Taarey ff Love of my life

Mounikrishna thumbnail
Posted: 4 years ago

1. My innocent loveπŸ’–

In st Louis everyone is busy to welcome new students . People are running .in the gate of college a Audi stopped .a simple girl who looking very innocent and cute.and her eyes was filled with so much of fear .she stepped out of car . then she looked in side the her was saying all the best for her first day college .she so nerves she entered in the college there are so many people running she is so confuse .where should she go and she ask a boy where is the VP sir room that boy said the way she goes then she meet the VP sir then he told her that meet GS and AGS there are in the rehearsal hall for difficulty she fine the rehearsal hall then she hear somebody is shouting she shivered then she compose herself then entered the hall

Girl: excuse me ( she called in a low tone )

There a guy who is shouting to everyone she can't see his because she facing his back 

Guy: yeah ( in a shouting manner)

Girl: I am a new admimision here ( she say in a very shivering tone )

Guy: swayam this that ( he not turn to see that girl he move forward) 

Girl: bhaiiiiii ( she shout and hug her Bhai swayam .he also hug her back)

Swayam: hi Taani how are u ( he said in a happy )

Taani : super Bhai( then he see another side )

Taani: sheya  diii( in a happy and hug her so tight)

Sheya : taani ( and hug her )

Sheya: stop behaving like kid taani and leave me 

Taani cutely pouted in her di words.and then that guy turn to see who that girl and he is mesmerized from her look she is so cute he think 

Swayam : taani meet my friends ( he introduced all then )

Swayam : and he is Rey ( Rey was just starring her )

Taani : I want to meet GS and AGS Bhai ( she said not looking at Rey )

Sheya : so u here new admission ( she said in a shock expression)

Taani : yaaaa ( she said so much of happy because  now onwards she is studying with her bro and sis )

Rey : so u want a way to ur class room right ( he said looking straight to her eyes)

Taani : yes ( she said in a low and shivering tone )

He take the paper in her hand to know which is class is studying

Rey : ur class room is 2 floor right side 3 room

Sheya: go to ur class taani it's getting late

Taani : di but how would I go there even I don't know anything here ( she said in fear tone which is noticed by Rey )

Sheya: don't be kid taani .be a matured girl and behaving like this( she scolds her )

Taani : sorry di ( in a tears in her eyes)

Rey : it's ok I will show her to her class room come

Sheya: but Rey y are taken stress of this she will manage

Rey : it's ok sheya even I have a word on 3 floor.come

Taani : ok ( in a fear tone she ok)

There come out of the rehearsal hall walking

Rey: so taani is ur name

Taani : ya..ya ( she is so shivering tone)

Rey : y are so shivering ( he in a confuse )

Taani : no.. nothing

Rey : are u scared of me ( to amused the screen)

Taani : how do u know ( she is shock how know )

Rey : that means yes .y are u scared of me 

Taani : when I was entered in the hall ur shouting .I scared of that 

Then the taani class room there .quick she ran to the class 

( So guys this my first story about TaaRey I love that character so much so please support me and comments me thanks u so much 😘😘😘)


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Frequent Posters

Divya5star thumbnail
Group Promotion 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 4 years ago

Nice start

Continue soon 

Mounikrishna thumbnail
Posted: 4 years ago

Thank you so much for your valuable comment

Mounikrishna thumbnail
Posted: 4 years ago

How to update next chapter. I updated first part. But I don't know how update my second part. Please help.

Jasmine_ash thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 4 years ago

Simple post ur next chapter in comment box 

By the way awesome start 

Pls do continue 


Mounikrishna thumbnail
Posted: 4 years ago


Rey: handsome, heartthrob of college he is anger man .he doesn't listen any one .he loves his friends very much

Taani: cute , sweet,bubble and so innocent .sheya and swayam is siblings of taani.she love her mother so much 

Swayam: brother of taani and sheya.same as show 

Sheya: dance partner of Rey .she loves Rey but Rey is not interested in her.she jealous of taani.she hates taani behaviour.she is a matured girl

Taani mam: she is a single mother .she loves her children so much .

All characters are as show

( So guys there the main  characters of this story .if u like story please support me and comments me.thank u😘😘😘)

Sorry for mistakes

Mounikrishna thumbnail
Posted: 4 years ago

2.. Chocolate bite🍫

Hi guys I am here to update😘

Morning is  completed . taani in her class .Rey and gang was doing there rehearsals .in evening taani come in rehearsal hall for her bhai and sis.when she entered there dancing when there are seen taani there stop dance.

