Epi 249: Mere Rang Mein Rang Ne Wali

Abhyudaya thumbnail
Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail Anniversary 4 Thumbnail Engager 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 3 years ago

The episode starts with Ridhima lighting the candles for the candlelight dinner and Vansh enters with a smile on his face. He holds her hand and says no matter what issues I face in life the little things you do for me makes me feel life has worth. Of course, not only her we too love you. So life is worthwhile, dear. Ridhima says no matter how much stress we have, we need to take a dose of happiness like taking a breath. Ridihma asks did you spoke to Sia and he says he is angry with me but she spoke with Ishani. Seriously? I mean sister now in the house and living with the enemy and he is saying she will come back once she is fine. I mean don't know whether he is lying or not but then so simple? Our family is like we are nothing to us. Too modern Vichar hein VR.

Vansh says let's eat and says I know you didn't eat. You are pregnant so please don't be careless and eat first. Ridhima says I won't eat with you and makes him sit and she sits on his lap. He asks yes ma'am, what's on the menu. Whenever he says Ma'am, the love just pours from his heart to her. I mean I go gaga seeing the love. She says menu filled with Chinese, Rajma, Italian, Parate and all. He is trying to tease her the way she tells and suddenly he starts coughing and falls. Ridhima calls Angre.

The doctor says he was poisoned. Now, who did it? Angre asks who can be? Ridhima asks is fine? The doctor says I have given him antibiotics but then I will check and let you know what poison is this and how much quantity they gave. Ridhima is crying and he is burning with fever. She gets water and put the cloth on his temple. It's breaking her to see her like this and him also. She tries to open his shirt button and he catches her hand and says what are you trying to do. Even now he is playing with her so she can smile. Love you Vansh. Ridhima says don't speak and take a rest while crying. Vansh says I'm fine and I won't leave you and go. Ridhima says I won't let you go also. Wait, last time he was in bed for the whole night and this time a few seconds. Seriously some gave the poison or act of Angre and Vansh to know the missing hours?

Vansh sighs and says dinner. He gets up and Ridhima gets the food and feeds him but he says you eat. He says you both are hungry and Ridhima says first you. His care and her love always make us worry and go crazy. She eats the food and says I will eat but you take rest. Vansh says listen to me and doesn't tell anyone I'm ill because people might think I became weak. Seeing this made me realize how many times he was sick and didn't even speak about it. Vansh says our business is not easy to run so don't tell anyone or else enemies will hunt us down. He feels tired and Ridhima says take the rest you were hurt by and Vansh says poison. I know. Ridhima says how do you know? Same question - how do you know?

Dadi in the office room with a torch - now she became the thief. Will she kill herself now? She remembers what Vyom said about her secrets in BB. She is searching for BB thinking where is it? She says he always hides it before everyone yet no one can catch it. She sees the hidden room. Vansh says the one who fears dies in the game of life. He says when I felt the symptoms I know something wrong with me and yet you didn't take care of yourself? What about Ridhima and the baby? Vansh says come near me and sleep. She says first let me put this wet cloth and he says if you don't come near me and sleep then I won't have this wet cloth on my temple. Stubborn. He says nothing will happen to me and when I have you nothing will happen to me. She makes him sleep and sleeps beside him and put her head on his shoulder. Okay - this makes me sad as they are in pain yet feeling joy that after ages seeing them like this under one blanket.

Vansh says your Vansh is not weak that he can be killed by the poison and she hits him playfully. Ridhima says don't talk about death and he smiles and kisses her head and says now stop crying. Vansh says Angre went with the doctor and when he gets to know we will get the antidote also. Wait, the doctor says he gave the antidote now which antidote you are speaking about? Vansh says I have much effective medicine than this antidote and says my will power. He says many people tried to kill me with guns, poisons but then I always saved and will get saved this time also. She is crying. She can sense his pain. He is feeling tired too. His sharing about his pain is just taking my heart away and punching it. I mean he went through so much and today he could able to speak about it.

Dadi says what it can be and walks near the secret room in his office. Until now none has seen this and today she able to see it. Wah! Great. She tries to move the door and then AP enters and asks what you are doing here? Dadi says I'm stealing something. Great! She accepted it just people don't accept it now. AP says don't be angry and if you want I will call Vansh and Dadi says no. She says I'm searching for something and I cannot ask Vansh directly and AP asks what it is? Dadi says it's a box and called BB. Why is she sharing with AP? Is she using AP and the frame as she already has some past mistakes in her pocket?

