DHLJ Last round "Celebrating the glory of Silver Anniversary"

braveheartdoc thumbnail
Anniversary 8 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 4 years ago




Mani (excited)“Suta I can’t just wait to meet our school gang after so many years. I’m glad we could plan for this get-together.” 

Suta: I’m excited too I just hope Koeli can make it too. She had told me yesterday that her leave is not yet approved.

As soon as the rest of the gang gathered together, they called Koeli outside. The excitement was visible on everyone's face as they met each other.

Koeli: I’m so sorry I won’t be able to come with you all. My leave got cancelled as I need to arrange the party organized by Mr Anurag Basu for his parents.

Priya: so you are arranging the party for Mr Anurag Basu, the MD of Basu publications? But what is the occasion for this surprise party? 

Koeli showed them the invite for the party while everyone felt sorry for her as she couldn't get leave for this day. 






The daylight dims and paves the way

 For the moon to cast fifty shades of silvery grey 

Silver rings a bell in our mind 

 That makes friends and families bind 

Mohini exclaims a little surprised 

The hidden silver anniversary gift find 

As Moloy does Mohini a remind 

Their loving journey 25 yrs behind.

Mohini beams at Moloy in glee

Supreme as the empress of the Basu family 

Join Anurag as he with friends and family 

Celebrates his parents’ silver anniversary 

Let’s enjoy the party and have lots of fun 

After common daily life chores are done 

Wear a mysterious glint in your eye

Bid the dull mood a goodbye, let your spirits glorify



Koeli looked upset as so many things were yet to be finalised and not much time was left as the hosts would soon be arriving.

Shirisha: you don’t worry Koeli we are all with you. Remember how in school we used to organize the events together. Lets do that once again today, what say girls?

Everyone agreed to help her and reminisce their school days when they used to organise school functions together.


Edited by braveheartdoc - 4 years ago


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Sutapasima thumbnail
Posted: 4 years ago


Soon Mr Anurag Basu arrived there and Koeli introduced herself and her friends to him. Akashi out of excitement blurted out that their get together, after so many years, got spoiled because of this surprise party. He felt sorry for all of them and invited them to be a part of the celebration. Everyone was impressed with his grounded nature.

Rosy: Don’t worry Mr Basu we won’t leave our friend alone and we are there for every help that might be needed. 

He wanted to supervise the arrangements, so Koeli decided to show him the venue and the decorations along with her friends.  Soon Mr and Mrs Basu too joined their son and all went around to have a look.




ITC Hotel, Sonar  is one of the most luxurious hotels in Kolkata and the group was excited to witness the grandeur.




The glows of purple , peach and white lights warmly welcomed them at the entrance.





Koeli had excelled in generously using her favourite purple colour to its glory. The pathways leading to the venue had exotic flowers in shades of purple and white, displayed in glorious arrangements to meet the tastes of Mr Anurag Basu and his family.



Lawn and Selfie Corner


They were lead through the lawns and selfie corners, that took them to a dream like fairyland with their beautiful arrangements of lights.



The Stage


As they entered the main hall, their eyes first went across to the stage that had been decorated for the star couple tonight Mr and Mrs Basu. The initials of their names were shining in glitters right there in the centre of the stage and they couldn't prevent themselves from getting amazed.



Centre Piece


Right in the middle of the hall, they saw beautiful glowing perfumed candles which stood out along with the flowers arrangement. 




Table Arrangement


They witnessed for themselves Koeli's creativity as she had created magic with her flower arrangements and candles. They expressed heart felt appreciation for their friend.



Head Table


They were awed at the shades of purple and white used to perfection and exquisite finesse.





Their admiration knew no bounds as they saw the decorations with hanging candles and flowers in different areas of the hall. The tree arrangement gave it a unique look altogether.



Dance floor


The girls wanted to see the dance floor so she escorted them to that area which perfectly blended with the theme chosen. She knew what her friends were interested in and Mr Anurag Basu had also instructed her to pay special attention to the dance floor. The light arrangements were giving the dance floor a starry sky appearance and they were already imagining the fun on the dance floor once the party starts.



