Rekindling Love ~ KriYaansh OS

SarafWasima thumbnail
Love Couple India Season 3 0 Thumbnail Jimmy Jab Games Season 6 0 Thumbnail + 7
Posted: 4 years ago

Rekindling Love

Kriya had laid Krish down for his late afternoon nap and had herself fallen asleep in the rocker close to his bed. She was so tired that she hadn't woken up when Rey came home or came into the room or even when he looked in on Krish who was still sleeping soundly.

Rey scooped Kriya up out of the rocker and carried her to their bedroom and laid her gently in bed. Rey gently removed her jeans so that she would stay cool and also be more comfortable. He covered her with their bedding and left the room shutting the door.

Some hours later Rey walked back into the room and quickly stripped his clothing off down to his boxers and climbed in bed. He set the baby monitor he held on his nightstand on his side of the bed and noticed his wife instantly snuggling into his body. Rey smiled silently to himself and wrapped his arms around her tight and drifted off.

Kriya heard the baby monitor around two am and got up to go check on Krish. She was really exhausted and had thought about waking Rey, but decided it would just be easier if she got up. Obviously Rey had put her in bed sometime after she had dozed off and it was clear the baby was absolutely fine, so she needn't worry about her little tired spell that afternoon.

But she was a little perturbed that she hadn't woken when Rey entered the baby room or when he carried her to bed. It was just that it could've been have been anyone and she might not of waken, but she told herself that wasn't true that she just felt safe in her home and safe with Rey. The baby was safe.

Kriya gently rocked the cooing Krish back to sleep and after a half an hour did so like a pro. She lay him back down in his crib and headed off back to bed leaving a small plug in nightlight on for Krish and his door open.

Kriya crawled back into bed and heard Rey yawn and sit up resting back on his elbows.

"Kri?" He whispered.

Kriya sat up a little. "Go back to sleep." She whispered.

"Was Krish awake?"

Kriya smiled faintly and gently pushed Rey back down in bed her hand on his shoulder.

"Yes, but I got him back to sleep it's fine."

"Oh Kri, I'm sorry I was just gonna let you sleep through the night." He said softly.

Kriya smiled again a little brighter. "That's sweet but really it's ok Linecutter." She said as she leaned up and gave him a soft kiss. Kriya felt a little tingle in her body when she did. He was being so sweet and she loved him incredibly for that and they hadn't been together in what felt like forever.

Rey must have sensed what she was feeling cause he wrapped his arm around her waist and carried her over from the mattress on top of his body not breaking the kiss. "Kri." Rey whispered breathlessly.

"Rey." Kriya replied softly panting as she broke away looking down at him a small smile in place.

"You sure?" He asked knowing exactly what she wanted if she kissed him like that and he felt that familiar wave wash over him.

Kriya smiled softly and nodded as her fingers lightly skimmed his scalp through his soft dark hair.

"Yeah." She whispered. "Make love to me Rey?" She pleaded.

Rey didn't need to be asked twice as he rolled them over so he lay over her complying with her wishes as he slowly began to remove her clothing. Her shirt was the first thing to go revealing her once again flat abdomen and her already naked breasts. He bent his head kissing her down her torso and legs as he removed her panties. He returned to her lips a short time later as Kriya then helped him remove his boxers throwing them to the floor.

This was heaven for Kriya, just being with the man she loved and being able to feel special in his arms was priceless. Kriya moaned gently as Rey's lips traveled down her neck to the sweet spot he loved to torture her with. Being caught in all her thoughts she didn't even notices that Rey's succulent lips had left her neck and trailed down to her plump fleshy chest. Kriya let out a gasp as his hot mouth closed around her breast sucking and nipping at her aroused nipple.

Rey was taking his time to slowly do the things that pleased her. He loved being with Kriya and they hadn't been able to be together in so long even though it was ok up until a certain part of the pregnancy they both agreed it would just be a little awkward for them and they decided to just wait. He knew her weaknesses and the things that made her moan in delight and he planned to make this a very torturous special night for them both.

A melodious groan escaped Kriya's pursed lips as Rey diligently inspected the other breast with his mouth and tongue bringing her the most pleasure she had felt in a long time. Kriya's fingers gently wove through Rey's hair as he continued and when his mouth finally divulged of her bosom she tenderly clutched his hair and brought his lips back to hers. They kissed passionately and Kriya bit lightly at Rey's bottom lip begging for more and he grinned into the kiss as she released his lip from her clutches and his tongue delved into her mouth. Their tongues dueled as they continued holding each other in the heat of the moment.