Dadi says I cannot tell you much but if it gets opened and the past gets revealed then no one will be there to remember us and take our names. What it can be? I seriously hope this BB truth comes out soon so does missing hours as many theories being built on it. AP says I will pray nothing should happen like that. Ridhima gets up and says I love you and remembers where she was painting the room and Vansh enters asking what you are doing? Ridhima says I thought you understood and he says I understood you are painting but why? Ridhima says our baby is coming so Mumma is painting the room for the baby. Vansh says and being his father I'm not aware of it. She says now I'm telling you. Ah, the smiles and teasing just lit up the air.

Vansh smiles and she says you help me. He tries to take the roller and she turns and says let me refill and then he takes the paint in his hands. When Ridhima turns he applies and while she asks what is this he says I've already immersed myself in your colours so let me get immersed in baby colours also and he starts painting. Ridhima also applies the colour and says I've already immersed myself in your colours so let me get immersed in baby colours. Both smiles. I'm also smiling. Such a blissful moment it is. Asian paints ka Naya brand ambassadors these guys are. Ridhima says I was thinking about you actually and Vansh says is there any moment where you don't think about me and both say hmn hmnn... even that sound is also like soothing music for me. He says never and she smiles and says true.

Ridhima back to the present and says I always think about you and I hope you live for a long time and put a wet cloth on him. She calls Angre and asks about reports. Angre says I'm in the lab and waiting for the reports. Vansh coughs and Ridhima says I will call the doctor and he catches her hand and winks. Man! This man seriously trying to keep her normal even when he is in pain. Love you, Vansh. He asks why you are going away from me? You know right when you try to go away my heart stops. Ridhima says don't joke with me like that and I will forget you are sick and I will beat you. Beat him? Only he can have beatings from you darling. None can take your place in his life.

He catches her hand and says so with this hand you will hit me and he kisses her hand. Ridhima says you need rest. He coughs again and she smiles seeing him. Vyom is playing with darts and says it doesn't matter who I'm but then it matter what I'm saying. You are in charge of the Vansh sea routes and you might also feel like smuggling everything but then due to Vansh you cannot. I know he neither earn nor you. But if you enter into my circle then you can do anything and smuggle everything and I can protect you. Even Vansh isn't able to come near you. So Thambi... he said Thambi - Tamil? Wah! So Thambi leaves VR and joins me. Okay - so he is playing with his business then. Great! Loving this Vyom character because Kabir might be arch-rival but Vansh never thought about him as his enemy, however this guy things are different.

Angre enters and Ridhima rushes to him for the reports. She takes the reports and Vansh also gets up. Vansh says what is in the report and she says Thailiam Poison. Angre repeats the same and Vansh says this can be given through food it should be injected and Ridhima asks who it can be? Vansh remembers Kiara once injects him with something. Kiara says sorry and tries to touch him but he moves back and says don't try these tricks which are old enough. Both part aways. Vansh says Kiara did it. Now you understand how idiotic I feel but she is a contract killer. Wait, how come this effect has started after her death? Maybe it is a slow poison. Also, since when you know she is a contract killer? You're an idiot.

Ridhima says now bygones are bygones but tell me how much time we have and he says we have 48 hours so relax. Vansh if Ridhima is in your place would you say the same. It's time you be responsible for yourself for the sake of your wife and baby. Ridhima asks how can you so cool and says call Angre and tell him about the reports. Both are silent and Ridhima asks why you are both reacting like this? Even we feeling the same. Angre says tell me boss what we should do next? Oh, God! This coolness is killing us. Ridhima says speak up something it's about your life. Vansh says relax. Ridhima says you are poisoned and I cannot sit silent and Vansh says no matter how big the issue is but what we need is a calm mind. See that's how he wins against his enemies. Being calm. VR as the modern Buddha.

Ridhima asks tell me what I should do? Vansh removes his mobile and says Angre get me this. Angre says crucian blue powder and Ridhima says where we can get this. Vansh takes his phone back with a smirk. Ridhima asks where we can get this? I will get this. Vansh says you cannot go. She says if I cannot go then Angre will go. But tell us. Wait, will he say it is with Vyom? Vansh says we don't need to go anywhere. Ridhima says why? Tell me who has it and I will get it. He says Vyom. I knew it! Somewhere it is going to be connected with him. Lo, everyone is in a circle so connection tho hoga. Did Vyom order Kiara to kill Vansh? Then how does Vyom know which poison it is and how he has the antidote?

