RadhaKrishn Live Updates 15 Dec 2020 ...Pg #39 [NC] - Page 27


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Sutapasima thumbnail
Posted: 3 years ago

RadhaKrishn Written  Updates 27Aug 2020

Arjun begins to burn down the forest using his Divya vaan but he is challenged by Takshak who was the demon living in that area and he refuses to give space to Arjun . 
Arjun fight with Takshak but he has protection of Indra Dev . Takshak challenges Arjun but Arjun is the epitome of bravery n challenges Takshak despite his protection of Indra  Dev .

. Soon Takshak is attacked n his saviour God Dev Raj Indra appears n confronts Arjun ..only to learn it was Arjun his God son , he had sired . Arjun n Dev Raj Indra and Takshak clash .

Draupadi fears for Arjun’s life n safety . She pleads Krishn to stop the fight , she takes back her oath and frees Arjun . Krishn says if Arjun is stopped now it will be for ever . Arjun offers himself as an offering to Agni and tries to invoke the blessings of Agni Dev .Agni Dev is so pleased  with Human Arjun that he blesses him with Gandeev bow. . With this Arjun is even more empowered to fight Takshak.

Soon Takshak with God of rain Dev Raj Indra on his side  n Arjun  with Agni Dev on his side clash .

Agni sets fire to Takshak van while Indra pours rain . Krishn’s sister Subhadra is introduced , she is pampered by Rukmini , bhaabhi nanad scenes of sweet family bonding is shown . 
Krishn meets Radha on the occasion. Of Radha Ashtami and gifts ehr floral jewellery . She reminds him she was punished n ordered to life the rest of ehr life without adornments . Krish advises her not to return to Barsana but go to Dwarika where she was needed for something important . 

Edited by Sutapasima - 3 years ago
Sutapasima thumbnail
Posted: 3 years ago

RadhaKrishn Written  Updates 28 Aug 2020

Lord Indra fights with Arjun empowered with Blessings of Agnindev and his Gandeev bow . This gandeev bow could fire numerous bows at a time n it had endless supply of arrows each with the power to cause mass destruction n create havoc . Krishn watches them with a smile on his face n has full faith in the capabilities of Arjun . 

Soon Lord Indra stands no chance against Human Arjun having blessings of Agni and gandeev in his hand, and under care of Krishn .

Lord Indra accepts defeat , as Arjun burns down the forests of Takshak van . Lord Indra declares Arjun had won the fight n this piece of land won by him would be called Indra prashtha as Indra was defeated here . He also blesses Arjun with a great flourishing kingdom And offers him endless services of divine architect lord Vishwakarma 

The news of Takshak’s defeat in battle against Arjun reaches Hastinapur . Shakuni and Duryodhan are furious n they put the blame on Krishn for helping Arjun . They decide to trouble Krishn so that he gets busy with his own life n leaves the Pandavas to their fate . He decides to create clash between Rukmini n Radha which will eventually lead to Krishn’s downfall . 

Shakuni sends Krishn look alike Pundrak Vasudev to Dwarika . Pundrak ignores Rukmini n shows preference to Radha hurting her .

Radha n Rukmini have moments of close bonding n sharing mutual love n respect . Radha is introduced to Krishn’s sister Subhadra .

Radha is shocked to see a person look like Krishn  but senses this was not him !! 

Edited by Sutapasima - 3 years ago
Sutapasima thumbnail
Posted: 3 years ago

RadhaKrishn Written  Updates 31 Aug 2020
Paundraka asks Radha to convince Subhadra to marry Duryodhan.She is taken aback n wonders why n how Krish. Changed his views , Paundraks gives his explanations . Radha says she will try her best 

Paundrak Vasudeva Krishn occupies Krishn’s room and orders the painting n other things to be placed of his choice , looks down upon cowherd Krishn’s choice m he declares he was the real king of Dwarika not krishn .

Rukmini comes to meet him n Paundruka , he gets mesmerised by ehr beauty n tries t touch ehr hut gets electric shock. He thu is that he will soon get Krishn killed n take over all his beautiful ladies and how wealth n kingdom. He asks Rukmini to serve him food and she does it . She gets surprised by Krishn’s changes behaviour .

