||Junooniyat hai yehi ||MehRya FF Final Chapter Pg 109 06/May/19 - Page 80


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nehaahish thumbnail
Posted: 5 years ago
Sorry I didn't conngratulate u earlier.all  the best wishes for completing 100 pages.wish u go far more then that.
KashishJ thumbnail
Anniversary 7 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 5 years ago
A treat for my lovely Dearies.

Chapter 16


Shaurya gasped for breath as they broke apart. He craved for Mehek and when his wish got granted he felt like losing his senses. He was doused in pleasure and couldn't get enough of her; his love, Mehek. He hungrily attacked her lips for another searing kiss while she welcomed him without resistance. Her hands wound around his neck and pulled him closer to her although it was unnecessary. His fingers roamed through her body, itching to tear the barriers and relish her flesh. Yet he refrained, enjoyed and sucked her lips gently before ending the kiss. "Mehek, I love you", he declared a truth that she was aware of. She smiled and nodded as if accepting him. He expected her to respond same feeling but her words surprised him, "I trust you, Shaurya. Please don't break my trust as I won't be able to bear it anymore". She came up to kiss him again but he withdrew. Her words had shaken his conscience. 

"Shaurya, what happened? I thought you wanted me", Mehek felt rejected. He shook his head in dismay, "You have no idea how much I crave for you". She smiled coyly and tried to get closer but still he didn't corporate. She was baffled, "Then what's it Shaurya? Is it something that I told?". She tried to rewind her words which caused adverse reaction. "I meant every word of it, Shaurya. I believe you and have no doubts in you", she told timidly, "I am sorry if I conveyed it wrongly. My intention was not to hurt you". Her apology whipped his conscience severely. She cupped his cheeks and forced him to look into her eyes, "What's eating you? Tell me, Shaurie". He couldn't hide it anymore. His heart would burst out if he kept on the pretense. "I slept with Mia", he told her in one shot.


Her eyes widened with shock. She was appalled yet unable to come in terms with his confession. "What???...You...and Mia...Is it some kind of a joke, Shaurya?", she wished earnestly that it was one of his tricks to make her jealous. But he disagreed, "I wish it was untrue". In short words, he narrated about that fateful night and incidents that happened. Mehek was totally shaken but she refused to utter another word. Her silence scared him the most. He came near and held her hands, "Mehek, it was a mistake. I was dead drunk and have no recollection of that night. Till now I fail to understand how I ended up spending night with another woman. That night means nothing to me. She means nothing to me". He looked into her eyes eagerly but was unable to read them. After taking few deep breaths, finally she uttered few words, "I am leaving". Shaurya stood frozen being defeated. He knew he lost Mehek forever. As she determinedly kept her steps to exit the restaurant, he failed to reason with her. Soon he heard her car being driven away and dashed outside to check. He saw their driver standing outside while Mehek driving away in hurry. It took couple of minutes to the sense danger Mehek may push herself into and ordered his driver to bring another car and follow her.


Knock...Knock...Knock. Mehek stood outside a humble one bedroom apartment. Her patience was wearing out and she banged on the door. "Who is it?", a feeble drowsy female voice came from inside. Mehek had a tough time biting down her resentment. "Your Boss", Mehek told authoritatively and the door was opened immediately. Mia appeared in her messy hairdo, clad in a thin dressing gown. Although baffled by Mehek's sudden visit, she welcomed her with a warm smile, "It's a pleasant surprise Mehek Ma'am. Please sit". She quickly cleaned the clothes and papers scattered on couch and turned to Mehek, "Shall I get you something to drink?". In answer ,Mehek raised her hand and slapped Mia with full force. "How dare you, Mia?", she yelled at Mia who had fallen onto ground, clutching her bruised cheek. "Years back when Karuna Ma brought you to me, you were a meek and timid girl. Despite your poor qualification, I took pity on you and gave you a good post in my office. I gave you a chance to build your life and succeed. And in return what did you give me? Betrayal. Lies", Mehek rebuked her vehemently. Mia managed to stand on her feet. She still swayed by Mehek's assault but was more baffled by her accusations. 

