RadhaKrishn Live Updates 15 Dec 2020 ...Pg #39 [NC] - Page 3


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Sutapasima thumbnail
Posted: 5 years ago

LiVE UPDATES FOR 25Oct 2018 

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Pic credits Madhuri .

Episode begins with Krishn faking illness and pretends he was about to die soon 
 Radha is in tears hearing this n becomes regretful . Krishn notjces this with smile . 

Ayan and Jatila disuss how her plans flopped . She advises Ayan not to fight . Ayan says he did not wishbto be known as coward . Jatila's plot had misfired badly . Jatila regrets n is inntears fearing for her son's life .

Vrishbhan declares thatvhe was sure some betrayer qas living amongst Barsana waasis and because of him Kans sena was surrounding them . They would fight him n not give Krishn ...kans might demand some one else next time n may be Radha some day . So they should fight against his unlawful demands . All Barsana vilagers pick up what ever arms they posessed . Gokul waasis too join them 
All women n children of both villages join purohit for maha aarti n pray to lord vishnu to help them tide over crisis befalling their villages . Jatila weeps for her son . Krishn watches her regretful tears .
He also smiles as Radha joins prayers to lord vishnu . Krishn is seen fighting off Kans sena using superhuman powers . 
 Radha finds Krishn missing n worries for him n starts looking for him .

Krishn preaches that trees are the greatest n longest living creatures on this earth. But they start off as a tuny seed in the soil . A diya is a tiny thing but it can light up one's world . So we should start actions how ever small only them one can achieve greatness. One need not start with great thing but start small n achieve greatness .

Krishn is happily relishing butter when Radha confesses that she kied to him and faked friendship wih him for ulterior motive . Krishn appears surprised .

Ayan tells Krishn proudly that he will dance with Radha 

Krishn replies that Radha will come to krishn herself n ask krishn to dance with him . Ayan Krishn angry-challenging eyelock 

Edited by Sutapasima - 5 years ago
Sutapasima thumbnail
Posted: 5 years ago

Updates for 26 Oct 2018  

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Pic belongs to Madhuri 

Episode begins with Krishn facing Akrur's army . Akrur makea fun of him but Krishn challenges him . Angry Akrur orders his foot soldiers to attack him . Krishn fights them off easily . Akrur is surprised n he orders his army of thousands to attack .they surround Krishn .
Keishn uses his supernatural powers to destroy the wntire army . Akrur realizes who Krishn was . He bows before Him with respect and seeks a way to deal with Kans .Akrur asks Krishn why did Krishn not destroy Kans right away ?? 
Krishn explains that every thing had to happen at a specific time .The time wad not ripe for kans to be destroyed we had to wait ..just like we wait for grains to ripen before harvesting and not start reaping the moment grains appear on the plant . 
Akrur understands .
Keishn advises him what to tell Barsana and Gokul villagers and also to kans .

Radha who had been looking for Krishn is surprised to see Akrur standing there all alone .she wonders where could Krishn be ??

Barsana n Gokul residents are surprised to see Akrur alone ..akrur asks them to relax n live peacefully as krishn was not the boy mentioned in devvaani .  
They are very pleased .

Akrur eeturns to kans n informs him that Krishn had asked him to stop his sinful actions then the Devvaani could be reversed . He cojld be saved . Akrur laughs and makes it clear he was not sinful.at all . He refuses to change . ..he mocks Krishn .

At radha's house in barsana She finds Krishn hapily relishing butter . She asks where had he been because she had looked for him here but found him missing .
Krishn smiles n insists he was right here . She failed to notice as she was tensed . 

Ayan and Krishn watch radha dancing . Krishna is lost in Radha .he notices her curl and recollects his beautiful moments with Radha at Golok and how he had pulled out a curl as identification of Radha on this earth .
He smiles as he notices Radha struglingnto keep it away from her face . 
Ayan notices Krishn staring at Radha n remarks that he was going to dance with Radha . Krishn smiles n says Radha would come n ask Krishn to dance with her .