Duryodhan and Shakuni arrive at Dwarika and are disappointed that none was present to receive them . He advised Duryodhan to behave nice n charming until his marriage ti Subhadra ..Shakuni mama plots to get Duryodhan married to Subhadra so that Krishn was left with no choice but to support Hastinapur rather than Indraprastha .

They meet Paundraka Vasudev Krishn n he convinces them Duryodhan n Subhadra will marry as planned .

Radha imforms Paundraka that Subhadra did not love Duryodhan so how could she give consent for marriage . Paundraka looks down upon love n asks Radha to agree for political alliance , power n profits , not to give importance to love  . 

Radha is shocked at the change in Krishn’s behaviour , he no longer talked of love but of Politics n political alliances .she realises this was not Krishn but his lookalike , she wonders how to catch him red handed .

Krishn arrives at the gates of Dwarika but the guards capture him as doppelgänger n put him behind the bars . 

Krishn tells everyone that he was the real Krishn n Paundraka was his look alike n imposter. they have confrontation, Balram orders imprisonment of Krishn . Paundraka orders Pandavas to accept Duryodhan as the king of Hastinapur . Pandavas are shocked .

Edited by Sutapasima - 3 years ago
Sutapasima thumbnail
Posted: 3 years ago

RadhaKrishn Written  Updates 01 Sept 2020

Balram introduces Shakuni and Duryodhan to Subhadra .

Duryodhan says he is nothing compared to Subhadra . Shakuni praises Duryodhan and Subhhadra likes him .

Duryodhan then displayed his fighting skill and impresses Subhadra . But she is sure her Dau is unsurpassable in any fight  . Dau challenges Duryodhan to fight him , Duryodhan accepts defeat before Dau as he was his guru . This makes Subhadra even more impressed of Duryodhan.

Guards bring in Krishn , all are shocked to see two look alikes . PAU drama accuses real Krishn of being cowherd and imposter n Paundrak  was real Krishn . aShakuni and Duryodhan agree with Paundrak, so do Rukmini n Subhadra . Balram asks Krishn why he was doing this ?? What was he not protesting . Radha is shocked too.
Krishn says he was overpowered n wanted to wait for right moment to prove himself .   Balram orders Krishn to be jailed . Krishn willingly goes into jail, Radha is shocked n comes to meet Krishn , he explains his situation to Radha . Paundraka visits Krishn in jail , taunts him n mocks him, Krishn remains cool .arjun arrives at Dwarika , Shakuni n Duryodhan are on good mood to kill him then n there but they remain calm just to impress Subhadra n Paundraka.


Radha asks Krishn what if Subhadra fell in love with Duryodhan?? Krishn calmly rep,Ives he will get them married .
paundraka asks Arjun to accept Duryodhan as king of Hastinapur. Arjun Declares he will perform Rajassuya yagya to establish supremacy of Indraprastha.

Edited by Sutapasima - 3 years ago
Sutapasima thumbnail
Posted: 3 years ago

RadhaKrishn Written  Updates 02 Sept 2020

Arjun tells everyone at  Dwarika that Madhav invited him here , he looks for Madhav .Subhadra already has heard about Arjun the supreme archer . Balram  says he came at right time as Duryodhan n Subhadra were about to get married . Arjun is taken aback . Subhadra praises Duryodhan. Arjun tells her that she had not met Bheem , he can beat Duryodhan. Duryodhan refutes Arjun’s claims n challenges Arjun to fight him , in fact he claims he could defeat all the Pandavas . Arjun does not want to waste his time fighting Duryodhan. He goes looking for Madhav .

Radha and Subhadra discuss how Subhadra noticed Arjun’s handsomeness, strength n his humbleness , she was confused between Duryodhan n Arjun as her choices for life partner . Radha advises her to listen to her heart .