Ridhima shocked. Vansh looks at her and says he will not give and she says I will see how he doesn't give to us. She leaves and Vansh says Angre to stop her. Why do I feel it's more of a Vansh plan than Vyom. Ridhima tries to leave but Angre stops her and says don't leave. It's boss orders. Ridhima cries and Angre says I will do something and Ridhima says Okay, you tell me and then I won't go. He says now I don't have any plan but... Ridhima cuts and says we don't have any way than this. She cries. I might be wrong but I feel somewhere it is Vansh and Angre plan. Angre says trust boss and he would have some plan. Ridhima says he doesn't have any backup plan and folds her hands before him. Look, guys, if this is done by Vyom okay, but if you guys did for knowing the truth putting her in such mental tension is bad yaar. She is pregnant for god sake.

Ridhima says Vansh doesn't want me to go Vyom but if something happens to Vansh will you able to forgive yourself and I will kill myself. Angre says I will come with you and Ridhima says no, stay with Vansh. He needs you. Angre says No, you need me more than Boss and if I'm not accompanying you then you are also not going. True Hanuman or Lakshman - what should I say? For now - tuj me rab dikhtha hain yaara mein kya karu.....

Ridhima says Okay and both leaves. Vyom playing the saxophone with clothes. Arey! The same tune. Play something new man. Ridhima and Angre near Vyom and Ridhima ask the antidote from Vyom. He says whenever I see you I will be confused. Should I help you or not? Ridhima says no, please don't do like that. She says I'm ready to give anything in return for the antidote. Oh God, Ridhima, you didn't even give him BB until now and now promising more? Be careful dear. Vyom smiles. Vyom says kuch bhi and hits Angre. Angre tries to hit but then Vyom says you have given me so much pain. Ridhima says you are doing wrong Vyom and give me the antidote. If you give the antidote I will give the BB. Stupid girl - how could you say that? Did he ask you? No right? Then why are you turning into a Bali Chakravathi? Don't tell me now Angre gives the BB away to safe Vansh.

Ridhima says give me antidote and I will give BB. Vyom says you don't know the rule of the underworld. Never work in hurry. Exactly. Underworld kya on earth bhi ye sahi hein. And Vyom says my rule is never to threaten me. But the good thing is you bought Angre with you. Angre tries to Vyom but his men stop him. Vyom says you will be killed and Angre says I shot many. Ridhima says don't be angry Angre and she folds her hand before Vyom and says I beg you please give me antidote and I need it. Vyom says I'm eager to get BB but you are way more eager to have the antidote. But, yes before that you should accept my conditions and wait for a second. Now what more conditions and I'm glad Angre is part of all this conversation.

Vansh sleeping and gets up as his phone is ringing. Vyom calls Vansh and he says your wife and Angre are with me. Don't worry they are my guests and I will take care of them. Vansh shocked. Vyom continues saying if you want to keep them safe then get me BB and then you can take the antidote, wife and Angre. Vansh says I'm coming. #Vaathicoming

Precap: Vansh comes and asks where are Ridhima and Angre? Vyom asks where is the BB. Vansh says bas*** and tries to hit Vyom but he moves away and Vansh falls. Vyom points gun at Vansh says it's already 1 PM and I don't want to use my bullet. You have only 7 hours now and then this poison will overpower your body. Vansh is sweating badly. Vansh Rai Singhania - the Don of Asia is going to be turned into a fool very soon. Vansh falls. Vyom smiles.

P:S - Vansh is the don of Asia? Kya yaar? Never heard until today. Cool man! Somewhere we Indian are ruling then! Vansh be will be saved for sure but how? Good cliff hanger for sure. Arey Angre you seriously got muscles as Johnny bravo but you are such a useless muscles man! Two people, you couldn't handle? And detective company.