Krishn preaches about "swarthi" .. it was not wrong to think about one's self . When a person became selfish for himself he was selfish ..swarthi for ones children or lloved ones it was deemed love ..when one became swarthi for others he was deemed paropkaari ...swarthi for ones community it became paramarthi ..
 So one should become selfish for greater  cause expand the limits of self n become limitless by becoming selfish for the entire world n sing Radhe Radhe 

Krishn tells Radha that Dudevi will surely get married ..but to the giy she loves .
Radha over hears ayan fuming that krishna was making plans to help Sudevi elope with her lover. Balram remarks that only Krishn's lover could persuade him not to do that
Ayan fumes at the thought of RK together 
Edited by Sutapasima - 5 years ago
Sutapasima thumbnail
Posted: 5 years ago

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Pic belongs to Madhuri 

Episode begins with Ayan Radha discussion how to stop Krishn from interrupting Sudevi's wedding . Balram joins the discussion And after much pondering they arrive at the conclusion the only his lover could stop Krshn . Ayan stares at Radha and radha agrees they should get Krishn's lover .They would never let Krishn sour Barsana gokul relations .

Radha and her friends discuss how on the night of Sharad purnima one should dance with their beloved partner . The full moon night was aispicious for lovers . Radha makes fun of this myth .krishna smiles as he eaves drops on the girls discussion .

At the Barsana haat jatila notices a guy who was playing witnthe same half gold coin that she had placed in the secret letter to Kans , she wonders how this guy managed to acqure it . She wonders if she should ask him if there wws any message for her . As she is about to meet the guy vrishbhaan arrives with his men n comfront the guy .. They accuse he was not from Barsana so what was he doing here ??
The guy confesses he wa spy sent by Kans to find out who was the person who sent him secret letter against gokul .
Jatila makes good her escape slyly .

Radha kRishn confrontation over Sudevi's wedding .Krishn asures he would get her marrd to her lover while Radha says they will make sure Sudevi married the guy her parents have chosen for her . 
In her room Sudevi is seen getting decked up by her friends n radha . Sdevi is not happy ..but she smiles at her mother .

Radha too gets ready for the wedding ..krshna secretly admires her by sneaking into her room resulting in angry annoyed Radha .
Krshn Angry Radha confrontation .

Krishna preaches that friendship is the most beautiful thing in this world . Friendship should be like milk n water. When mixed together they are not seen as separate entities . They become one  identity .
But when trouble arrives inntenform of heat the water burn up n evaporates forst n saves the milk as long as it can .. Only when all the water has gone the milk spills over . It can be calmed only by sprinkling of some water . Friend should be ready to sacrifice everything for their true friend.   

Radha krishn beautiful dandiya group dance at Sudevi's wedding .
Krishn gets Bhairov married to Sudevi and Her groom gets married to another girl .
Radha exposes this much to every one's shock 
Edited by Sutapasima - 5 years ago
Sutapasima thumbnail
Posted: 5 years ago

UPDATES For 29 Oct 2018 

Gif belongs to AreYaar

Balram and krishn together make a plan .
Balram pretends to look for Kishn's lover jist to prevent Krishn from helping Sudevi elope with bhairav her lover from Gokul .
Although Ayan knows that krishn had confessed to him about Radha being his lover but he could not reveal it as he was given maa ki saugandh to keep it secret.
So when Kishna gets bhairav disguised as a beautiful maiden ..supposedly as Krshn's lover Ayan knows it was not true but he had no ground to refute it .
Krishnantells radha, Balram, Ayan n Bhairov that it was sharad purnima and this was a auspicious night for lovers to unite .. Because this will unitebthem for ever .
Krshna Assures he will do raas leela with hs lover . He assures bhairov of the same .
Balram guven knowing winks secretly . Bhairov is very tensed ..
Vrishbhan nabs the spy from Mathura

Who had come to hunt for that informer who had written letter to Kans . Thye takenthe broken mudra gold coin from the apy and decide to hint for the other half to prove who wa that informer n betrayer 
Jatila over hears this n moves away quietly .

Krishn and Balram make Radha believe that krishn was wit his lover . So sudvi will get married to the groom chosen by her parents . As the wedding rasams begin .. Sudevi faints ..much to Radha's concern 
Krishna then whispers to Radha that during the time asudevi recovers from her fainting spell he will get Sudvi married  to  Bhairov .

Radha gets busy keeping watch on Sudevi .Bhairov thanks Krishn for going outnof the ay to help a friend he has no words to thank him . Krishn says he need not thank him as he was doing everything for himself , he was doing all this ti teach his love the defnitin of love . 