"Mehek Ma'am, I don't understand. What have I done to upset you?", Mia asked innocently. Her ignorance fumed Mehek's anger. "Drop your act. Shaurya told me everything", Mehek yelled at her. Mia became nervous as if she was caught red handed. "Ma'am, I wanted to come clean. But then I thought it was not my place to reveal it to you", she informed timidly. Her acceptance and guilt made Mehek extremely hurt. She grabbed nearby chair for support. In her agony, she missed to notice an young man who emerged from Mia's bedroom. "How could you do this to me, Shaurya? How could you cheat me with her?", she blabbered loudly. "What is she talking about, Mia?", the young man raised his voice at Mia. "Nick, please calm down. I will explain it later", Mia tried to pacify him. Mehek found her footing and lashed at Mia and him, "This little minx of yours, slept with my husband". "What ???", both Mia and her boyfriend cried out in horror.


"Ma'am, there is a huge confusion. It is a terrible misunderstanding", Mia corrected Mehek and she quickly turned to her beau, "Nick, don't your remember Shaurya Sir? Few days back, we found him drunk in a restaurant and helped him". Nick quickly recalled and nodded .Mia turned to Mehek, "Shaurya Sir was unable to even take a step. When I tried to help him, he fell all over me and Nick has to grab him. We knew he would hurt himself if left to drive alone. From his blabbering, we understood it was a family issue so I didn't call you". Mia paused and Mehek reddened with embarrassment. Nick took the narration from there, "We took a room there and helped him into it. He was stinking of alcohol and sweating profusely. So I changed his cloths and made him sleep comfortably on the bed. After couple of hours Mia wrote a note for him and we left". Mehek was distressed. She was relieved to know that nothing happened but was unhappy that Shaurya chose to hide truth when they had promised not keep any secrets. She felt ashamed to be in Mia presence as she had accused her wrongly. "I am sorry", she apologized to both Mia & Nick and rushed out without waiting for their response. On reaching the door, she found Shaurya waiting there . She understood that he had been there for quiet sometime and heard everything. Nevertheless she didn't wait for him and rushed out of there.


"Mehek, please listen to me", he caught her at threshold of Khanna mansion. He was relieved to hear truth at Mia's place.  While momentarily enjoying his solace, he missed to pursue Mehek. She drove away fast and he was forced to follow her again. Once they reached Khanna mansion, he ran to catch her before entering their home. "Leave me", she yelled at him but he was adamant. "No, I won't. We need to talk", he too raised his voice. She was about to lash at him but saw Karuna Ma walking towards them and restrained. "Mehek. Shaurya. Where were you both? Why didn't you pick up my calls?", she sounded tensed. Before they could come with an excuse, she turned to Mehek and kept her hand on her shoulder, "Kantaji called. Nehal is admitted in hospital. She is critical and we need to rush".


A day passed, still there was no improvement in Nehal's condition. Drug overdose took a toll on Nehal and she is swaying between life & death. Mehek pitied her. It pained her but she could do little, other than praying for Nehal's well-being and giving her the best medical care possible. Her in-laws and Shaurya stayed entire night but next day she insisted them to leave. She was concerned about health of Daddyji and Karuna Ma. Additionally she wanted space from Shaurya. He wanted to return after few hours but she asked him to take care of office during her absence. "Mehek, please", he begged but she curtly refused. "This is not the time or place, Shuarya. Now I need to focus on Nehal and my family. I hope you understand", she dismissed him and he had to leave, accepting defeat. 

Mansi Chachi was shattered and Kanta Chachi tried her best to consoled her. Sandeep was informed and he arrived as soon as possible.  Mehek was too busy managing everything to notice his sorrow. Eventually after many hectic hours, she found him in a deserted corner of hospital. "How are you doing?", she offered him a cup of coffee and inquired. He nodded absentmindedly and sighed. Mehek sat near him, struggling for words but he blurted out,  "It's all my fault". "No Sandeep. You were not even with her. How could you hold yourself responsible?', Mehek was perplexed. "It's not an accident. I know Nehal tried to kill herself and ...", he sobbed, "I am the reason".



