SS: A sacrifice for friendship- Tenth chapter updated

Meghz99 thumbnail
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Posted: 6 years ago
Guys this is my second ff... πŸ˜‰Hope you all like it...πŸ˜†πŸ˜† Comment and let me know your thoughts...😳😳😳

Prologue : Preet Pavanya is the daughter of Jagan and Amba Pavanya, shah and shahni of the Pavanya clan. Jagan has five children : Mannu, Sukhi, Gunjan, Preet and Babli. Jagan, like a regular villager daddy isn't happy about having three daughters to marry off but adores his sons. Amba Pavanya is a formidable mother who stands no nonsense. Mannu stands for righteousness and reason, he's a serious kind of guy. Tall and handsome he is a heartthrob for the girls of the village. Sukhi also is handsome and unlike Mannu he is a total playboy. Gunjan is in third year of her college and lives in a world of lipstick and make-up. The eighteen year old Preet Pawania just started college and like her mother earned a healthy respect from people. As a smart girl she made sure that unlike her sisters her father noticed her and acknowledged her presence in his life. Babli Pavanya is a sweet ten year old who was the darling of her siblings. She is especially close to Mannu and Preet. The Bajwa clan's shah is Harjeet Bajwa. He has two sons Rohan and Raj. There was a long standing feud between the two families and in order to finish it, it was decided by Jagan's and Harjeet's fathers that there will be a marriage between the two families. When Gunjan's kundali didn't match with any of Harjeet's sons, Preet who was a month old was promised as a future bride for Raj Bajwa, a five year old at the time. Thus her fate was sealed. Even though they lived in the same village they rarely saw each other and they were too young to make an impression upon each other. When Raj was 10, Harjeet's wife Amrit took Raj along with her to the city as Harjeet gave shelter to his mistress in the house. Before leaving the house she promised to the Pavanya clan that Raj will be back for marrying Preet as per the promise. Harjeet kicked his mistress out of his home after realizing his mistake. But Amrit refused to return but finally relented after Rohan's pleading. She returned after ten years along with Raj. After that Raj was sent abroad to study for three years. He never saw Preet during this time though became friends with her brothers. He is back now after his studies to join the family business.
Edited by Meghateresa - 6 years ago


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rani7131 thumbnail
Anniversary 7 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail
Posted: 6 years ago
πŸ‘ really good . Liked the prologue. This look really interesting. Won't be able too read now. Will be offline for sometime (till my eye gets better ) I will read after that😳. Btw is this a sad story. I mean. ... reading your title 'A sacrifice for friendship ' it sounded like a sad story (I'm sorry if this offended you in anyway. )
Meghz99 thumbnail
Anniversary 7 Thumbnail Visit Streak 30 0 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 6 years ago
Not sure if it's a sad story yet...
Meghz99 thumbnail
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Posted: 6 years ago
Chapter one
She was running fast. The alleyway was dark and cold. They were catching up with her. She tried to scream but couldn't find her voice. She hit a dead end and was surrounded by goons. She was shaking badly as they cackled. The goon's face was hidden in the dark. The moonlight glinted off his teeth. His cronies encouraged him as he forwarded his hand towards her chest. Preet saw his ugly hand clearly. The stubby fingers with unclean nails was going to touch her any second and there was nothing she could do to stop it. There were too many of them. She couldn't run anymore. There was no space for running, they made sure of that. Suddenly a strong white arm stopped the goon's hand preventing him from touching her. He stood in front of her his back facing her. He twisted the goon's arm and Preet could see the muscles rippling under the white sleeve of his shirt. The goon's cronies suddenly melted away. Out of nowhere Preet heard Babli's voice. "Didi... Didi please..." Was Babli in trouble? She has to find her sister, now... She passed her saviour by the side to look for her sister. She couldn't make herself to look at him. Babli ran towards her with her hands outstretched. Preet tried to hug her but Babli grabbed her by the shoulders and shook her saying '' WAKE UP DIDI, WAKE UP!!! ". What was with her, Preet wondered, she has to say thanks to the stranger. Preet tried to turn but suddenly she was looking at Babli in a room full of light. She was no longer in a dark alley fighting for life. She was in her bed and Babli was yelling at her. She slowly realised that it was only a dream. She got up yawning and streching." For god's sake its nine thirty. The Pahujas are downstairs to see Gunjan didi. Aman jijaji and she looks super cute together. Mummy is totally stressed so she hasn't noticed that you are still sleeping. Come downstairs fast. Once they leave we can have all the sweets and drinks " Babli said all excited. Preet rolled her eyes while tying her hair into a ponytail. She cleaned herself up and changed into a violet-blue salwar kameez and went downstairs with her sister who was chirping away happily. She hid behind a pillar and watched Gunjan didi talking to her future jeeju. Jagan and Amba looked tensed despite the smiles they put on their faces. They were talking to the Pahujas and Aman's mother was talking about some superstitious crap. Jagan was getting frustrated by the woman's stupidity when she started checking he said which dialogue at what time and whether it was a good time or bad time. He was about to say something when Amba stopped him with her eyes. Preet had witnessed these type of conversations between her parents from childhood. After Aman said yes to the rishta they started distributing sweets. Of course nobody wanted to know Gunjan's opinion. Her brothers were looking happy when Gunjan said something to them so she thought Gunjan liked Aman.
