Rhea-Shaheer|MishBir|AT: 77| - Page 10


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LetThereBeLight thumbnail
Anniversary 8 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail
Posted: 4 years ago

Originally posted by: Onyourface

smiley36smiley36 Diyaaaa... I love abir meenu dynamics smiley37 Abir's intensity shots are the best for meenu ...and actually there is more to their bond... so you remember during baba track...everyone was like meenu will get white washed and abir will be all maa ka beta type...only you me nandu and cool I guess were the ones who told that no that won't happen smiley36 because abir and meenu difference is much much more than just baba ki baat  ...they have on contrasting ideology in life....meenu believes in dictatorship and abir believes in the idea of democracy.... both of them have extreme understanding of human behaviour and relationships ...its the difference of approach here ....meenu brings out the vulnerabilities in others to achieve her own motive whereas abir finds the best in others and tries to bring out their positive side....meenu believes that her own perception is the only reality whereas abir is open to understanding others pov as well .... meenu wants everyone to stay within the boundaries that she has set , where as abir tries to inspire others to go beyond the boundaries and explore the beautiful life ...there is so much I can say about them ...but I think you got the idea smiley36 smiley36 I love the tashan bond here ...they are actually same same but different different 

I don't think mish is completely trusting meenu but I guess as a daughter in law too she can't openly express that against meenu ...abir can openly go against meenu because he is in son ...bahu ke thode limitations aa jaate hai 

🤣 Uru... finally i found a match who love meenu abir dynamics like me.. 🤣 Hifi yaar.. 🤗

i just loved reading this post,.. like seriously if you write more or make a separate post too i would love to read it more...  i so want makers to explore them more... even though bcoz of meenu's doing we have said is abir really her son but they both are perfect mom n son... abir is exact copy of her... only their end result vary but basic character trait is same... have you noticed only they both have the perfect come back to each other during confrontation, others be it mishku or kushti or anyone they go with truth n all... but these two say alot, like opinions, thoughts n lot more.... 

Its us only uru the people you said only said that meenu wont be white washed... baba is just a part of their dynamics their basic difference is bcoz of their difference in opinion.. Naanu once said to abir you are exactly like your mother both have this "i'm right" attitude but the difference abir says that she somehow achieves what she wants, and abir doesnt force his opinion rather he supports them n guides them only... haa we can go on talking about them.. hope makers bring a track where they are in forefront... will love it.. it will have that intensity, the tashan will be a treat.. 😆

Haan about mish i understand she has limitation but she should be careful around meenu, give her benefit of doubt n not trust meenu bcoz of her issue with kuhu.. 

Onyourface thumbnail
Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail Anniversary 5 Thumbnail Visit Streak 30 0 Thumbnail
Posted: 4 years ago

See girls m posting it here for reference...because I loved how meen executed it 😊 

This was tbe prep thread 


This was the main thread that she opened on the main day by combining our creations 


And this was our award ceremony 😆 Organised by vaishu me and socio....categories and nominations were suggested by then active AT members and voted by all active and silent forum members...these are not ordinary categories,  they were hatke 😆


So I suggest we should take two permissions here , one for the prep thread and other one for the main thread...also we can inform mods that we are planning to decide on award thing and game stuff n all ...😊 award thing we can discuss in prep thread inviting category suggestion from everyone 😊 games n all we can decide for example some person can take the initiative,  we can prepare riddles and PM her ...so that on the main day she will post all riddles and we will reply there....just an example I am giving here 😳 we can plan any game this way ...

Wat say guys ? ....

Onyourface thumbnail
Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail Anniversary 5 Thumbnail Visit Streak 30 0 Thumbnail
Posted: 4 years ago

Originally posted by: MishBirStruck

oh yes the award ceremony was huge hit, now we have many more scenes. 

