Dheera FF - Junooniyat -part 40 updated

Pollyanna thumbnail
Anniversary 7 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail
Posted: 6 years ago
This is a collaborative effort by all Dheera fans and started in the Dheera AT. this is a work in progress and all Dheera fans are welcome to come to the AT and help progress the story forward.Special Thanks to Ninag for kick starting the whole process Edited by Pollyanna - 6 years ago


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Pollyanna thumbnail
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Posted: 6 years ago
part 1

Dharam and Meera lay in bed both shattered after Ticky and Rita's wedding. Although Ticky was completely rubbish and devoid of personality and Rita was useless Dharam had plastered on a smile so wide all day that his cheeks were still aching.

Meera turned to face her Dharmaji. 

"Do you remember our first wedding in the Jungle?" 

"Of course" Dharam replied. 

"I hated you then but I though you were as hot and sexy as hell" Meera giggled.

"I thought you were a spoilt brat but there is no denying how beautiful you are and I loved your craziness".

Dheera embraced...

The next morning Meera awoke early to take care of the twins and cook Dharams favourite breakfast. As she went downstairs she felt as if she was being watched...

Meera turned around. There was no one. But she could feel as if someone was watching her. She walked back to her room to call Dharam. She called out 'Dharam ji'. No reply. He wasn't in the bed.She thought he might be in the bathroom . She called his name again. No reply. Meera checked the twins . They were still sleeping.

She made her way to the kitchen. 'Where is Dharamji?I I thought he would stay with the kids till I came back'

Meera heard noises from the kitchen. She thought Vidhya was probably making tea. She badly needed a coffee herself. Last night Dharamj hadn't let her sleep much. Meera was still smiling when she heard Vidhya calling her from her room.
Meera froze. If Vidhya is in her room, who is in the kitchen?

Meera rushed to the kitchen.. she was left shocked
She could hear heavy breathing behind the door.

She slowly pulled it back to reveal...

Durga standing with a knife in her hand.

Meera stood speachless. How could this be? Durga was dead?? Durga had been shot in front of everyone. Then she noticed the pure hatred in her eyes. Durgas hand raised swiftly the knife clenched tightly. Meera screamed but before the knife could touch her someone grabbed Durgas hand. It was Dharam. He gripped Durgas wrist tightly until the knife clattered onto the floor. All three of them stood in silence. The husband with his two wives. Meera was shocked to notice Durga standing defiant. The woman who was once so meek and mild was now standing before her like a goddess. Hair open and flowing, nostrils flared with anger. A defiant stance. Her face dripping with sweat. Dharam stood frozen in shock. Durga quickly pushed him aside, run to the open window and threw herself out of it. It took a few seconds for Dharam and Meera to respond. Both were in deep shock. 

By the time they made it to the window Durga was nowhere to be seen.

Meera turned to Dharam. She tried to speak
"Bh ..Bh. .bhooth"

"Meera. Are you crazy ? You know there is no such thing as ghost. You are an educated woman. You don't believe in such rubbish do you? "

"But Dharamji. What else can it be? We both saw Durga ji dying 5 years ago and just now she was here. "

By this time Meera was shivering. Dharam tried to comFort her by holding her close to him. He could feel her heart beating so fast. He kissedMeera on her forehead. He knew that always calmed her down . Gradually Meera relaxed against him

"What where you doing in the kitchen Dharamji? I thought you were with the kids. If you hadnt come so quickly, I might be dead by now."
Dharam took her face in his hand "Meera, I will never let anything happen to you as long as I am there. You know that . "

Meera hugged him tightly and buried her face in his chest. She wanted to stay like that for ever because nothing else made her feel safer or more loved than this.

CRASH! ! the noise was from upstairs. Dheera jumped apart and rushed towards the stairs

Dheera reached ViVan's room and were shocked to see Durga fallen down and crying badly...The noise was of a table as such it couldn't handle Durga's wait more😛...As u see she had came by climbing the pipe like a spiderwomen😛...ViVan just stands there like statue😆...She tries to come near Priyal but she runs and hides behind her Dadi Meera😳...

Meera:What the hell😡...Can't u let us be in peace😡
Durga:U just shut up😡it's all because of u😡

Dharam now came in front of Meera😳...

