Bepannah,My thoughts, Merger of hearts and souls.

Hamlet53 thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail
Posted: 5 years ago

Bepannah ~My thoughts ~ep 145~4.10.18 Merger of hearts and souls.

The contexts and conditions that brought them together, very nearly spelt that Aditya  and Zoya were like chalk and cheese! Their past experiences were enough to ensure never the twain will meet.

 For  Adi, Zoya  would be an unceasing reminder that this widow's cheat of a husband Yash , was the cause of his wife Pooja cheating on him. Those fury ridden times when he had yelled at her! his Bepannah hatred for her! over-ruled any form of Bepannah love !

For Zoya, Adi became the perpetual cue, that her husband cheated on her due to this man's wife. Still she would fight his pent up rage by retorting, whether he accepts it or not? their paths were meant to converge! Most unlikely it seemed then.

How and when? this mutual repugnance for each other, turned  into Bepannah  love was nothing short of miracle! Or was it that they were destined to be the ones chosen for each other?  Earmarked to execute hurt to each other? Yet at the same time, both would be the source of healing for each other also?

Today as Adi the groom cranks his neck. Waits at the mandap upon the arrival of his bride. He catches sight of Zoya, as a bride, gradually, lessening the distance of formalizing their Bepannah  love. Adi muses, they have both come a long way. It was neither his way nor hers. It was the way their love directed them to. It was the path that slowly allowed them both to forgive their cheating spouses. Grasp in time, that in granting forgiveness, they too will find  their own redemption .That in mending and healing of their  dispirited hearts, minds and souls. They  would usher in the gradual blessing of not just love, but true Bepannah love!  both never experienced before in their lives!

Adi stretches his hand towards Zoya. With full consent, Zoya places her hand on his wide palm. The solemn night is here finally and the marriage rituals commence. The world witnesses the ceremony and the present divinities   remain a witness too, in the form of the sacred fire!. Zoya places her palm to support  Adi as the pandit chants ritual  mantras. For them the key ritual that brings them together on this sacred place is their Bepannah love. While each closes their eyes to contemplate on the  divine peace within them. The human need to catch a stolen glimpse  of each other's sublime contentment is such a blessed sight in the mandap.

The ritual of exchanging garlands as a mark of welcoming each others presence. Traditionally during  garlanding each other, a light touch can be added to the other wise solemn  proceedings. Adi for a moment decides to hold his head high over his bride rather than bow it before her.But soon after, bows his head to accept her show of devotion. The act in itself symbolizes a humble bowing of heads before each other. A show of submissive  respect , tolerance  and honour towards each other. His love through the vehicle of his eyes conveys to her, after this moment, he is hers and she is. Thus it shall be in their here after lives too.

On the other hand where Adi in jest holds his head high to mark his position in their relationship. In the cells Waseem holds his head in his palms, to express his humiliation  of being locked behind bars. Roshanq as his wife undergoes the same ignominy her husband feels. She fast begins to lose her nerve and protests to Noor being in this place, Waseem is likely to suffer more mentally. She continues to believe her husband is innocent. Noor thinks only Aditya himself can take away all the grief they face at the moment.It's a double loss as none knows the whereabouts of both Zoya and Aditya!  Even Arjun finds it hard to bear the  torture these Siddiqui s inadvertently or inadvertently, due to Hooda's. He wants the police station to at least suoply  drinking water to  Noor, Waseem and Roshnaq. Only Arjun knows cold drinks of water cannot water down the grief Siddiqui s face at the moment. His take is to find his bhai asap once he turns up, he'll speaks for himself. Waseem can be released!

The wedding rituals continue, so does the subtle the wriggle of the snake entwined in the garland of death around Zoya's neck. Yet their relationship  is now bound in an inseparable knot! By Vatsal and Ishita who support these star crossed  lovers.

Both Adi and Zoya stand in full view of all present, before the holy fire to undertake their sacred marriage vows to each other. As in custom and practice, Adi leads first and Zoya follows, and take on view what the pandit teaches. The more both, adhere to these vows they make to each other. The  more meaningful and lasting their marriage will stand.