Gunjan was sitting in her room smiling to herself. She liked Aman. He seemed more nervous than her and seemed to fall for her at the first sight. Moreover, the Pahujas lived in the city. She always liked modern people. A big modern house somebody else would clean and a grand kitchen in which someone else would cook. Perfect. She had done a background check on the Pahuja family via Internet was pleased with the results. "So you liked him?" Preet who entered the room asked. "Yep, totally..." Gunjan giggled. Babli threw a pillow at Gunjan's head and Preet and Babli teased her about her wedding. Jagan Pavanya wasn't happy about having daughters but Amba convinced him that marrying them off to high class families will give the family good connections. He was good to his daughters but he always gave preference to his sons first. He acknowledged his daughters' now and then other wise ignored their presence in his life. He saw Gunjan as a pretty nitwit and Babli as a kid who brought him bad luck. But Preet threw him every time. She made sure that she was acknowledged. She sought him to sign her school reports and papers whereas even his sons were happy with Amba's signature. Whenever he was sick she looked up medicines and took care of him. She always hung around until he said thanks. Like her mother, she didn't take no for an answer. Amba knew her husband most of the time all but forgot that he actually had more than three children. His sons were important to him and Preet interacted with him often so she became a part of his day-to-day life. Amba had cut softness out of her nature at a very young age as she knew it was the only way to earn her husband's respect. He never abused her for giving him three girls as she convinced him that it will be a blessing in disguise for the future. She was strict with her daughters. Gunjan and Babli never laid a toe out of the line she drew but Preet had a way around things. Preet was prominent at manipulating him. Whenever she wanted something she made it sound like his idea and got it. She could charm anyone... Jagan didn't know what to make of her. One day she will be the enemy's daughter in law, he would think a bit worried and all of a sudden he will decide that he'll worry about it when he has to. Their daughters were beautiful so there was no trouble in getting a groom for them. The only worry was that Preet started turning heads the day she turned twelve. Jagan in a rare proud moment noticed that Preet was the most beautiful girl in the entire village and from what he's seen of the surrounding villages. She was promised to marry Raj Bajwa, Harjeet's younger son. Jagan wished often that it was Gunjan who had to marry into that family. He would have liked Preet to marry into a highly rich, politically influencial and mostly abroad settled family. Anybody would have taken her in without the least dowry. She was the topper in the district for her twelfth board exams and her photo had come in the paper. Even though he would have valued it more if Mannu and Sukhi brought the rank home he framed the article and gave a party. The main reason being that Harjeet Bajwa sent Preet expensive clothes and ornaments slightly reminding him that she belonged to the Bajwas and whatever she wins will be theirs only.