Krshn preaches that one should always admit one's mistakes . Isbthese mistakes that should be accepted as mistakes so that we know where we are going wrong . These mistakes give  us opportunity to improve  and work with greater vigour n will .
We should commit mistates and be positive enough to learn from them . We must apologize fr our mistakes . ..nothing to be ashamed of . We have to be brave to admit it . If not it becomes a sin .

Radha Krishn dreamy  Raas leela on sharad Purnima. Krishn ka sringaar radha ki karsh se ...baansuri ka sangeet Radha k sparsh se ...
They do dandiya dance  with all girls n guys of the village 

Edited by Sutapasima - 5 years ago


Sutapasima thumbnail
Posted: 5 years ago

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The episode begins with Krishn sharing with his close gwala.bal his plans for helping Sudevi Bhairov alliance and elopement 
He knows Ayan waz over hearing him .

Balram Further misleads.Radha snd Ayan about Krishn's intentions with the  love.birds.. theh plan how to trap Krishn in the dance  and while Krishn is busy they would nab bhairov .

In the mean time the .search team set by  rish han is seen searching houses looking for the missing half.of the coin in order to fi d the betrayer of  Barsana . Jatila is seen having a tough time trying to hide the half coin from those men . She succeeds in the end and those guys cail to find the betrayer 

At the weddinv venue Sudevi is seen rrsting and trying to recover from her fainting spell 
Radha n other youngsters are.seen ready to provide a dance performance and challe ge the youngsters from gokul to join them .
Radha represe tsBarsana side and.asks any one from  gokul to join her . Balram declares Krishn would join her .

Kreishn declines saying he did not know how to dance . Radha asks him.to play the flute . He pretends not to know how . When Radha insists ..Krishn says when his elder Ayan was there how could he take orders from Radha ?? He asks for Ayan's approval . Ayan fumes at the thought of RK dancing together but he reluctantly has to give his consent .
Ayan recollects how Krishn had challenged him that Radha would ask Krishn to dance and Ayan would support him . Ayan asks Krishn to dance .
Krishn then.pretends to play the flute like a novice, much to every one's amusement  and says it was not playing well radha decides to check it out . When radha blows into the flute it plays a sweet tune . Krishn recollects how Radha would ay the fkute in Golok and provide the music in his flute 
Radha angrily scolds him.and begins to walk out on Krishn ...
Krishn then looks heavenwards to see the full moon about to ppear and thinks that his dance with radha would begin on fullmoon night . As the clouds clear n the bid full moon appears Krishn ays the magi al notes on the flute and Radha stops in her tracks . She retraces hr steps and joins Krishn on stage n they dance together  in divine harmony ..all are mesmerized by the performance 

Raas.leela of Radha Krishn dandiya dance along with the other lads n lasses all immersed  in divine melody n harmony . 

Edited by Sutapasima - 5 years ago


Sutapasima thumbnail
Posted: 5 years ago

UPDATES FOR 31 Oct 2018 

Pic credits Madhuri 
Image result for radha searching for Krishna images
Episode begins with Radha Krishna dancing on stage. Krishna then gives a solo dance performance which takes Radha by surprise .the onlookers are veey impressed .. Krishna then offers dandiya to Radha n requests her to join him . RK then perform a beautiful Dandiya dance under the full moon lit night ...along with the other girls n guys who join them 
All watching thisndance are impressed . During the dance performance Radha gets glimpses of her dance with krishn in Golok . She is confused n stares at krishn after the dance is over . Soon she challenges him where did he learn this dancing skill from 
Krishna then gives the credit to radha . She then feels he must be regretting that he could not dance with his lover . Krishna then skirts the issue 

In another room Ayan has discovered that the person disguised as Krishn's lover is Bhairov . He threatens to isolate him in a room while Sudevi got married to her chosen groom . 
But soon Balram who was pretending to take Ayan's side flips sides and supports Bhairov and ties up Ayan and makes him lose consciousness until sudevi bhairov wedding is completed .
After Sudevi recovers from her fainting spell she is escorted to mandap 
The gokul gwal bal dress up Bhairov as groom n escort him to mandap.sudevi gets married to Bhairov in presence of all barsana and Gokul waasis with every one's blessings .  