Taani: di when we are going to home ( she asked very innocently)

Sheya : we have some work taani u go sit there.( She said in a irritating and tired tone)

Taani silently goes and sitting there after some time she see a chocolate in her bag .and takes that chocolate go to her di and asked 

Taani: di can i eat this chocolate ( she asked to her di to showing chocolate to her)

Sheya: ( she close her eyes take a deep breath in a irritating expression)yess

Taani happily open the rapper and she take a bite gives to her sister .she taken that and she  taken a bite gives to her brother and to all gang members and finally comes to Rey .Rey was just staring her when she entered the hall .he is in a corner of the hall .she went there looking down and showing his bite to him.

Rey : this is from me( she noted her head )

Rey : but after this u have only one bite y u shared all the chocolate bites

Taani: ma said that if u have any thing share that to others( she said that looking down)

Rey just impress by that .how much she thinks about others he thinks and just staring at her

Here taani is waiting when he will take that bite after 2 minutes she look up and show him to take that bite with her eyes .

Rey : I don't want this bite .

Taani: why( with a ? Face)

Rey : I don't like chocolate much u eat this one also (with a smile)

When she hear that she is where happy and a big smile in her face 

Taani: think once again if I taken this bite I won't  give this again.

Rey just smile 

Rey: ok really I don't want this u take

All the conversation between of Rey and taani no one is seen except one she is Sharon .she seen and smile about his best friend after some time 

Rey: so taani 

Taani : hm( she looked up with chocolate in her mouth)

Rey : friends( he is asking showing his hand to her )

Taani: Fri..end?

Rey: I think now u not scared of me after I give bite to u after this also u scared of me

( He just wanting for positive response)

Taani thinks( he is a good man he also given his bite to me )

Taani : ok friends ( with a big smile) after that eating chocolate with a sound

Taani: umm..um

Rey was just starring her how cutely she is eating

Sheya: taani let's go car is waiting outside come

Swayam: ok guys tommorow onwards very day 6 clock rehearsals

Sharon: guys sharp 6 clock no one will be late ok

Gang : okkk

There are go to there home

( So guys this is my next update .if u like this story please support me and comments me)

Sorry for the mistakes)

Thanks u so much 😘😘😘

crazysidyali thumbnail
Posted: 4 years ago

Nice update

Please continue❀❀

Mounikrishna thumbnail
Posted: 4 years ago

3.mummy's girlπŸ’œ

(Hi guys I am here with update 😘)

Taani and sheya ,swayam are reached home.when there entered there mom sit in the sofa.taani directly go to her arms and hugs her

Taani: maa I miss u so much ma( she hug her very tightly )

TM: I missed you too taani ( she also hug her back)

Sheya : hi... Mom and how are u mom( she hug her)

Swayam: hi ...mom ( he also hug his mom)

TM: I am fine and what about u both( she said taani in her arms)

Sheyam: fine( they both said same time)

Sheya : mom ..what is all this ?

Then her mom show her hand βœ‹ to stop her and said

TM: taani go make coffee for all of as

Taani : okkk ma( she said with a smile and go to the kitchen

( Yes know all house hold works)

TM: yes sheya now tell me what you want to tell ( with a serious tone)

Sheya: mom now onwards  taani lives with as what all this u know how she is then also u 

She cuts her in middle and said

TM:  I know everything thing and now it's time to her live independently

Sheya : seriously mom u think she will live independently here really mom

TM: yes ... and u both are support her to live independently

Sheya: independently (she thinks )

Sheya : so mom u said that independently right 

TM: haa

Sheya: then the first step of taani independence is  let her go college along and came back home alone 

Swayam: no sheya she even don't know anything about this city how will she manage

TM: I think swayam is right

Then taani came with a coffee for all and gave it to them

Swayam: where is ur cup taani

Taani: I don't drink coffee I only drink chocolate milkshake bhai

TM: taani go and prepare dinner 

Taani : okkk ma (with a smile.she go there to her room change her dress)

There are so go there room to get fresh up

On other hand Rey was sitting in his room with laptop and thinking about taani

Rey: how cute she is .she is so beautiful I seen so many girls who was just dieing to get mere attention .but this girl just driving me crazy.ahrggg I want to talk to her right now but how ....I won't even know her number .ahhhh I am going mad.when sun will rise when I will see my baby face .just one day what you did to me taani .I love you .l love you so much baby .uff TAANI 

