Bepannah,My thoughts, The fallen angel...

Hamlet53 thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail
Posted: 5 years ago

Bepannah My thoughts~ ep 183 27. 11.18  The fallen angel...

He once held such aura that made him a guardian angel to one close to his very heart. Now Adi appears like the fallen angel who rebels against the world around him.  yet something within him, her memory, her hallucinations ,continues to hold him from becoming a self destroying angel. Is it the hope that he'll get to see this allusive being? The being, who reminds him of the one who constitutes his most fondest and most bitterest of memories.

Behind bars yet again, bothers him not!  For he has the likes of his friend  Kunal and Mili to bail him out. Money makes the world go around! Even the law is in his pocket. So Kunal is Adi's angel who oils the palms of authorities  ,when the need arise. Besides, a smeared reputation bothers Adi the least bit.. he has seen worse. Like  betrayal by her who he thought was infallible and unblemished! How wrong he was. Kunal apart from bailing Adi out from an unpleasant spate with the law. Also appears to be a rather worthy replacement of Arjun  in Adi's life.  He usually goes around sweeping Adi's mess. Like when Adi short fuses at Mili for rescheduling meetings its Kunal who puts in a good word to defend Adi in the infatuated  Mili's tearful eyes .

Kunal gives Adi the occasion to purge about his emotional past. In talking to him Adi  confesses he thought he saw her..Kunal clearly knows about Zoya..  Is Adi softening towards her?  He is dead honest when he tells Kunal , his mind  makes him see her everywhere! Kunal clarifies she is in Dehradun.. Does Adi want her to be here?  The way he appears agitated, flippantly admits , he wouldn't be surprised if did see her. Nothing seems logical in his life. Does Adi in a way admit that since she walked out of his life. Things lost their purpose for him??  Still those who matter to him, his Ma',  demands his attention only.. His mother's logic never agreed with him before.. Only now when  there is no cohesion  in her life, can Adi find, that she is the only one who needs him like never before! Poor fallen angel, he  seems so disaffected wonder he is seeing her everywhere. Her absence , gives vent to his fury upon others!

Strange enough, things seem fairly clement for Adi, his mother takes her medications, finishes her meals. All  due to  this new psychiatric nurse.. Adi  wants to buy her specialist  nursing care, but her service he finds out is not up for sale! This  being looks for a contrite heart, one that Adi lacks  at the moment. This being does witnesses, that in  Kunal Adi has a  friend who can diffuse  fiery situations  Adi gets himself into.

Hidden behind the nurse work station, an irate Adi exchanges hot words with Arjun too! Like before Adi reacts to brotherly criticism, especially when his competence is challenged. He  yet again smashes his phone and bellows angrily, disturbs  the quiet and peace of the hospital.

A being, a good, caring being is about, the events whisper about it. His mother shows improvement in leaps and bounds. Once Anjana , called this being a she devil..  Adi's Ma' had to lose her mind to see the dear angel in this being whom she previously loathed with a vengeance! Today Adi's ma herself gives her judgement upon this  pure being, whom the gods themselves have sent from the heavens  to give her troubled mind respite and healing. Anjana's hand seeks support, love from this earthly angel. The pure being cups this frightened woman's hand in full support . Adi  too receives healing. It's like a domino effect. This  ma's so called angel, that he has yet to see, calms his mother and in turn  Adi too. A fallen angel, begins to feel the sensation and soar of flight!   How this so called angel gives his mother the will to live. Adi vows to bring back her angel to his mother ..

Every thing and anything can be bought by money! Even this home help for his mother. But Adi has to learn that the  virtue, of compassion, service and forgiveness cannot be bought by the power of money. It can only be bought by the softening of a hardened heart. That lets go of an enraged spirit   and by  replaces it with a forgiving spirit.. This angelic home care can be bought by making room and opening doors.. acceptance without questions! Adi has to learn,  love cannot be bought..  with all the money he has. Love revives if it survives hardships! By burning it purifies.. like gold!

Arjun and Noor meet again , small world. It's hard ,but Noor keeps it business like. Interesting both are into  social work, rehousing, rehabilitation of  the vulnerable. But its their bond that is in dire need of Rehab, restoration. Their conversation in the coffee house, just like old times, shows changes in Noor's outlook, she sounds as one says on the side of angels.. doing charitable work to support the needy.. more like  living for both own self but more so for the less fortunate. Arjun is pleased to see a positive change in Noor. But a distance remains between both .the approaching cyclone news  makes it possible for Noor  to accept  Arjun's invite to stay at  his place till the storm passes.. Noor goes with him, because she trusts  Arjun!

