Gadaffi Stadium in your adolescent years even though your Abbu was such a popular cricketing figure and has always been one of the top officials in the cricketing fraternity after and even now that he is the President of the PCB โ€“ no one's ever spotted Raahil Khan throwing around any airs/about the came out this morning...did you see this??"

Raahil smiles at that naturally taking the phone from her hand โ€“ " not really...,"and as he goes through it he says โ€“ " well you know Noor โ€“ its always been so important for me to carve out my own name and journey in the cricketing books of our country โ€“ irrespective of Abbu's stature..."

Noor nods and as Amina Khala finally arrives with their cups of Garam Chai's โ€“ and they begin to sip on it โ€“ Amina Khala says happily โ€“ " bass ab aap jaldi se aajiye ghar Nikaah kar ke โ€“ Noor beta..."( now am just waiting for you to come home soon Noor beta)

Noor adds grinning โ€“ " very soon..khala jaan...,"and Amina khala remembers that she forgot the tray of cookies and biscuits in the kitchen so she goes back to get it and Noor asks Rehaan taking a sip of her tea โ€“ " so excited about the day in the Nets ahead??"

Rehaan admits sipping on his tea โ€“ " ofcourse...when am I not excited about cricket...Noor..."

Noor chuckles sticking out her tongue at him โ€“ "the only thing you love more than me perhaps ??"

Rehaan chuckles โ€“ "not really. I love you both โ€“ equally.."

They share a warm laugh.

Noor admits โ€“ " okay I am super excited about the season too..I mean... Bangladesh's tour firstโ€“ and โ€“ then PSL..."

Raahil admits with a smile โ€“ " well so am I ..and to be honest...I am as excited to observe on India's tour off England too...I am waiting to see how that turns out as a wise..."

Noor nods โ€“ " yeah....also did you read that bit in the article where in they are saying that if you continue to play the way you are now โ€“ you are surely on your way to beating some of Ved Khanna's runs milestones records...we all know he is going to be the next Indian Skipper once Captain Dev..steps back..."

Rehaan nods โ€“ " yes I did read that for sure. but I don't get the comparison anyway. Ved's a legend already and I greatly respect his know I'v been a huge fan of so many of them anyway....including Captain dev, their openers, and ofcourse their premier all arounder ASR โ€“ given that I sometimes practice my off break spin in nets by looking up on his bowling game too at times.You know what Noor โ€“ seriously I think all this gaming rivalry in between our two nations surely gets all hyped up because of the media/public sentiments attached with our game โ€“ in both our respective countries. I mean โ€“ we'v all always been respectful towards one another โ€“ whenever we meet in the ICC World tournaments โ€“ as a unit ...we respect them and they do the same...yes..on field we are rivals and competitors but off's only been the spirit of sportsmanship that tops it all in those moments..."

Pre Context : The Epic ICC Champions Trophy final in between India and Pakistan in 2017 in England was then touted to be as the Epic Clash of the Titans. Pakistan had eventually gone on to win the Final against India and it was a Huge Victorious moment for the Pakistan National squad given that it was their first time winning the ICC Champions Trophy. In the minds of the public/cricketing fans in Pakistan โ€“ the victory did seem a lot sweeter because it came against their arch competitors - India. But in the minds of all the players in the national unit of Pakistan โ€“ the sentiment of victory was sweeter โ€“ not because the name of the country they had defeated was India โ€“ but because they had collectively managed to beat the team that was touted to be one of the best cricket teams in the world and was also the defending champions of the Champions Trophy from their win in 2013.

India's star opener โ€“ Sameer had bagged the leading run scorer of the tournament trophy with 350 runs to his name(in the 5 Innings played). Hussain Ali (Pakistan's ace bowler) along with India's- ASR had shared the spot and award for being the leading wicket takers with 13 wickets to their name.(In the 5 innings played). It was also a first time โ€“ that two bowlers from India and Pakistan had collectively bagged the lead wicket taking spot. Hussain Ali โ€“ had won the Player of the Tournament award eventually given that his bowling economy in the final performance had been better.

Noor nods with a smile โ€“ " I know....I still remember the bit where in you told me about your's and Azhar's conversation with Cap Dev,Ved and ASR after the ICC Champions Trophy win against them in the final โ€“ in 2017 in England..."

Raahil smiles at the memory โ€“ " exactly โ€“ and given that it was my first major ICC tournament with the boys representing our country โ€“ I can most surely never forget the heart-warming congratulatories the three of them along with the rest of their Indian unit โ€“ extended to us โ€“ after โ€“ even though the brunt of the defeat on their end to us in the final โ€“ was heating up in the media/public back in India โ€“ but no โ€“ there was no sourness in any of their's body language at all...only the true spirit of sportsmanship - and of course how can I forget about the other advice ASR and Ved had once extended out to Azhar and me as we crossed paths with them after Nets session before that final and we got into a little talk sharing our gaming remember Noor? I told you that โ€“ Azhar and me questioned them as to what's the secret behind their impressive consistency given that we were still just a year into our spot at the national squad? And they answered that it was because โ€“ they take their practice and background homework very seriously + take the Nets sessions very seriously too almost as if it were an actual game...and ofcourse it's the added emphasis on fitness that has helped them stay on their toes over the years..."