Hand in hand  Adi tenderly leads Zoya on behind him. Her footsteps follow him as both circumambulate around the  sacred fire. The holy knot between them, maintains the  merger of two  hearts and souls. Zoya leads then,  to finalize the circumambulations, Adi initiated. With a smile Adi  gives her his hand to lead on while  he follows behind her. The seven pheras end,  after which both are instructed to return to their seats to formalize the mangulsutra and vermillion  ceremony, confirming the role of Zoya as his wife and Adi  as her husband.

Zoya  extends the ceremony to further add sacred dignity to their bond with each other. The beauty of the scene, lies in Zoya's valid request  for taking  seven oaths in marriage, which is like a practical charter to ensure  smooth  running of their married life. Her thoughts and language both stand out as being, simple,  pure and sincere  She actually gives significance to the provision of equality and support rather than subservience that as a wife she vows to give Aditya as her husband .. her words show profound and inspiring  support  for her husband Adi  at all times.



Zoya and Aditya  stand and face each as Zoya numerically makes her vows known!

Marriage  between them becomes a celebration   of the communion of body ,mind and soul! Zoya offers her hand and Adi  places his on hers in consent. For her first vow Zoya , puts forth the possibility where in leading her ahead, should he ever falter, come off track. In that case she will change her position of being his follower into leading him till they both walk together side by side. Basically  Zoya  asks for the opportunity to be his guide and way maker when required.  Rather than watch him stumble and fall. She will act as his buttress..

The ceremony is being secretly filmed on the phone.

Zoya's second vow is about sharing and trusting Adi  completely. Thus  leaving no room for secrets between them in their bond. That she will invest more faith  in  him than in herself.

Her  third vow is that in good times he will find her beside him. Whereas, in bad times he will find her  ahead of him, as a shield , ready to take on all adversity that comes his way. Her forth vow is till her last breath she will love him   boundlessly. Her heart only his name etched on her heart. no else. Zoya promises complete fidelity and faithfulness in marriage.

Her fifth vow is that she will refrain and avoid all such issues that will lead to causing him pain. Her sixth vow is to  provide him protection  against all evil heading his way. To put her life at risk rather than endanger his. Embrace death before it dares to snatch him away.

Through out the oaths she  speaks before him. Aditya's  face is deeply move, his spirt ,soul and heart, deeply ,moved and humbled by the sincere devotion and belief his Zoya places in him unconditionally. Thus he  reaches out for both her hands and  speaks the seventh vow  for himself to her.  he promises, whether he agrees  or disagrees with her, he vows never to  leave her. he fill, fight her, wind her up, and appease her, but forever he will stay by her side!..

Arjun  returns home chastises his father, its only Aditya he is anxious about. Waseem he has put behind bars , just to blame some one, otherwise the man is far from guilty. Anjana is livid to hear about arjuns leanings towards the Siddiquis and very nearly threatens she  might go against her family if needs be. Both Arjun and Harsh begin to see Anjana is  hell bent to keep Waseem behind bars. Mind you her plea too is seemingly plausible. The charges will not be dropped till she sees Adi. Its under the guise of  reason, maternal stress Anjana manages to  target those who pose  danger to her. like to get to Zoya she  bites her complete  family.

But this blessed merger between Zoya and Adi  culminates with the final  seal of Zoya wearing  the vermillion of Adi's name in her hairline. That sign ,that despite all odds once again she is classed as a married woman. she looks at the mangulsutra Adi tenderly and reverently puts  around her neck. A sacred symbol that connects their lives together.

Let no viper's bite or venom poision their Bepannah bond! But where righteous abides, good deeds happen to inspire many that good rules!  

The truth is evil too crawls and attacks goodness. Zoya catches sight of the snake. She calls Adi's name! who grabs the garland around her neck , hurls it across, away from her! Adi proves Zoya's vow that death and harm will have to contend  with him before it gets to her! the snake , has to bite!  Even it means stinging the wrong person!

