‘Height of vulgarity’: Shobhaa De & Shruti Haasan Slam B Town - Page 2


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Sashay01 thumbnail
Visit Streak 90 0 Thumbnail Anniversary 3 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 3 years ago

Originally posted by: Stardust91

The thing is, even when India had low case numbers and Maldives was open for tourism and travel, there were sooooooooooooo many Bollywood and ITV celebs going on holiday. People who had no idea about how mutations may work or that they could import mutations or infections; the public including these celebs' fanbots were DEFENDING them and saying people cannot stop living and everything is being done to prevent further spread and all the facilities are in place. Please state what these facilities are? 

The public also started throwing caution to the wind and gathering in places in large numbers, partying, clubbing, not social distancing, not wearing masks, not exercising caution. 

In fact I read so many articles from India about herd immunity, rural populations, melanin and vitamin D due to being in the sun, special lung proteins and no one was prepared to acknowledge that a second or third wave might happen. Examples of countries in Europe and North America that had deadlier 2nd waves due to mutations fell on deaf ears. 

People with medical backgrounds that were calling BS on these theories and saying a 2nd wave was inevitable and could see from experiences in their own countries were called anti-national, not patriotic, not Indian in soul and heart, told apna dekhlo apne so-called country mein, etc....

Sadly, those people were right. 

Also, there is not enough evidence that convalescent plasma is of any benefit in reducing risk of fatal outcomes or reducing hospital stay. In fact there are reports that might increase the risk of further mutations in the viral spike protein. There is not enough evidence regarding Remdesivir. Will poor families be able to afford monoclonal antibodies such as tocilizumab? What evidence is there on using antibiotics such as Azithromycin or co-amoxiclav in a VIRAL infection unless there is secondary bacterial infection? Are people even using dexamethasone correctly? So many questions. But hey what do I know. Hum apna dekh lenge thanks to Pfizer and Moderna and AZ and J&J and Novavax; HOWEVER for the sake of humanity and compassion towards fellow humans it pains everyone to say that some people were right; they should have been listened to. 

You make very valid points and I agree with everything. People were complacent and not only that, blindly bought whatever optimistic narratives political parties were doling out since it was election season.

 But how is healthcare and awareness a Bollywood domain? Rubbing your privilege in anyone's face is wrong but it is the GOVERNMENT's prerogative to give updated and scientific guidelines on travel and stepping out. The blame should be laid squarely where it's due. Airheaded celebrities being self absorbed has not gotten us into this situation today.

Stardust91 thumbnail
Visit Streak 90 0 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 3 years ago

Originally posted by: CrimeMasterToto

When have we ever listened to the sensible. We only listen to the idiots shouting in rallies and on social media and on primetime news channels

It pains me to say that certain so-called friends and cousins called me names; told me apna dekhlo; showed no compassion when the country I call home was going through a terrible 2nd wave; showed no empathy when I could not even visit my parents in a different city because I am a frontline worker. Had arguments with me about how the country I call home is hoarding vaccines despite India having SII which was always arrogantly boasted about in the world media as being the biggest manufacturer of vaccines. 

However, I am lucky and privileged to have access to vaccines and future boosters; I really do empathise with those who have lost loved ones however my questions are: 

1. What was and is the need to go to Maldives? Couldn't people wait to be vaccinated? 

2. Where was the need to refuse vaccines when you were offered the chance? 

3. Why were people not wearing masks? 

4. Why were scientists and medical experts called names and Indian origin experts overseas called anti-national; not patriotic? I mean i saw some doctor from WHO being called "gora humein batane aagaya"; and someone said Namaste to some news program "experts" and was told "haan haan namaste"

This is not the time to say "WE TOLD YOU SO" or "YOU WERE FLYING SO HIGH"; no other country in the G20 including Oz and NZ which have eradicated COVID due to their tough policies were this arrogant. However, the arrogance is what is costing human lives. When I hear of a G20 country with such a high GDP that is flouted all over saying things like "there is no oxygen, there are no beds; people are on the floor" it truly pains me. First fix your healthcare then boast about surpassing a country like France in the GDP list. 

Sorry but the state of affairs is really upsetting and rubbing me the wrong way RN. 