Dharam:Lower ur voice😡...No one can talk to my wife like that😡

He holds Meera's hand and looks at Durga...She burns in jealousy😛

Meera:Are u going or should I throw u out😡

Durga tries to attack Dharam but Meera comes in between and gives her a tight slap😃...

ViVan gives a wierd expression like usual😆😆😆

Meera:No one can talk or do anything with my husband...Understand u better understand😡
Dharam:Shravan call police😊

Shravan calls police😛

In Dheera's room, Meera is still puzzled. Thinking about Durga and her revenge attempt. Dharam observed her from behind. 

I got to do something. Can't see you like this Meera. Dharam said to himself. Suddenly his smartphone notifies something. Left him with a big smile on his face. So It's Meera's birthday tomorrow. Will make it special. Dharam keeps smiling.
Dharam decides to spend some quality time with Meera so he books a honeymoon suit for both of them .
Pollyanna thumbnail
Anniversary 7 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail
Posted: 6 years ago
Dheera FF - part 2

 Meera, I need to go out soon, I will be back a bit late this evening"

" DharAmji, you can't go anywhere today. I am really worried. I don't understand how Durgaji has come back from the dead, And she escaped before the police got here. She is still out there and can hurt you". Meera was in tears.

Dharam was puzzled himself but he needed to put Meera at ease before solving The mystery of Durga's return. He also wanted to make her birthday very special. Meera looked scared and he hated having to leave her but there were things he needed to arrange for the next day.

" I am sorry ! But I have an important meeting today and I have to go. " Meera was upset and tried to move away but he pulled her close to him and wiped her tears . Meera wouldn't look at him, he slowly lifted her chin up so she had to look into his eyes. Meera could see how much He cared for her, she couldn't be upset with her Dharamji for long. Despite everything she founded herself smiling .

She put her arms around his neck and stood on tiptoe and gently bit his earlobe and then she whispered something in his ears. Dharam was taken back but he couldn't stop grinning .

" Meera, you...,,,,,,,"

...are so naughty! 

Still he managed to untangle himself from her passionate grip! Kissing her tenderly on her lips he left but not for the office as he had told her. instead he drove to the jewellers to choose a gift for meeras birthday. He had already purchased beautiful designer saris and countless other gifts for her but he wanted to buy her something unique and something Meera could pass on to their daughter. 

Dharam was in no rush. He took his time at the store eventually selecting a beautiful diamond necklace and earrings. Pleased with his purchase he carefully walked back to his car. The day was burning hot and Dharam felt uncomfortable. Not just because of the stifling heat but also because of Durga. How could she just come back he wondered. She was dead. She had died in front of them. What the hell was going on? Dharam sat in his car absentmindedly and started the ignition. In the drivers mirror he noticed something stir behind him. Before he had the chance to look back a blade was pressing against his neck. Too scared to turn around he looked again into the mirror in front of him. It was
Durga. "Drive" she hissed.

Dharam put his foot on the pedal and started to move off. As they weaved through the traffic Dharams mind raced. He desperately tried to thing of a tactic to distract Durga. She obviously had lost her mind. She sat in silence knife still pressed to Dharams neck.

Dharam cleared his throat.

"So where are we going"?

"Take me to hotel paradise" Durga replied unemotionally.

Five minutes later they pulled up at the shabby motel. Dharam was aware it had been raised by the police a few times for drug and prostitution rackets. 

"I don't want a fuss". Durga spoke again. "Come with me to room 202 if you put a step wrong or try to be clever I will have Meera killed. Understand"? Dharam nervously followed Durga up to the room. 

The room was absolutely filthy. Half eaten food was left on the table, clothes were strewen across the unmade bed. The room stank and looked as if it hadn't been cleaned for weeks.