But the cyclone out side takes place between them. Suddenly  Noor reads a text, it clearly unnerves her and she lashes off at Arjun  rather violently. Her push hurls Arjun to the wall! he hits his forehead. I suspect Noor  probably receives Zoya's text that she is going back to Hooda  house as Anjana's psychiatric nurse. Anjana was never Noor's most favoured personality. Noor probably panics if Abbu finds out what Zoya is planning to do!, Both   sisters will be summoned home again. also noticeable is how desperate Arjun is to reverse things back to how they were between them.  

Kunal, yet again recognizes that Adi is miffed because the psychiatric nurse declined his offer! to provide home care for his mother. The angelic being watches and hears from a vantage point that he is beginning to lose the plot. In a way its seems unfair, because, Adi is trying to do his utmost in caring for his not quite there mother. Perhaps Anjana's sweet angelic is ready to pick up  the fallen angel? 

Some being enters Hooda house and tenderly feels the photographs of those who meant family to this being. The time now has come for Anjana's sweet little caring angel to once more assemble the small army of the existing angels. she'll teach them to fly again! The palms of her hands cups the little flame of light, from snuffing out. Anjana's little angel; returns as the goddess who heralds light, and dispels darkness from this tomb which once was Hooda house. She returns and brings back unity, joy and good fortune.. its Zoya! Hamlet53, 28.11.18 

Will the cyclone lash out between Zoya and Adi too.. when they stand before each other?     

Hammie's Bepannah Thoughts Index

Edited by Hamlet53 - 5 years ago


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maanmeet1 thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail Networker 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 5 years ago
i have used miserable word n number of times in last couple of days...cant see dem suffering so much...he is totally lost...he needs her to survive and function and she is bound to him by matter what has happened they will be at peace once they are together...
seeing dem like was treat(finally in same screen) but was sad that poor souls had to suffer so much...happy about noor and arjun...i feel that she might be coming to hooda house too...

last 2 days and my heart breaks...😭 

Edited by maanmeet1 - 5 years ago
Hamlet53 thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail
Posted: 5 years ago
I maanmeet1, πŸ˜ƒ lovely to hear from again ..
i have used miserable word n number of times in last couple of days...cant see dem suffering so much...he is totally lost...he needs her to survive and function and she is bound to him by matter what has happened they will be at peace once they are together...
true heartfelt words you express maanmeet,, you speak  for me.. its  doubled up sadness.. the separation in the story line.. and  our much  loved  show ending..  we most certainly look forward to  a happy ending, to say the least. we deserve a happy ending  to  our  one of a kind show.
seeing dem like was treat(finally in same screen) but was sad that poor souls had to suffer so much...happy about noor and arjun...i feel that she might be coming to hooda house too...
 yes maanmeet.. both stars have given their very best  in the roles of Adi and Zoya.. simply memorable
last 2 days and my heart breaks...😭 
keep faith, that for many of us the show will stay  forever in our hearts.. keep watching Bepannah for  a befitting conclusion.. thanks for sharing your valued feelings with me.. its like sharing makes life a bit bearable.. much love,yours hammie

NusiSg thumbnail
Anniversary 14 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 5 years ago
The fallen angel! β­οΈ hammie the title cannot be better than ths, u r pro in nutshelling the whole epi in the title itself..πŸ‘

Well Aditya without his angel is miserable n i feel terrible fr him.. yes she s watching him n his miseries from far! But yes the irony is angel is regerred by none other than Anjana herself! But where were she for the last 1 yr?? Y she left him in ths condition wen she has given him the promise that watever he s going to do or say she has to hang on..?? He s crazy n made but she need to do that effort for their pyar??? Khair idk if this self respect by Zoya was necessary for their reletionshi growth?? But i do feel without ths mess ths story could hav been soo soo beautiful! 

Arjun n Noor well even their patch wilp be rushed in 5 min by CVs even their story deserve the better treatment!? 

Anjana seems to taste the karma.. but i jst loved hw Adi has never left her, no matter wat, he never runaway to own up his responsibilities.. in the end its Adi n his mom left alone fr each other.. If Anjana were in her senses she would hav been on 9th cloud! But alas she s not in a state to tasye ths glory! That's life.. for Adi's undivided attention she did everything, n now she cant relish this!

