Akdha FF:Found You "Note" - Page 5


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sho123 thumbnail
Anniversary 8 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 4 years ago

Will in few minutes

sho123 thumbnail
Anniversary 8 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 4 years ago

Originally posted by: taahir004

Impressive Chapter 

Jodha's first Date is Jalal

but she also has no idea what will happen to her 

Ya let's see

sho123 thumbnail
Anniversary 8 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 4 years ago

Originally posted by: natashathakur

Superb update n thnxx for pm me

Thank you dear

sho123 thumbnail
Anniversary 8 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 4 years ago

Originally posted by: Mavi_16_2

You know, now a days there is no work and getting bored at home🤪

And even you guys are not available now a days🤔🤓

No video calling and no message chats nothing. It's like you have forgotten me😭

Oh really even thought don't give us ur time 

We never forget you Mavi 

How can you think like that 😯

sho123 thumbnail
Anniversary 8 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 4 years ago

Originally posted by: eshalli

Welcome back sherry... 

Awesome update 

Continue soon 

Thx 4r pm

Thank dear 😊

Aishu.R thumbnail
Anniversary 4 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail
Posted: 4 years ago

Originally posted by: sho123

Will in few minutes

Ohk... Waiting..
sho123 thumbnail
Anniversary 8 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 4 years ago


"You have to come out with me on a dinner that too tonight", stated Trisha with the same straight expression.

Hearing such a small and easy thing 

"oh! that's it no problem we will surely go" chirped Jodha.

"Actually it's not only me and you who are going," said Trisha with a little nervousness.

"I didn't get it Trisha and don't you have a date with ur bf Roby so what about that" asked the confused Jodha.

"Ya that's on don't worry about that but just a slight change is there now we four are going me,u, Roby and Jalal Roby's bestie," said Trisha with a big smile and puppy face.

"What will I do there what's the need of this slight change and you know na I don't like these things" stated Jodha.

On this, Trisha told her whole conversation with Roby.

Trisha"Moreover you have already promised madam, whatever I say you will do".

Seeing no way finally, the helpless friend agreed to her dear friend's punishment.


Jalal finally relaxed on their apartment couch after listening all the updates of the past three months and also after agreeing on his best friends plea of going on a joint date with him.

Roby"thanks dude for agreeing on the joint date".

Jalal"oh that's ok dude, actually I also wanted to meet ur GF and ya u told me her friend is coming with her. What was her name___"

Roby"Its Jodha dude".

"hmm jodhaa..." said Jalal with a smirk.


After some time

An excited Roby entered in Jalal's room 

Roby asked"Ready". 

"Ya just a  minute dude" replied Jalal while setting his hair.

But seeing Jalals' over-preparation 

"why r u dressed this much it's my date dude, not urs," stated Roby.

Jalal" Correction its a joint date dude and you know na girls dress up too much to impress me and I don't want to disappoint my date" stated with a shrug.

Roby"What if this one came up as an exact opposite from your expectations".

" you know girls die for my one look plus they always overdressed so it will be fair only if I will return the favour".stated with his trademark smirk.


In a full angry mood, Jodha entered in her friend's room 

Jodha asked, "why is my wardrobe lock".

"Because I locked it that's why" stated Trisha with a shrug.

"But why we have to leave for the date but since you have locked my wardrobe so how will I get ready madam" Asked while placing her hands on her hips.

Trisha"because u will choose one of my dress I don't want u to wear ur boring clothes not at least on your very first date".

Jodha"it's not my date its ur date madam and I am not going there to impress someone".

Trisha" you are getting a date with 'the Jalal' you have heard na girls die for his one look and company".

"I am not interested" was the only look of Jodha.

Trisha"I knew that before, it will be a waste of time to argue with you since no one can win with you on arguments. But you have promised so no back off now lets me choose ur dress as this will go my way".

Without waiting for Jodha's reply Trisha started shuffling in her wardrobe 

"how about a black dress down to knees," asked Trisha.

" you know na I don't wear such type of dresses," said Jodha " how about the top with jeans" suggested Jodha.

"You can't change right" stated Trisha while shaking her head.

"Never" expressed Jodha with a grin.

"ok at least don't wear your boring tops for me", pleaded Trisha" wear this", while handling Jodha a cute black spaghetti strap top.