Radha soon learns  how Krishna managed to change the groom while they were dancing 
RK argument over this matter . Radha refuses to be fearful of the repurcussions and i sult to barsana waasis n Sudevi'smparents and decides to expose Krishn's trick and how sudevi's groom was changed . She refuses to be dissuaded despite Krishn's requests not to do this . He warns gokul and barsana would tuen into foes n result in bloodbath . Radha refuses to allow a wrong thng take place just because she was fearful of the aftermath .

Krishn preaches just like we should not judge a book by its cover we should not judge a guy by his appearances . Just like we have to read a book to know its importance ...We have to onow a person fully to jdge he is a good person or not otherwise all relationships created on external appearance will never be long lasting .

Gokul Barsana villagers  are about to clash over the changed groom . Radha asks them not to fight eachother but to punish Krishn who was the real mastermind behind this plan  . As krishna finds himself cornered he declares he was unawares like every one else that Bhairov had replaced the other groom .
Radha decides to prove krishn was lying.
Balram is  forced to take kasam that krishn was not lying .  

Edited by Sutapasima - 5 years ago


Sutapasima thumbnail
Posted: 5 years ago

LIVE UPDATES for 01 Nov 

Pic credits Madhuri 
Episode begins with Radha removing Sehra of the groom and all are shocked to see it was am imposter . Sudevi's father is shocked n says this guy was not Sudevi's groom wh]o was he ??
Bhairov then gets scared n identifies himself adding he loved Sudevi .

Sudevi's  father is furious and lashes out at Bhairov .Bhairov's parents ask where was their son ??
Bhairov says he knew nothing . Barsana villagers decide to teach the bhairov a lesson ..theyreturn with sticks and what ever weapon they had and are about to thrash the imposter groom ...when radha stops them from starting thos blood bath . There was no point in the villagers fighting when the real master mind was Krishn . Radha blames krishn for plotting to get Sudevi married to bhairov .krishn denies knowing anything about this and says this was radha's plan as she was the one who removed the sehra and she was the one wuo interrupted this marriage ..so she is the one who knew about this .
Radha accuses Krishn and He accuses her . Soon Ayan recovers from his altered sensorium and manages to free himself , he arrives at the wedding venue and says this was krishn's plotting . 
Krishna claims to be innocent .
Bhairov is worried as krishn was not supporting him. Krishn says his job was to trach love . But Bhairov had to be supported by his love >Sudevi ..who unfortunately was quiet .
If the loved one did not support the lover then it was no point supporting them even the gods could not help lovers if they did not take stand for eachother .
Bhairon feels sad at sudvi's silence .

Yashoda and Jatila hav confrontation over whose son eas telling the truth n who was lying .
Finally Ayan claims to know where the real groom was confined lhe leads the villagers there ..but to their shock Balram, sudama, other gokul gwal bal and the real groom are all tied up 
Virshbhan and Nand get furious with Ayan 
Balram  accuses Ayan of beating them up n tying them . Bakram forces the groom to say the same thi ng 
Balram amd ayan have confrontation over this and each accuse the other of plotting .
Radha then asks balram to vouch under oath of his mother's life .
Balram is cornered and he confesses that he plotted to unite Sudevi and bhairov under krishn's instructions.  

Virshbhan and Nand are shocked n furious with Krishn .
Krishn preaches that human being felt they were inadequate in comparison to others . This lead to jealousy . In reality every one is important to some one or the other . Just like a silgle roti is like a full meal for a hungry beggar ... Every person however small is important as the universe for some one 
We should love and support all those persons who was i portant in our lives and stop comparing ourselves with others .

Precap .
Bhaiov is bound by ropes and is being beatn up badly 
Radha accuses krishn for putting bhairov thru all this . Krishn feels sorry for bhairov .

Edited by Sutapasima - 5 years ago


Sutapasima thumbnail
Posted: 5 years ago

UPDATES FOR 02 Nov 2018 
Sudevi confesses her love for Bhairov 

                          Pic credts Madhuri 
                              Related image
The episode begins with Barsana and Gokul villagers surrounding Bhairov and Krishna who stand accused .
Jatila praises Radha for exposing the enemies of Barsana and saved the village from bad name . 