Noor chuckles and nods โ€“ " ofcourse I was after this bit that you and Azhar began to get extra serious in the Nets too.."

Raahil nods โ€“ " yup โ€“ we just had too...given that it was an advice that made total sense..and has been working wonders for us yup on the whole โ€“ I just think that each of us in the squads be it theirs or ours has always upheld the spirit of our sport come what may โ€“ and I guess we just always will..."

Noor nods and they both continue with their happy chatter โ€“ until its time for them to head out for their respective days.


Same Day โ€“ 19th Feburary โ€“ London

At Lords - Outdoor Net's Session

At Lords - Outdoor Net's Session

11:00 AM

The outdoor nets/practice session for the Indian Team had begun at the Lord's about One hour 30 minutes ago at 9 :30 am. And they had a full โ€“ 4 hours slot until 1:30 PM today. Everyone in the unit had got into a little warm up โ€“ before practice immediately.

Cap+ Ved โ€“ had gotten into a little practice too before their Coaches had called them on for a little discussion with regards to the probable playing 11 โ€“ for the First Test โ€“ depending on all the observations they had made so far on the performances of the players โ€“ in the last two days of intensive Indoor Nets sessions. They had just finished discussing the same โ€“ but as Captain and Vice Captain โ€“ they were both on the same page that they would take that call on the Final playing 11 โ€“ later tomorrow evening โ€“ after two more days off intense practice was over.

Ved nudges Cap in the elbow playfully as they both begin to walk back up with their bats in hands nearer to their respective nets and he states eyeing out the killer arm ball delivery โ€“ ASR had just bowled into Raunak in the Nets totally trapping ...

Ved nudges Cap in the elbow playfully as they both begin to walk back up with their bats in hands nearer to their respective nets and he states eyeing out the killer arm ball delivery โ€“ ASR had just bowled into Raunak in the Nets totally trapping him in a LBW and he grins โ€“ " Out. what say Cap? that would totally be Out..Raunak's deceived by the variation yet again..."

Cap chuckles and nods as they both pause in their walk up and he says with a grin โ€“ " ofcourse it would be Out. No wonder ASR is grinning the way he is walking upto Raunak and patting his arm playfully.But yes - It's a surprise that the surfaces in practice right now are able to offer some assiatnce to spin โ€“ but we both know that shall not be the case when the actual game begins..."

Ved nods in an understanding. It was a given understood fact that in countries outside of the Asian subcontinent โ€“ like England/New Zealand/Australia โ€“ the game pitches often had more grass โ€“ which meant that it automatically offered more assistance to pace bowlers.

Ved grins now as he spots ASR changing his run up getting in to bowl in the next ball to Raunak in practice โ€“ " and our man totally knows that โ€“ which is why he is running up to bring about a change in pace......"

Cap nods โ€“ observing on the same and the minute they spot ASR bowl in a delivery which was kind off like spin on almost borderline medium pace โ€“ surprising Raunak to mistime his hit yet again Ved grins and asks โ€“ " what do you think was the pace of that Skip? I reckon 110km/h?? he's really been improvising on the if he's able to get that pace up to 120km/h โ€“ he will be more lethal ...we both know..he's been working really hard to make his way to that rare combination... of being able bowl his traditional spin at medium pace....."

(Pre Context : Traditional Spin bowling is ideally in between 70-90km/h. Medium pace is usually in between 100 โ€“ 130km/h and anything above 130km/h falls under Fast Bowling.It's a huge asset for any bowler if he is able to spin his deliveries at Medium Pace. This was a lethal bowling technique which was often used by English bowlers in the early 19th century. Sydney Barnes(from England) has been touted to be the most complete bowler ever in the History of Cricket because of his ability to bowl deceptive spin at medium-fast pace)

Cap nods โ€“ " yeah...I guess the same on the speed...wait..let's check up on that..,"and he gestures one of their support team staff members who was timing up the speed on the delivery next to ASR to come up to them to show them the reading on the meter and once it was confirmed that it was about 110 km/h โ€“ he gestures the support staff politely to go back to what he was doing and he says nodding impressed โ€“ " Ved โ€“ you are absolutely right about the latter โ€“ and ASR knows how valuable this is going to be for us as a unit if he is able to match up to medium pace along with his spin โ€“ which is why I just have to commend his efforts on the same โ€“ if he is able to do this for us on regular basis from now on in matches given any format โ€“ he'd be able to produce it all, pace, bounce, spin, swing, just imagine the armoury of bowling variations he can surprise the batsmen with? "

Ved nods and bites back his chuckle โ€“ " you mean just like how he surprised Raunak yet again โ€“ and cleaned bowled his stumps...a second ago..."

Cap chuckles and nods โ€“ " exactly...just like that..," and he adds with a wink โ€“ " don't be surprised if he clean bowls us too brother.."

Ved winks โ€“ " I know Cap โ€“ he did say he is aiming for my stumps today for sure โ€“ at breakfast.."

