Bepannah, my thoughts, Destiny,dance to my tunes!

Hamlet53 thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail
Posted: 5 years ago

Bepannah~ My thoughts ~ep 109. 16.8.18  Destiny dance to my tunes!

For some, Life is about waltzing around, events, circumstances, people. All means to get to what and who is predestined for us. For others it's also about making one's own destiny ,taking headway that which is already predetermined for us, especially if things are not going our way. Making destiny to dance to one's own whims and tunes. To me the episode teeters on either submitting ones self into the hands of fate, or fighting to change the course of undesirable events.

Changing dance partners is about dancers jumping through the hoops of establishing new, different contacts. Through unexpected experiences, three paired dancers, go through the motions of beat and time. Are led into seeking and finding their misplaced dance partners ordained by fate for them. For all three dance pairs, Anjana/Harsh ; Noor /Arjun; Adi /Zoya to coordinate step together in time, is far from easy. Adi nearly gets to Zoya. They bump into each other! Only to be split by Harsh and Anjana. This relates to an imbedded opposition in senior Hooda's hearts for Zoya and Adi getting together in real words. This then is one upshot of destiny Adi has to accept or fight against his family. However he does make destiny dance to his tunes, works on the brisk moves of the dance on the dance floor of life. Cheats the course of events in a manner that it's Zoya who lands in his arms not his mother. His foul, ensures the pairs made for each other, end up together! All this bending of games rules, so he can find out more from Zoya regards what she thinks of Arshad and marriage itself.

Adi's impatience knows no bounds. His love yearns for Zoya's prompt reaction. She senses his haste and repeats for the tenth time, she turned down her fathers idea of marrying her off. As fate has it.  Adi's reins of impatience need to be bridled and Arshad's  tap on  Adi's shoulder  just that! The scene is most baffling to watch. From Adi's eyes, this man literally takes away his woman out of his arms. Worse still, Zoya places her palm in Arshad's out stretched palm  willingly. As far as Adi can see she stands him up!  can Zoya be blamed? For as far as she can see Adi is her best, dearest  one and only friend. Surely Zoya does see the manner in which his face falls. How he leaves crest fallen. But then again, after a few whirls and twirls, with Arshad which Adi never gets! She leaves Arshad too as her duty calls! Professionally she has to see to the events management too. So she was not fobbing Adi off! Merely showing him there is a time and a place for everything under heaven!

In Arjun and Noor we see the carefree, playful, hungrily stolen moments of togetherness akin to young love! how precociously Noor dares him by calling him a coward! To which Arjun vows to kiss her before the evening is over! She teases and then evades him! leaves him love smitten! How their young love  differs from  whatever is going on between Adi and Zoya..  Arjun and Noor are free from past emotional  baggage that Adi and Zoya carry.

Anjana gets briefed by the hospital that Sakshi has escaped. what lies in store for Anjana? Her fun is spoilt. She'll deal with the medicare later. Her first priority is to beef up security outside her house. But then destiny in the shape of Sakshi already hides in the parking lot waiting for Adi! The  man who will take her captor Anjana to task! Meanwhile her predicament remains in gaining access  into the house. To  confront and expose the whitewashed mistress of the house.

Seems Arshad is not a gate crasher! After all but an invitee of Zoya herself. He compliments on her event management and gives her the title of one who spreads happiness! But Adi is far from happy to see lofty lambu as Adi nick names Arshad  dismissively! Chatting his Zoya up!

Adi takes it upon his hands to make destiny dance to his tunes. Picks up on feelers  from guests and literally takes them over to liaise  with Zoya over their forthcoming events. The scene reminds me of the time when Pooja uses to promote Zosh events and roped in clients for the company. She acted in Yash's interests. Today Adi in all sincerity praises Zoya's efforts wants her business to flourish! The woman he sees destined for him! Anjanas friends admire Zoya's, event management. They go as far as naming Zoya  as superwoman. Adi beams at that. But Anjana downgrades Zoya's value by upgrading her son! getting Zoya hired is all due to her Adis discerning. Her son has the potential to change dust into gold! Adi is the sun!  which relates to light. That which makes clear, all things hidden by darkness. Anjana's, so to speak dust, Adi will turn into gold dust some day only time this reality shall be exposed before Anjana !