But what difference does it make who is bitten? As saved Zoya still suffers as Adi passes out   under the venom of the snake.. Adi  rests his head in Zoya's lap.. fulfilling a husband's duty of protecting his wife at all times. Even  during happy times, when danger is least suspected!

The highlight of the episode,for me  is Zoya's vows. How she focuses on not keeping secrets from each other. She was aware, that Pooja kept her pregnancy restricted from Aditya. That Aditya was  hurt by Sakshi  too, who knew about her daughters  EMA and  pregnancy but remained silent. Zoya knows he was betrayed by all those he trusted completely. I fear, that another betrayal  that Zoya will have to deal with is when the mask falls off his mothers face.

It's not passingly or casually, that the final vow is taken by Aditya before Zoya. It was to assure her, no matter what happens, in fair weather or stormy, he will never walk away from her, like Yash did. Aditya will till eternity, stand by her... hamlet53 5.10.18

Well it's a day of great celebration true love is realized. Aditya and Zoya's Bepannah love now has the  blessed opportunity to live and  consolidate their relationship under the canopy of scared vows.

The precap, continues to challenge a predicted,  sound marriage. A text message  by an unknown caller to Zoya, targets to sow seeds of doubt  in Zoya's heart and mind against Adi.  The time has come sooner than later  to  prove her trust in her beloved husband Aditya..


Hammie's Bepannah Thoughts Index



Edited by Hamlet53 - 5 years ago


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Maryam2 thumbnail
Anniversary 15 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail Commentator 3 Thumbnail
Posted: 5 years ago
beautiful post hammie❤️
finally the wedding.. what a beautiful wedding it was!

Adi stretches his hand towards Zoya. With full consent, Zoya places her hand on his wide palm. The solemn night is here finally and the marriage rituals commence. The world witnesses the ceremony and the present divinities  remain a witness too, in the form of the sacred fire!. Zoya places her palm to support  Adi as the pandit chants ritual  mantras. 

the way he looked at her when she entered.. stretched his hand towards her.. both of them smiled

Zoya  extends the ceremony to further add sacred dignity to their bond with each other. The beauty of the scene, lies in Zoya's valid request  for taking  seven oaths in marriage, which is like a practical charter to ensure  smooth  running of their married life. 
i loved these vows.. zoya told him that vishwaas is rishte ki bunyaad hoga.. and adi's last 7th vow was too cute.. ❤️

both of them looked so great.. they looked at each other and smiled
it was like a dream..
also that naagin made me laugh hahaha such a cutie🤣
and that precap OMG... i mean O... M... G!☺️
the sms mystery is gonna be interesting.. zoya will stand for him she will fight for him against everyone! really wanna see her trust for adi and their strong relationship bond..😃
but yeah this precap thoughhh... hdfjhfkjskjbdefhjdj
dylidvin thumbnail
Anniversary 6 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail Commentator 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 5 years ago
Hammie beautiful post.  God bless u. What u write give so much meaning. I love to read ur post and other few members who pen their thoughs here.  
How is ur health sweetie.  Tc. 
Hamlet53 thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail
Posted: 5 years ago

Originally posted by: Maryam2

beautiful post hammie❤️  heyyy Maryam! what a lovely surprise... we are proud to have a new Stunnerz   ⭐️⭐️  Congratulation. mate.. and well deserved! right on Adiya's wedding day!! 👏👏   hammie like others on our forum delighted!!👏.. wishing you many more rungs up the IF ladder!! now me sure will have laddos!😛 ab tu banta hai... two reasons Adiya shaadi and you becoming a Stunnerz!

finally the wedding.. what a beautiful wedding it was!

Adi stretches his hand towards Zoya. With full consent, Zoya places her hand on his wide palm. The solemn night is here finally and the marriage rituals commence. The world witnesses the ceremony and the present divinities  remain a witness too, in the form of the sacred fire!. Zoya places her palm to support  Adi as the pandit chants ritual  mantras. 

the way he looked at her when she entered.. stretched his hand towards her.. both of them smiled    Their smiles are for real... happy.. content.. prayers answered!

