Akdha FF:Found You "Note" - Page 6


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Aishu.R thumbnail
Anniversary 4 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail
Posted: 4 years ago

Is this story updated completely on Watpad?

Mavi_16_2 thumbnail
Anniversary 9 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 4 years ago

Originally posted by: sho123

Oh really even thought don't give us ur time 

We never forget you Mavi 

How can you think like that 😯


Aisa kb hua re

Tune Anji me jb call ki mene answer ki pr ab ni kr rha h koi οΏΌ

Or u know na mere busy rehne ki vjha😳😳😳

natashathakur thumbnail
Anniversary 9 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail Networker 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 4 years ago

Beautiful update n Trisha want choose a dress for jodha for her date n they both get ready n reach there n seeing Trisha Roby becomes very happy n Jalal keep looking at jodha only he had never seen sach a beauty n she is very simple but looking adorable n thnxx for pm me

Saiyaa thumbnail
Visit Streak 365 0 Thumbnail Visit Streak 180 0 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 4 years ago

Overconfident jalal.......πŸ˜†

Smart jo....πŸ˜‰

Crazy trisha.....πŸ€”

sho123 thumbnail
Anniversary 8 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 4 years ago

Originally posted by: kriya_12

Overconfident jalal.......πŸ˜†

Smart jo....πŸ˜‰

Crazy trisha.....πŸ€”

Jalal is overconfident and Trisha is an idiot

sho123 thumbnail
Anniversary 8 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 4 years ago

Originally posted by: natashathakur

Beautiful update n Trisha want choose a dress for jodha for her date n they both get ready n reach there n seeing Trisha Roby becomes very happy n Jalal keep looking at jodha only he had never seen sach a beauty n she is very simple but looking adorable n thnxx for pm me

Thank you dear for such a lovely view😍

sho123 thumbnail
Anniversary 8 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 4 years ago

Originally posted by: Mavi_16_2


Aisa kb hua re

Tune Anji me jb call ki mene answer ki pr ab ni kr rha h koi οΏΌ

Or u know na mere busy rehne ki vjha😳😳😳

Ya Ya we well know where you are busy😏😏😏😏

sho123 thumbnail
Anniversary 8 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 4 years ago

Originally posted by: Aishu.R

Is this story updated completely on Wattpad?

Nope Dear same process there only 

sho123 thumbnail
Anniversary 8 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 4 years ago

Chapter - 4

Roby's voice broke their eye contact 

"This is Trishas best friend Jodha", Roby introduced to Jalal who was still looking at Jodha even.

" And this is Jalal Roby's best friend"Chirped Trisha to Jodha who was feeling quite uncomfortable due to Jalals intense gaze and was trying to withdraw her hand from Jalals firm hold which was not gone unnoticed by Roby and Trisha.

So to break the uncomfortable silence

Roby"Shall we move guys".

On this Trisha started dragging Jodha towards their table as a result Jalal had to let go of her hand,  all settled on their respective seats. Jodha sitting between Trisha and Roby while Jalal and Jodha were facing each other.

"so Jalal why were you not seen In college for last three months", inquired Trisha.

During whole chatting, cum questioning section jalals full concentration was on Jodha who was busy in her mobile which doesn't go unnoticed by Trisha.

Seeing this an idea popped up in Trisha's mind 

"Guys I guess we came on a date here SO__," said Trisha emphasizing on So a  little extra.

Jalal and Roby took the hint but Jodha who was still busy on her phone got the hint after a stamp on her foot 

"Ouch" winced Jodha while glaring towards Trisha with a look of 'what was that for'.

Trisha"baby we came here on a date and me and bf need privacy"stated very coolly.

After getting the hint both Jalal and Jodha both shifted to another table in the corner.

It was the first time for jalal that a girl was not paying attention towards him and for Jodha, it was the first time she was sitting with a guy on a date.

After 15 minutes of looking here and there, Jalal finally break the silence 

"Weather is really nice, right?".asked Jalal to start some conversation but the moment words left his mouth he was more shocked than Jodha

"What the hell !did I really asked about the weather, how can I act so dumb," thought Jalal while mentally cursing himself.

" Ya, it is"replied Jodha after composing herself.

"Man just asks something interesting to spice up the conversation, "thought Jalal encouraging himself.

Jalal"So what are doing in Delhi".

" I am doing an MBA ",  replied Jodha with a small smile.

Jalal"oh same here, I am in final year and you".

Jodha"First year".

It was the first time for jalal facing this type of awkward situation 

Jalal's POV 

"What the hell is happening to me I am on a date and I am asking about these type of things why I am making a fool of myself. Usually whenever I come on date girls bored me with their gibberish talks but now this girl she is something else not speaking a single word extra word. seems like she is not interested in talking with me. Wait ! what I just said not interested in me.No no it can't be possible girls die for me, it's just that she is shy ya that's right she is shy."

His chain of thought was broken by the sudden ringing of her phone. A smile appeared on Jodha's face looking at the caller ID 


During all the phone conversation there was a smile on jodhas face which again attracted Jalal and this whole scenario was being observed by two pair of eyes.

After some time all again seated together for dinner but the difference was now Jodha was beside Jalal while Trisha between Jodha and Roby and Roby between Jalal and Trisha.

During whole dinner conversation, Jalal was watching Jodha but she was trying her best to avoid him, all this was absorbed by both bf and gf which led them wondering what had happened between them for such a confusing behaviour.