We can have riddles, treasure hunt games, os writing competitions , and many more 

We have almost 10 days for preparation, we can do it 👍🏼

Yes yes vaishu it was so fun yaar 😆 See I posted the link above ..haaye our old days ...m really excited now 😛 let's make it fun yaar 

Treasure hunt , how exactly?  😳

Haan we have many days , we can plan ache se ...let's do it 👍🏼

Mimzy thumbnail
Anniversary 4 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail
Posted: 4 years ago

Originally posted by: LetThereBeLight

Ohh now i get it... 😆

This i actually explained it to uru somedays back... that the promise scene has more significance than it actually is shown... Is is fed of the back to back betrayal from meenu n family... He is scared of meenu using any truth against them, he has learnt his lesson on baba truth itself, and also he is time n again saw mish trusting n now also leaning towards meenu... so that promise scene was more of to protect mish n their relationship only... he is almost forcing mish to open up, like the haar think maybe the SR think looked funny but he somehow wanted to make mish say whats worrying her.. he wants to be careful that meenu doesnt get a chance to play.. he trusts mishti but also scared of her safety its like his way of protecting her... and he understood i think all your answers both their intention are same but he knew he can handle things more properly than mish as she gets into trouble easily n in end blames herself too... you only i think said about how abir lets mish to take lead but he is best captain or something... maybe abir understood that... so along with giving her go ahead he is trying to be her shield.. 

Haan diyaaa....I remember reading about this in your post and I liked it very much. Because the explaination that Mish is the one always hiding things never flew with me. Because Abir is no less. And I always found their rinse repeat scenes of hiding then promising scenes very hypocritical when both of them never share what needs to be shared.

But if mish's lack of judgement and fear of meenu harming her is what motivates Abir to ask promises from Mishti, then I am all for it. 

And I genuinely believe Abir handles situations better with the exception of the breakup track/dhol thing. He knows how to go about jt without offending anyone unlike mishti who charges blindly into every situation.

LetThereBeLight thumbnail
Anniversary 8 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail
Posted: 4 years ago

Originally posted by: Mimzy

Okay .....understood....👍🏼 She always tries to work around her situation.....doesn't leave anything to fate......

Unlike people who accept fate and tries to escape from their problems......

Okay....now I kind of understand where Abir comes from when he says he is weak and mish is strong......

Mini now i'm confused explain this naa.. 

LetThereBeLight thumbnail
Anniversary 8 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail
Posted: 4 years ago

Originally posted by: Cool_wonder

hmm😲.. I dint realise it😃

haan.... Meri cribbing mein I forgot😆

haha now happy.. and also we got bts pic n mish is all good in every pics so relax 🤗 it might be something small but intense abir on way

RamAayeHain thumbnail
Anniversary 9 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 4 years ago

Originally posted by: LetThereBeLight

haina i love the fast forward mode of song.. 🤣🤣

Yup that was awesome 🤣

RamAayeHain thumbnail
Anniversary 9 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 4 years ago


Mimzy thumbnail
Anniversary 4 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail
Posted: 4 years ago

Originally posted by: Onyourface

See girls m posting it here for reference...because I loved how meen executed it 😊 

This was tbe prep thread 


This was the main thread that she opened on the main day by combining our creations 


And this was our award ceremony 😆 Organised by vaishu me and socio....categories and nominations were suggested by then active AT members and voted by all active and silent forum members...these are not ordinary categories,  they were hatke 😆


So I suggest we should take two permissions here , one for the prep thread and other one for the main thread...also we can inform mods that we are planning to decide on award thing and game stuff n all ...😊 award thing we can discuss in prep thread inviting category suggestion from everyone 😊 games n all we can decide for example some person can take the initiative,  we can prepare riddles and PM her ...so that on the main day she will post all riddles and we will reply there....just an example I am giving here 😳 we can plan any game this way ...

Wat say guys ? ....

 Oh wow Uru.....😲This is gold......

Lol....I remember seeing it......but forgot to go back and read everything.....😆

 We should deffo do smething like this.....😆

Mimzy thumbnail
Anniversary 4 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail
Posted: 4 years ago

Hmmmm.....white aaaaaaaaaaaaa

He luks beautiful......😆