Cosy corner


There was an area slightly away from the main hall, the cozy corner decorated in sky blue colour. The colour and the ambience there could easily provide comfort to the people coming there. That place was a special attraction for the guests.



Moloy walks in holding Mohini’s hand 

She gets emotional seeing his wedding band 

Being loyal companions, constant and true   

Happiness multiplies meeting the purple hue 

A spring in their steps as they meet their son 

The immaculate arrangements are beautifully done 

Success is what they found 

Recognition goes all around

Anurag’s teamwork is just so grand 

Do they really need a band ??



Everyone including Anurag, Moloy and Mohini Basu were amused with the grandeur and the appreciated Koeli for this visual extravaganza. 

Rosy: Mr Basu is so handsome I'm sure the girl whom he marries would be the luckiest girl in the world.

Priya: That's true but why are you so nervous Koeli? You have managed everything really well.

Suta: Just calm down dear everything would be fine.

She tried to calm down anxious Koeli who had planned everything on short notice.


Edited by Sutapasima - 4 years ago
braveheartdoc thumbnail
Anniversary 8 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 4 years ago


As the other Basus excused themselves, the girls' gang started their random chit chat.

Priya: Rosy I’m really impressed with the way these Basus have dressed up, so elegant and classy.

Rosy: but you know what I’ve heard that Mrs Mohini Basu and Nivedita Basu are decked up routinely as well, as if forever ready for a party. 

Everyone had a good laugh on hearing this while Suta was trying to figure out something



Moloy Basu looked handsome dressed up in royal blue colour with matching shoes, just suited for his personality. 



On the other hand, his better half Mrs Mohini Basu looked classy in a purple and white saree which orchids in her bun. The exclusive jewellery enhanced her beauty and Moloy couldn't take his eyes off her.


The dashingly handsome Anurag Basu was suited in peacock blue with an inky blue tie to go with it. His immaculate taste of shoes and watch matched to perfection and his smile added to his charm.



In contrast to the other family members, Nivedita wore a silver-coloured gown along with navy blue coloured orchids for her hair and an elegant glitter-blue clutch. She was looking absolutely stunning tonight and her husband Anupam was trying to be close to her as far as possible.



Anupam too looked handsome in his dark blue indo-western outfit with a bracelet which was gifted by his wife to go along. His gelled hair suited his personality.


Friends and families got to look their best 

In Purple, blue or silver matching with the rest 

Strut their Pencil heels and stilettos with a zest 

Don your silky skirts and gowns 

As you dance prettily they flounce 

Look demure in a saree, free of care 

Or challenge Mohini’s saree, if you dare !!


Suta: I find Mr Anupam somewhat different from the rest of the Basus. Don’t you all feel the same?

Mani: you are right Suta he seems to be a very down to earth person.

Akashi: you see how Nivedita is ignoring him, I feel she is just like her mother with so much attitude.

Everyone nodded in agreement.


Edited by braveheartdoc - 4 years ago
Sutapasima thumbnail
Posted: 4 years ago


Soon the guests starting coming there and Mohini Basu didn’t seem to be too pleased as the Sharma family entered, especially Prerna Sharma.






Rosy: don’t you all think that Mrs Mohini Basu is very possessive for her son.

Mani: you know this is what I was thinking. I’m also getting negative vibes from her.

Koeli (who too had joined them by now): how do you manage to read someones face so soon Mani? You know I always wanted to ask you this.

Mani: Koeli her expressions are so obvious, she hates Prerna to the core what could be the reason?

Shirisha: what are you both talking about? I’m unable to understand anything. First you tell me Koeli who all are going to be the guests tonight? 

Koeli: soon you would all see for yourselves.

Akashi: I’m very excited to know that please tell me fast. 

 Soon the guests started entering and everyone was excited to see the members of Star Parivar.