It's significant that Anjana reflects that for her, both Zoya and Sakshi are two irritating thorns lodged in the flesh of her conscience. She tries to get rid of them. Yet both Zoya and Sakshi continue to prick her with their closeness to Aditya, her son. They live with her like her guilty conscience. Zoya is in Anjana's face, courtesy of her son Aditya.As for Sakshi she is about to cross Anjana's threshold. Is Anjana's doom predestined?               

Talk about making destiny to dance to his tunes! Adi even fibs! Vinod wants to see Zoya outside! It's a polite excuse to snatch Zoya  away from Arshad like he did earlier, when Adi was about to dance with Zoya! Adi fights fire with fire!  Makes a statement before Arshad, gently drags Zoya well out of Arshads company into the garden to have a quiet word about the same marrying Arshad topic!

If she has no time for him then Adi creates time for them. He is clearly agitated and her understanding defies her as to why he cannot see that she is in the middle of conducting the in progress anniversary! Its clear that due to consistent interruptions during the event she only gave him bitty answers to a matter terribly significant to him. She tries to fob him off again.. they'll talk  after the event is over. But Adi clearly has had enough !and I think Zoya begins to recognize  that. she has to calm her best friend. She confides that she made her thoughts known to her  but he failed to grasp what she meant. For some reason Zoya fails to latch on to his questioning eyes. Adi  clearly wants to know how she feels about him? but then again Adi  prefers not to be too vocal either, about his real feelings for her. At one point he sees a ray of hope of being more than a friend to her.. its when she admits that both have been deprived of fun moments ,happy experiences in their previous lives. Seems that  providence made way for them, to enable them to share what they missed out in their lives before. She gives sincere but emotionally distant reasons.

In all honesty, Zoya impresses upon an expectant Adi ,that she appreciates his persist concern for her happiness. She values his anxiousness in her being thrown into marriage against her will. She tells him, his deep interest in her up coming career, also  goes far from not being noticed by her.  That she knows the truth behind his recent weird behaviour. Adi hopes for more from her. Finally! Zoya stops beating about the bush! Zoya narrows it down to how she views it. That its all because he thinks of her as his best friend! Adi's face crumbles. This is not how he sees her. he loves her. Yet  Zoya fails to see it..

The question remains, can Zoya not tell by the way he has just acted before Arshad that Adi may not just think of her as a friend only? Is  she trying to back Adi off? it's hard and mystifying, for me to accept that Zoya of all the people seems to want to hurt her best friend in this manner of  covert rejection.

So shall I thus assume, that when Zoya tells Adi that she has gone along with Arshad s suggestion that as Arshad too doesn't force himself upon her, perhaps that they should give themselves a period of a fortnight to gauge whether they hit it off or not. That Adi will accept this as a plausible solution to the problem Zoya faces. Zoya clearly thinks, Adi as her best friend, would not want her to rush into things. Rather cautiously, she explains to him, this was the best option she had ,to yes to Arshad's idea. This way it will cause least emotional disturbance to her father , to Arshad and to her his best friend.

Adi is speechless by her words. What of the disruption she has begun in him??  Zoya runs back to the house to see to the arrangements.  Her words beat against his heart. She raced to the airport.. just to tell him, he was her best friend she would never want to lose!

Just as well Adi didn't force his feelings upon her. Perhaps this destined delay is brought about so Adi can read the sadness in her words, that yes she has experienced love. what Zoya failed to add is that she was badly betrayed by the man for whom she thought she was the only. But she was not. Adi needs to build Upon the strong friendship bond she talked about. Who knows  her friendship  may blossom into love for him? only  time can tell. Meanwhile he needed to share the emptiness of his heart with someone.

Arjun and Noor gather Adi's dispirited persona. The scene is poignant as I see Noor and Arjun's views as two sides to Adi's personality. Noor voices the brash side of Adi.. bit of a loser, when it comes to professing his love! time waster! as Noor states, perhaps he should have grabbed all the small chances he had during the evening! and professed to Zoya that he loved her.  Arjun though is the optimist side of Adi.. all is not lost yet! He has to act well before the two weeks are over.  Arjun's words, speaks for Adi's himself. Arshad can never replace him for Zoya. Adi  will fight destiny to make Zoya his. Truly Arjun echoes what Adi feel . Adi  will snatch Zoya from the destiny that is set to take her away from him1 and hand her over to Arshad.  He  will fight for his love! Adi's adrenalin gets going! Zoya will have the last waltz with him on the dance floor of his life! Hamlet53 17.8.18 

Lets be sure Adi will put up a good fight this time. he has a worthy opponent on the other side. Adi needs to bear in mind,its not about defeating his adversary. Its about winning Zoya's love! Harshad and Zoya stole my dented heart...