Stardust91 thumbnail
Visit Streak 90 0 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 3 years ago

Originally posted by: Sashay01

You make very valid points and I agree with everything. People were complacent and not only that, blindly bought whatever optimistic narratives political parties were doling out since it was election season.

 But how is healthcare and awareness a Bollywood domain? Rubbing your privilege in anyone's face is wrong but it is the GOVERNMENT's prerogative to give updated and scientific guidelines on travel and stepping out. The blame should be laid squarely where it's due. Airheaded celebrities being self absorbed has not gotten us into this situation today.

People emulate their favourite celebrities. A lot of ITV celebs were paid to go to Maldives and post it on their instagram so that fanbots in India could look at Maldives like a destination. If people saw their favourite celebs partying in Goa in crowded clubs and dancing around in restaurants without masks, they thought if they can do it so can we. 

There are many people who emulate what these bollywood people do expecially the club and pub and restaurant going youngsters. 

Also, doctors in India do not seem to be using correct guidelines for treatment. I am hearing of people getting medications which are not proven to help recovery. WHY? what are these doctors trying to do? 

Also, lets not absolve the Indian population of its hyper-nationalism. I am sure, I will also be called names and told i am not patriotic or Indian at heart for saying all this but like I said I am so saddened by the state of affairs where in a country calling itself the 6th largest economy these are the scenes I get to see. 

Charaiveti thumbnail
Anniversary 9 Thumbnail Visit Streak 90 0 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 3 years ago

it indeed is very tone deaf. The celebs in US got heavily criticised for the same thing. The kardashians are getting bashed left right centre for their tone deaf vacations when people r literally losing job unable to pay rent and dying without medicines. This pandemic has kinda showed how overrated celeb culture is. Before it was like oh Kim Kardashian can afford  a private jet and you cant and people didnt bother about that. But now its basically kim kardashian i.e all these ceelbs can afford to keep living the affluent life and keep their family safe while you are gonna suffer life changing  stuff like losing job,losing a loved one. Times have changed.

But yes these amount of rage and actually even more than that should be directed to the govt which basically told us fend for yourselves we cant help in that message tomorrow. 

Edited by Charaiveti - 3 years ago
Stardust91 thumbnail
Visit Streak 90 0 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 3 years ago

Originally posted by: Charaiveti

it indeed is very tone deaf. The celebs in US got heavily criticised for the same thing. The kardashians are getting bashed left right centre for their tone deaf vacations when people r literally losing job unable to pay rent and dying without medicines. This pandemic has kinda showed how overrated celeb culture is. Before it was like oh Kim Kardashian can afford  a private jet and you cant and people didnt bother about that. But now its basically kim kardashian i.e all these ceelbs can afford to keep living the affluent life and keep their family safe while you are gonna suffer life changing  stuff like losing job,losing a loved one. Times have changed.

But yes these amount of rage and actually even more than that should be directed to the govt which basically told us fend for yourselves we cant help in that message tomorrow. 

That is the question though -- WHY can't they help - I see a HUGE amount of patriotism in many Indian millenials? As the 6th largest economy, surely they can help and build hospitals, buy ventilators, buy vaccines, buy freezers for those vaccines, buy toculizumab, make sure there is enough oxygen in all the hospitals. 

Either accept when there are shortcomings in the system and you have been let down and it really isn't for all purposes a developed nation and do not show off about 6th largest economy blah blah OR use that influence and help the citizens of your country. Take empty buildings, take stadiums, build cubicles with ventilators, make sure there is enough oxygen, PPE, dexamethasone, remdesivir, enough staff for proning patients, enough medication for sedating those who need ventilators, pay for tocilizumab. Accept that Bharat Biotech's vaccine might not have achieved what it set out to and put money aside for more AZ, or Pfizer or Moderna or J&J. 

Also, positive criticism does not make someone a "hater"; it just means you are able to look in from the outside and mention what needs to be fixed. 

Anyways, i have said enough. There is nothing more I can do; i hope India gets through this wave soon. 