"Is this where you have been staying"? Dharam asked. Durga laughed. Where else can I go? I don't live in luxury like your other maharani wife.
She laughed bitterly. I bet you were happy you thought I was dead? You could be with HER. Did you think I set you free? I bet you are wondering how I am still alive. I will tell you. But you must promise me you will take me as your wife again. Otherwise your beloved Meera will die. I have the right to be Mrs Suryavanshi. Not that bitch". Dharam rose angrily. "Shut up and sit down" Durga shouted pushing him onto the bed. Dharam had never heard Durga use such foul language he had
Never seen her angry before. "You see weeks before Gaura maa shot me she had promised Me to give me back my rights. She wanted me to fool you and that marriage wrecker wife of yours that I would support your union. But all I want is to see Meera dead so I can have my husband back. Don't you understand I'm the one who truly loves you? Dharam sat stunned by what he was hearing. "So you and Gaura faked your death so you could get revenge? "exactly replied Durga. "maa went to prison. I had to hide from you. Waiting for the right time to carry out my plan. Now that time is here. Now I want you to put that beautiful jewellery on me. You will fill my maang with sindoor. Then you will kiss me Dharam or your wife will die. You will dance to my tunes now".

 Dharam was shocked. He hadn't expected this from Durga who was meek as a cow when he last saw her.  But there was no way he could give into her demands. He had accepted Meera with his heart, mind and soul. She was his soulmate. He needed to play for time. 

" Durga, I don't believe you. Baa will never work with you. She hated you too much"

" That's what you think. But she hates Meera more. Ever since she came into your life, you have been her deewana. No one else has mattered to you and Baa hates this"

" you are lying"

Durga's face turned red in anger. She took her phone and dialled a number and when the phone was answered just said" send the video"

She showed her phone to Dharam. It showed a video clip. Meera was in the mall and she was shopping for lingerie. Dharam remembered what she had whispered in his ears that morning. "Dharamji, I am going to make tonight so special, you will never want to leave my side". He could still feel  he sweetness of her lips on his. He felt like he dhad slipped from a sweet dream into a nightmare. 

Durga started laughing like a maniac.  " see , your precious Meera is being followed by Baa's men . This was taken 10 minutes ago. If you don't do what I  demand, it's bye bye Meera. You will never see her again"

Dharam knew what he had to do, keep Durga distracted till Meera reached home safely. He needed to get her to make a mistake so he could escape from there. In the meantime he will have to think of a plan to keep Meera safe till Durga and Baa were dealt with. After what Bhavani and Karan had put her through because of his mistakes, he couldn't let anyone else hurt Meera. 

" I don't trust you Durga. What if I accept your demands and Meera still gets hurt? I need to make sure she is safe before I do anything. You must be mad if you think I will just accept you back as my wife. I have never loved you . But because of Meera I agreed to give you your place as my wife and this is how you repay her. And don't even think about phoning your goons to hurt Meera. If anything happens to her I will gladly kill you than live with you and you will then never get what you want "

Durga was not expecting this. She thought Dharam would give in to her to save Meera , because that is what Baa had told her. How he had given in to Chanda's demands to save Meera. But this was a different and more determined Dharam. Durga had hoped that she could get Dharam to accept her and take her back home and be there to welcome Meera when she got back from shopping and show that home wrecker her rightful place, But he was refusing to do anything till Meera was safe. 

No, this won't do. She won't let Dharam Suryavanshi win this time. She let out a scream and rushed towards him .
Pollyanna thumbnail
Anniversary 7 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail
Posted: 6 years ago
 Dharam could see the murderous look in Durga's eyes as she rushed towards him with knife raised. He rolled away from her as Durga stabbed the bed. She pulled the knife back and moved towards him again.

Dharam jumped up from the bed and caught Durga's arms and twisted the knife out of her hands, it fell clattering on the floor. Durga tried to free herself from his grip and in her struggle  hit her head on the wall. Her eyes rolled back. Dharam felt her going slack in his grip and when he let go she fell on the floor. He looked around for something to tie her up with and found an old sari, tore it and used it bind and gag her. He quickly took her phone and the knife and ran out of the room.  He knew she was only unconscious and would wake up any minute. He had to get meera to  safety before Durga or her goons got to her

Dharam's mind was racing fast. He made a call and spoke for about 5 minutes giving instructions.  He ended by saying" she might not listen to you. Sedate her mildly if needed, but you need to get her to the address I have given"