"I didn't see his face today also" Preet moaned to her sisters. Gunjan laughed. Babli asked giggling "your Prince Charming?". "Preet Rani and her dreams... Always the same thing... A huge trouble with a guy coming to rescue her... Always he stands in front of her... Protecting her from whatever... And she is always facing his back... I don't know why... Is his butt that interesting? " Gunjan teased. Scandalised, Preet covered Babli's ears, who was squealing with laughter now. This was why she preferred only Babli to listen to her dreams and wishes. She was much more kinder and interested than Gunjan. Still laughing Gunjan went to her room to get ready to go to the market. As Preet combed her hair, Babli said " you know didi, you shouldn't say about your dreams to Gunjan didi... Nothing stays within her... Mummy ji will be angry that you are thinking about such things... What if the Bajwas hear of it? They won't like it either... What will Raj Bajwa think?"." Why would I care what Raj Bajwa thinks? " Preet retorted. Babli was shocked." But he is your betrothed!!! ". Preet winked at her "I'll free myself from the ugly devil soon". Babli looked confused "Is he really ugly... One of my friends sister told her that three years ago when he was here she saw him and found him very handsome". Preet burst out laughing at this dramatic declaration from her sister. She had only one memory of Raj Bajwa... When she was five years old... And that particular memory wasn't exactly pleasant...
Meghz99 thumbnail
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Posted: 6 years ago
Chapter two

Flashback : a five year old Preet had accompanied her siblings to a secluded place full of trees to play. Mannu and Sukhi went off with other boys while Gunjan argued with some girls about who will be the bride when they were playing. Preet stood at a distance clutching a beautiful doll she had acquired a day before. Jagan had a tender passed and she was with him as it was in a hospital and she needed a vaccination. She was crying and Jagan being extremely happy asked her not to cry. They stopped at the market so that Jagan can announce the news to the masses. It was then that she saw the doll. It was the most prettiest doll she ever saw. Jagan was throwing money at the people and dancing to the dhol while she tugged at his kurta and silently pointed at the doll making puppy eyes at him. Jagan got her it at once and even asked her to select one for Gunjan. She selected another one for her sister while Jagan himself selected something for his sons. She was too happy. Her papaji gave her a gift and even lifted her up and twirled her in the air. He had put her in the front of the jeep and even told Gunjan didi to back off when she showed a preference for Preet's doll. It was with pride that she now clutched the doll. Preet wondered why she was standing around listening to her sister bickering with the other girls. Her turn always came after Gunjan. Whenever Gunjan got a turn for herself she got Preet in after herself, after all Preet being her younger sister will get married after her. This was done by all the siblings in the gang and so nobody opposed it. The 'bride' who was selected, if she had a younger sister, she will be the next person to be the bride. Preet silently wandered off. She found a mango tree full of unripe mangoes. Preet had always loved eating raw mangoes with spices. She thought she'll pick some and give it to the cook. She'll cut it up and give me to eat, the chubby little kid thought pleasantly. Keeping the doll down, slowly she climbed the tree. Mannu had trained both his sisters to climb trees. Once she reached a secure branch she started picking. After four mangoes she couldn't hold anymore with her little hands. She didn't think about how she'll get down without using her hands. And she didn't need to think. It was then that boy came strutting. "Oye, mango thief" he yelled. The little girl puffed with righteous anger. It was nobody's property. And she wasn't a thief. "I am not a thief" she snapped at the boy. He looked around Sukhi veerji's age,she thought. "Oye, Rohan veerji... Come and have a look, this monkey is stealing mangoes..." he yelled to another boy who came into vision. 'Rohan veerji' smiled kindly at her and chided his brother "veere, don't be rude... She is a kid". Preet decided that she liked 'Rohan veerji' and detested his brother. "Rohan veerji..." she called out. Rohan looked at her surprised. "You are really nice but your brother is a donkey" she stuck her tongue out at Raj Bajwa who was livid at being called a donkey. Moreover she was making his precious Rohan veerji on her side as if he was her brother not his. This wasn't to be borne. "Who are you?" he asked angrily. "Who are you?" she mimicked him.
"What's your name?"
"What's your name?"
"Do you know who I am?"
"Do you know who I am?"