And slowly he drifted into sleep

Other hand  taani and her family eating dinner and taani eaten and 

Taani: I am done ma I going to sleep .. good night ma( she hug her ma and kissed her cheek and gone to her room)

Sheya : mom  what is ur decision about her college

Swayam : sheya at least give her some time to know about the way

Sheya: ok Bhai just two days after that she will go alone 

Swayam: but sheya

Sheya: Bhai we also have the rehearsals right and how she will come every day 6'0 and after college how she will wait such long time Bhai think about it also 

After some time swayam and her mom also agreed that

TM: I think she also right swayam and taani also learn how to go college alone

Swayam:ok mom  u think it is a good idea and I agree too and give her two days she will get know about how to go college alone and I will tell about this in right time ok good night mom

Good night sheya

Sheya: good night Bhai , good night mom

TM: good night both

Taani : my first day of college is  very good krishnaji and I made a friend his name is Rey .Frist I am scared of him after that bite ( thinking about bite) I think he is a good guys and I like him ok krishnaji good night 

All are sleeping

( So guys this is next chapter if u like it . please support me and comments me)

Sorry for mistakes

Thanks u so much 😘😘😘

Mounikrishna thumbnail
Posted: 4 years ago

   4.lovely gift 🎁

Hi guy's😘

Next day morning everyone is rehearsal hall  waiting for the Swayam and  sheya. In that time Swayam and Sheya entered In rehearsal hall. Everyone is seeing them and then Taani.

Sheya: Taani go to your class(with a irritating tone)

Everyone is get shock because it is 6 in the morning college starts in nine o'clock and then everyone see the taani' s face 

Taani: yes di ( with a disappointing face)

In all this scene only one person is just staring taani not even bother what they are saying . And that is none other than our Hero Rey 

Then Taani left the rehearsal hall and everyone start the rehearsals. Rey was not concentrating in dance that seen by Sharon. 

Sharon: Rey what are you doing(shouts in top of her voice)

Rey: uff .... Sharon why are you shouting (then he come to sense )

Sharon: why am i my shouting seriously Rey(folding her hands and look at her best friend's Eyes

Then Rey also looking straight into her eyes. Then she seen something in her best friend's eyes and she know what is really it is

Sharon: Rey takes  5 minutes break(Rey gives a big smile to her)

And he leaves the rehearsal hall and go to the taani' s classroom. When he entered the class room Taani is sitting alone in the classroom writing something in her book

Rey came to close to her said

Rey:hi Taani

Taani: Hi Rey you are here you have rehearsals right(with excitement on tone)

Rey: I am here because I want to talk to my new friend. (With happy face)

Taani: really (with very happy expression)

Rey: yeah seriously so tell me Taani how is your yesterday classes

Then they are continue the conversation about classes and house and some other things

After 30 minutes 

Rey 's phone is ringing then they both are come to sense and Rey pick the call it is Sharon

Sharon: where were you last 30 minutes(in shouting manner)

Rey: Sharon I will be back in 5 minutes

Sharon: you better be

Rey cut the call and turn to Taani and she is also staring him

Rey: I have to go Taani ( with a disappointing face)

Taani: ok you can go with a :-( ( with a sad face )

Rey I can't see her like this so I said that

Rey: Taani. don't be sad we can talk to our phone and so tell me your phone number

Taani: but I don't have a phone

Rey: what.......(with a shocking expression)

Taani: sheya di never allow me to use a phone( with a sad expression)

Rey: but why

Taani: I don't know Rey when I was living with my ma I don't want a phone but now i am living with my brother and sis she is not allowing me to use a  phone

Rey: hoo. Ok. Taani  I have to go bye

Taani:byeee( with a big smile)

After Rey entered in the rehearsal  hall

Sheya: where were you last 30 minutes I am so worry about you is everything ok is any problem with  your health Rey 

Rey:sheya I am alright nothing happened to me don't worry

Then he seen to the Sharon and give her a big smile. And they are started rehearsals

after that classes in lunch break Rey was walking in corridor and seen Taani. She is sitting alone in the classroom and when she about to open her  lunch box .Rey came in front of her

Rey: taani what are you doing alone here

Taani: eating ( with a cute expression)