Zoya  extends the ceremony to further add sacred dignity to their bond with each other. The beauty of the scene, lies in Zoya's valid request  for taking  seven oaths in marriage, which is like a practical charter to ensure  smooth  running of their married life. 
i loved these vows.. zoya told him that vishwaas is rishte ki bunyaad hoga.. and adi's last 7th vow was too cute.. ❤️   lovely picture and me catching the heart... how the two delight our hearts

both of them looked so great.. they looked at each other and smiled
it was like a dream..
also that naagin made me laugh hahaha such a cutie🤣
and that precap OMG... i mean O... M... G!☺️
the sms mystery is gonna be interesting.. zoya will stand for him she will fight for him against everyone! really wanna see her trust for adi and their strong relationship bond..😃
but yeah this precap thoughhh... hdfjhfkjskjbdefhjdj

the precap  sure is  us blessing them with much deserved  happiness.. ohhh laa laah! nice picture.. could have used this as my screen saver but my 4 yr old niece and nephew will ask  a lot of crazy questions about what the boy and girl are doing??😃 now me shareef can't risk their sawaals!
munbarkien again Stunnerz madam...   keeping contributing to the bepannah forum... much love yours hammie

Maryam2 thumbnail
Anniversary 15 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail Commentator 3 Thumbnail
Posted: 5 years ago
@hammie: thank you so much🤗
u made me happier with such amazing wishes😳
laddoo chocolates sab banta hai😆
and yeah that precap is something else need to lower my brightness too coz my small bro is usually around😆
thanks again and keep posting 🤗
Hamlet53 thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail
Posted: 5 years ago
Helloo dylidvin 😃, lovely to see you  mate
Hammie beautiful post.  God bless u. What u write give so much meaning. I love to read ur post and other few members who pen their thoughs here.  
How is ur health sweetie.  Tc. 
ohhh over the moon you enjoyed the thoughts.. the episode  was one of a kind .patent! and our leads both give some much life to their performance..  my health is stable, but by no means  perfect ..have to watch my food intake... but after this episode..i have to gobble down a couple of ladoos!   thanks for your lovely comment... and good wishes..much love, yours hammie

ChaiPiyoge thumbnail
Anniversary 7 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 5 years ago
Forgot to comment on this one. As always, a great read <3
sparkiex thumbnail
Group Promotion 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 5 years ago
Hi Hammie! A brilliant post! Especially loved your paragraphs towards the end in which you've mentioned about how AdiYa through their vows differentiate themselves for one another from poosh. For me as well, the vows were the highlight of the ep although overall I really enjoyed their wedding since it's so rare for ITV to have a happy wedding out of love between the leads in the first time itself 😆

Or was it that they were destined to be the ones chosen for each other? 
LOVE THIS!!!!! They really were destined to be, as Arjun had said once before, everything that happened was a way for God to bring them together. 

It was neither his way nor hers. It was the way their love directed them to. I really like what you've said here. Neither of them got their way, it was a middle path that AdiYa followed, the one of love as you rightly said. 

They  would usher in the gradual blessing of not just love, but true Bepannah love!  both never experienced before in their lives! Oh gosh Hammie this made me so 😭  When he had put the sindoor and mangalsutra on her, you could see they both were so overwhelmed, they both had literal tears in their eyes. They never imagined being happy again let alone getting married again and this time with true bepannaah love which like you said, they never got before. That's why both of them can't believe all this is actually happening, it's like a dream for them. 

