I Felt Really Bad For Deepak

Posted: 5 years ago
I just saw the finale and right form the beginning of the segment , Bharti was targeting him. I really feel success has made her a very arrogant person, she does take advantage of being a female comedian.

Had this been a male comedian, I am sure everyone would age called out him for disrespecting someone, but since its Deepak, no one really cares.

I have disliked him the entire season, but I would nto enjoy if even he is being made fun of in this way.

Bharti's obsession with Deepak is not nice at all, she always wants to target him and I enjoy hwo he takes it sportingly, but his parents were also trying to pout a fake smile on his face.

In my opinion, Deepak was looking really nice, but constantly passing remarks on his looks and appearance is disgusting.

Bharti should stop crossing her limits and she definitely spoiled the finale with her negativity, she always tries to dominate Deepak and try to put him down.

Passing comments on his face is not cool at all, this is not humour, .

Bharti said the meanest things in the episode and it is funny how everyone just laughs, just because Deepak is not the most good looking person, does nto mean she ahs the right to taunt him on his appearance all of the time.

What is worse is that, he did feel bad when she commented on his face, that is too BELOW THE BELT, she does not have the right to comment on anyone's face, this is too personal and Bharti should know her limits when she is making jokes.

The jokes she was making on Karanvir, Dipika,and Sreesnath was alright, but with Deepak, she does show personal grudges, she thinks he is a soft target who will nto say anything and laugh it off,also because he is not a big celebrity and she thinks he is a soft target, so bully him.

Bharti is not funny as hurting people's feelings does nto make you entertaining, it is sad how they bring her all of the time and her making other people uncomfortable is not funny, even men need their own space and she should learn to give them that space.

Bharti was doing it purposely to hurt him even more by calling him plumber, servant, secutiy guard.Not only Dee4pak, she ahs insulted all of the people that, they do nto deserve respect, she thinks she is too big of a celebrity which she is, but don't put others down inorder to uplift yourself.

The way she treats such people is not nice, then what is the difference between her and Sreesnath, she also says the same thing as him.

If she is really joking, then why does she nto say this to anyone else, she feels like this about Deepak which is why she only targets him, but saying how the heroine will want to wash with soap was really the worst thing, Deepak is not untouchable, Bharti needs to clean her mind as she does seem to have negative judgments about people who are commoners, she needs to be more down to earth.

Deepak is not untouchable and there are many people who do respect him, so stop trying to portray him as a person who is not valued by anyone, I am sure his family does respect him a lot.

She does comedy at the expense of someone's self-respect, she insults him infrotn of everyone, hats off to him for taking her behavior because not everyone ahs the courage to listen to such harsh things. Comapirng him with other housemates and trying to isolate him in every joke is not mature of Bharti.Edited by maha786 - 5 years ago