Bepannah,My thoughts ,Law v Creed

Hamlet53 thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail
Posted: 5 years ago

Bepannah~ My thoughts ~ep 58. 6.6.18.  Of law v creed

Today's episode is about the power held by two strong agencies that govern certain global societies .One being law and order and the other being religion or defined creed. Both to me, follow organized rulings and commandments. Both ensure preservation of humans within set social structures. The law aims to protect, preserve and secure human life, property and way of life. Religion contributes to the moral, ethical and spiritual fibre of humans. Humans are expected to be duty bound in abiding by both. Rulings of their faith and the decrees of the law. Both for privileges offered, in return expect us to fulfil certain duties. However the issue of how we interpret? and use both law and faith to fulfil our own purposes is interesting to watch in the episode. How far can faith be stretched and how far can law reach? Before the two collide and interfere with each others roles and purposes? Which is,really, to maintain order and harmony, as opposed to chaos and discord.

 The episode also contains, conflict and confrontation between such issues that affect human sentiments and way of life. We see judgemental battles in perception and decision making. Plus a search for the way out that resolves conflict.

To arrest a suspect in preparation of a serious charge, is challenged by Wasim Alim the chieftain of the settlement.  Both law and creed have different stances.  Wasim only sees a woman in prayer. While Rajveer claims to see through a cunning criminal. Both law and creed, test their muscle. Of station and territory. Warnings are issued against wielding weaponry in matters of faith. Both avoid confrontation and come to a settlement. Zoya to be arrested after Iftari. Really the scene goes into the realms of subverting the law. Pitched against the will of god.

The law wields its power in Hooda house, when both Arjun and Anjana attempt to break the cordon of house arrest. This prompts entry of Harsh Hooda, in the grand style of  high profile cases, with their powerful station! making claims to  confront and manipulate the law enforcement agencies to suit their purposes.

We see parental support for their children in times of need. All judgement and past sentences against their child ,we see suspended. Only bailing out their child becomes primary. Wasim Siddique and Madhu blame and shame each other. For that's what parents do to prove their child's innocence. Mind you there is mention of parental expectations of their children. That of, children living up to the  invested parental trust. No small price in return for carers love and nurture. Its clear that the Hooda's, Siddique's and Arora  appear hard done by the actions of their off springs.  Still eventually, we note as  parents they will go to any lengths to prove their child's innocence.  All except Madhu will pull power strings to influence the law. Madhu just mouths off her bitterness at her adversaries. But at the same time and to me, she hopes for the Hooda's and Siddique's to uncover the truth behind her sons mysterious untimely death.

Sakshi's , return to Hooda house is seen as a conflict of interests by  Anjana. Once again the emotional confrontation between the two women, ends up with Anjana rejecting Sakshis' sincere support due to her sentimental insecurities. Anjana misreads Sakshi's alliance as gloating at their present downside of life.

The truth ,nothing but the truth! grants the runaway, controversial couple the much needed sanctuary. Wasim is moved by Zoya's story. He is a law abiding leader of his community, plus a devout follower of his faith. Zoya,Adi and Wasim Alim scene shows instances where people have to make informed choices, which in Adi and Zoya's case  can have a huge bearing  on them being wrongly convicted for something they are not guilty off. Wasim struggles to arrive at the crucial decision. Does faith override the law..? does the mind pervade over the heart?

The scene goes to show ,that when decision making is hard. Those with a adhered faith, tend to leave matters in their divinity's hands. Interpret  the signs  shown by god, as being the right decision!Thus Wasim inclines towards what his faith shows him. A needy, innocent couple, brought to him out of nowhere! Seeking   sanctuary!  Wasim bows before his god's will offers them refuge, and ensures them safe passage too! So they can continue their battle to prove their innocence. To him saving innocent lives, qualifies him for blessings in this holy month of Ramadan. Wasim s role is that of being a healer of Adi and Zoya's battered spirit! An authorised harbinger of hope in their  present insecure displaced life.    

The episode contains a large chunk on morals and  faith. As  taught, proclaimed and put into action. Although we see it and hear it from Zoya's faith Islam. The key message , to me is not just limited to a single faith. But rather it permeates through to the spirit of other  followed  or practising creeds. To moral ethics of basic humanity.

The concept is to read what the scriptures write. But put into action the holy words. Practice  them ,as a source of blessing for yourself ,but more so as a blessing for others. We see Zoya as being the ambassador of why humans need any form of   faith or belief in their lives? She can sense Adi's restlessness at the unfairness of the system. Of being hunted down despite being innocent! For not being afforded the opportunity to fight for their innocence!