Thabassum19 thumbnail
Anniversary 15 Thumbnail Group Promotion 8 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 5 years ago

I totally forgot that I reserved my spot 😕😆..
What an update...so basically nothing happened that between Mia and shaurya ...
He misunderstood after reading her note that he got intimate with her betraying mehak ...

But he chose to reveal th truth to mehak ...finally after seeing her trust on him ...that's a good thing ...
But the truth came in front of them in a most complicated way I gues...they both mehak and shaurya have there own turmoil and point of view to see the situation ...

Let's see whether mehak listens to shaurya or not ...but nehal is critical now ?
Sure something happened with her that she took this drastic step...
Let's see what sandeep has to say about nehal to mehak...

Good twist kashish ⭐️
Edited by Thabassum19 - 5 years ago
friendlyghost08 thumbnail
Anniversary 6 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail Commentator 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 5 years ago
Reserved  😊
Thank you so much for the update...
Pheww.. mia mu is removed.. but now what about this nehal and sandeep...mehek will try to console sandeep and there will be again mu kya😛.. aab to ye mehrya ko ek room me lock kar dena chahiye... the door should not be opened until they solve their problems 😆

Loved the chapter. .
Thanks for the pm...plzz continue soon 
Edited by friendlyghost08 - 5 years ago
Specygirl thumbnail
Anniversary 6 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 5 years ago
I came back here after so long, it seems like I won't be able to break ties with Mehrya whatever I do😆.
So as uausu the update was brilliant. U can officially have perfection as your middle name but I want a biggie and patch up chapter with Mehrya and only Mehrya😳. What is with Nehal😕 and Sandeep😲
AD04 thumbnail
Visit Streak 365 0 Thumbnail Visit Streak 180 0 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 5 years ago
Thanks for the wonderful update Kash😛😛😛
Once again beautiful chapter and u have written it so beautifully...i loved it😛😛
I am pretty much reluved that shaurya confessed by himself and nothing sort of bad happened that night. . Mehek was ready to give him chance till his confession . But i really think mehek is over reacting ...i know she is hurt cz shaurya didnt let her know previously...but how she came to know now. ...Its shaurya only ...she didnt get it from other source ... He truly want to start afresh ... But mehek is not letting their chance 
And now she is ignoring her relationship cz of her family .. I know her family needs her but i guess they were the same one who abadoned her ...and now this nehal fiasco... .She will solve their problems .. When it will be hers turn
Last paragraph sensing some issues with sandy n Nehal. ..I really she solve it quickly and focus on her own life ...shaurya is so dejected ...i hope he will cope up and will not go in any wrong route. 
Overall trademark update twisty.. .Waiting for more .. .do continue soon n thanks for the PM😛
Haseena2020 thumbnail
Anniversary 6 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail
Posted: 5 years ago
Thank you for the update Kashish
Pooofff, this is what I did after reading when nothing happens between Shaurya and Mia...
Now this Nehal is in suicidal what did happen to her and dont mess mehrya relationship anymore as they already in stressful relationship😉

Do continue dear this suspense is really getting intense and thank you for updating all your ff quiet frequently😉

Stay blessed always
Rainbow_flower thumbnail
Anniversary 6 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 5 years ago
Thank you for this treat 😳Kasish sis❤️.
Coming to the update Shaurya told Mehak what's bothering him.
 I loved Mehak style of handling the issue in this  chapter , wah! What a slap😆. After Knowing husband betrayal, she's not crying alone in some place but she boldly took steps to investigate the issue. 
Finally Mia girl and his bf told the truth to Mehak and Shaurya to heared it.
Loving this update as well as the unexpected twist👏

plmzaq thumbnail
Anniversary 7 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 5 years ago
Awesome update
Love it
Continue soon
Thanks for pm
Anuteja10 thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail Networker 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 5 years ago
finally I got relief

😛 Mehak did correct this time she bravely confronted mia n learnt the truth but she won't give shourya another chance to talk
now this Nehal what's wrong with her 😭
hope Mehak forgive shourya soon
beautiful chapter RTM
pls continue soon 😛 Edited by Anuteja10 - 5 years ago