Cap nods and grins โ€“ " mine too..given that today he's going hard on practicing with the bowling...,"and they both admit in unison โ€“ " I am just so glad he is back from the injury on this tour..."

They share a warm chuckle and a knowing look. They both knew โ€“ the only time ASR doesn't play a match and sits on the bench โ€“ is if he is injured. Otheriwse โ€“ be it Coaches/Selectors/ them as Skipper/Vice Captain โ€“ they'v always been of an unanimous decision that ASR's always been their โ€“ Go-To-Asset in every format of the game โ€“ given his killer ability with the ball + power hitting with the bat+ spontaneous athletic fielding.

Ved asks next as they begin walking up to their respective nets getting off their Skip/Vice Skip โ€“ analysis off their premier all-rounders game momentarily โ€“ " on a personal note Skip - do you think something is up with him though? as in yes โ€“ he's always this focussed and determined in the nets โ€“ but on these last couple of days or even now for that matter โ€“ he's just been going the extra mile...I think he is distracting himself over something that's been bothering him by pouring the extra aggression into practice...."

Cap pauses in his tracks and nods โ€“ " yeah โ€“ I think the same...he's surely been deep in thought over something over breakfast too โ€“ his face just gave him away - how about we ask him the same after we are back at the hotel?"

Ved nods in acknowledgement of the same and Cap adds โ€“ " come on then โ€“for now let's get some practice with Daksh and Singh too...,"and they exchange a happy warm smile and nod โ€“ observing everyone in the squad going about their dedicated net/practice sessions going all around - before they take their spots for their respective practice session at the ground at Lord's.

It was going to be Sweaty First Half of the Day for All.


Hours Later

2:35 PM

Arnav's POV

I adjust my mask and cap snug in it's place as I continue with my walk down the block from our Hotel. ( I have it in place for privacy reasons yet again โ€“ obviously.)We'd all had a killer session in the Nets for the first half of the day and had returned to the Hotel by 2:00 PM and went in for a quick lunch straight away which just finished about five minutes ago.

Everyone else in mostly planning to catch up on some rest until about 5:00PM โ€“ before we meet up for a Strategy Meeting.

The reason why I am headed out right now is because I'v just been so pumped up with adrenaline from practice that I do not wish to catch up on sleep โ€“ and also because there's something else, I need to do.

Something what?

Something that involves heading to this Bookstore around a mile away and buy a couple of more books to Read On. (I'v finished reading the two books I tagged along in my Bag โ€“ in these last two evenings/nights โ€“ already.I just carried a couple because I knew I could just head to a bookstore and just stock up on some more as and when I want โ€“ obviously.)

So a point to be noted โ€“ there are also times I want to just take my mind off everything cricket every now and then too to just switch off for a bit for when I plug in again(next day at practice in the nets) โ€“ I feel as charged about the same as if I were a freshly recharged phone with full battery power. And on those moments โ€“ there are a couple of other sporting avenues that I shift my focus too at times. The first being that one of the Motorsports โ€“ F1(Formula One) and the second one being โ€“ Soccer.And if I wana take my mind of any kind off athletic competitive Sports altogether(Which has been the case on the last two nights) โ€“ its Reading that I turn towards.

Also - I prefer the feel of the good old book in my hand instead of reading up on Kindle/E-platforms)and I mostly stick to reading Non-Fiction.You know like books/biographies of successful people from different spheres of life โ€“ or sometimes books on different subjects/topics just to gain more knowledge about the same. (But before you think I am a hardcore academic โ€“ please note โ€“ I most surely am not.Never really was. For all my love for reading/learning about a subject would get tossed out of the window โ€“ if I were to read/learn/and prep up for a traditional exam after โ€“ which is why the only traditional educational degree that I have after the completion of my regular schooling is that off a Graduate through correspondence. Call me strange but I just enjoy learning/reading about new subjects at my very own leisure and pace without any added pressure at the back of my head about chasing a traditional educational Degree.

And the subject that I have been reading up on off late since a couple of months over different intervals of time โ€“ is the very intriguing subject of Anthropology -which is often called as the Science of Humanity. As in โ€“ it's the study off Man โ€“ human societies, cultures, behaviours, their developments over the years. It's a vast subject obviously but the bit that's caught up my interest is it's elements of social/cultural anthropology. I am enroute to stocking up on some more intriguing books on the same.

I check out the Google Map direction I have been following โ€“ for it is taking me to that nearest bookstore โ€“ and it tells me that it is going to take me about five more minutes to get there.


Of-course there's another reason for all my reading spree on the last couple of days in my free/alone time in my room (apart from the fact that I do enjoy Reading as a Hobby) โ€“ and that's the bit that I was also using it as a source of major distraction โ€“ otherwise.

And Why would I need to Distract my Mind in the first place?

Because โ€“ otherwise โ€“ I just haven't been able to stop thinking about her for she won't just Stop dancing around at the back of my Head.

She โ€“ who?



Do I need to answer that?

Miss.SkateBoard obviously.

She just won't freaking leave the back of my mind.Everything about her and that day at the Thorpe Park has been lurking at the back of my head. I just haven't been able to push it Out. And it's the truth that she's literally been playing Hang-Man at the back of my neurons in the way no woman has ever before.(Not even Roohi. I mean just for a second if I were to compare the thought frequency over the ways Roohi had lingered on my mind after I first met her.)