Jatila asks Vrishbhan to take not one but two decisions being the head of Barsana, now that the culprits are exposed .
Firstly they had to punish  Bhairov for attempting to impersonate a groom and cheat the bride n her gamily n all villagers .
Secondly they did not want a guy like krishna in the village who broke the rules of society n mislead the boy to gs which were not allowed . This will set bad example to the youngsters of the village n it should be dealt with in exemplary manner so that all fear the consequences of auch action .

Yashoda laments that till date she has forgiven all his shararat but today she is feeling insulted n let down because of her son's wrong actions .krishna weeps with Mata yashoda .

Vrishbhan asks Sudevi if she loved Bhairov . Not huy will impersonate a groom without vakid rhymenor reason . Sudevi is in dilemma . She looks at radha n recollects how her loce confession will insult her parents . Radha dissuades Sudevi from confessing her feelings for Bhairov .
She tells Vrishbhan that she did not love Bhairov . She agrees to marry the guy her parents chose for her 
Bhairov is heart broken and so is krishn .

Vrishbhan says he will take appropriate decisions .
Bhairov will surely be punished , but Krishna was his friend's son and banishment for him meant banishment of other Gokulvillagers .
Nand baba feels he should leave barsana n return to Gokul because his son Krishn had brought disgrace to his gokul and the villagers of Barsana who gave them shelter .
When sons do act of valour their parents feel proud but when they commit acts of breaking rules n antosocial acts parents feel disgraced .
Krishn feels hos father's disgrace n gets teary eyed . 

The groom's parents demand 100 lashes to Bhairov for impersonating their son . The villagers agree . Sudevi Krishn, balram, and Bhairov are shocked n pained . 
Jatila smirks so does Ayan . 
Vrishbhan declares punishment was essential to deter any such incident recurring in future .
100 lashes n banishment from village 
He asks ayan to follow orders layan looks at krishna full of hatred n throws Bhairov to the ground, ties him up and begins lashing 

Sudevi n her groom begin the vivaah rasams ..
with every lashn that hits Bhairov he gets a bruise .. The dame bruise appears on krishn too .
Balram asks krishna he was capable of changing the entire universe but why was he so inactive . Krshna says he was love . He was the love that was residing within Bhairov . Krishn was hurt as much as bhairov's love right now . This hurt had to evoke ghe love that was supressed within Sudevi . If lovers do not confrss their feelings n stand for eachother ..no divine forces van help them .
Radha comes to krishn and blames him for this mess n causing so much hurt to Bhairov . 

Ayan carries on lashing Bhairov amd krishn is in tears ..so is Sudevi 
Bhairov is in terrible pain after few lashes ..he screams sudevi's name .
Sudevi cant see her loved one in pain she rises from the vivah mandap and comes rushing towRds ayan n grabs his whip 
She orders him to stop 
All villagers of both villages are shocked to see Sudevi speak up .
Krishn smiles as love her won tonight .

Sudevi orders Ayan that he had to srop whipping , she tels vrishbhan that she loved Bhairov. She spoke untruth because Radha had instilled in her the fear of disgrace to her family n parents if she confessed her love .
All look at radha questioningly . So does vrishbhaan 

Sudevi imforms how Krishn tried to help her by suggesting that she go to her parents n inform them about her love n choice of life partner . 

Krishna preaches about loving and respecting human relationships .
One had to work hard to maintain relationships between humans and go into the depths of every human rishtaa to make it strong .

Krishn is decorating the entire aangan / courtyard with lighted deepaks ..radha comes to him and says love gave pain, suffocation , she orders him to leave barsana .
Vrishbhaan asks radha to promise that she will marry the guy he chose for her Radha  stares  at her father .

Edited by Sutapasima - 5 years ago


Sutapasima thumbnail
Posted: 5 years ago

Radha Krishn LIVE UPDATES 03Nov 2018 

Edit belongs to Janakivallav

The episode begins with Sudevi confessing her love for Bhairov.
She is not scared of society norms nor she feels scared of insult to her parents .
For her love for bhairov came before that and if society n her parents felt bhairov needed to be punished for loving her even she should be facing the same fate . Sudevi i ties Bhairov , helps him up n hugs him.  He is all smiles . Krishna smiles with teary eyes . 