"I am Raj... Raj Bajwa"
"I'm Preet... Preet Pavanya" she replied her dimples showing. Even though Preet being a five year old didn't know about the betrothal Raj and Rohan knew. Raj didn't know his betrothed's name, just that she was the youngest daughter of Jagan Pavanya. But Rohan being Mannu's classmate knew her name. It was written on Mannu's family chart assignment which was stuck on the classroom wall and he had checked out of curiosity to find out the name of the girl who'll be his sister someday. Recognizing her, he whispered to Raj, "veere, she's the girl you're gonna marry when you grow up". Raj digested this piece of information and looked at Preet. She's pretty... He decided. She had long hair which was pulled into two identical ponies on both sides. Little alterations and she'll look like Bubbles, his favourite Powerpuff girl. With these observations Raj was happy when he announced to Preet "I, Raj Bajwa, your future husband, order you to come down and apologise to me for calling me a donkey and promise me that you will not repeat it again". Rohan heard a dull thunk and spun around to see a mango bouncing off his brother's head. Apparently Preet had decided to 'apologize'. Thunk. Thunk. Thunk. The rest of the mangoes came dropping on Raj's head. Preet threw with uncanny precision for a five year old. Raj was rubbing his head and Rohan was ROFL. Raj was furious. This girl just insulted his pride. She can't get away with that. It was then that he saw the doll placed securely against the tree upon which Preet was presently seated. He took the doll in his arms and smiled an evil smile at her. She climbed down fast held her hand out for her doll, making a puppy face at him. His ten year old heart melted at the sight of such a sweet, angelic face. Then his head throbbed where she had hit him with the mangoes. Rohan who found Preet extremely adorable asked Raj to return it to her. "Sure I'll return it to her after I do this.." saying this he snapped the neck of the doll and handed it to Preet. She looked at the doll and her lower lip trembled. A tear escaped from her left eye and then her right. Rohan kicked his brother's leg. Raj was horrified. He hadn't imagined that the kid would cry. Whatever he did was out of pure fury. Rohan tried to pacify Preet. He knelt down beside the little one and patted her head saying its okay. She choked back a sob. Suddenly she lost control and started wailing loudly. "Mannu veerji... Gunjan didi... waaah... I want to see my mummy now..." Gunjan appeared literally out of nowhere. "What happened?" she demanded. All the girls cornered Raj and Rohan. "Back off... What's happening? Arrey, Rohan... What is it?" Mannu asked. Rohan explained that Rajpreet had a fight and Mannu dispersed the crowd saying that the older siblings will take care of it. Sukhi was all for fighting it out but Mannu told him to shut the hell up. Gunjan was having a trouble calming down a hysterical Preet. Mannu sat down on a rock and pulled her into his lap. He gave her a candy and Preet gradually stopped crying. Raj now totally wanting to make amends, came down next to Preet and said "don't worry, I'll get you two dolls like this after we get married". A punch on his nose answered his offer. Fighting her way out of Mannu's grasp she launched herself on top of him pulling out his hair, kicking, scratching, biting... Raj threw her off himself but she her arm hit a rock and they all heard a crack. They were sure that Preet broke her hand. Raj was horrified beyond belief. He started crying. Mannu being sensible asked Rohan to take him home while he took Preet home. Mannu gingerly picked up his sister who was crying and lead her home with Gunjan trying to console her and Sukhi trailing after them asking Mannu whether he can finish the rest of Preet's candy.