I realised one thing, Zoya has only ever taken pheras with Aditya, even during their fake marriage. And he's the only one to put sindoor on her (we didn't see Zoya with sindoor ever even tho she had a Mangalsutra on before and if Yash had put sindoor on her I'm sure she would've kept it on like the Mangalsutra). So since both sindoor & pheras only happened with Aditya for her, if we go by Hindu customs then she's only truly been Aditya's wife. 😃

She calls Adi's name! I had this thought way back during the jungle track but thought I was looking too deep into things but then it happened again when Rajveer kidnapped Zoya and then again in this ep too so maybe I'm not just seeing things 😛 But I've noticed whenever Zoya is in trouble she calls out Aditya', usually people are like OMG' or mummy!' in these situations but she calls out to him. Shows he really is her protector and she can always rely on him to come to her aid 😳
Hamlet53 thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail
Posted: 5 years ago

Originally posted by: ChaiPiyoge

Forgot to comment on this one. As always, a great read <3

helooo ChaiPyoge,😃 we meet again ,mate... nice😃 and me pleased you enjoyed this one also ,much love hammie
Hamlet53 thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail
Posted: 5 years ago

Originally posted by: sparkiex

helooo sparkx! really loved doing this episode.. gosh how things have progressed👏⭐️  with our Adi and Zoya

Hi Hammie! A brilliant post! Especially loved your paragraphs towards the end in which you've mentioned about how AdiYa through their vows differentiate themselves for one another from poosh. For me as well, the vows were the highlight of the ep although overall I really enjoyed their wedding since it's so rare for ITV to have a happy wedding out of love between the leads in the first time itself 😆
totally agree sparkx .. it had substance.. not just theory but practice to as we see in the Friday episode..

Or was it that they were destined to be the ones chosen for each other? LOVE THIS!!!!! They really were destined to be, as Arjun had said once before, everything that happened was a way for God to bring them together. 
and me love the cross reference to Arjun's words.. prophetic ...

It was neither his way nor hers. It was the way their love directed them to. I really like what you've said here. Neither of them got their way, it was a middle path that AdiYa followed, the one of love as you rightly said. 
  once they realized love.. both ways, the  direction was set.. took a while, since Zoya had to be navigated to a degree by Adi..!   reminds me of driving.. knowing the shortcuts, but the longer way sometimes is better. might just beat the rush hour!😃   
They  would usher in the gradual blessing of not just love, but true Bepannah love!  both never experienced before in their lives! Oh gosh Hammie this made me so 😭  When he had put the sindoor and mangalsutra on her, you could see they both were so overwhelmed, they both had literal tears in their eyes. They never imagined being happy again let alone getting married again and this time with true bepannaah love which like you said, they never got before. That's why both of them can't believe all this is actually happening, it's like a dream for them. 
yes it was a poignant.. throughout  Adi's humbled ,near to tears expressions" I should be so lucky" and Zoya when she feels the mangalsutra and looks at it with  utter disbelief  memorable scenes.. pure and sacred

I realised one thing, Zoya has only ever taken pheras with Aditya, even during their fake marriage. And he's the only one to put sindoor on her (we didn't see Zoya with sindoor ever even tho she had a Mangalsutra on before and if Yash had put sindoor on her I'm sure she would've kept it on like the Mangalsutra). So since both sindoor & pheras only happened with Aditya for her, if we go by Hindu customs then she's only truly been Aditya's wife. 😃

Yash we know by now was a sham, as fake marriage Adiya enacted to get the contract

She calls Adi's name! I had this thought way back during the jungle track but thought I was looking too deep into things but then it happened again when Rajveer kidnapped Zoya and then again in this ep too so maybe I'm not just seeing things 😛 But I've noticed whenever Zoya is in trouble she calls out Aditya', usually people are like OMG' or mummy!' in these situations but she calls out to him. Shows he really is her protector and she can always rely on him to come to her aid 😳
yes sparkx..  he was always in her heart,, he had given her enough cause and reason to believe that he would always get her out of any mess! such was her trust, only she never let it surface! till the water was nearly above her head! and then too she realized she needed his help and he would help her without judging  her... well they were neat to be. the events only showed them the durability of their bond... mind you further longevity of their  formal relationship  has  only just began... thanks mate for a thought provoking  comment... much love, yours hammie