Zoya, through the influence of  her faith, upon herself , gives practical examples where she went grossly wrong! almost sinful in her life! Like when she dared to sever her vein! It was her belief that some source would save her? she rejoices in her confession! empowers him! when she reminds Adi , he was sent by her god! As her life giving source!  To begin life again.. stronger than before!

Similarly she talks about Wasim Alim, as being the present saving grace in both their lives! Such  practical  examples , she uses as being a means to bringing calm to Adi. Zoya tries not to moral police him. but rather aims to  give him hope. She  narrates her through her life  experience of  the act of fasting.. she  is being tutored  in gaining  perseverance .About waiting upon the strange ways of the unseen divinities. About bringing practical self discipline in her life. It's a way of living life one can bring about in their own life, if one wants. Adi listens, and begins to he see how her faith and conviction , guides ,motives  and strengthens her to tackle trials and tribulations. Despite danger all  around them she  stills keeps afloat by the strong sense of hope that  if the almighty is for them! then who can be against them? I don't think Zoya is evangelizing. She is simply sharing with him, what works for her. One  can be a good human being, without belonging to a specific creed.  The biggest belief, has to be  in  practising humanity and the code of moral ethics..

Still seeking out one's source of refuge is important to any human. Where does one's inner strength originate from?? The self? Family, loved ones ?confidantes? the law? Or creed?

Zoya  heals him by a drawing Adi's attention to the source  which provides refuge  for their tired weary souls. All Adi can make out. He has not seen the divinities, or deities  or her god she refers too.. but if they are far removed above in heavens somewhere? Zoya, as of now, stands out as their emissary here on earth ,beside him. Giving much tranquillity to his dishevelled, in disarray soul.. hamlet53 7.6.18




Edited by Hamlet53 - 5 years ago


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shruthiravi thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 5 years ago
Hammie yesterday episode actually highlighted what we call dharmsankat to wasim.  A situation where it is difficult to make choice. And wasim did exactly what I had learned from bhagavad gita. When ur in confusion look for the direction of Krishna. If u don't see it,ask for it. If the request is sincere it will come. And I have experienced it at multiple levels. One of the key reason many people don't understand my decisions. Because at times it look against the common perception, but for me I am flowing with natural laws which are common for all humans. Religious laws are different for men and women. IPC can be subverted by powerful. But nature's law,law of karma is applied same and time shows the results. But results are not in our control only action is, so when u face conflict seek direction or follow direction of Krishna as per BG. Second is self belief that helps u to believe in God. U can go wrong. But that is life lesson. Again BG gives u this option. To fail ,learn and move forward. The famous change of direction in Mahabharata battle. I will detail this out when I get a bit of time.
geetkumar thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 5 years ago
Hey Hammie!!
loved your post. But can't type much with broken fingers.
Do forgive me.
Keep them coming mate. Waiting with too much enthusiasm!!
Love Geet..
DreamOfEndless thumbnail
Posted: 5 years ago
Dear Hammie,

Wonderful post. 👏

Ideally, there should not be any conflict between law and creed, if one assumes that truth has only one pure form. But, like everything else, truth too is multidimensional; its form changes when the lens changes...hence the conflict. If we assume that RV has no ulterior motive and is an honest, hardworking CBI officer on duty (whether it is true or not will be revealed in time) then both RV and Wasim were right and spoke the truth when they found Zoya praying in that house.

Law and religion function differently. Unlike religion, law doesn't take into account morality or internally known truths, but only proofs that paint a picture, preferably of truth. These proofs may only be few snapshots of reality that may be fitted anywhere in the huge jigsaw puzzle, without giving a true larger picture.

The scene depicting Zoya giving hope to Adi is very moving. Especially since Adi's wounded hand is almost healed while Zoya was still limping in pain with her newly dressed feet. It remains to be seen if AdiYa are able to prove their innocence.

Looking forward to your next post. 🤗

 - tia
Edited by dreamy.tiara - 5 years ago
shruthiravi thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 5 years ago
Hammie let me come to the concept of change direction. Now what is this. In Physics there are three laws of motion, first law states every body continues to be in a state of rest or uniform motion unless acted upon by an external force. Second law tells the force needed to change the direction is equal to the mass of the body and acceleration F=MA goes the equation. Third law every action has an equal and opposite reaction. 
Third law is easy to be drawn to law of Karma. What you sow, you reap. What about the first two laws. 