Jodha"no way it's too revealing, it will expose my shoulder and my half-back", with a small frown on her face.

Trisha"so what its normal Jo besides I wear this type of clothes regularly".

After thinking for a while an idea pooped up in Jodha's mind

Jodha" Ok fine I will wear it".

"really and that too without any argument," asked Trisha with suspicion 

Jodha"But on a condition".

Trisha"expected to say".

Jodha stated, "I will wear a shrug jacket over it".

Trisha" Ok fine that will look nice though".

After some time

Trisha asked"ready Jo" while entering in her bestie's room 

Jodha replied "just five minutes more" while wearing the shrug.

"Someone is looking breathtaking beautiful even without much effort"teased Trisha.

Jodha teased back" And someone looking hot in her hot dress".

" Thanks, Jo, I guess you should keep your hair open, it will look perfect and Jalal will surely get more impress", suggested Trisha.

" I am not coming with u to impress someone" signed Jodha.

Trisha states"that's not someone that's jalal".

"whoever" was the only reply of Jodha.

But before both friends could argue further the ringing of a mobile stopped them in between

Trisha"hey baby".

Roby"Hi baby so ready guys".

Trisha"ya almost we will be leaving in 10 minutes and you"

Roby" we are too but before that can you send me your pic I want to see how my baby is looking".

On this Trisha clicked her selfie and sent it to her despo boy

Roby"you are looking smoking hot baby and Jodha is behind you right".

Trisha"yup how Do you know".

Roby"Her eyes also got captured in your pic".

Trisha" Ok,  now let me hang up see you soon, bye baby". 

Jalal who was busy in typing on his phone immediately move towards Roby after hearing Jodha's name, just to get a glimpse of his blind date 

Jodha's doe eyes were only captured in the pic which left Jalal to hypnotize for a whole minute.

"Shall we r getting late buddy", asked Roby which resulted in breaking his friends' hypnotism.

Jalal replied," ya sure ". 


At Restaurant 

"When these girls will come dude," asked an impatient Jalal.

" Just wait they will be coming"answered Roby for the third time.

Just then a girl entered in wearing cream dress reaching her knees which immediately lead everyone's attention towards her.

Roby informed, "they came".

Hearing this Jalal also turned his face and just at that time a girl entered in wearing hot one-piece black dress above her knees along a ton of make up.

On seeing the over caked barbie Jalal gave Roby 'i told you to look' smirk.

But just then another girl entered in talking on her mobile although she was wearing casual clothes with hair tied in a ponytail, she was looking breathtakingly beautiful in her black top with a rose colour blazer along with skinny jeans.

Jalal's POV

"She is just adorable with that beautiful smile on her face. I had never seen such beautiful and pure smile and that dimples are like the cherry on top."

On seeing Jodha's effect on Jalal, Roby tapped on his shoulder who got immobilized after seeing Jodha's beauty. Jalal finally composed himself after receiving an 'I told u look' from his devil friend.

With this Roby signalled towards Trisha who waved back with a smile and dragged Jodha along with her who was still busy on her mobile.

Roby hugged Trisha and also introduced everyone with each other. During her introduction with Jalal, Trisha got super excited seeing Jalal's full attention on Jodha who had just cut her call.

Finally, Jodha was in front of Jalal who extended his hand for a handshake with her after fiddling with her fingers nervously, she hesitantly forward her hand. The moment their hands joined the very first touch resulted in an electrifying current due to which Jodha lifted her doe eyes to meet up with Jalals' intense ones.

Jalal's POV 

"With this close look I can see that she didn't have any makeup on which is quite strange and those big black doe eyes along with her pink rosy lips, she will be the death of many here. Her skin is so soft."

This whole scenario was not gone unnoticed by their bestiz but the difference was that one was thinking of some plan to spike the sparks between them while the other was scared of some bad happening knowing his best buddy quite well 



With this Chapter-3 is done.

Please do like and leave your valuable views 

Thank you😊😊

sho123 thumbnail
Anniversary 8 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 4 years ago



Aishu.R thumbnail
Anniversary 4 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail
Posted: 4 years ago
Jodha agreed for date on her conditions... Beautiful update but a small one... want to read more... update next part soon...
Kavya_P thumbnail
Anniversary 8 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 4 years ago

I'm reading twice 

On forums n on wattpad 