Hammie's Bepannah Thoughts Index


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shruthiravi thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 5 years ago
@hammie abt zoya self contradictory speech. Read my post. Now coming to other parts. One significant scene was adi for back zoya from harsh himself as anjana wanted to be with harsh. So adi will cheat but that cheating will be accepted by a smile. Then wasim told arshad will support her in her work.adi does it with action bringing new clients to her. Just like he had told pooja they will have all India exhibition of her paintings. But alas pooja didn't understand that earnestness in him. Coming to anjana telling adi can make soil also gold with his touch. She doesn't understand if soil is not there u will neither get food nor gold. Both come from there. Infact adi's respect for the soil or simplicity is what sets him apart. Once again that dialogue reminded me of Ramayana. Sita born from the earth and finally ran does make the golden statue of the woman to be beside him instead of remarrying showing the world for him his wife is pure and none can take her place in his life. Doesn't matter what society thinks abt their queen. If they banished her they are not gonna get another.
Maryam2 thumbnail
Anniversary 15 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail Commentator 3 Thumbnail
Posted: 5 years ago
beautiful analysis as always❤️
em in hurry today so gonna be quick😆

adi was friendzoned finally😆
but that whole convo was really cute😳
yeah he is gonna fight for his love but hoping that he steps back as he is a mature person now.. waiting for zoya's intense track😛

sakshi ka track bhi hai i really don't know next week kia hoga!
mm250314 thumbnail
Anniversary 10 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 5 years ago
Beautiful post ...
The dance continues ...the partners change ...Aditya is eager to dance with Zoya but it is not easy ...he manages a foul to be with her ...Aditya s ques were still  unanswered and he is desperate to get his replies ...Aditya begins to ask but then Zoya says Arshad has come ...there is a tap on his shoulder and to Aditya s dismay Arshad is there ...
Can I have my dance partner ? ...Aditya is crestfallen to see Zoya accepting his hand ...It is very painful for him as if Arshad has snatched his love ...Things are awfully serious ...Aditya cannot watch Zoyas with another  man and he leaves ...Zoya who was dancing  with Arshad notices his leaving ...arshad was invited by Zoya and he wanted to see her work ...Aditya then comes to disturb Zoya n Arshad on his excuse of introducing  some new clients to Zoya to give a boost to  her business ...he is happy for her success ...but here he wanted to stop her conversations with Arshad ...
The ladies  are impressed ...Anjana disagrees and comments that her son s choice is always good ...And whatever he touches it automatically turns into gold ...Anjana is not grasping how her son has chosen Zoya and is desperate to woo n win her hand ...yes Aditya is the bringer of sunshine into Zoya s life ..the ques is when will Zoya realise her true feelings for him ...

Will she ever love her azeez dost ? .   .When will she know his bepannah pyaar ...? .in this messy situation for Aditya every thing is very unpredictable ...

.The story line with a third angle shd not be stretched too long ...

       Nothing is what it seems ...
How true ! .     Aditya makes another excuse to talk to Zoya and takes her outside ...he is anxious to hear her side Zoya replies that both are destined to be very good friends ...she had already tasted love n she wanted a best friend and she has got her best friend Aditya ...That is why she knows why he was pestering her to tread carefully with Arshad as he was worried about her choices in life ...Aditya is devastated to know her feelings ...
he is only his best friend can he confess now ...
He falters ...
.Zoya also replies that Arshad had overheard her reasonings with her dad which had not been so successful and she had to agree spending two weeks time with Arshad before finally deciding upon his proposal ...Aditya is heartbroken ...Zoya says in this way no one will be hurt Arshad Zoya and Waseem ...what about Aditya ? ...It was a heartbreaking moment for Aditya ...his hopes have been dashed to the ground and his love may say yes to Arshad within the period ... Zoya his entire world can be snatched by a  man who has just arrived on the scene ...Aditya is a broken man ...Arnoor discusses the sad And tragic turn of events  with Aditya and following arjuns advice a dejected Aditya decides to go for his girl ...He will fight for his love .    Arshad can never be Zoya s aditya ...
Arjun says ...It shd come true !        ..Aditya the symbol of the sun itself is thrown into a dark world where he is not sure if  he will see n get his life his love Zoya ...will the darkness of his heart  be lifted ...Aditya s  nerves ...and the viewers nerves will be tested  in this track for sure ! ...