He had one more call to make. This one was more tricky. But he dialled the number and when answered made his request and at the end of the call told the person on the other end," Make sure Shravan doesn't know anything about this"

He sent a message to Meera " Just remember one thing. I will never let anyone hurt you. I love you -more than my life"

He got in the car. He had a long drive ahead
Pollyanna thumbnail
Anniversary 7 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail
Posted: 6 years ago
Part 4

Meera awoke with a sore head lying on an unfamiliar bed. She groaned as she opened her eyes. She felt as if she had been in a boxing match. Her head and body ached. Slowly she sat up in bed. "Dharamji"? Her voice was barely a croak. "It's ok Meera I am here". Dharam crouched down at his wife's bedside. She reached for him and fell into his arms. "I am scared Dharamji. Why are we here? How did I get here, I don't remember anything". Dharam gently explained everything to Meera. He told her about Durga, how Meera was being followed by her goons. How Dharam had to request his henchman to get Meera to safety, quickly and without a fuss. " The only way to do this was to sedate you". Meera looked around the room. Reading her mind Dharam told her they were at his friends farmhouse for now. They would stay hidden until Vidya could somehow bring their children and belongings to them. Then they would flee India. Dharams secretary was trying to arrange visas to anywhere. Durga was deranged and he knew how cunning his own mother was. The only way they would be safe was out of India for a few years.

Vidya promised she would bring the twins to them once she was sure she wasn't being followed. Dharam didn't want Shravan to know of what was going on as Durga was his mother and he would be torn between his parents. Dharam knew how much he loved his mother. Her "death" had torn him apart.

Trying to break the tension Meera lifted her head up and smiled at Dharam. "I heard a rumour that Dharam Suryavanshi has a hot date tonight. Is it true"?

"Could be," Dharam answered teasingly

"And this hot date of yours, what's she like?"

"Well," Dharam smiled as he perched himself on the bed, "she's beautiful, brunette, with these amazing deep brown eyes." He took her hand in his. "There's just one problem."

"And what's that?"

"She's married, and I hear her husband is the jealous type."

"Oh is he now?" Meera laughed.

"And what about yourself, any plans tonight?"

"Well, I had hoped to spend the evening with my husband, but it seems he has a date with a beautiful brunette. Think you're free?"

"You're sure your husband won't mind?"

"Nah, he's just not a jealous person," Meera winked.

"Hmm, I wouldn't be so sure about that," Dharam grinned, bending down to capture her mouth in a gentle, yet passionate kiss.

"Okay, maybe he's a little jealous," Meera smiled, bringing her hand up to rest on her husband's cheek. Her expression suddenly became serious.

"Everything all right?" Dharam asked with concern tingeing his own voice at her change of expression.

"Nothing's wrong, I was just thinking how much I love you," Meera's smile returned.

Dharam dipped his head in for another kiss before replying, "Why don't we get out of here, Mrs. Suryavanshi"?

"Love to, Mr. Suryavanshi," Meera answered as she stood and straightend her hair.

They had nowhere to go of course so after laying on the grass outside and exchanging kisses they headed back indoors and cooked dinner together. For this evening both of them wouldn't worry about the challenges ahead of them. They would enjoy their time together and worry about was was to come tomorrow. Little did they know they were being watched... 

Pollyanna thumbnail
Anniversary 7 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail
Posted: 6 years ago
Dharam was in the living room making a phone call.  Meera was kneading dough to make Poori. She wanted to make his favourite dish today. Puri and potato curry.  She was lost in thought - about Durga and Gaura and how Baa could go to any lengths to destroy them, about Vidhya and  leaving her to go abroad , about her babies. She was worried but excited as well. It would be fun to be away with Dharamji for a while- just the four of them. A smile played on her lips. She didn't realise she had stopped kneading. 
Dharam was watching her from the doorway , the change in her expressions, he saw her smile and knew she was thinking about him. Smiling himself, He walked slowly to stand right behind her and put his arms around her middle.Her skin felt smooth and hot.he pulled her back to him and kissed her gently behind her ears. He buried his face in her hair.