Let us assume we are not reaching our goal. What does that mean. That emotional pain is the external pain that tells you something is not right. But you dont understand it and continue to do the same thing with same result. Pain increases, disappointment increases , some people try different method, ie change of direction. The force required to change your direction is directly proportional to your set beliefs. Stronger perception and judgement you have greater emotional pain. 

But the question is will we get things if we change direction. Answer is yes. But before that we have to pay for all our old karma. Many people give up during this time as they think the dark phase means nothing is change. It is not true. We need to know the darkest hour is just before sunrise, so if things are really bad that means the new dawn is coming. Just hold on with your new thought process. 

This is illustrated in the battle of 13 day in Mahabharatha. Arjuna is sent to other side of the battle field while Drona makes Chakravyuha thinking without Arjun it cannot be broken. But Abhi enters it, breaks it and dies valliatantly and that death changes the battle.  Abhi's death was the culmination of whatever mistakes Arjun had committed in the past where he had not changed direction.  Post that loss Arjun fights the battle with his heart and Pandavas emerge victorious. Actually Krishna knowingly takes Arjuna to the other side because that pain was necessary for him to see the truth. To understand the need to fight the battle. He was hesitant to fight thinking my teacher, my brothers but none on day 13 thought it was 16yr old boy Arjun's son. They only saw an enemy and killed him cold bloodedly for their victory. 
Hamlet53 thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail
Posted: 5 years ago
heloo Shruthi😃.. good to see you
Hammie yesterday   episode actually highlighted what we call dharmsankat to wasim.  A situation where it is difficult to make choice. And wasim did exactly what I had learned from bhagavad gita. When ur in confusion look for the direction of Krishna. If u don't see it,ask for it. If the request is sincere it will come.  yes..its about asking and receiving.. however the hardest is  the not yet,wait!! element
And I have experienced it at multiple levels. One of the key reason many people don't understand my decisions. Because at times it look against the common perception, but for me I am flowing with natural laws which are common for all humans. Religious laws are different for men and women. IPC can be subverted by powerful. But nature's law,law of karma is applied same and time shows the results. But results are not in our control only action is, so when u face conflict seek direction or follow direction of Krishna as per BG. Second is self belief that helps u to believe in God. U can go wrong. But that is life lesson.yes learning from mistakes is a common technique that humans believe in... its stands to reason, that what goes round comes around... also as one sows ,one reaps too..
 Again BG gives u this option. To fail ,learn and move forward. The famous change of direction in Mahabharata battle. I will detail this out when I get a bit of time.
choices we make as human beings  is important as. its what differentiates us from animals.. but it boils down to how informed we are in making those choices.. besides we then are responsible for the aftermath of those Adi/ Zoya now mull over the choices they made... and   as you say,  what learning has taken place..   me loving the show.. leaves plenty to profound thinking... 😃  thanks for sharing your thoughts. Shruthi... now will check your second comment...

Hamlet53 thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail
Posted: 5 years ago

Originally posted by: geetkumar

Hey Hammie!!    helooo geet!😃 was missing you on my thoughts
loved your post. But can't type much with broken fingers.   hain?? broken fingers? are you  doing a Zoya??😛
Do forgive me.  don't know how people tap around.. I cannot down without my lappie... waise  travel fearlessly without a mobile!!!
Keep them coming mate. Waiting with too much enthusiasm!!  yes mate the content matter of the show is very engaging... lots of food for thought.. been a while since something caught my mind...😛

Love Geet..
lovely to see you again Geet..   drop by whenever you can..much love hammie

shruthiravi thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 5 years ago
One more thing. The only time ECG shows straight line is when ur dead. Elsewhere it is a sine wave. Life means up and down. Life means change. If we don't change and try to be a straight line we are inviting death.
Hamlet53 thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail
Posted: 5 years ago
 helooo swarnalatha05,😃 good to see you on my thoughts.. and thanks for your gracious comment.. love hammie
Hamlet53 thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail
Posted: 5 years ago

Originally posted by: shruthiravi

One more thing. The only time ECG shows straight line is when ur dead. Elsewhere it is a sine wave. Life means up and down. Life means change. If we don't change and try to be a straight line we are inviting death.

now on this one won't argue.. I have a weak ticker!  so I should know the graph!.. yes we'd rather go for the jagged patterns... than the fixed line..  still we progress to our end the time we receive life! but given the choice, we would rather live than  die!