Barrister Babu Episode Discussion Thread - Page 112


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listmist thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 3 years ago

Originally posted by: Hope

@bold, really??? Do you know what it is? I will be very happy if Ani gets to know about her as soon as possible. We will finally get to see Ani back with his full brain after a long time. 

Can't take her anymore. The sooner he breaks out of Sampoo illusion the better. What is wrong with RC men? They have all lost their brains together.

Yup in the latest bts sampoo ke aav bhav is different in front of ani ðŸ˜†

We have to bear her for long minuu🤢

I think makers are planning to white wash her at the end

listmist thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 3 years ago

Originally posted by: RekaC

Me too 😳 But recent BTS is too confusing and also I'm afraid of something too...

What reku? 

nims23 thumbnail
Anniversary 16 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail Networker 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 3 years ago

Originally posted by: listmist

The biggest problem of rcs is that they don't learn from their past mistakes😆

True.. they don’t learn..😆

Ash .. I have thought something very funny🤣

Hope thumbnail
Anniversary 19 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 3 years ago

Originally posted by: nims23

Check your dabba Minnu.. 

Kaka or Binoy were not present in those pics! So do now what actually will happen  ani has a suitcase in his hand and Bon has her backpack! One thing is confirmed that they both are leaving. In a way it’s good, we will see some fresh new faces and scenes and cherry on the top there will be no shampoo around rudi ðŸ˜† 

Ok .. I will stop talking about shampoo ðŸ˜† kya Karu? Har ek scene mein woh aa jaati hai let’s stop about ðŸ¤¬

Thanks Nima🤗.

I am positive Sampoo's gamand will break soon. After watching the BTS, I am more sure that she will not be staying in RC haveli for long. No one talks to our Baby like that and survives.😆

Ya! we will not get to see her zoombie face. Such relief. I think after leaving haveli, Ani and Bon will somehow find out about Sumati. I mean, there is no way they can't do it sitting in the haveli. Just assuming things again. Predict kar kar keh poora energy waste kar rahe hai... Per Sampoo ka ghar nikala nahi ho raha hai

It is hard to not talk about Sampoo when the whole story is revolving around her now. So, we will have to talk about her ðŸ¤¢

Hope thumbnail
Anniversary 19 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 3 years ago

Originally posted by: listmist

Yup in the latest bts sampoo ke aav bhav is different in front of ani ðŸ˜†

We have to bear her for long minuu🤢

I think makers are planning to white wash her at the end

I know, Ash. Unfortunately, we have to. Mukti kab milegi humie.

Kaise white wash karsakte hai, Ash uss aurat ko. She tortured Bon, manipulated family members, blackmailed Binoy into marrying her, held Sumati captive, now in the BTS she is speaking arrogantly with Ani.. What more does she have to do to get her kicked out. She did more damage than Mini. If she is pardoned then I want Munshi and Mini also to be pardoned. Arre Bichara Munshi had a very valid reason to go crazy on Ani and he was sent to jail. 

And also, it is unfair to Binoy. Even though the marriage is real, she still blackmailed and forced herself on to him. If the roles were reversed we would not want a woman to stay in such a relationship. So why must Binoy compromise and live with his culprit? I want them to kick her out as that's the right thing to do. Nahi tho I will lose the respect I have for BB makers.😔

Hope thumbnail
Anniversary 19 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 3 years ago

Originally posted by: nims23

Hamaare samaj sudharak won’t allow that Minnu🤢 they both will melt in seconds.. so if Sumati comes back alive and reveal her truth then ani Bon won’t be able to do anything.. or the other option-I mentioned in my other post ðŸ¤£

No, I am sure Bon will kick her out if Sampoo tries to hurt her Patibabu or Sumati. Baat agar usski hai tho maaf kardegi Bon lekin not when it's about her loved ones. At least that's who Bon was till this track started. Same with Ani, his sense of justice won't let him forgive her so easily. Once he comes to know of her atrocities towards Bon and Sumati, I strongly feel he will not let it slide that easily like today. Agar makers leads ko character mei hi rak khengae tho she will be out or else the character of leads will go down the drains.

nims23 thumbnail
Anniversary 16 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail Networker 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 3 years ago

Originally posted by: Hope

She is the most illogical, goalless, brainless, and directionless villain I ever saw. She herself has no idea what she wants. Revenge, to torture Binoy, money, rule RC, to be above Bon, to show Kaka she is above him, to hurt Ani??? No one knows. This is the main loophole with this Sampoo track. There is no way we as viewers can connect to her character as it is spread everywhere without any logic. Let alone understanding her character, we can't even get ourselves to properly hate her like we hated Mini. Because her character has no substance. That is the reason I can't bear her onscreen. She is just there to spread negativity as the show needs someone to. That's all. She has no more character than that.

Oopppsss... I brought shamooo topic again ðŸ¤£ðŸ¤ª I got your weakness Minnu🤣🤪

Jokes apart I am totally agree with you.. compare to shampoo, now I kinda like mini as a villain because she was well organized in her plotting, she had only one aim from starting to end-to make ani hers by hook or crook !!

nims23 thumbnail
Anniversary 16 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail Networker 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 3 years ago

Originally posted by: Hope

No, I am sure Bon will kick her out if Sampoo tries to hurt her Patibabu or Sumati. Baat agar usski hai tho maaf kardegi Bon lekin not when it's about her loved ones. At least that's who Bon was till this track started. Same with Ani, his sense of justice won't let him forgive her so easily. Once he comes to know of her atrocities towards Bon and Sumati, I strongly feel he will not let it slide that easily like today. Agar makers leads ko character mei hi rak khengae tho she will be out or else the character of leads will go down the drains.

That’s the point na minnu.. if shampoo won’t try tk harm ani then Bon will happily forgive her didi ðŸ˜¡

That’s why I want Sumati angle here to reveal the truth because then both ani and Bon won’t think to forgive shampoo ðŸ¤¬

nims23 thumbnail
Anniversary 16 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail Networker 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 3 years ago