Bepannah my thoughts, A silhouette from the past

Hamlet53 thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail
Posted: 5 years ago

Bepannah ~My thoughts~ ep 173 13.11.18  A silhouette from the past!

Concealed  secrets and Mistakes of the past  if exposed  in the present often become a rod for the wrong doer. Today's episode is highly dramatized and significant for many to say the least. Rajveer and nani's entry into Hooda house is not to  light lamps of love but to snuff out all the brightness in Hooda family so that all  remain plunged in darkness. The same Rajveer groped around for many years. The tone of the episode is based on meting out justice in a vigilante style. As in tit for tit! Hooda house  prepares for Diwali worship. Divas are lit up to welcome the goddess of prosperity, when suddenly without warning the house turns into a battle field between father and sons. Between the accepted and known elder son and the unaccepted , dismissed , disputed son!

The episode is about sons defending their mothers. Sons fighting for their respectable place in society, sons  fighting against the disparity  both have been meted  out respectively  by the  renowned judge Harsh Hooda himself!

Adi will always stand by his mother Anjana no matter what!! Only Anjana fails to stand by him when it comes to losing him to another woman. Adi is the one stable figure that spells out security for Anjana from where she comes from. But the dramatic way the house goes into black out! immediately after Anjana lights a diva which Adi saves from blowing  out! To  all, its ominous of some approaching adversity. We see later on Adi backs his mother in every way when the battle of words, blames and accusations actually begins!

Anjana even as much as she depends upon and loves Adi. But she wants him well away from Zoya i.poor Zoya  desperately rings Adi to probably  warn him against her findings regards Harsh being the mystery  man!  But  Anjana  puts his phone on silent. This has to be done, so that destiny does its timely exposure of Rajveer as Harsh's older son. As it is, Zoya dashes into Hooda house a little late! The cat is already out of the bag!

Its surprising to see hesitancy from Rajveer's side right on the Hooda doorstep, nani appears to egg him on. Are these two playing some game to trick the Hooda's

Clearly Victor's game, trips the fuse! starts the next segment  of the plan.To rob Hoodas of all illuminations in their lives! 

Rajveer's birth is rather interestingly exposed before all present  in an allegorical narration of a slide show. Rajveer is shown as Harsh Hooda's older son from his first wife!  One  Kalpana Dadeech/ Pallavi! Anjana is painted out to be a scheming  fathers daughter who as  it were, stole Harsh away from his first  wife Pallavi ! Rajveer rather dramatically  refers to himself as  lord Ram returning from his exile.. returning to claim his right of being the first born son of Harsh Hooda  from Aditya ! 

Rajveers language is provocative  , like his exile terminates today as of now! and as such  the veneration  will be carried out by him as opposed to Adi!  In doing arti symbolically  Rajveer really snatches his first born birth right  from Aditya!

The revelation scene is high pitched drama and very gripping. Where Adi pleads before Harsh for his mothers rights! More than his own. Harsh is clearly swayed by the news that Rajveer is his son! Adi's warning to  his Pa to stay clear of  the guile that Rajveer and his nani spin ! but Harsh with tearful eyes, plus realization of his past mistake, really turns deaf ears to whatever Adi says!

Nani professes Zoya to be deemed as the virtuous one! who brings light to  their dark dismal  world! One  who  reunites  an innocent child  with his father! For which  both her and Rajveer are indebted to Zoya's efforts! Zoya is gobsmacked! But begins to see this all as part and parcel of Rajveer plot to get back at her! It takes Anjana no time, to blame  Zoya! which is what nani wants! All the blame piled upon Zoya so Adi too finally does away with Zoya!  Adi though, is  more livid and furious  with nani  when she accuses Anjana of being wily and cunning in her ways! one lair and a cheat!

Perhaps this will be the hardest for Adi to swallow , the home truths  about his mother! Anjana too is being unmasked.. more ugly facts I suspect will be dug up against Anjana by nani and Rajveer ! Painful, as it will be for Adi. He  will have to accept that his mother is no angel! And has done criminalities  off which he is kept in the dark!