Soon it became apparent they needed oxygen to their brains and released each other's lips. Rey smirked as he bent his head to her neck kissing a nibbling lightly at the sensuous flesh as Kriya moaned and sighed blissfully in his ear. "Oh…" She whispered faintly. Her hands traced barely of the glistening flesh of his back raising goose bumps on his skin and causing the hairs on the back of his neck to stand on end and he trembled gently at the touch.

One of Rey's hands gently combed through Kriya’s long raven hair as the other casually kneaded the tender soft exquisite flesh of her breast in tune with the way their bodies were breathing and rubbing together. Kriya cried out softly as Rey nibbled on her ear tenderly not to cause pain but a euphoria he knew would please her.

"Oh Rey…please." Kriya whispered in rapture. Though he might not have wanted to admit it to her Kriya didn't want to push anything to far to soon, he didn't want to cause her pain. But it was like Kriya knew him better then he could've imagined. "Rey I'm fine please make love to me." She whispered softly in his ear laying a feather light kiss on it.

Rey broke away from her neck smiling softly at her. Kriya grinned and pulled him into a kiss as he quickly with one surge thrust into her warm opening. Kriya broke away arching her back slightly and gasping. "Kri?" He asked softly as her back slowly descended back to the sweat damp sheets.

In truth it wasn't that Kriya was in pain, it was amazing feeling him inside of her again like the first time somewhat. "One time and my knees feel like jello." She whispered giggling lightly as Rey looked down upon her smiling face. That was just enough to assure him that she was ok and he bent his head to her lips once again and began to move steadily in and out of her body and with every thrust a new wave washed over them.

Kriya moaned blissfully as Rey continued on and his tongue seeked admittance to her mouth and she granted it. The feel of his velvety tongue against hers was amazing even more so in this moment then on a regular bases. This was sweet and sensuous and everything the loved to do when they were together and alone like this.

For some time their bodies had been craving this, the spasms and tingles of impossible to reach pleasure, but nothing was impossible not for them. Rey found broke their lip and tongue lock and moved his lips down to her neck and shoulder kissing meticulously every each of the skin from the bend of her shoulder all the way up to the lobe of her ear.

Kriya could feel the familiar boundaries being reached after some time and she whimpered blissfully as her heart rate started to rapidly increase pounding against her ribcage which she was certain Rey could feel especially since she could feel his heart beat beating rapidly against her chest. Her muscles began to tighten and her whole body started tingling with anticipation. "Oh faster…" She moaned into Rey's ear. He fulfilled her wishes and began to gently increase his speed. "Rey…" Kriya whispered blissfully.

Rey found his end and exploded into his climax. "Holy shit." He breathed from the force of his eruption. Kriya cried out having met her limits as well.

"Oh god." She cried out from the immense warmth and pleasure washing over her entire body the moment she climaxed. Their bodies slowed to a gradually gentle pace and then Rey collapsed over Kriya like a warm Rey resting his forehead to hers as they panted trying to regain any sense whatsoever.

Kriya looked into Rey's alluring dark brown eyes, they were exhausted, and he was definitely exhausted. Rey had been working at the academy five days a week and sometimes on Saturdays for extra class demonstrations with Swayam, not to mention when he got home he helped take care of the baby, Kriya, and would usually cook dinner because Kriya had been up since early morning taking care of Krish all day while he was gone.

They both knew the others was drained and sighed in blissful exhaustion. "I love you Kri." Rey whispered kissing her lips delicately with love and passion.

Kriya smiled on his lips and kissed him again as he still lay atop her body breathing heavily, but slowly steadying as their hearts slowed to a gentle drumming. "I love you too." She replied speaking in a whisper. "You're tired I can tell." She said thoughtfully smiling at him.

Rey smiled tiredly back. "So are you."

Kriya nodded slightly. "We should probably get some sleep. It's Sunday maybe we can sleep in a little."

Rey chuckled faintly kissing her forehead.

"Unlikely." He whispered back thinking of their son just down the hall.

"A girl could hope." She said with a sweet smile.

Rey kissed the tip of her nose lightly and then her lips before he gently rolled off Kriya onto his back atop their mattress. Kriya instantaneously snuggled close into Rey's safe arms resting her head on his chest as their legs intertwined and their breathing became one. They slowly drifted off to sleep in each other's arms with the hope that Krish would give them some extra time before waking up in just a few hours.

Edited by SarafWasima - 4 years ago


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SarafWasima thumbnail
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Posted: 4 years ago

Thank you ☺️