YourCat thumbnail
Posted: 3 years ago

The same thing they did when the pandemic first happened, bash them for posting exercise videos, funny I can very easily remember all these so called "sensitive" people celebrating christmas, new year, traveling, enjoying when in another part of the world, kids, people was suffering due to war...  🤢 when you never cared who and how many people are dying all your life, why so much problem now, because your own people are dying 🙄

Edited by Lalakhun1 - 3 years ago
CrimeMasterToto thumbnail
Visit Streak 90 0 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 3 years ago

Originally posted by: Stardust91

It pains me to say that certain so-called friends and cousins called me names; told me apna dekhlo; showed no compassion when the country I call home was going through a terrible 2nd wave; showed no empathy when I could not even visit my parents in a different city because I am a frontline worker. Had arguments with me about how the country I call home is hoarding vaccines despite India having SII which was always arrogantly boasted about in the world media as being the biggest manufacturer of vaccines. 

However, I am lucky and privileged to have access to vaccines and future boosters; I really do empathise with those who have lost loved ones however my questions are: 

1. What was and is the need to go to Maldives? Couldn't people wait to be vaccinated? 

2. Where was the need to refuse vaccines when you were offered the chance? 

3. Why were people not wearing masks? 

4. Why were scientists and medical experts called names and Indian origin experts overseas called anti-national; not patriotic? I mean i saw some doctor from WHO being called "gora humein batane aagaya"; and someone said Namaste to some news program "experts" and was told "haan haan namaste"

This is not the time to say "WE TOLD YOU SO" or "YOU WERE FLYING SO HIGH"; no other country in the G20 including Oz and NZ which have eradicated COVID due to their tough policies were this arrogant. However, the arrogance is what is costing human lives. When I hear of a G20 country with such a high GDP that is flouted all over saying things like "there is no oxygen, there are no beds; people are on the floor" it truly pains me. First fix your healthcare then boast about surpassing a country like France in the GDP list. 

Sorry but the state of affairs is really upsetting and rubbing me the wrong way RN. 

I hear you. I still see some people moving around without masks - and I am talking about well educated professionals who think nothing can go wrong with them

It is really sad to have to agree with you on these points about my country. The arrogance is just vomit inducing. A pandemic is not the time to demonstrate one upmanship and rather work collaboratively towards something much bigger and important. 

Its hilarious how we seek validation from western countries when it comes to our indigenous things - for example, look even foreign universities and media has acknowledged how important yoga is or how important alternate medicine/ayurveda is. But then when those same sources push any sort of criticism, we play the victim card and then start chest thumping on unrelated achievements. 

Humility is the need of the hour. We have been humbled by Mother nature. Showing off our prowess and comparing how we are better than XYZ is the opposite of what is needed right now

Thatgirl16 thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 3 years ago

What's more insensitive than travelling?

Govt literally saying apna apna dekh lo, in such a situation....



Note: no way trying to lessen the insensitivity of public influencers to flaunt images when the majority world population is fighting for their next breath

Stardust91 thumbnail
Visit Streak 90 0 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 3 years ago

Originally posted by: CrimeMasterToto

I hear you. I still see some people moving around without masks - and I am talking about well educated professionals who think nothing can go wrong with them

It is really sad to have to agree with you on these points about my country. The arrogance is just vomit inducing. A pandemic is not the time to demonstrate one upmanship and rather work collaboratively towards something much bigger and important. 

Its hilarious how we seek validation from western countries when it comes to our indigenous things - for example, look even foreign universities and media has acknowledged how important yoga is or how important alternate medicine/ayurveda is. But then when those same sources push any sort of criticism, we play the victim card and then start chest thumping on unrelated achievements. 

Humility is the need of the hour. We have been humbled by Mother nature. Showing off our prowess and comparing how we are better than XYZ is the opposite of what is needed right now

There was really NO humility in December, Jan, Feb -- NONE AT ALL. All I saw was people living life like there was never going to be a 2nd wave because of theories like "enough vitamin D, special lung protein, herd immunity, rural population". 

I also heard that the government were doing their best and doing everything they could and everything was great and how dare I question anything; SADLY if I now go and ask them what they have to say there will just be arguments so I have just let it be. 

BBC has published 2 really damning articles and the arrogance is resonating worldwide. 

Its a sad thing - May everything get better soon; may people understand that this is a real pandemic. 

As for ayurveda/alernative medicine all I am going to say is there needs to be clinical trials to show that alternative therapies are either superior or non inferior to existing western medicine GOLD STANDARD therapy before the medical community worldwide will acknowledge them. 

SriRani thumbnail
Anniversary 10 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 3 years ago

Who are checking Bollywood actor instagrams when people suffering with COVID. Privileged?