Aman Junaid Khan - calling spade a spade

vibha28 thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 4 years ago

I have not watched the past two days episodes so if I am wrong anywhere do let me know.

When I watch AJK I wonder who can love this guy? Roshni is mad to still love this man who is nothing but a hypocrite for whom rules do not apply but he will decide who is worthy of him. If they are you get to be in his life otherwise be prepared to listen to name calling.

I have always said love is not love if you have to prove that love. That’s why people say love is blind because it doesn’t see the person or whether they are worthy, you just fall in love like roshni did. Aman, on the other hand:

- He says he had a relationship with Alia in London. Looking at the age of the kid around 15-16 months ago which is fairly recent. So he must have pursued her and it progressed to physical in nature meaning it must be intense. His choice, then they broke up and he comes back to JM and enter roshni.

- From the minute he found out she was a courtesan’s daughter he has demeaned her to no end. Calling her names, throwing money at her just because she wouldn’t answer his calls, forcefully marrying her to help his mum, more name calling, telling his mum that she is right and roshni has no place in his life or heart, taking advantage of her good nature, Sameer saga - more name calling, threw her out of the house 3 times, tells her no connection ever.

- Next day he pouts and then his MIL clears all the MU then he goes to bring her back but she is gone so instead of making sure that a girl who was completely innocent has left with no support is fine he let’s it be. Roshni comes to him and dies for him.

After this she loses her memory and Aman was redeemed but still the love was after roshni had proved that she is to be trusted. Now enter Alia:

- Aman fell for her no conditions, no need for saving, and his choice

- She comes with a baby and instead of asking hey how come you didn’t tell me or ring me when you were pregnant he agrees that she should live with them.

- I saw in the picture that he touches her yesterday and I bet you he would do it today too and in precap says roshni you live in my heart 😡😡😡😡 bullshite!!!!!!i don’t believe a word coming out of that hypocrites mouth and neither should roshni.

What I do want to see:

- Roshni leaving and meeting a new guy who is Vikram lookalike 

- That new guy immediately feels a connection with her and pursues her and loves her for herself with no conditions.

- Roshni accepts him and if Aman comes back she rejects him

- Roshni really telling off Aman and leaving.

Aman has not done one thing for roshni which is not for his benefit until now. Roshni constantly saves him and he constantly takes advantage of that. I am disgusted by Aman and for me the essence of Roshan is now gone. I don’t feel it and after this baby drama there is no coming back either that’s why to get my interest it has to be start over with a new guy or both dies and new Vikram and Aditi. I just hate this Aman I really do, he is the worst ML ever created. 


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manissha thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail Commentator 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 4 years ago

But I think Aman has doubts on alia and he is acting in front of  her to find out the truth. 

vibha28 thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 4 years ago

Originally posted by: manissha

But I think Aman has doubts on alia and he is acting in front of  her to find out the truth. 

Doesn’t matter he can doubt away - he agreed to having a relationship with her. I have not said he shouldn’t be in a relationship my issue is his hypocrisy. Let him doubt I don’t care I just want Roshni to be out.

amlavs thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Visit Streak 90 0 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 4 years ago

Originally posted by: vibha28

I have not watched the past two days episodes so if I am wrong anywhere do let me know.

When I watch AJK I wonder who can love this guy? Roshni is mad to still love this man who is nothing but a hypocrite for whom rules do not apply but he will decide who is worthy of him. If they are you get to be in his life otherwise be prepared to listen to name calling.

I have always said love is not love if you have to prove that love. That’s why people say love is blind because it doesn’t see the person or whether they are worthy, you just fall in love like roshni did. Aman, on the other hand:

- He says he had a relationship with Alia in London. Looking at the age of the kid around 15-16 months ago which is fairly recent. So he must have pursued her and it progressed to physical in nature meaning it must be intense. His choice, then they broke up and he comes back to JM and enter roshni.

- From the minute he found out she was a courtesan’s daughter he has demeaned her to no end. Calling her names, throwing money at her just because she wouldn’t answer his calls, forcefully marrying her to help his mum, more name calling, telling his mum that she is right and roshni has no place in his life or heart, taking advantage of her good nature, Sameer saga - more name calling, threw her out of the house 3 times, tells her no connection ever.

- Next day he pouts and then his MIL clears all the MU then he goes to bring her back but she is gone so instead of making sure that a girl who was completely innocent has left with no support is fine he let’s it be. Roshni comes to him and dies for him.

After this she loses her memory and Aman was redeemed but still the love was after roshni had proved that she is to be trusted. Now enter Alia:

- Aman fell for her no conditions, no need for saving, and his choice

- She comes with a baby and instead of asking hey how come you didn’t tell me or ring me when you were pregnant he agrees that she should live with them.

- I saw in the picture that he touches her yesterday and I bet you he would do it today too and in precap says roshni you live in my heart 😡😡😡😡 bullshite!!!!!!i don’t believe a word coming out of that hypocrites mouth and neither should roshni.

What I do want to see:

- Roshni leaving and meeting a new guy who is Vikram lookalike 

- That new guy immediately feels a connection with her and pursues her and loves her for herself with no conditions.

- Roshni accepts him and if Aman comes back she rejects him

- Roshni really telling off Aman and leaving.

Aman has not done one thing for roshni which is not for his benefit until now. Roshni constantly saves him and he constantly takes advantage of that. I am disgusted by Aman and for me the essence of Roshan is now gone. I don’t feel it and after this baby drama there is no coming back either that’s why to get my interest it has to be start over with a new guy or both dies and new Vikram and Aditi. I just hate this Aman I really do, he is the worst ML ever created. 

Mutual feelings... 👍🏼🤗

vibha28 thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 4 years ago

Originally posted by: amlavs

Mutual feelings... 👍🏼🤗

🤗 What a sad demise of a great show - they could have stuck to original plot and gone with a bang.

Jiss555 thumbnail
Visit Streak 90 0 Thumbnail Anniversary 4 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 4 years ago

Originally posted by: vibha28

🤗 What a sad demise of a great show - they could have stuck to original plot and gone with a bang.

yep they could have  completed within 100 epi and come with a new season with a fresh story.

vibha28 thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 4 years ago

Originally posted by: Jiss555

yep they could have  completed within 100 epi and come with a new season with a fresh story.

That’s why I didn’t want an extension because I knew Gul will ruin it. It could have ended with that happy feeling and maybe a new season or not. What a terrible thing to do to a top show. I will never ever again watch any Gul drama, at least with ekta she doesn’t pretend to give a unique theory.

amlavs thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Visit Streak 90 0 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 4 years ago

Originally posted by: vibha28

🤗 What a sad demise of a great show - they could have stuck to original plot and gone with a bang.

Did u see that aman dialogues to roshini.... that's she was his she is his and always his... wat a looser and lier...

sanchita1410 thumbnail
Anniversary 17 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 4 years ago

I also stopped watching.But by the reviews here I can easily say Aman's char is destroyed beyond repair

vibha28 thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 4 years ago

Originally posted by: amlavs

Did u see that aman dialogues to roshini.... that's she was his she is his and always his... wat a looser and lier...

No I haven’t watched the show today and don’t intend to either. Interesting she is his like his property what about him? Is he not hers? Or is he both’s? I don’t believe a word he says he is a hypocritical psychopant.