Meghz99 thumbnail
Anniversary 7 Thumbnail Visit Streak 30 0 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 6 years ago
Chapter three

Raj was bored. Ever since he came home his mother and parchai were trying to kill him by over feeding. It was three days since he came back from London and parchai and his mother tried to fill in all the mothering they couldn't do for three years. Maybe he will go for a walk. It was ten in the morning. It doesn't matter. He had to burn the calories. As he went down to go for a walk, Simran, Rohan's wife stopped him. He smiled at her and asked "what is it parchai? Do you want something? I'll get it from the market". She smiled affectionately and said "no dear devarji, your veerji told me you like these... So I thought I'll give you some. Don't eat too much though, it will spoil your stomach". Saying so she held out a plate full of cut raw mangoes with chilli and salt. Raj blinked. So Rohan veerji was up to his old prank. He had gotten an iron clad promise from his brother to not tell anyone about the 'mango' incident. But he never forgot it... His brother never allowed him to forget. Raj was teased of it often by his brother. "Parchai, I don't eat mangoes. Especially raw ones. Next time veerji puts you upto this please box him on the ears". Leaving a very surprised Simran, he walked out. While he was walking Raj thought about his future marriage. He knew that he will get out of it if wanted to. He had a few girlfriends in his life but nobody was special. If he doesn't like Preet Pavanya, his brother, mother and now his bhabhi will support his decision. But he didn't want to upset his father. His family liked Preet. But they were familiar with her. He wasn't. He hasn't seen her for years. Actually thirteen years. He had come back from London for two weeks when Rohan was getting married but Preet was down with fever then and she couldn't attend the marriage. He had left before Mannu's wedding which took place after a short time from Rohan's. He will meet her soon now. And had at least two years to get to know her. She was just eighteen. Gunjan, her elder sister, was getting married to Aman Pahuja, son of the owner of Pahuja industries. Rohan veerji had kept him updated about the goings-on in the pind. The whole village was shocked when Amba Pavanya chose a girl from a lower middle class family with not much land to their name for Mannu. People said that it was so that Amba never lost control over her son. Amrit who attended the wedding had told him that Sanjana was a nice girl who seemed to be madly in love with Mannu. He liked Mannu. They were friends even before his tiff with Preet. Even though he was Rohan veerji's classmate it was with Mannu that he played with most of the time. When he returned to pind after that horrible gap of ten years, when he was away from his family, their friendship was untouched.
Raj had reached the market while walking and he looked around. There was a new shop in the market. It belonged to Rohan's friend. He entered it and saw plenty of plastic flowers. There was this bouquet of orchids which looked lovely. Maybe he'll get that for Amrit. His mother will definitely like it. He picked it up and walked towards the counter to pay for it. Someone collided with him. A dark bluish violet dupatta covered his face while it's owner was falling backwards. He held her by grabbing her waist. Though he couldn't see her face properly due to her dupatta which was over his head he felt that she fit perfectly into his arms. He inhaled deeply as the dupatta slid down his face. It was one of the most beautiful scents he ever inhaled. Floral, combined with the smell of fruit flavoured ice-creams. He slowly opened his eyes his mind lingering on the sweetness of the smell. A pair of gorgeous brown orbs stared at him. He stared at the most beautiful face he's ever seen, totally mesmerized. A lovely pinkish red lips with a perfect shape, a pretty nose and eyelids like lotus petals to compliment her eyes. She cleared her throat indicating that she would like to be straightened up. He gently helped her stand straight. His mind was in a total whirl. She glared at him. He realised that he was still holding her waist and let go quickly.

Preet found it very irritating. The idiot standing in front of her almost knocked her down and was now smiling to himself looking at her in a dreamy way. His eyes roved over her slim figure. He looked sorry to let go of her. She was used to such roadside romeos. She looked at the flowers he was holding. "Oye, kagaz ke phool... Can't you watch where you are going?" she asked irritated by his scanning. She side stepped him and tried to leave but he threw an arm out and stopped her from leaving. "Main kya soniyo apna naam toh batate jao". She glared at him and pushed him away. She stepped out of the store and he was left staring after her. Raj wondered what was wrong with him. He flirted with a complete stranger, that too in his village, it wouldn't have mattered if it was in the city, and openly let his eyes wander over her figure. If someone saw him misbehaving with a girl it will be the end of him. Harjeet won't take it sitting down and his mother will be unhappy. He smiled thinking about the girl who just threw him into a whirlwind. He decided that he'll find out who she is at any cost. Never before has he felt such a strong attraction towards a girl. He remembered how she felt in his arms. Soft and huggable. He paid for the flowers and left the shop. He knew that he wouldn't give it to his mother. He will keep it to remember her. He liked what she called him "kagaz ke phool'' . He found her near the panipuri stall. She was laughing at something the child standing next to her said. Her little sister maybe... Hmm... The other girl must be also related to her. There was a certain resemblance. But clearly Soniyo was better looking. In fact she was the best looking when a person looked around. He loved the way her lips moved when she talked. Suddenly she threw her head back and laughed. It revealed even white teeth. "Raj... Come here" his father's voice woke him up from the chain of thoughts. Harjeet was in his jeep further down the road he was standing. He obeyed his father and got into the jeep. As Harjeet prattled about business, Raj wondered who was the person who just walked away with his heart. He was not a person who believed in love at first sight but what the hell just happened??? Then Harjeet said something that caught his attention "tomorrow is Gunjan's roka. Go there with Rohan, bahu and Amrit. It is time for you to meet Preet. Jagan had a proposal from a huge family for her about three days ago. He turned it down but I know how greedy that guy is... He won't do that for long. He won't be able to say no if we take initiative. Otherwise he'll get her married to some idiot for money. It was decided by the elders that she will be a Bajwa bahu and so it shall be ". Raj sighed. He won't even get two years. Preet Pavanya was his destiny. Rohan had told him that if he didn't want to do it he would make sure that Raj wasn't forced. And papaji will listen. He wondered what will it be like for her." Papaji, she's eighteen right... Isn't it a bit early..." "Don't worry about it... Jagan isn't a person to think about his daughters' wellbeing". "All my friends fiancees are educated. Even parchai is educated. Preet might just be in college" he was now worried for the girl whose education might be stopped because of him. "If you want send her to college even after marriage. We won't say anything" Harjeet assured him. Raj realised that he left his wallet at the shop and told Harjeet to turn the jeep back.