Paundraka is sitting on Krishn’s throne n enjoying the feeling  , he rejoices the thoughts of becoming the king of Dwarika after getting rid of Krishn . Arjun enters the hall , Paundraka has little interest in him n decides tk show him his place . Arjun paundraka  interaction makes Arjun sense this guy was not Krishn but an imposter .. paundraka addresses Arjun as Arjun n not as Parth n he knows nothing about the Rajasthan Yagya that Krishn had assured him, later discusses this with Radha who also senses The same . 
Arjun wants to meet Krishn regarding the Raj Suta Yagya but Paundraka, Shakuni  n Duryodhan mock him, As Arjun walks away full of fury Subhadra observes him, she is impressed by his restraint n politeness , she almost falls in love with Arjun..

 She is not in dilemma n shares them with Radha , Radha advises her to listen to her heart. 
Radha takes bitter n kheer to Krishn in the jail, he relishes them eating out of her hand . They have close romantic moments together . 


Shakuni asks the rituals to begin, Tilak ceremony begins n Duryodhan declares he accepts Subhadra as his life partner, Subhadra says she does not love Duryodhan n she declines his marriage offer . Balram asks her what about his promise to Duryodhan ?? Krishn walks in n asks Dau that he should have thought of this before giving such promises . All wonder how come Krishn was here!! How did he escape from jail ?? where was Paundraka??

Edited by Sutapasima - 3 years ago
Sutapasima thumbnail
Posted: 3 years ago

RadhaKrishn Written  Updates 03 Sept 2020

Radha shares her fears that what if  Subhadra falls for Duryodhan. Krishn says he wil then get them married . He could manage n change every thing except manipulating people to fall in love , as this is something that should happen between two people on its own .

Balram and Shakuni are interested in getting Subhadra Duryodhan wedding solemnised fast ...Radha says that Subhadra wanted to make up her mind between Duryodhan n Arjun n she wanted to test them .  Balram asks Duryodhan to take Subhadra to Shiv Mandir . at Shiv Mandir Subhadra tests Both , Duryodhan believes with his strength n wealth he could win over everything , even love . But Arjun is ready to give uo everything for his love . Just the way he broke the previous gandeev for winning love , nothing was more important than love .  she senses the difference between Dury n Arjun n falls for Arjun . In jail Krishn senses Arjun had done his duty , it was time for him to get out of  jail. 

as Krishn walks out Paundraka co fronts him . He says the door lock n latch opened on its own when he was inside . Paundraka decides to check it out himself . Paundrak locks himself in . But the locks fail to open n Paundraka gets locked up in jail. 

At Duryodhan Subhadra Tilak ceremony Subhadra refuses to marry Dury as she was in love with Arjun . 


Duryodhan asks Balram to arrange wedding to Subhadra or else accept he failed to keep his promise . paundraka attacks Arjun , Krish says the person who attempted to kill a guest did not have the right s to live . 

Edited by Sutapasima - 3 years ago
Sutapasima thumbnail
Posted: 3 years ago

Radha Krishn Live Update 04 Sep 2020

The mandap is ready and as Radha n Subhadra arrive there Shakuni thanks Balram for keeping his promise n getting the first ceremony of Subhadra and Duryodhan arranged.  He suggests Balram get the couple married soon in the same mandap .

Duryodhan also praises his guru Balram and thanks him . He declares this tilak  ceremony will declare to the entire world that Subhadra was now going to marry Duryodhan .He wants to send a message to Hastinapur about his tilak ceremony with Subhadra , so that the rejoicing  n celebrations for his marriage can begin.  

Balram dau says why message ..they would invite the royal family of Hastinapur to come n witness the wedding n take part in the functions here . 

Duryodhan is seated at the mandap 

Dau asks Rukmini to begin the tilak rasam. 

Ruk happily proceeds n just as she is about to put the tilak Subhadra stops bhaabhi . She says she did not want to marry Duryodhan  as she loved Arjun n wanted to marry him .

Everyone is shocked .. even arjun . Only Krishn smiles . Shakuni feels insulted.  Duryodhan accuses Dau of failing to keep his promise .Dau is furious .

Dau scolds Subhadra for not thinking of her brother's  promise n falling for Arjun. How could she change her mind suddenly !!Subhadra says she was  very sorry for what happened .It was never her intentions to hurt or humiliate her elder brother. She had no control over her feelings of love , as it could happen to any one at any time ..she starts crying n leaves the mandap .