Jodha just had cut her call when she found Jalal was staring at her 

Jalal"U don't have bf right".

This sudden question confused Jodha

"No I don't and even not interested" replied Jodha.

"if u don't mind can u tell me with whom were you talking" asked Jalal out of curiosity which lead Jodha shocked on his directness but Before they could talk more their friends call them for dinner.

Flashback ends 

Dinner was just finished and boys went to pay the bill.

Suddenly a waiter tripped, as a result, pour the cold coffee on jodhas blazer 

Jodha"oh no" flinched while looking at her stained blazer. 

Trisha"what the hell can't u see" shouted at the waiter who already apologizing for the trouble.

Jodha"don't shout Trisha its a small mistake, he has not done it purposely.

I will just go and clean this mess", stated while moving towards the washroom.

Jalal" where is Jodha?" enquired after coming back to their table.

Trisha" She is washroom actually a waiter spoiled her clothes so just went to clean up".

On this Jalal just nodded while still looking towards the direction of the washroom 

"Jalal, if you don't mind, can I say something to you, "Trisha asked Jalal who again nodded while still looking in the same direction.

Taking a deep breath, "stop thinking about Jodha she is not interested in you and she will not fall for your charms", said Trisha firmly.

Hearing unexpected bluntness Jalal firstly got shocked but then chuckled

Jalal"how can u say that there is no girl who can resist my charms" stated now giving her his full attention.

Trisha"oh really then you are wrong dude Jodha is the one who is immune to your so-called charms," said while giving him a challenging look.

Jalal" and how can you say that",  enquired with the very same look.

Trisha" I can see that I mean come on, the way she was behaving with you is sufficient enough to prove my point and besides that when I told her about you the great charmer Jalal you know what she said  'I am not interested neither in you nor even in your talks", stated with a taunting look.

Now this thing had hurt Jalal's ego as it had never happened with him, it was an indirect attack to his male ego which was something Jalal could never take lightly.

"But I can make her fall for me that too in a very short time" claimed Jalal with an arrogance look.

" I don't think so", said Trisha 

Jalal"you wanna bet on this", said with a challenging look.

"You take a bet", challenged back Trisha.

Jalal"Ok she will confess that she loves me and that too in front of all".

Trisha"oh really and when will it happen".

Jalal" on my birthday that means in a month she will be mine".

Trisha" Oh really! we will see".

But before the heated conversation could move further Trishas mobile ringing halted it there only

"I am just coming," said Trisha on her phone.

Without saying anything she moved towards the washroom 

Roby who came back just a few moments before was too shock on the unexpected event,  he wanted to stop all this but it's too late now he was hell scared knowing Jalal very well but he was more scared for Jodha.

Trisha entered in the washroom with concerning look seeing her friend troubled face.

Trisha" what happen Jo".

Jodha"see na this coffee stain is not rubbing off from my blazer what to do now" winced while showing her tainted blazer.

"its simple remove ur blazer," Trisha said with as a matter of fact look.

"what! but how I will go outside without it. See this top it's too revealing" said a helpless Jodha.

Trisha" it's not a big deal Jo you will look more beautiful without it and besides you don't have any choice dear."

Left with no choice the Unhappy Jodha removed her blazer with a sad face which didn't settle well with the concerned friend.

Trisha advised,"  I know you are not comfortable I have an idea just let your hair open it will cover ur back and shoulders at least it will help a little".

Jodha" ya that's a great idea at least it will help me in saving as much as I can," said with a thankful look.

Trisha" I am going outside to get our car and you come fast we will leave in a jiffy", on this Jodha just nod her head.

Jalal enquired " what happened and where is Jodha"when he saw Trisha walking out of the washroom that too without Jodha.

Trisha" nothing much"stated while completely ignoring Jalals question which didn't go well with Jalal.

To avoid further tension

Roby"let's go to parking lot Jalal will bring Jodha while signalling to Jalal to stay behind.

Taking the hint of what his friend trying to say Jalal just nods his head and the couple left the place.

In the parking lot

"are you out of your mind Trisha what have you just done" shouted the frustrated boyfriend 

"what," said Trisha while giving an innocent look.

Roby"oh really I know what's cooking in your not so innocent mind that stunt you performed inside was not good, you___"

Cutting him in between Trisha"ok chill I accept that but my intentions were pure you know when I saw them together I feel they are just made for each other, I saw a spark in them like energy is pulling them towards each other" stated in a dreamy state.

Roby"Ok I agree but what's need of bet".

Trisha "just to give a push to Jalal I mean come on he with his big ego will never take the first step and Jo well she is a like a nun ".

" that's the problem you don't know him you have pressed on a very wrong button. Moreover, they both are opposite", tried to reason the vulnerable boyfriend.

Trisha" you are thinking too much you will see they both will be the best couple just like us and don't you know the opposite always attracts".

The Helpless bf knew very well that it's wastage of time to argue with her

But still, he couldn't help himself to state the warning "I just hope that it doesn't turn into a disaster not only for them but for us as well".



With this, the 4th chapter is done.

Do vote and share your valuable views 

Thank you😊😊

Aishu.R thumbnail
Anniversary 4 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail
Posted: 4 years ago

Originally posted by: sho123

Nope Dear same process there only 

Ohk...I thought you are re-uploading it here..😊