Sudevi  informs every one that Krishn did explain to her that she should tell her parents about her love but Radha dissuaded her reminding her of her parent's family pride n prestige .
This she remained quiet .but not any more .

Vrishbhan  is furious that Radha knew all about Sudevi n Bhaorov but never bothered to i form him !!
Virshbhan asks her why did she remain mute when he asked her if she was ready to marry the guy her parents chose for her ?? 
Radha feels embarassed as her baba glares at her .
Krishna replies it was because of her love for her parents.
Ayan is fuming ..Jatila is jealous that Krishn got away scot free .
Radha feels ashamed that she  hid facts from her baba .

Sudevi's father os furious with her for bringing disgrace to her parents n village . He attacks her with a sickle. Balram asks krishn what will,he do now ?? Krishn says love had spoken and accepted love now it was the duty divine force  to protect love .
Krish stops Sudevi's father n asks he had no rights to kill his daughter . He had given birth to her but how long she wil live is decided by God . He was not God !! So how could he kill ??

 Krishn explains that it was wrong on his part to force his child to accept the partner of his choice . It should be the child's freedom to marry who so ever he or she wished . Its wrong to think its a matter of pride to chose a child's life partner !! 
It was wrong on the parents part to think that the child's was given birth by them , she was brought up by them hence her life belonged to them !! This Is incorrect notion .
Just the way a child becomes a son / daughter the day he/she is born a couple are reborn as parents the day their child is born . They are known as the mother or father of that child . So If both are born at the same time why should one feel proud !! It is both ways for the child n the parents !!. Its just misplaced ego n pride on the parent's part .

Krish continues... Sudevi did give up her love for the sake of her parent's love n their pride . Now it was their turn to make their child happy by giving her her love ...Bhairov ...and giving her life long happiness 
..it was up to her parents whether they wanted to kill their child or bind her down in unhappy marriage or give her life long happiness 
Sudevi's father hugs her n accepts her choice of life partner .
Vrishbhan announces to the villagers that it was sudevi n her parent's decision about the choice of groom . Since they had decided to get her married to Bhairov he had no objections .

Soon Sudevi and bhairov exchange garlands n get married as per customs .
Later Yashida and Nand are annoyed with krishn n Balram for supporting something that was not permitted by society . Nand tells Krishn that one should never go against the customs n traditions that society binds us in . When alls well BhaiSu love will take care of everything but when they are in trouble its only society that stands in support . 
Krishn is not given chance by Nand to explain . He asks Krishn where did he learn all this theory about love ?? Krishn points to Balram and says Dau taught him 
..Balram is confused n Krishn hugs him and asks him to handle it .
Balram gives  a silly explanation .
They appeared to be packing their boxes . Nand says his relations with vrishbaan were now strained because of this fiasco . Vrishbhan was unhappy .

Seeing Vrishbhan worried Kirtida tries to rest his mind yhat now Sudevi's parents had accepted Bhairov ..why was he worried !! 
Virshbhan tells Radha n Kirtida  that he was in total disapproval of the new norms set up by Krishn. He asks Radha why did she not tell him when she knew all about BhaiSu !! . Radha asks her baba to trust his sanskaar and his daughter . Vrishbhan says the fear in his mind was because of Radha and only she could help him . Vrish says he had a daughter of marriageable age like Sudevi .  

Kirtida assures that no such thing will happen ..their beti was not like this . 
Vrishbhan asks Radha to give him her word that she will marry the groom of his choice 
Radha gives him her promise. Krishn witnesses this n feels unhappy about it .

Krishn preaches ...
Scriptures preached that remaining silent was the best way to resolve all problems . But whats the use of that maun vrat that could not help them when they needed .its incorrect to remIn quiet all the time . Time n history are witness to the fact that many a disaster could have been averted if was spoken about at the correct time . Just like silence was golden ..it was essential to speak up at the correct time .
If one remained silent on all maters the evil forces assumed it was his consent . A mute person is no different from a lifeless rock . Its is essential to speak at the correct moment ...
As mch as it is essential to know when to remain silent .


Radha is in tears and confronts Krishn that love gave fear, suffocation , pain ...
Krishn disagrees with her 
Radha orders Krishn to leave barsana and never again see her ...krishn is in tears ..

