Pishachini to get the Kaal Vijay gem

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Posted: 4 years ago

The upcoming episodes of Divya Drishti serial will roll high on thrill factor with Pishachini getting hold of the Kaal Vijay gem.

Up until now in Divya Drishti story, Kaanch Rani, who is Drishti’s doppelganger, has teamed up with Pishachini to aid her in snatching the powerful gem from Dhrishti and Divya.

Kaanch Rani has abducted the entire Shergill family inside the mirror maze where the door to Hell is creating more troubles for the captives.

Now, the new spoiler news of Divya Drashti serial reveals that Divya will bring the Kaal Vijay gem from the hidden place.

Drishti will sneak out from the mirror maze and will try to stop Divya from handing over the gem to Kaanch Rani.

Based on the gossips of Divya Drishti serial, Divya will fail to recognize the real Dristi and will hand over the Kaal Vijay gem to Kaanch Rani.

Kaanch Rani will give the gem to Pishachini in the forthcoming episodes of Divya Drishty serial future story.