And the fact that I have to rely on chance to bump into Miss SkateBoard again โ€“ has been adding more to my uncomfortable dismay.

Wait. Do you guys wana know what's it about her that's been Haunting me?

I can surely give a brief Peekabo into that List โ€“ in Random Order.

- The ways in which she kindly extended her help to me โ€“ without knowing who I was -prior.

- The naturally comfortable vibe in between of us โ€“ when we bumped into one another the second time around.

- Plus her Mysterious eyes.

- Her Gorgeous Happy Grin.( Specially the one from our time on the Merry Go Around โ€“ while we discussed a couple of our happy childhood memories about the same)

- Just about everything about her Magnetic Face.

- And ofcourse the crazy Mystery over the bit as to why she freaking ran away from me in the way's she did โ€“ after knowing who I was.

I hate that I have no answer to that Mystery yet.

I hate the fact that I haven't bumped into her yet โ€“ even more.

Not knowing why she did what she did โ€“ has been bothering me insane. It's been pretty evident on my face because everyone close upto me caught onto it already.My parents/siblings have caught it up on our usual video calls โ€“ I just covered up saying that I was just trying to keep up my focus on the intense practice. And when Cap/Ved even asked about the extra mile I was pouring in โ€“ during Nets (which is true for it has been a way of venting out that botheration too)โ€“ after lunch just now - I just covered it up saying that it was because I was so worked up and excited over practicing at the Lord's.

The truth is for the first time โ€“ ever โ€“ I don't know what to say to them.

It's going to feel Crazy to tell them that She Ran away from me at the speed of Light in Reality for sure โ€“ but in my head โ€“ she strangely seems to have found a comfortable parking spot so much so that I even posted pictures on my Insta handle back to back on the last two days โ€“ in the hope that what if there were chances that she might be out there checking out my profile ( just in-case she thought off me. As in she now knew who I was right? She surely has a way of looking me up if she wants to.


Mystery Woman.

Why did you run away from me in the ways you did?


Where are you โ€“ Say โ€“ Now?

And when am I going to see you again?

Am I ever going to be able to see you again โ€“ in all of UK?

I fight back my sigh because I realise yet again that I have no clear answer to that.Hey- Gods of Chance + Luck - Where are you guys? Are you listening?

Apparently Not.They seem to have turned their back on me!


Never Mind.

I am just glad I spot the Bookstore I was headed towards within my arm's distance now for I surely need some Distraction from her thoughts yet again.


Fifteen Minutes Later

2:55 PM

Arnav's POV Continues

I am so glad that this Bookstore turned out to be one of those that has a small little cafe attached to it plus the facilities of a reading room- which acted like a small little cozy library.


Because now that I have purchased the couple of books I wanted too โ€“ I can just sip on my hot coffee ( that I just bought from the little cafe counter)and indulge in some reading while I am at it too.

I walk over to the Reading Room in quick strides โ€“ feeling all glad that it's located at the backend of the bookstore in a cozy nook. Also - there isn't much crowd in the bookshop at this time of the day too which makes me feel like โ€“ that there are huge chances that I might find the reading room all empty which would work great for me given that I would be able to take my Mask Off.

I slide open the sliding door quickly and the second I step in โ€“ I halt in my tracks momentarily as a grin marks my lips on its own accord.


Because โ€“the Gods of Chance+ Luck seem to have sent a favour my way.Finally. I think they got into an emergency board meeting in order to process my wish while I was in the middle of my walk here. They surely got tired of my Inner Rant's about the same โ€“ which is why they decided to Grant me with the sight of the one person โ€“ I have been wanting to spot again. Sorry Gods โ€“ for jumping to hasty conclusions about you turning your backs on me. I get the point now. You were totally in the middle of your work in progress โ€“ which is why you probably led my feet here.)



You read that right.

For - Who is it that I just spotted?

Her - obviously.

Miss SkateBoard.

I narrow my eyes to gauge in her frame yet again( Just To reconfirm this really was her and that this was not a figment of my imagination)


It's not My Imagination.

Thank God โ€“ for That.

It's her for Real.

She's sitting right there on this huge table in front off me โ€“ all alone in this reading room โ€“ with some sketchbooks scattered all around the table. Three sketchbooks are open up with their latest pieces of Art/graphics on it.One of them is closed and she is currently in the middle off Doodling/ Colouring on another one of them with so much concentration with her ear pods plugged into her ears too โ€“ all lost in her very own bubble yet again that she hasn't even realised that someone else has entered in too. I spot the cup of coffee and an empty box of a takeaway sandwich at the far end of the table too โ€“ which gives me the idea that she's been here for a while too.

Ahaaa โ€“ this is Interesting.

The bit that Miss SkateBoard clearly loves to Doodle/Colour. Also โ€“ it's been a long time since I'v spotted an Adult indulge in colouring that way with so much focus and concentration that it's almost fascinating to my eye to just Observe too.

But maybe - I just gotta plonk my way in the seat right in front off her to make her look up and catch her off guard.