At Mathura  Kans orders Vakasur to kill Krishn 
Vakasur arrives at Barsana and all villagers run helter skelter scared of the wicked bird shaped devil . 
Krishn prepares to deal with Vakasur ..

Edited by Sutapasima - 5 years ago


Sutapasima thumbnail
Posted: 5 years ago

UPDATES for 05 Nov 2018 

This gif belongs to =PandavPranayini

The episode begins with Virahbhan asking Radha to promise him that she will never do the same that Sudevi did to her parents. Radha assures her baba that she will never bring disgrace to her parents n never make then feel shamed .   that he had given birth to her  , she considersd him her god and she placed inot the hands of her God her future n her lofe decisions . She gives Baba the full powers to make all decisions for her . 
Krshn feels sad that people lovingly brought up their children yet cut off their wings cruelly the moment they were about to fly 
Why did they do this ?? He feels saddened. Balram comes to krishn and shares his grief. He Says he had come to barsana to teach love and he did . But radha was yet to learn about . She had to first fall i to the situation first from which she will learn to get out and learn to love . So He had to wait for that situation to happen for Radha . 
get out of . Now will be the new journey for him ..a new chapter.
Vishban is pleased ..but Kirtida  is not ..she accuses him of committing the same mistakes that sudevi's parents were doing . Why was he restricting his daughter in this way ?? She will,never be able to tale any decisions in her life !! Did he not teust his daughter any more  They Had not brought her up in restrictions ?? Did they not give her all the freedom until,now ??

Jatila buries that piece of broken gold coin and says this was not needed any more . The Gokul villagers have themselves carved their way out of Barsana . She asks Ayan to make Radha order Krishn out otherwise he wil spoil the young minds of Barsana and all will rebel against their parents . 
Ayan comes to meet radha n brainwashes her that Krishn Would gradually  use his wicked charm to affec all the youngsters to behave similar to Sudevi and this would pollute the young minds . It was better Krishn was thrown out of Barsana . Radha was already annoyed with Krishn

She goes to meet him Krishn is seen playing  a divine melody on his flute .  
Radha  blames Krishn for the MU between Virshban n Radha . 
Because of Krishn her baba doubted her , because of his love games radha was bound by her promise to her baba abd now she had lost her freedom because of krish Radha would now have restricted life n she would have to watch every step and every word to make sure she eas not going agains ther baba .
She laments that she had lost her freedom because of akrishn and also lost the rights to take anudecisions of her life .
She orders Krishna out of Barsana .Krishn is in tears as Radha lashes out at him . 
Ayan comes to meet Krishn . 
Ayan taunts Krishn that he has been ordered out of .Barsana. Nd he bette leave because Radha belonged exclusively to Ayan .
Krishn smiles at this .
Krishn says even if he is out of Barsana he could never be far away from Radha .
Ayan laughs. He rhunks Krishnhad lost it as a result of Radha's unexpected rejection . Ayan reminds That outside barsana one side is thick forests and thenother side is lifeless deserts where no living thing could survive ..so how could he remain close to Radha , outside Barsana .
Krishn then says he had to fulfill Radha's wishes . Radha's wishes were his orders. 

Krishn says Ayan did a mistake by suggesting to Radha to send Krishn away 
Ayan is confused ...krishn explains that one forgets the people close by but always remember those who are far away ...krish smiles and says he had sent him away but he will not be able to restrain him. Or separate him from Radha !! 

Krishn preaches that those who give up easily and get disappointed easily feeling they are useless or are wrong ..or insignificant .. . 
This Is untrue . Nothing is useless and no effort gos waste ... Every small thing has its own use .
Similarly all persons  are useful. Only one's thinking makes him useless or a failure . So one should know one self and realize our own inner powers  . Hope is the basis of life on this world .and all should move on hoping for better future ...

Krishn Tells Balram that 
Radha had to get over her fears and then begin her  new journey .. He had come to Barsana to teach love . Now radha will have to break the shackles that bind her n come to Gokul to meet her love for which she will pine  . 

At Mathura Kans orders Vakasur to finish Krishn .
Radha and Krishn watch Vakasur about to attack them 
Barsana villagers scream with fear Krishn  smiles n is ready to tackle the devil   .

Edited by Sutapasima - 5 years ago