Hamlet53 thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail
Posted: 5 years ago
helooo Shruti, writer shahiba😃... read your interesting comment and more so the preview of your book... keeping giving us previews.. 
@hammie abt zoya self contradictory speech. Read my post. Now coming to other parts. One significant scene was adi for back zoya from harsh himself as anjana wanted to be with harsh. So adi will cheat but that cheating will be accepted by a smile. Then wasim told arshad will support her in her work.adi does it with action bringing new clients to her. Just like he had told pooja they will have all India exhibition of her paintings. But alas pooja didn't understand that earnestness in him. Coming to anjana telling adi can make soil also gold with his touch. She doesn't understand if soil is not there u will neither get food nor gold.
that is true... hard to fathom she has produced two sound god fearing sons.. hope her lads don't have to pay for her transgressors
 Both come from there. Infact adi's respect for the soil or simplicity is what sets him apart. Once again that dialogue reminded me of Ramayana. Sita born from the earth and finally ran does make the golden statue of the woman to be beside him instead of remarrying showing the world for him his wife is pure and none can take her place in his life. Doesn't matter what society thinks abt their queen. If they banished her they are not gonna get another.
thanks for the final bit of your post.. puts more significance  upon the episode itself... thanks for supporting my thoughts... much love hammie

Hamlet53 thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail
Posted: 5 years ago

Originally posted by: Maryam2

beautiful analysis as always❤️   thanks for the dil for shall pass it over to him

em in hurry today so gonna be quick😆
hain?? itni jaldi mein hai... you part of Zoya's zosh team??😆arranging the bhangra dance
adi was friendzoned finally😆
hummm... he should stop playing with Zoya...
but that whole convo was really cute😳
he was more like wot? wot? come again... she was in control  
yeah he is gonna fight for his love but hoping that he steps back as he is a mature person now.. waiting for zoya's intense track😛
yes me to hoping for  what you suggest..
sakshi ka track bhi hai i really don't know next week kia hoga!
Maryam you enjoy  today's episode... bhangra and dhol! my kind of music! and how can I forget the dancers.. .trio!     enjoy what ever you're  in a hurry to do... me going to pop down to the shops...  much love hammie

Hamlet53 thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail
Posted: 5 years ago

Originally posted by: mm250314

Beautiful post ... hellooo mm 😃 good to see you mate
The dance continues ...the partners change ...Aditya is eager to dance with Zoya but it is not easy ...he manages a foul to be with her ...Aditya s ques were still  unanswered and he is desperate to get his replies ...Aditya begins to ask but then Zoya says Arshad has come ...there is a tap on his shoulder and to Aditya s dismay Arshad is there ...
Can I have my dance partner ? ...Aditya is crestfallen to see Zoya accepting his hand ...It is very painful for him as if Arshad has snatched his love ...Things are awfully serious ...Aditya cannot watch Zoyas with another  man and he leaves ...Zoya who was dancing  with Arshad notices his leaving ...arshad was invited by Zoya and he wanted to see her work ...Aditya then comes to disturb Zoya n Arshad on his excuse of introducing  some new clients to Zoya to give a boost to  her business ...he is happy for her success ...but here he wanted to stop her conversations with Arshad ...yes... in preparation for the jealousy track.. its but natural for Adi to feel so lousy... overall he has a bad day... what did he gain by staying back??? I ask my self...   
The ladies  are impressed ...Anjana disagrees and comments that her son s choice is always good ...And whatever he touches it automatically turns into gold ...Anjana is not grasping how her son has chosen Zoya and is desperate to woo n win her hand ...yes Aditya is the bringer of sunshine into Zoya s life ..the ques is when will Zoya realise her true feelings for him ...
yes... this is why he stayed  so he realizes if he wants her love... he will jolly well have to fight the world to win her over...
Will she ever love her azeez dost ? .   .When will she know his bepannah pyaar ...? .in this messy situation for Aditya every thing is very unpredictable ...
yes mm its messy... indeed he will have to fight Zoya for her love too

.The story line with a third angle shd not be stretched too long ...