Rey: I can see that why are you eating here alone

Taani: means

Rey: where is your friends taani

Taani: they are gone to canteen to eat something so I am here alone

Rey: so why are you not gone with them

Taani: they are not that much of closely that's why I didn't go to with them

Rey: but I am your close friend right

Taani: ha

Rey: come with me

Taani: but where

Rey: canteen our  gang are waiting there

Taani: gang means sheya di No no no I can't come if she is seen me then she will scolds me

Rey: no one scold you I am there(with a possessive tone)

Taani: but Rey( her words is cutted by Rey)

Rey: no if's s no but's Taani come with me

Rey taken her hand in his hand and Taani taken her box and left the room to go to the canteen

Other hand everyone is waiting for Rey

Vicky: guys there is Rey yaar

Nil: ha yaar I am so hungry

Amar: me too

Bharat: I am also hungry

Neha: yes Babu I am also hungry

Simmi: yeah Sharon where is Rey 

Rinni: where is he Sharon

In that time Swayam and Sheya get the order from others

In that time Rey and taani they are in standing in the entrance of the canteen

Sharon said that there he is everyone is looking at entrance and get shocked

Vicky: Rey 



Amar: together

Then come to there friends

Rey: sorry guys for late

Taani: hi

Sheya and swayam comes to gang with their meals

Sheya:  taani you here

Taani:has di that

Rey: hi Sheya she is sitting alone in class room so I think why should she join us what is say is any problems

Swayam: no no nothing there is no problem Rey even I am so happy we are so happy you guys are accepting my sister

Sheya : yeah

Rey : Taani you can sit here(which is beside of Rey 's seat)

Sharon: so taani  do you want to eat pizza

Taani: no no I don't like this type of food

Sharon: this type of food means you don't like pizza

Sheya: no guys she is not eat like this foods she is only eat house made food

Sharon: this food is cooked by your mum

Taani: no this food is cooked by me

Everyone is get shock they don't know taani knows cooking except swayam and Sheya

Gang : taani do you know cooking

Taani: yes

After few minutes

Taani : I am done .bye di bye Bhai

All the time Rey just sharing her after she left the canteen he was get up in his seat

Rey: Sharon I want to talk to you right now

And she knows what is that much of urgent of her best friend

Sharon: Rey  after some time see I am not done I am still eating

Rey: no Sharon right now I want to talk to you right now

And holding her hand and dragging her to out of the canteen

In fire exit

Sharon: so tell me what is the much of  urgent u dragging me here

Rey: I want to give a gift to Taani 

Sharon: oh ok which gift you want to give her

Rey: mobile phone

Sharon: why you want to give a mobile  already she has phone right give something different

Rey: no Sharon  don't have phone even she don't know how to use it

Sharon: what

Rey: yes sheya never allowed her to use phone

Sharon: but why

Rey: I don't know

Sharon: ok now tell me what should I do in this

Rey: you just tell to Sheya that give the phone to Taani

Sharon: why she give phone to Taani 

Rey: I don't know just you said anything to her  she just give the phone to Taani that's it

Sharon: OK I will think about it

Rey: ok you are the best sharon 

Then they go to the classes in the evening they are   in rehearsal hall then Taani comes to the  there tell  to her sis  that her classes are over

Sheya : wait sometime taani we did not complete our rehearsals

Taani: ok di I will go to library


After she left the rehearsal hall Rey look to the Sharon

Sharon: sheya taani don't have a phone

Sheya: no 

Sharon: y don't u give a phone to her

Sheya: in the time never she wants a phone

Sharon: but now the time to get her a phone babes after rehearsal where did you search for her

Swayam: yes Sharon is right sheya

Sheya: ok we will talk to mom about it

Sharon: cool

Rey: are u guys have a new phone to her

Swayam : tommorow we will buy it

Rey : no swayam I have new phone which is my dad send me but I don't use it .so if guys ok with that I will give that

Sheya: no Rey ur dad gift how will u give that

Rey: guys ur my friends I want give this as gift of our friendship.if u have problem with this it's ok 

Swayam: no nothing like that Rey ok u can give that phone 

Rey: thanks u guys

Rey( himself) this is my first gift to you baby get ready for the surprise baby I love you so much my darling)

( So guys this my next update if u like this story please support me and comments me)

Sorry for the mistakes

Thanks u so much 😘