Edited by Abhyudaya - 3 years ago


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Navdeep_08 thumbnail
Visit Streak 365 0 Thumbnail Visit Streak 180 0 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 3 years ago

Thanks for update yr

Prussian blue hr chemistry lab maine easily mil jaata hai and they are running behind vyom 🀣

Riansh scenes were again bliss to watch . The love and care they show to each other and even in pain dont let other feel that has my heart ❀️

kiara ke bracelet main poison tha and uske bdle main usko paisa mila hoga . Or maybe its whole vangre plan . Lets see

dadi phi bb ke peeche . Pura khandaan lgg gya ab

eishe10 thumbnail
Anniversary 10 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 3 years ago

Thanks for the written update πŸ’• Wonderful Riansh moments 😍😍 Vansh got poisoned because of Kiara and Vyom has the antidote but he will not give it until Vyom gets the BB.

Vyom's and Dadi's past secrets should be revealed soon 😈😈 All of these secrecy and deals connected to from to the past until the present should come out in the open otherwise more problems can occur.

Eemasnia thumbnail
Anniversary 4 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail
Posted: 3 years ago

Todays episode was sooo emotional and one of the best one❀️

Loved each and every Riansh moment full of love and affection and ofcource not without a bit of Vansh's tharkiness aise halat me bhi Vansh being VanshπŸ˜†

Abhyudaya thumbnail
Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail Anniversary 4 Thumbnail Engager 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 3 years ago

Originally posted by: Navdeep_08

Thanks for update yr

Prussian blue hr chemistry lab maine easily mil jaata hai and they are running behind vyom 🀣

Riansh scenes were again bliss to watch . The love and care they show to each other and even in pain dont let other feel that has my heart ❀️

kiara ke bracelet main poison tha and uske bdle main usko paisa mila hoga . Or maybe its whole vangre plan . Lets see

dadi phi bb ke peeche . Pura khandaan lgg gya ab

These guys know about aqua regia but not this and where it gets and seems like these days we are learning chemistry classes here πŸ˜‚

Yeah riansh are giving same vibe of tv and loving for it

Don't know who's plan but then again seems fishy a little and granny 🀬🀬🀬

Abhyudaya thumbnail
Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail Anniversary 4 Thumbnail Engager 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 3 years ago

Originally posted by: eishe10

Thanks for the written update πŸ’• Wonderful Riansh moments 😍😍 Vansh got poisoned because of Kiara and Vyom has the antidote but he will not give it until Vyom gets the BB.

Vyom's and Dadi's past secrets should be revealed soon 😈😈 All of these secrecy and deals connected to from to the past until the present should come out in the open otherwise more problems can occur.

Intriguing but not interesting. Secrets are good but somehow dragging too much

Best end soon and hoping in goa starting episodes only they end the track

Abhyudaya thumbnail
Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail Anniversary 4 Thumbnail Engager 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 3 years ago

Originally posted by: Eemasnia

Todays episode was sooo emotional and one of the best one❀️

Loved each and every Riansh moment full of love and affection and ofcource not without a bit of Vansh's tharkiness aise halat me bhi Vansh being VanshπŸ˜†

Emptions at peak and ridhima who was fearless before vyom today begging it just things are awesome

Hope secrets reveal soon

siri2005 thumbnail
Posted: 3 years ago

Thanks for the update when he knows he was given poison what he is waiting for to show it’s effect, and Don of Asia could not get Prussian blue But had a good laugh at Asian paints ke new brand ambassador

Vandananikam thumbnail
Group Promotion 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 3 years ago

I also think like ki its a vangres plan to do riddhima emotionally weak to crack down 6 hours mystery , I hope ki woh plan hi ho vr ka , I am just fade up of this bb .Are BA's ho gaya or kitne episodes khichenge use , I can't see vr losing and today's episode I really feel emotional for riansh now I think riddhima will also join in vr business so that she can protect her husband and to be loyal person .

phoenix27 thumbnail
Anniversary 8 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail
Posted: 3 years ago

today was one of those episodes for which we fell in love with the show. loved every bit of it. loved how ridhima reacted to situation and how vansh tried getting her out of that pain. really felt ridhima's pain so much. vansh is hard man but now with his little wife he has found his safe space where he can be vulnerable and brave at the same time.

heavy metal poisoning is slow process it takes time to reflect and prussian blue is actually its antidote. it can be both slow acting and fast acting given the dose amount and it exhibits various symptoms so it can be difficult to diagnose. i am really happy to see someone did research on this before using this poison though it's antidote is one of essential medicine so it can't be difficult to find in any chemist store.