Meanwhile Preet was having fun with Babli and Gunjan trying on bangles and buying perfumes. Suddenly Babli spilled her ice-cream on Preet's kameez. Babli looked for a Gunjan style reaction only to get an exasperated sigh. Preet had acquired a new dress just a few minutes ago. She went to the clothes shop and changed. Unknown to her a couple of sleazy guys were eyeing her.
Edited by Meghateresa - 6 years ago
farnazlove thumbnail
Anniversary 8 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 6 years ago
Good storyπŸ‘πŸΌ. Keep it up. Waiting for next chapter's. 😊
Meghz99 thumbnail
Anniversary 7 Thumbnail Visit Streak 30 0 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 6 years ago
Chapter four

Raj collected his wallet and walked towards his jeep. He stopped midway hearing a commotion. He went to check what it was about. A crowd was gathered in the middle of the market. He made his way through the crowd and saw a very astounding sight. A girl in orange salwar suit was beating up three goons single handedly. Two of them attacked her with sticks. She countered them with a stick she had in her hand. Pushing both of them to a corner using both hands and her feet was struggling to get balance from the weight she had on herself. Suddenly she gave a great shove and both the idiots fell onto the ground. Unknown to her the third goon who had fallen before had gotten up and was running at her with another stick. The crowd screamed pointing at him and suddenly she turned around facing the direction Raj was facing. He drew in a sharp breath. "Soniyo..." he muttered dazed. There was dust flying in every direction and adrenaline coursed through him making his mind adjust to the speed of things. He suddenly saw everything in slow motion though actually nothing slowed down. Her locks were flying in the air carelessly. Sunlight reflected off the stones in her earrings dazzling him. Her dupatta fluttered in the wind. The dark red colour of the dupatta reflected the anger in her eyes. He wondered whether she actually changed clothes for the occasion of beating up thugs. The third goon is raising the stick on her. She knocks it down by a swift movement of her stick. The guy is staring at her shell-shocked. He definitely didn't think a girl would have these kind of guts. She grabs his collar and pushes him onto the ground. He falls with a thud and crawls away from her.
" From this day onwards, whenever you think of misbehaving with a girl just think about me. Your disease will be cured. If you have any doubts about it ask anyone standing here" she gestures to the crowd. "They'll tell you my name and my doings to sleaze balls till date".