Well hammie, i hav yet to watch wed & thursday epi.. ill get back to ths treasire of thoughts oncr im done watching it, but im lingering on deliberately as im not at all ready to let go of Bepannaah.. πŸ˜” πŸ˜­
Hamlet53 thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail
Posted: 5 years ago
hellooo Nusi..πŸ˜ƒ  lovely to see you here, despite being busy
The fallen angel! β­οΈ hammie the title cannot be better than ths, u r pro in nutshelling the whole epi in the title itself..πŸ‘
have to say the final episodes have  been simply  great.. that's what I think..
Well Aditya without his angel is miserable n i feel terrible fr him.. yes she s watching him n his miseries from far! But yes the irony is angel is regerred by none other than Anjana herself! But where were she for the last 1 yr?? Y she left him in ths condition wen she has given him the promise that watever he s going to do or say she has to hang on..?? He s crazy n made but she need to do that effort for their pyar??? Khair idk if this self respect by Zoya was necessary for their reletionshi growth?? But i do feel without ths mess ths story could hav been soo soo beautiful! 
  I think  Rajveer episode required them to again  in conflict  like they did in the start.. this time I..there wont be a marriage track.. its saving their marriage, take it as a learning experience.. and build on  from their mistakes
Arjun n Noor well even their patch wilp be rushed in 5 min by CVs even their story deserve the better treatment!? 
the bottom line is the show was forced to conclude for what ever reason.. and as such the writers have the task of giving an end. whether  its befitting or not.. depends of the viewers..
Anjana seems to taste the karma.. but i jst loved hw Adi has never left her, no matter wat, he never runaway to own up his responsibilities.. in the end its Adi n his mom left alone fr each other.. If Anjana were in her senses she would hav been on 9th cloud! But alas she s not in a state to tasye ths glory! That's life.. for Adi's undivided attention she did everything, n now she cant relish this!
yes to me his attempts at being responsible are admirable.. at least he is moving on
Well hammie, i hav yet to watch wed & thursday epi.. ill get back to ths treasire of thoughts oncr im done watching it, but im lingering on deliberately as im not at all ready to let go of Bepannaah.. πŸ˜” πŸ˜­...
 I can assure you  both Wednesday and Thursday episodes were brilliant , whether my thoughts, do justice to them.. you'll have to tell meπŸ˜ƒ  my loyal reader... thanks for sharing your valued feelings with me Nusi... much love, as always yours hammie

SuzanneH thumbnail
Anniversary 6 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 5 years ago
Hi Hammie,
So once again I'm falling behind because life has gotten it the way so I'm catching up on the last few episodes now and haven't even read any other posts on the forum so that nothing gives it away.

We probably don't know if the writers were going to go this route prior to the show coming to an end or if the writing for this past week was specifically for the sudden ending of the show but there is a sense of reconciliation in the future and then a sadness because we know it is ending.

I'm glad that they have Arjun and Noor meeting each other after a year and although Noor is still holding on to some hurts, you know she still has feelings for him when she is surprised seeing him walk into the meeting.  The last person she thought she would ever bump into.  I'm sure there will be some misunderstandings that they will have to talk out but will unite as friends again.  Nothing like a little cyclone to bring people together!

I'm so glad that I read your thoughts and discovered that the episode I watched cut out the whole ending scene where Noor pushes Arjun and then the doctor/Adi scene with the recap at the end.  I watch the show on YuppTV so that I can watch with the English subtitles and so I searched for some other showings they had of the show at different times of the day and finally found one that didn't cut off those last scenes.  It's kind of important to include them!  

Look forward to seeing the next episodes.

Thanks again!

Hamlet53 thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail
Posted: 5 years ago

Originally posted by: SuzanneH

Hi Hammie, hello again Suzanne,πŸ˜ƒ great to see you

So once again I'm falling behind because life has gotten it the way so I'm catching up on the last few episodes now and haven't even read any other posts on the forum so that nothing gives it away.
no problem mate, I know the feeling.. its the 1st of December.. and the seasonal winter festival hysteria is on! queues  
We probably don't know if the writers were going to go this route prior to the show coming to an end or if the writing for this past week was specifically for the sudden ending of the show but there is a sense of reconciliation in the future and then a sadness because we know it is ending.
 well you can say the cvs have obvious loose ends that need tying such they have begun in the last week..
I'm glad that they have Arjun and Noor meeting each other after a year and although Noor is still holding on to some hurts, you know she still has feelings for him when she is surprised seeing him walk into the meeting.  The last person she thought she would ever bump into.  I'm sure there will be some misunderstandings that they will have to talk out but will unite as friends again.  Nothing like a little cyclone to bring people together!
the cvs  had to deal with their second lead status.. I am glad they  are  brought  before each other by destiny
I'm so glad that I read your thoughts and discovered that the episode I watched cut out the whole ending scene where Noor pushes Arjun and then the doctor/Adi scene with the recap at the end.  I watch the show on YuppTV so that I can watch with the English subtitles and so I searched for some other showings they had of the show at different times of the day and finally found one that didn't cut off those last scenes.  It's kind of important to include them!  
I try to give away as little as possible.. but yes according to censorship standards abroad, certain scenes of a  graphic nature are chopped off.. where I am stabbing scenes are cut!  yes online sites  do show the complete episodes.. have to say the finale week episodes I will always remember.. they carry the very soul of this love saga...
Look forward to seeing the next episodes.
thanks for standing by your word of catching up on the episodes.. it means so much to my labour of love that I poured in since March 2018.. πŸ˜ƒ.. feel good I continued till the very end..
Thanks again!
much love, Suzanne and looking forward to reading your views.. yours hammie