I can't help but grin to myself for three reasons as I close the sliding door shut now and pace my way upto her taking my mask off my face.First being the bit โ€“ that she won't be able to run away suddenly given the way her stuff is scattered all around the place. Second โ€“ the fact that its only the two of us in here. Third โ€“ now that my eyes have clearly seen the images of the fresh three doodle/sketches on the table - I know exactly what I want to say to her- for starters- this time around.


Authors Note

Their Look

PLEASE Imagine the Setting of this Reading Room - with Just them- Alone

PLEASE Imagine the Setting of this Reading Room - with Just them- Alone

PLEASE Imagine the Setting of this Reading Room - with Just them- Alone


Khushi's POV


I feel so much better now that I have poured out all my continuous worry with regards to Mum's scheduled check up โ€“ through the shades of black and grey on the piece of doodle that represents the sketch of the Doc's Clinic on my sketchbook. I always get this worked up on these last couple off hours before we head for her Mammography โ€“ which is why I mostly just chill here in the Reading Room of this Bookstore โ€“ Doodling my way around in silence. It's also the spot where Mum always picks me up from after she finishes off work for the day โ€“ on the days the teams got Nets sessions scheduled around here in the case off mornings of her appointment with the Doc. So their team - had the Indoor nets scheduled at Lord'sโ€“ today and Mum did say she would pick me up around โ€“ 3:20 PM โ€“ given that the clinic we are heading to โ€“ is just a ten minute drive away from here โ€“ anyway.

On that Note.

What's the time?

I pick up my phone from under one of my sketchbooks.

It's 2:58 PM. Twenty -two minutes to go until Mum arrives. Also I think I wana take off my ear pods for a bit now โ€“ given that they'v been plugged in with music โ€“ in my ears since Noon.

I plug them out and the second I do โ€“ a familiar voice falls in my ears.

"Oh great โ€“ I was wondering how to get your attention to my voice with your ear pods plugged in. I figured out a way obviously โ€“ which is by plonking myself โ€“ this way on this seat in front of you โ€“ but I am glad you took them out yourself nonetheless. Also- Just when I was thinking I'd never get to tell you โ€“ that the taste of the Candy Floss wasn't really that bad โ€“ I bump into you โ€“ finally....."

Oh Hell.

Is it who I think it is?

I look up instantly from my phone โ€“ obviously. And I can't help but feel myself Freeze in my spot in surprise totally as I take in the sight of him comfortably adjusting himself in the seat across of me โ€“ sipping on the coffee casually from the cup in his hands as his amused eyes gaze at me and he shoots me a warm smile as he goes on too plonk the books that were in his hands โ€“ on the empty area of this huge desk wherein most off my stuff was scattered all over.

I am absolutely Stumped in Momentary Surprise.

"Hey you โ€“ so - we meet again...also I hope you don't mind me occupying this seat across of you..or do you? I mean I know that there are a lot of empty tables around given that it's just us in here โ€“ but is it okay if I sit here??,"he asks next his eyes dancing with amusement over the shocked โ€“ frazzled โ€“ surprised expressions on my face- perhaps?

Oh My Freaking Gods.


Its Him for sure. Arnav.I have blinked my eyes โ€“ Thrice in a Row โ€“ already - to reconfirm the same.

He is literally right here in front of me. Plus he's got no mask on his face this time around. Just has a Cap on his head.Also he's smiling all warmly at me.


Now that I am spotting this second time around โ€“ up close.Why does he have to have such an effortlessly infectious grin? It's totally distracting me from Flipping the Switch over my eyes.


He asks again with a playful wink โ€“ placing the cup of his coffee on the table + folding his arms across leaning them on the desk casuallyโ€“ " still surprised??"

I instruct myself to react now and I nod instructing my cover switch to take over my eyes as I answer sure that he could still sense the partial nervousness in my tone โ€“ " yeah โ€“ kind off โ€“ it's such a surprise bumping into you here...oh wait..I forgot to say hello...I think I should start with that...first...hello to you...too...also...I am glad to know that you liked the taste of the Candy Floss atleast a tad bit little given that you mentioned...not bad.. I told you it surely would be worth a try at the least...,"I finish with a nervous chuckle.

He chuckles and nodsโ€“ "hello back at you wasn't bad at all... so you were right about that - indeed...,"and asks next narrowing his eyes at me mischievously โ€“ "but hey - why are you so nervous?? I got my mask in my pocket you know? only took it off because I spotted just you in here โ€“ wait... do you want me to put that on? In case it makes you more comfortable??clearly there's something about my face that makes you nervous given the speed at which you skated away from me the other day..."

Oh God.

This is Embarrassing.

I do need to apologize for that politely- immediately. I say in a rush โ€“ "'s not that there's anything about your face that makes me nervous โ€“ so yeah โ€“ you can totally leave that mask off and look..about the other day's only fair that I probably explain...... ,"and I pause. Why? Because I just realised, I called him Arnav out loud so casually given that I had been referring him with his name in my head over the last two days. I gotta change it overโ€“ " I be fair enough - I do owe you an explanation for that ASR.."