Dau then starts shouting at Arjunnfor influencing Subhadra . Poor Arjun is totally at a loss n has no idea how n why Subhadra changed her mind . Krishn smiles at Dau n asks him to calm down .

Edited by Sutapasima - 3 years ago
Sutapasima thumbnail
Posted: 3 years ago

RadhaKrishn Written  Updates 07 Sept 2020

Episode begins with Subhadra sharing her fears with Radha that Balram might force her to marry Duryodhan while she loved n wishe pd to marry Arjun.

Radha asks her to remain patient n wait n watch Krishn n have full faith in him. Subhadra agrees .

Paundraka Vasudev Krishn the ticks Arjun and attempts to kill him. Arjun saves himself by grabbing his arrows with his bare hands . Subhadra then shields Arjun , declaring her love for him n is ready to lay down her life to save Arjun, she challenges PAU drama t kill both Subhadra n Arjun .
Aarjun realises Subhadra truly loves him . 

Shakuni and Duryodhan are watching Subhadra in disbelief .
Krishn then intervenes , he declares a person who attempts to kill an invited guest deserves to be killed too . Paundraka challenges Krishn to fight him with various Divya Astra b but he could not harm Krishn’s single hair . Krishn then uses Sudarshan chakra to slay Paundraka . 

Arjun then gets the hint from Krishn n decides to elope with Subhadra .. They both reach the waiting chariot .  Subhadra offers to drive the chariot as Arjun was injured in his hand while saving himself from Paundraka . 
shakuni and Duryodhana notice Arjun n subhadra escaping , they asks Balram to intervene . Balram says he had promised he will ready Subhadra n get her to the wedding mandap , from here it was Duryodhan’s duty to marry Subhadra . He asks Duryodhan to chase Arjun n capture both Arjun n Subhadra . Shakuni and Duryodhan fume with fury as they watch Subhadra driving the chariot outnof Dwarika with Arjun besides her .

Krishn. Then declares the only hinderance to Arjun’s Raja surya Yagya was Jarasandh , he had to be destroyed before that . 
Bheem is seen entering Jarasandh’s wrestling arena but Krishn sends him a signal to hold on for the time being . 

Krishn Arjun enter Jarasandh’s palace disguised as sadhus . Jarasandh n Shishu pal laugh as they mock Gwala of Vrindavan , a rannchhor .

Edited by Sutapasima - 3 years ago
Sutapasima thumbnail
Posted: 3 years ago

RadhaKrishn Written  Updates 08 Sept 2020

Episode begins with Bheem at Magadha waiting for signal from Krishn as he gets frustrated waiting for Him . Soon Radha appears n helps him get over his anger n pride . Bheem bows down before Krishn ki Radha .

Jarasandh and Shishupal  are at their capital Magadha Raj  palace Raj Sabha .. they mock Shri Krishn . Radha is with the citizens inspiring them to believe n trust Shri Krishn and you be OM shis followers . This news reaches Jarasandh n he fumes with fury . 
Krishn reaches Jarasandh’s Raj Sabha and challenges him to fight Malyudha 

 Jarasandh is furious and Bheem appears in sadhu vesh n challenges him. Jarasandh refuses to fight a sadhu . Bheem challenges him to fight or he will proceed with a Rajsuya Yagya . Jarasandh . Krishn incites him to fight . 

Radha spreads love n admiration for Krishn among the citizens of amagadh 

Bheem n Jarasandh clash at malyudha akhada .Jarasandh exclaims he will tears apart Bheem into tiny bits .

Edited by Sutapasima - 3 years ago
Sutapasima thumbnail
Posted: 3 years ago

RadhaKrishn Written  Updates 09 Sept 2020

Bheem is guided by Krishn and he kills Jarasandh by tearing him apart into two pieces n throwing them in opposite directions .

The oppressed citizens of Magadh rejoice . Bheem is declared the king of Magadh .

Shishupal bad mouths Krishn . And Krishn keeps counting his words . He warns Shishupal to remain calm but he ignores the warnings .

Radha encourages the citizens to have faith inKrishn .

Krishnand Radha spend moments of romance and he shares the future plans ... the plans  to kill Shishupal n perform Raj surya Yagya for Indraprastha .

Edited by Sutapasima - 3 years ago