The crowd which was cheering her on till then laughs, hoots and claps. Apparently Raj isn't the only one bewitched by her beauty and style. She claps her hands dramatically as to clear the dust. Slowly she walks towards a jeep in which her sisters are waiting for her. She climbs into the driving seat and drives off. Raj is stunned beyond belief. He has never seen such fire, such courage anywhere. He looks over at the thugs who were gathering up their broken dignity and leaving ignoring the titters of the crowd. They are bearing slap marks, one's lips were bleeding and other's hand seemed black and blue where she hit him. The third one was in no better condition than the others. This firecracker of a girl could burn down the entire village, Raj thought. She was already wrecking his life. And he only saw her an hour ago. He remembered what she said to the perverts. They could ask anyone her name. That means she was well-known here or at least her family will be. Raj decided to try his luck. He asked an onlooker " Veerji, who is she???? Jackie Chan's sister????" The villager looked confused. "Who's Jackie Chan???" Raj cursed himself. Here he was thinking Gaguwal is more modern than he believed it was and there were people who didn't even know Jackie Chan. Understanding dawned on the villager's face. "Oh Jagan Shah, she's not his sister". Raj slapped his forehead in frustration. '' Why are you behaving crazily? How can she be Jagan Shah ji's sister? She's his... "the villager was cut in short. "I'll tell you who she is... " Rohan was strolling towards them. Rohan shoos the villager away. "Who is she?" Raj demands. He wants to know who is the girl who has such an effect on him. Rohan smiles at his brother's desperation."Veere, as you must have guessed she's not Jackie Chan's sister... She's Mannu Pavanya's sister...Preet... Preet Pavanya". Only the last part of Rohan's sentence strike him. "Preet..." he mutters slowly. Suddenly he has a flashback of a chubby little doll like thing sitting on the branches of the mango tree above him staring at him haughtily, pressing her little plump pink lips together. Who would have known that the cute little brat would evolve into something so alluring, so feminine? He remembers the feel of her in his arms... Her fragrance that drove him crazy... Her gorgeous face which can turn any man into her slave... The fire in her eyes as she fought the wrongdoers... He had a sudden desire to burn in that fire... Surely the stars were shining upon him when he was betrothed to this golden rose... He thought about his earlier feelings towards about just getting engaged to her as Harjeet suggested... He knew he wouldn't be contented with that... She has to be his... His own... A part of him... He wanted her to look at him with love and desire... Raj felt sure of one thing. He would personally take initiative for this marriage. His father was right... There was too much risk. This precious pearl could be given of to anyone else by her useless glutton of a father... He couldn't let that happen. Raj let his brother lead him away slowly as his thoughts dwelled on Preet...

Amrit was feeding raw mangoes to a three month pregnant Simran when Rohan came leading a very dazed looking Raj with him. She beckoned her elder son to feed him the same which she was feeding her daughter in law. She didn't invite Raj knowing his unexplained dislike for mangoes. To her intense surprise as soon as Raj saw the mangoes he grabbed a handful and stuffed it into his mouth. Rohan looked at him open mouthed and then howled with laughter. "What happened to him? In the morning I offered him and he turns me down. Now he is stuffing it like it's his favourite thing in the whole wide world" a bewildered Simran asked Rohan. "Oh something happened to him alright, I think it's something called love" Rohan winked at her. Raj blushed beetroot red at the questioning eyes of his mother and parchai and ran off. Simran and Amrit gave each other perplexed looks. There was only you-know-what they could relate to love and raw mangoes they could think of. Amrit sincerely hoped her son hadn't done anything stupid but she knew that was impossible since it was only three days since he returned to the village. Maybe something in London... No that was not possible... Her son won't do anything stupid... Even if he did do something, RAJ eating raw mangoes seemed to defy the principles of biology. Rohan left his mother and wife to ponder.


Preet was in turmoil. After the sleazy idiots ruined her morning she returned to her home only to have her brother tell her that Raj Bajwa was back. Considering the fact that they've already got a groom her parents might decide to get her married to him. This was why she's been dreading his return. Like a freaking parcel she'll be chartered off to the Bajwas as a peace offering as decided eighteen years ago. She felt sick at the thought. She hoped that her parents would wait until she's twenty to marry her off,considering that was Gunjan's current age. Ever since that incident in her childhood Raj Bajwa had become a nightmare. She had to wear the cast for one and a half months before her hand was right again. She was horrified to know on the very day, at night her mother confirmed what he had said to her. One day she was to marry that cruel boy who broke her arm. Mannu had forbidden all of them tell anyone how actually Preet broke her hand so no one knew what kind of trauma the little girl was going through. She had nightmares for weeks after that. Amba had to sleep with her for about six months before the nightmares stopped. The cruel laugh before he snapped the doll's neck... The sound of it getting snapped off... His anger when he pushed her off... The blinding pain... The crush of bones... Almost too much for a five year old... Since Mannu had told her not to tell on Raj she just mentioned him to Amba and in return got more than what she bargained for. Amba and Jagan always kept Preet away from the Bajwa house. She had never seen it. Though she saw the family members from time to time when there was an occasion in the village or the temple she was never allowed to go to the Bajwa mansion. Whenever they had a function there according to outsiders she was sick. Amba didn't like the concept of them having an influence on her daughter's life before it was necessary. Gunjan had told Preet that the Bajwa mansion was grander than their own home and had a huge garden with a large lawn and swings to sit. Out of the Bajwa household she liked Rohan, his wife Simran and best of all Amrit. She had gotten to know both the women from the last three years. As Mannu's classmate she knew Rohan before that. She noticed him during the fiasco with his brother... After that whenever they went to play in that place he smiled at her. Once or twice when all the children will go to buy ice lollies he got her one too. She called him 'veerji' from that point onwards.