He interrupts me with a gesture of his hand smiling back at me keeping his gaze locked with mine โ€“ "not ASR. me that..will you? everyone else calls me ASR mostly but there are times I like the sound of just my name โ€“ better.It's got a nice ring to it doesn't it? but that could also be just a good old self -presumption of mine โ€“ what would your opinion be on the same??,"he asks shooting me that mischevious playful look โ€“ again.


How could I not break into a Smile at that?

I give him a polite smile as I admit โ€“ " well yes to that...just your name...Arnav..has a nice ring to it surely...,"and before I can return to apologize to him for the other day politely his eyes begin to scan my sketches all around.

I am so glad that the sketchbook with the doddle of the CandyFloss and Merry Go Round โ€“ is closed upfront. He can only spot a couple of my rough doodles of the F1 race tracks and racing cars on one sheet(given that I am a huge F1 fan) +The London eye on the other and a good old iconic red colour phonebooth and the red open bus which is a popular sighting here in London + The one with the Doc's Clinic coloured in all black and grey.He says with another happy grin - eyeing it all over his eyes pausing momentarily on each โ€“ " this is some kool stuff for sure...its too good to be just rough doodle art ..thats how freaking impressive this is - is this a hobby??or are you an artist too??"

There you Go.

That uber comfortable vibe of his is doing that trick again.Its making me want to answer back. I end up doing just that on reflex with a polite nod โ€“ "'s a favourite hobby that I like to indulge in every now and then โ€“ but it's also got everything to do with my work ambition that I am otherwise so passionate about too... ..."

"Which is..,"he asks shooting me an intriguing inquisitive look. As if he were really interested to know about the same.And he adds on in a causal mischevious shrug โ€“ " only fair of me to ask โ€“ given that you recognised me for what I do and probably do know all about my work ambition..."

I can't help but chuckle at that as I admit โ€“ "well yup...that's fair enough I I am into Animation. It's what I'v been studying as well. I'v been on a break for a couple of years and have been working in order to save up for my Masters in the same which starts later this year. But now that's sorted - I'v just decided to take a little time off work too until the summer.So yeah โ€“ you could call me an aspiring animation artist I guess..."

He nods grinning โ€“ "interesting โ€“ that's also an added reason for your love for theme parks then?? And wait โ€“ is that why you always hang around the kids space? You want to visually design something on those lines for that age group??"

I nod โ€“ " yup โ€“ kind off โ€“ it's a part ambition along with the wish to excel in the gaming elements of animation too...."

His grin widens โ€“ " Niceee....that's totally cool...I am sure you are going to do wonders at your ambition..eventually..."


I realise I gotta find a way to shift my attention from His Grin as I answer โ€“ " thank you...for that..."

He asks next โ€“ "wana know a fun fact??"

I ask momentarily intrigued โ€“ " fun fact??"

He nods.

I answer โ€“ " what's this fun fact?"

He grins and picks up the sketchbook with the F1 tracks and racing cars drawn on it โ€“ " I am into F1 too โ€“ the only sport I watch apart from soccer..when I wanna take my mind off everything given that you'v doddled this โ€“ surely tells me that you might be a fan too โ€“ so tell me โ€“ are you also conflicted about the Mercedes paradox? As in yeah โ€“ as much as I want Hamilton to match upto Schumacher's World Championship record this season โ€“ sometimes in my head โ€“ I'm like โ€“ Red Bull โ€“ beat Mercedes already..."

I grin on reflex at that(because that's exactly what I'v always secretly thought while watching the races in the last couple of years) and before a part of my mind can even successfully mince my words/excitement - I blurt out excited โ€“ " no waysss......"

He grins back โ€“ " yes that look tells probably think the same??"


I just cannot โ€“ not talk about F1. Now that he brought up the topic โ€“ out of the legit respect as a motorsport fan โ€“ I gotta indulge in the same.

I chuckle at that as I nod โ€“ " yeahhh...I mean...yeah both Hamilton and Bottas are great as Mercedez drivers โ€“ but sometimes I secretly wish that Hamilton swap to Red Bull. I love Red Bull. I was also very upset when Ricardo quit Red Bull though.He probably shouldn't have.."

He grins โ€“ " ahaan? a Daniel Ricardo fan...are we now??"

I chuckle at that happily and we fall into a little comfortable chatter about the upcoming F1 season.(It's also crazy how I seem to have forgotten about the bit off him being a cricketer โ€“ momentarily).

Five - seven minutes later โ€“ as our conversation nears to an end on the F1 bits I realise that I need to get to the bit off apologizing to him for the other day properly.

The minute I am about to โ€“ he points towards the sketchbook where in I'd drawn the Doc's clinic in black and grey and he grins โ€“ " another fun fact โ€“ both my parents โ€“ are I can't help but get intrigued by that doddle.."

I nod as I answer on reflex โ€“ " yeah..I in I guess I remember seeing a videobyte after a post match on your tour last year โ€“ where in you were talking about your parents being doctors...,"and the words continue to fall out of my mouth on their own accord โ€“ " as crazy a coincidence as this sounds too โ€“ but my Mum is a doctor too..."