It all seems to be a losing battle for Adi, Anjana and Arjun! For  Harsh clearly is totally overwhelmed  by this act of Rajveer and nani. Its Harsh who stops Adi from reporting Rajveer to the police as the absconder on the loose!

All his teary  silence. Harsh's  siding with Rajveer, eventually owning up to knowing Rajveer s mother, but unaware of his birth are key points that create discrepancies between what Adi , his mother and brother  believe in and what Harsh seems to maintain.

It soon becomes clear that Adi and his mother are both singing from a different song sheet. Quite  inconsistent with Harsh Hooda, Rajveer and nani!

Adi clearly loses the plot and delivers a bloody punch yet again on Rajveer s lip! Their antagonism is loud and clear! Adi is uncontrollable and Rajveer's cold sarcasm winds him up even more.

Zoya and Arjun both try to calm him down! but  its too much for  Adi to handle! Rajveer knew well before hand of Adi's foul temper. Now the time is ripe  to make Adi and his mother to look like the transgressors and himself as the older son robbed of his lawful rights!

Its heart breaking to see Adi how he vociferously  denies any blood ties with Rajveer!  Even  falters now with this man he called his father! there is nothing to talk about except  this man's countless affairs! his countless  issues popping out of nowhere claiming to be his son! Adi I rage even threatens to kill his father ,if he wrongs   his mother yet again! Adi weeps for his mother to be spared! This time!

What is needed now is a DNA test  to prove the legitimacy of Rajveer's claim!

Rajveer sneers along with his nani when  guests present, video all that occurs on their phones!  Rajveer's vicious and shrewd plot to burn down the Hooda name comes to fruition! Harsh Hooda is portrayed as the Ravana  who Ram now is here to destroy  right  down to the ashes! To avenge his mother whatever she was called!

 Adi on the other hand is not one to take it sitting down either. For him now, more than ever before it becomes a matter of fighting for his mothers rights!

Some memorable scenes are  Adi and Rajveer fight  like two antelopes with antlers locked! Ready to smite each other! Both think they are in the right!  Both combat to save their mothers rights.  Only difference is that  Adi's mother  has been accredited  the status of his fathers wife. while Rajveer's mother just might have been one of the many  live in  partners of his father. Thus with Rajveer comes the taint of illegitimacy born out of marriage, while Adi is the known legitimate son born in wedlock.

The episode shows  two sons fighting  over the legitimacy of their births. Rajveer  does not mince his words and its so like him to boast about the fact that he made it on his own! Made his own name!with out the Hooda brand name! how he fearlessly throws  in that now he wants to see if he can make way  into his fathers heart!

The way  Adi and Rajveer  fight it out psychically ! Adi losing his composure and ready to knife Rajveer!  and eventually   getting slapped across his face by Harsh says it all by the look on Rajveer face!  Pure delight! in Adi's words he came to burn the Hooda kingdom down! it is happening! All Hoodas are engaged in mutiny!  at each others necks. The big victory for Rajveer has to be when he sees Adi slapped by his father!

Rajveer s aim, is to have Adi and his mother ousted by Harsh Hooda out of Hooda house! let Adi too find out how the other side lives! Hamlet53  14,11.18

One of the finest episodes I have seen. Ruled by completely by Harshad Chopra, Apurva Agnihorti and Rajesh khakkar in the roles of Adi, Rajveer and Harsh Hooda ..

Pardon me for the long winded post.. Adi  the lions raw  rage! and  full on action had my adrenalin flowing! Well done Harshad Chopra  for your versatility! Encore!!

 Hammie's Bepannah Thoughts Index



Edited by Hamlet53 - 5 years ago


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NusiSg thumbnail
Anniversary 14 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 5 years ago
Ohhh hammie ths s as always beyond brilliant mate.. u penned downed these thoughtswith so much positivity it levated my mood to some extent.. 
Yes it was indeed a powerful episode n each of them was awsome.. at par excellence.. Adi's breakdown n his begging portrayed with so much perfection by Harshad Chopda..indeed im at loss of adjectives fr ths powerhouse of talent.. he was flawless.. n so was rajesh khattar n Apoorva.. they bring about the right amount drama n im going to reminsce the perfection n brilliance fr long.. ðŸ˜ƒ

But hammie to me ur flawlessness with ur pen was above all.. the way way u gvn symbolism to each n every aspect is jst amazing..