Sanjana had returned from her visit to her parents home. Preet went to meet her parchai in her room. Her beloved parchai seemed sick and she took some medicine with her to give her. Sanjana was a very dutiful girl from a simple background. Amba was a very strict mother in law but rebelling against her was not in Sanjana's nature. Preet sometimes felt anger regarding her mother's strict attitude and especially the one she showed parchai but with her self survival instinct she never questioned Amba. Sanjana loved her in-laws like her own and in return, even though her parents in laws acknowledged it rarely, her husband's siblings considered her as their own sister and loved and respected her like a second mother. She considered herself to get a life partner like Mannu, one of the few men she saw in her life who respected women. Even before marriage, as the proposal proceeded Mannu had come to see her and talk. She was thrilled at the respect in his eyes and voice for her. From the first sight she had fallen for Mannu... Her relationship with him was totally different from that of her parents... He allowed her to take her own decisions... No, he didn't allow her... He spoke as if it was her right. Everything was different with him than what she saw at her home. If they had to go somewhere rather than ordering to get ready he'll ask whether she wants to go or whether she was comfortable. What was there to be uncomfortable about? she would wonder... She was always comfortable and happy with whatever he wanted,as he always took care of her comforts. He considered her above him in matters of their small life.
Preet checked Sanjana's temperature. "It's normal parchai" she said. Sanjana recoiled as a wave of nausea hit her. She ran to her bathroom and vomited. Alarmed, Preet called Amba. "It's Gunjan's roka tomorrow and now this... She has to get sick now..." cursing her daughter in law Amba entered the room. As she looks at Sanjana, Preet sees a peculiar expression on her mother's face. Amba makes Sanjana sit on the bed gently, more gently than she's ever done before, and starts inspecting her. Firstly she checks Sanjana's lower eyelids and then twist her face around slowly to check her cheeks checking for the yellowish colour that was invisible to Preet. Amba pats Sanjana's head lovingly making Preet's jaw drop. "I suppose I would have gotten wind of it long before if you were staying here instead of your maika. I'll say you're about one and a half months" Amba said while Preet guessed what she was talking about. 'Go get some sweets out " Amba yelled at Preet even though she was standing a few millimetres away. " But mummy, is she really pregnant? Shouldn't we let a doctor confirm it before we announce it? " Preet said while Amba looked livid. Preet realised her folly. Amba hated it when someone argued with her or questioned her. "I gave birth five times... And do you think your mother is stupid? I suppose you are educated now... So what's your mother's worth?" with each word Amba came towards Preet while she practically ran backwards. "Sorry mummy, didn't mean it like that" she said scared. " I'll go get sweets..." she runs out of the room before her mother could get her hands on her.

In a mansion on the other side of the village, someone has retired to his chambers way before the others. As he hugs a pillow in his arms he dreams of making Preet Pavanya a prisoner in his arms...forever.
Edited by Meghateresa - 6 years ago
The.Wanderer thumbnail
Anniversary 7 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail Commentator 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 6 years ago
Wow Megha! Great story. But please don't make it sad. Can't a story progress without bad things happening? Just keep it nice and happy.
rani7131 thumbnail
Anniversary 7 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail
Posted: 6 years ago
Really nice story. It's also funny. But megha like ash said please don't make it a sad story