He grin wides along with his eyes widening this time around too โ€“ " no way..."

I chuckle โ€“ " yes way..."

He winks playfully โ€“ "seriously โ€“ we gotta high five to that.."

We do just that.And the very next second his smile sincere's up from the playful one that was and he asks his comfortable perceptive gaze boring into mine โ€“ "so โ€“ I wana ask you something? Can I??"

I nod.

Also - I think I am partially hypnotised by his comfortable vibe +eyes+ his effortlessly charming persona โ€“ given that I am still staying put in my spot in the middle of the conversation with him.(The fact that he is who he is โ€“ seems to have been dumped by my Mind into some recycle bin at the back of my Head)

He asks sincerely โ€“ "so โ€“ I see that on every other sketch โ€“ you'v doodled the pictures and filled them in with colours with the usual colour template as we spot them to be in real life. Except for the colours you opted to shade this docs clinic with โ€“ for usually in graphics โ€“ artists like to reflect a hospital/clinic in white given that it's a place of healing โ€“ except for the usual coloured symbols and signs around. Only you seem to have coloured it black and grey? Why? Was something else bothering your mind while you were at this?something Like - worry perhaps?"


What did he just say? How could he even figure that out?

I look at him shocked โ€“ sure that My Flip the Switch โ€“ button โ€“ was now in the middle of malfunctioning around him. It's not just at risk of the same anymore. It's most surely in the process of malfunctioning.

He nods with a comforting smile โ€“ " hmmm...the look on your face tells me that I guess I am right about that premise...don't don't have to talk about it if you don't want too...I was just curious as to why would you shade it black and grey...that's all...."

I shoot him a nervous smile as my eyes finally fall on the books he had placed on the table too and I read up the title of the one on Top.

Social Anthropology.

Ahaa. He's a reader on the subject of Anthropology.

No wonder he's so perceptive.

I ask now โ€“ curiosity getting the better off me this time around โ€“ "and have you literally always been this perceptive? Or has reading up on elements of Anthropology off late has helped sharpen your perceptive instinct even more???"

He chuckles and nods with a happy shrug patting his books โ€“ " well the answer to that would be both. I have always been the perceptive one for sure โ€“ but I guess โ€“ reading up on anthropology has surely sharpened my instincts more. It's opened up my mind to so many little things and has most surely helped me look at the differences in the world around us โ€“ in similar compassionate ways โ€“ as in โ€“ yeah โ€“ we are all different โ€“ and yet in so many ways โ€“ we are all similar. Like for example โ€“ no matter who we are โ€“ irrespective of the country,culture, norms, values and beliefs we follow as communities โ€“ the emotions that we all feel as humans โ€“ stand universal โ€“ don't they?? The fact that we are all human at the end of the day โ€“ is what's never going to matter how many boundaries/differences/borders - man likes to draw in the world โ€“ at the end of the day come what may โ€“ we are all bonded in so many shades off humanity anyway....."


I am gaping and grinning at him in part surprise. ( I didn't expect him to express the Latter in such a sorted simple way.It's a freaking deep thought.)

Like Seriously.

Just Why is he So Cool again? And why am I continuing to feel this freaking comfortable around him โ€“ in all my senses โ€“ with full acknowledgment of who he is??

Why do I find myself nudging towards talking out โ€“ my momentary worry to him.

Oh No.

I am supposed to Run away from Him โ€“ aren't I?


Instead - Here I am โ€“ Glued to my Spot โ€“feeling completely taken aback by my very own unability to pull myself away โ€“ from across of him.


Arnav's POV



As much as the Gape In Surprise + Shocked/Amused Grin + up her lips + the deep in thought look in her eyes - continues to charm the hell out of my neurons โ€“ I can't help but curse myself in the head momentarily โ€“ because I just realised that amidst all my enthusiasm of talking about the other stuff โ€“ I once again forgot to ask her โ€“ her name.

I am just about to divert the topic towards the same when I see her expressions somber up a little as she eyes the Doodle sketch of the Docs clinic on her sheet and she whispers softly fidgeting with a couple of brush pens in her hands โ€“ " I gotta take Mum to the Doc's for her routine Mammography in minutes from now today. She's supposed to pick me up soon.She's okay health wise. But ever since she turned 45 โ€“ its just me whose so paranoid about having her go through these regular check ups.She's my whole wide world.And a part of my mind gets super wrecked with worry in these last couple of hours prior and its stays that way until her scan comes clear obviously....which is why โ€“ you spotted those shades of black and grey in the sketch โ€“ I was kinda pouring my worry out through those shades. Helped me feel a little bit calmer.Its just the thing I do with colours. My colours understand me โ€“ plus do you think its crazy that I said that??"

Ohkkk โ€“ now it all fits into place.

I get it โ€“ obviously.

Her Dad's passed and its natural for her to feel all this worry for her Mum.I voice my thought out to her with utmost sincerity my hand reaching out to clutch her's in support โ€“ " no...its not crazy at all. Once again โ€“ only natural. I understand where you are coming from โ€“ and to be honest โ€“ that's a great way of calming yourself โ€“ you know they always do say that different forms of art can be sources of various elements of catharsis which is so very personal to each one...and I am sure the bit that you love animation the way you do โ€“ only makes this process a lot more gratifying??"