Rudraksha and Preesha



Abir and Mishti



Rohit and Sonakshi



Kartik and Naira



Veer and Krishna



Surprise is ready to unfold and glory begins to show

We come here together to shine and glow

As we welcome the esteemed guests to grace the occasion

Our hearts are filled with pleasure and gratification

We offer a hearty welcome to one and all

We merrily introduce them to everyone in the hall



The entire gang was really excited to see so many famous people together under a single roof.


Edited by Sutapasima - 4 years ago
braveheartdoc thumbnail
Anniversary 8 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 4 years ago


Priya: I’m feeling hungry I want to know what all have you arranged? Don’t tell me you are going to keep all of us starving.

Koeli don’t worry Priya I’m sure you’ll love the delicacies. Come let me show you around.




Starting with the beverages, she had arranged for both non-alcoholic and alcoholic drinks. The non-alcoholic ones included Arizona sunset, Campari and Rosemary lime spritzer while the alcoholic ones had Champagne punch, Tequila sunrise and Alladin wish maker cocktail. Both Moloy and Anupam winked to each other and Anurag knew what their wink meant.




Next were the likes of the appetisers  that had vegetarian Baked vegan spring rolls, Spinach and mushroom rolls and Cheesy biscuit bites. She also arranged for non-veg dishes like Chicken and waffle sliders, Guffilte eier and Steak skewers. Everyone became excited to see what more was there for them to relish tonight.


Main Course


Coming to the main course meals, the vegetarian section had Spanakopita, Spicy vegetable stir fry and Dan dan mian while Chicken dijon, Monkfish and Lasagna attracted the Basus especially.




Who wouldn't love the desserts in a party? So when they reached that section, their apetite seemed to increase many folds when they saw Maltese ice cream, potica, mamina jela, Cuisson citron menthe framboise along with baklava and dessert nachos. Everything looked so delicious and yummy and Anurag Basu was pleased to see the entire arrangements.


Yummy dishes on a lavish spread await

Making  you drool and salivate 

There is no love greater than the love for food 

We serve you the dishes, an emperor would 

The abundance of life and everything perfect 

Drinks, appetisers, courses for you to select 

It’s the essence of flavours and wonderment of combinations 

The way to a man's heart wrapped inside these kitchen visions  

Freshly made Vegetables fried and stirred 

Relish the spanakopita and lasagna they simmered, 

Don’t miss the Fish that makes all go GAGA 

No Bong is satisfied without it  “URI BABA !!


Rosy: wow Koeli this is just amazing I’m spellbound with the way you arranged everything so soon.

Suta: I remember she always had this talent in school too. I used to just carry out whatever she used to tell me then.

Mani: desserts look so yummy I can’t wait to try them.

Shirisha: Mani we all know your love for desserts you haven’t changed over the years.

Koeli finally had a smile on her face and excused herself as she was called by her assistant.


Edited by braveheartdoc - 4 years ago
priya185 thumbnail
Posted: 4 years ago


As the party was in its full swing, Anurag Basu, Nivedita and Anupam gifted Moloy and Mohini Basu with their amazing presents. Mohini and Moloy too had planned something special for each other.



Mohini knew that Moloy loved antique items, so she gifted him an antique pocket watch while he gave a diamond ring knowing her love for diamonds.



Anurag Basu gifted his parents with gold cufflinks to Moloy and diamond neck piece to his mother.



Nivi and Anupam gifted them a rejuvenation package for 5 days. They knew both Mohini and Moloy have not spent a lone time together since long. So they would enjoy being together away from the hustles of daily life.



Anurag also showed them the gift corner. Moloy wanted to know what he had planned as return gifts for the guests tonight. he informed him that he had arranged for beautiful flute glasses for everyone. Both of them were impressed with his choice of present for all the guests.


Traditions of Basu Bari held high, their hospitality praised

On a high note, the silver jubilee party was celebrated

Friends and families began to leave as the mirth ended

It was time to make every guest feel appreciated.