Idk ive yet to watch the nest two epis.. but yes Anjana seems the main culprit here... idk i feel even Harsh was being used.. Rajveer was apprehensive before the attack n he might conceal the bigger truth.. well im unable to think much since i heard the bad news.. but i guess the thriller drama needs to be continued as it has started the way fr some fresher new tracks.. plus i do feel tgere's a lot of secrets left to be revealed.. lets see hammie we are here togerher till the sun shines.. luv n hugs to u mate fr ur perseverance throughout..😊
geetkumar thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 5 years ago
Hey Hammie!!
How have you been?
I hope you remember me, since I am coming back after a long time. (Had family crises) 
Hope to catch up with all your posts. 
But what is happening dear? 
I landed up to the news of the show going off air. And here I was on a high that after so many days I would be finally with my Bepanah friends. 
And the moment I open the forum site, I'm gobsmacked. It's like a punch in the gut. 
I am still reeling.
Love Geetey. 

Hamlet53 thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail
Posted: 5 years ago
Helooo Nusi well done for being here  yes Bepannah  carries on😃
Ohhh hammie ths s as always beyond brilliant mate.. u penned downed these thoughtswith so much positivity it levated my mood to some extent..  
it was the first episode that  made as shake... but we still firm like Adi and  Zoya 
Yes it was indeed a powerful episode n each of them was awsome.. at par excellence.. Adi's breakdown n his begging portrayed with so much perfection by Harshad Chopda..indeed im at loss of adjectives fr ths powerhouse of talent.. he was flawless.. n so was rajesh khattar n Apoorva.. they bring about the right amount drama n im going to reminsce the perfection n brilliance fr long.. ðŸ˜ƒ
yes the actor are professionals in the true sense of the word.. just loved the reality they put in their roles..
But hammie to me ur flawlessness with ur pen was above all.. the way way u gvn symbolism to each n every aspect is jst amazing..
thanks Nusi for your ongoing support. you stand by me on  Bepannah forum too
Idk ive yet to watch the nest two epis.. but yes Anjana seems the main culprit here... idk i feel even Harsh was being used.. Rajveer was apprehensive before the attack n he might conceal the bigger truth.. well im unable to think much since i heard the bad news.. but i guess the thriller drama needs to be continued as it has started the way fr some fresher new tracks.. plus i do feel tgere's a lot of secrets left to be revealed.. lets see hammie we are here togerher till the sun shines.. luv n hugs to u mate fr ur perseverance throughout..😊
the Index is up dated.. please catch the episodes when you can.. they have to be seen to note the skills of the stars... so the slogan is keep watching Bepannah!  and  hammie will keep writing.. for Harshad Chopra and Jennifer... much love..and chin up Nusi. yours hammie

Edited by Hamlet53 - 5 years ago
Hamlet53 thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail
Posted: 5 years ago
hellooo geetey!😃 so good to see you mate, especially at this moment in time!
Hey Hammie!!
How have you been? me just hanging on.. a bit shaken by the  news floating around regards the show
I hope you remember me, since I am coming back after a long time. (Had family crises) 
yes dearie noticed your glaring absence... and hope family issues sorted.. pardon me for not looking out for you geetey
Hope to catch up with all your posts.   yes please  do geetey they are all there in my Bepannah Index 
But what is happening dear? 
I landed up to the news of the show going off air. And here I was on a high that after so many days I would be finally with my Bepanah friends. 
And the moment I open the forum site, I'm gobsmacked. It's like a punch in the gut. 
I am still reeling.
yes me too have had feelers about some glitch between channel TRPs and Bepannah PH.. well  i'll watch and write about the show.. for me it's on.. personally   want to enjoy the show while it lasts.. please Geetey show your support  by showing up on the forum,and my thoughts... much love for a long lost Bepannah  supporter... yours hammie
Love Geetey.