       Nothing is what it seems ...  so true... he took her feelings for granted
How true ! .     Aditya makes another excuse to talk to Zoya and takes her outside ...he is anxious to hear her side Zoya replies that both are destined to be very good friends ...she had already tasted love n she wanted a best friend and she has got her best friend Aditya ...That is why she knows why he was pestering her to tread carefully with Arshad as he was worried about her choices in life ...Aditya is devastated to know her feelings ...
he is only his best friend can he confess now ...
He falters ...  his expectations crashed... 
.Zoya also replies that Arshad had overheard her reasonings with her dad which had not been so successful and she had to agree spending two weeks time with Arshad before finally deciding upon his proposal ...Aditya is heartbroken ...Zoya says in this way no one will be hurt Arshad Zoya and Waseem ...what about Aditya ? ...It was a heartbreaking moment for Aditya ...his hopes have been dashed to the ground and his love may say yes to Arshad within the period ... Zoya his entire world can be snatched by a  man who has just arrived on the scene ...Aditya is a broken man
have to say that I felt Zoya was careful in her choice of words..lest she hurts she being cruel to be kind?? 
 ...Arnoor discusses the sad And tragic turn of events  with Aditya and following arjuns advice a dejected Aditya decides to go for his girl ...He will fight for his love .    Arshad can never be Zoya s aditya ...
Arjun says ...It shd come true !        ..Aditya the symbol of the sun itself is thrown into a dark world where he is not sure if  he will see n get his life his love Zoya ...will the darkness of his heart  be lifted ...Aditya s  nerves ...and the viewers nerves will be tested  in this track for sure ! ...
lovely last words of your comment  mm..😃...great you shared your thoughts...  whatever is happening... Bepannah continues to  shine and is far from being a dull. boring story ... so lets keep enjoying Adi's fight for his love... much love hammie

Hend_Refai thumbnail
Anniversary 7 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 5 years ago
The best analysis I read about last night episode
I loved it so much

Hamlet53 thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail
Posted: 5 years ago
hellooo Hend. Refai😃..lovely to see you on my thoughts
The best analysis I read about last night episode
I loved it so much
ohhh you are gracious in your comment.😃 me mighty encouraged.. still have to watch today's episode..    much love hammie

DreamOfEndless thumbnail
Posted: 5 years ago
Dear Hammie,

Beautiful post. ❤️... Accha, ab maarna mat. I know I disappeared again, I was travelling to and fro between Delhi and Kolkata. Very exhausted.   However, I read each post after I came back today. 😊

I am going to write collectively about what I think about the current track. I must admit I am loving this track. It has got lots of hidden layers, that's why it is looking confusing at first sight. Adi's speech and Zoya's speech had so much in parallel. Zoya took the trophy of her success and dedicated it to Aditya. Aditya took the trophy of his sukoon and dedicated it to Zoya. However, he doesn't name her on stage on the occasion of his parent's anniversary but she was breathing all over his speech.

Arshad is heera for Waseem; sharp, astute and the light once enters it cannot  escape however much it tries (total internal reflection), but it burns disappears in fire. Whereas Aditya is gold; AdiYa love may look soft and malleable like gold, but in fire it would become purer and shine.

I loved how Zoya twirled around Adi while dancing with Arshad. She maybe spending 2 weeks with him, but her world would revolve around him. And when he leaves she would follow his trail. AdiYa scene was very adorable. She said she knew what he wanted to say BECOZ he was his bestie. I am having doubts if Zoya is feigning innocence, to protect another double heartbreak. I hope, in this hour of crisis, Adi thinks like Zoya to solve his Zoya handled her work crisis by thinking like Adi. That would be an amazing parallel between them.

ArNoor are cute. supporting Aditya all the way. But Adi has to find solutions by himself. Let's see what's in store for us!

A big sorry for sudden disappearance. I wish I could help it. Hope you would understand.
Loved your analysis as always. Looking forward! 🤗

 - Tia