Anurag treasured their presence as he smiled wider

He revealed the Return gifts galore at time of departure

Every invitee was made to feel fortunate beyond measure

For sharing their day with the Basus and make life richer

Fun fragrances for their homes or baths 

Adding colours to their homes with attractive handicrafts 

 Accessorise their attires with warm thoughtfulness, but high on fashion

Thanking them for adding, wonderful memories with compassion


Edited by priya185 - 4 years ago
Sutapasima thumbnail
Posted: 4 years ago



Koeli was really upset when she returned. She informed them that there was some issue with the music arrangements and it needed some time to be replaced. 

Koeli : what shall I do now? I’m dead….

Rosy: relax dear hum hain na!! I have an idea why don’t we all play Antakshari with the guests here? 

Shirisha: great idea Rosy by the time the music system is arranged, we can play antakshari. Koeli you see to the music system and leave the rest to us.

Priya, Akashi and Shirisha invited all the guests for the Antakshari.

Priya: Baithe baithe kya karen karna hai kuchh kaam, shuru karo antakshari lekar prabhu ka naam!!

Anurag and Nivi were amused to hear this announcement. He teasingly reminded Nivi how she always sang male songs in antakshari last time she sang o o jaane jaana

Nivi is taken aback to see her brother saying this in front of the guests and she also decided to tease him in return.

Nivi : your record is stuck on pal, ajeeb dastaan and mahi ve since the past 2 years

Anurag smiles and says how can someone be stuck on three songs I have variation. My voice is better than yours I've proven myself so many times.

Nivi:  I am your older and wiser sister. I have been playing antakshari before you were even born. 

Anurag: well we shall see 

Nivi :yes we shall surely see




Get ready to sing and dance 

As we give you all a chance

To have a blast with antakshari 

And make this occasion memorable and merry

Just hit the right chord with the song

Don’t worry even if you get it wrong

As we get along the game tonight

We promise you a fun time outright

Forum friends are welcome along

Just start away with your favourite song

As soon as the music system was replaced, Koeli signalled them and they decided to soon end the game and asked the guests to join on to the dance floor. She was thankful to them for saving her in the nick of time.

While the dance floor was one of the hot spot for all the guests to groove and shake.



Shirisha: did you all notice how Mrs Mohini Basu was rolling her eyes when Mr Basu was dancing with Prerna?

Koeli: I’ve heard she isn’t really fond of Prerna but Mr Anurag Basu’s eyes have so much love for her. 

Mani: you can’t change some people Koeli. She would never change and her hatred for Prerna is so clear in her expressions.

Shirisha: it’s their personal matter why should we bother? We are here just for our friend, so lets just enjoy the party and our time together.

Everyone agreed with her and they recollected their childhood days while watching others dance.

Once the party ended, Mr Anurag Basu thanked Koeli and her gang who came up with the brilliant idea of antakshari just when it was needed.




For all our forum friends the game of Antakshari is open to play. So lets start and have fun playing the game ....


Edited by Sutapasima - 4 years ago
priya185 thumbnail
Posted: 4 years ago


Team Anurag begins the Antakshari game

Now this game is open to everyone to participate 


Edited by priya185 - 4 years ago
Sutapasima thumbnail
Posted: 4 years ago

Last song ended with Sathiyaa 👍🏼

My song is ...."AA dekhey zara, kisme kitna hai dum .. bachke rakhna kadam , mere saathiya !!!..

Ends with "ya" again 🤣

Awesome efforts team Anuraag 🤗it was fun working together .. looking forwards to more such activities dear friends 

Edited by Sutapasima - 4 years ago
reel_real thumbnail
Anniversary 8 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 4 years ago

Yaaron ke bina oh yaaron lagati hai

Zindagi adhoori

Ek kating chaay mein sabhi ka peena

Dosti ki theory

Fati huyi jeans ko bhi

Fashion batana majboori

Letter for next song "I"

Edited by reel_real - 4 years ago