She acknowledges that with a clutch back and a nod and she looks up at me and suddenly her conflicted worried eyes are all bare in front off me as she whispers โ€“ " thank you for that...also yes...Arnav..."

Is it crazy that I love the sound off Just my name in her voice? Maybe.But its true that I didn't like it when she called me ASR.

I insist her to go on โ€“ " yes..what is it??"

She adds sincerely โ€“ " I just realised I do need to say this to you properly โ€“ as in apologize properly.... about the other day....look...I am just so so sorry for abruptly jetting away like that...and I didn't mean to offend you at'd only been so supportive and kind to me in the moments prior..."

I grin and wink playfully at her with the aim to wipe that worried conflicted look from her eyesโ€“ " ahann...jetting way sounds good too.But in my head I was referring to that bit as skated away..for sure...for you literally sped away at the speed as if your legs had magically grown an avatar of a high tech- skateboard โ€“ you know like the one in the game Subway Surfer's?

She chuckles at that as she says โ€“ " okay...yes..I get the inference..for yes...I play subway surfers too...,"and she pauses fighting back an embarrassed smile and saysโ€“ " so...look..either ways...I do think it was rude and abrupt of me to do the same...but I guess I was just momentarily shocked and frazzled and surprised and a tad bit intimidated and overwhelmed by your celebrity sporting identity...that's all.......I think it was just such a shock to me to spot you behind the mask that's all...I mean I'd never thought I'd bump into you in the ways I did..."

I nod taking that bit off it in but as the shades of conflict are still pretty apparent in her eyes I say โ€“ " no worries at all โ€“ I understand now โ€“ plus is that all? Or is there anything else too??you seem conflicted about something for sure as you finish saying that....why?"

She sighs and nods looking away from me โ€“ " because..I kind off am... you know...conflicted...about........,"and before she can continue her phone buzzes.


She says nervously โ€“ " it's Mum..I gotta take this..."

I nod at her.

I hear her talk over the phone and the second I hear her answer that she'd be heading out in two minutes โ€“ I realise that maybe her Mum's about to reach that pick up point and the minute she hangs up she begins to collect her things beginning to shove it in her bag one by one and she shoots me an apologetic look โ€“ " look...I am sorry...but I need to go now..for Mum's pulling around the block in two...."

I nod โ€“ " ofcourse I understand..,"and I ask pushing my luck โ€“ "but..hey... will I see you again??"

She pauses at shoving some of her colours in as she looks up at me โ€“ " you wana see me again?"

I nod โ€“ " ofcourse.. I most surely want to. Do you wana see me again?"

She gives me that little nervous smile โ€“ " I do wana try to give you a little more context into the reason for the conflict you I guess โ€“ yeah..."

My Insides Grin and I am sure that comes across on my lips too as I say โ€“ " great โ€“ so where and when?wherever you are comfortable??"

She nods as she picks up the last sketchbook on the table with the Doodle of the London Eye and she states โ€“ " I reckon you surely will be busy in the mornings with practice so how about later tomorrow at The London Eye? They'v revised the timings โ€“ for it now only shuts at 10:00 pm! How about around 9:00 PM at their ticket counter?"

The only reason why I wana say Darn to that is โ€“ that I was hoping she'd say โ€“ Tonight.

But Tomorrow sounds good too.So I answer grinning โ€“ " alright...I will see you there โ€“ the Eye tomorrow โ€“ 9 pm โ€“ at their ticket counter โ€“ confirmed โ€“ alright?and all the best for your Mum's appointment with the Doc โ€“ don't worry โ€“ everything will be okay.."

She nods and smiles at me politely and picks up her bag โ€“ "thanks...I really hope so too - alrighty โ€“gotta rush now โ€“ Mum would be waiting out by now - ill see you then?tata..for now..."

I nod at her and the second she paces past me โ€“ I turn around to stop her as I ask instantly โ€“ " hey...wait..just a second...can't believe I forgot to ask you your name out loud till this point this time around too ?what's your name?? please answer....."

She turns around in her steps for a second and smiles and adds โ€“ " Khushi โ€“ Khushi Jones โ€“ that's my name...,"and then she turns around and skates her way out off the door โ€“ in a rush โ€“ leaving me standing with a happy grin curved up my lips.

Any guesses on - Why? A Happy Grin?

Because โ€“ Guys - I finally know her freaking Nameeeeeee! And also because - even though I'd been referring to her as Miss SkateBoard(until now) or might have momentarily thought to call her Miss.Doodle(that is if I had missed knowing her name again)- I just realised that โ€“ Just Her Name โ€“ Khushi kind of has a super warm ring to it too.



How was That Guys for a Second Chance Encounter โ€“ guys? Also would love to know your take on the different scenes flowing in through the Update too.

Next Update (will come tomorrow night) :
Take 5 โ€“ Net's.

Until Then โ€“ Please take care and Stay Indoors and Safe guys!!!! ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™

Thanks Guys for all the Support and your Precious Time to my Work!

Much Love