" what is it DharamjI"

" You   smell    delicious. I feel hungry but I want to have dessert first"

Meera turned her head to look at him and felt his lips on hers. She felt her lips being crushed in his passion The kiss lasted for seconds or minutes , she was lost in it. When she opened her eyes she burst out laughing. His face was covered in flour. In the heat of the moment she had forgotten that there was flour in her hands.

" you'd better go and wash . I'll get your dinner ready.i got some new clothes for you today. "

Meera had set the table by the time he freshened up and returned. Dharam was touched to see that even amidst all  these troubles His Meera had cooked his favourite meal. 
After dinner, Dharam offered to wash up and Meera went to have a bath. All of a sudden she remembered that she had nothing to wear except for the lace slips she had purchased earlier today. That's when she saw something on the bed and a naughty smile played on her lips

Dharam had just finished talking to Vidhya when he saw a movement by the door, he turned around and his eyes opened wide in surprise. Meera was standing there but what was she dressed in ? She was wearing his White Kurta and nothing else. She looked so damn  sexy , he felt his breath quicken as he moved towards her.  
There  was a gentle breeze going and her hair was blown on her face . He gently stroked her cheeks and leaned down to kiss her. Meera put her arms around his neck and started twirling his hair around her fingers. Their bodies touched and they looked into each other's eyes.

" I want my Kurta back"

" Take it, if you dare"

"Oh, yeah! Think I won't dare?"

He put his hand on her back and was about to undress her when they heard the crash. Someone had thrown a rock at the window.  Meera was terrified and hugged him tightly. 

" Meera, go to the bedroom and close all the windows and door."

" no Dharamji, I am not leaving you. Whatever happens, we wil face it together "
A slow clap came from the doorway. They turned around to look and was shocked to see...

Pollyanna thumbnail
Anniversary 7 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail
Posted: 6 years ago

 Gaura stepped out from behind the door frame. Her eyes were blazing with hate contested with a huge grin on her lips. 

"Wah wah may Ambe maa always bless Your marriage". 

She gave a belly laugh and walked slowly towards the couple still clapping. "My own son chose this dumb child over me" she laughed again bitterly. "Did you really think me or Durga would forgive so easily?"

thinking fast and without saying a word Dharam grabbed Meeras hand and they ran past Gaura and out of the house. They ran as fast as they could, with no possessions, thorns scratching their legs, nettles stinging and burning them but they felt no pain. They ran without looking back until Meera grew tired and began to stumble. Without thought Dharam swept her into his arms and continued to run. Theywere deep in the forest and completely lost. Finally they stopped. Dharam was gasping for breath and he could run no more. Sweat dropped down his brow. Meera clambered down from his arms and she clung to him tightly. She could feel his heart beating hard under his Kurtha. His body was wet from sweat. His breath was laboured from running so far and fast. They both tumbled to the ground. Dharam pulled his wife towards him. "I won't let anyone hurt you Meera" he mumbled. She buried her head in his cheast and they lay still until Dharams breathing slowed down. His heart was beating regularly. Meera looked up at her husband and slowly they kissed. Her breath, her kisses breathed strength back into him. He sat up and rubbed the sweat away from his forehead. "I need to think" he mumbled "we need to stay here until they give up on looking for us. We can find a way out after a few days. Damn I can't even phone Vidya to tell her what's going on as we have nothing". 

Dharam and Meera sat talking for hours. They talked about their babies, about their love for each other, about future plans, anything to keep them distracted from the turmoil they were in. Eventually Dharam lay his wife down and made love to her. He couldn't live without this woman, she was his life, his soul. As they broke apart Meera began to dress and Dharam watched her. She was wearing just his Kurtha. How were they going to survive here? They didn't even have a blanket. 

As evening fell Dharam lit a fire and they managed to find some nuts and berries to snack on. They lay down by the fire. Their bellies still empty and rumbling. Thirst engulfed them. Still when they turned to look at each other and they looked into each other's eyes seeing flames dancing in them, feeling the intense love in them, the hunger no longer enveloping them, they felt satisfied. All hunger was forgotten. They fell asleep in each other's arms. The night was cold but the flames and their body heat kept them warm.
Pollyanna thumbnail
Anniversary 7 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail
Posted: 6 years ago
While Dharam and Meera were sleeping in each other's arms, the architects of their misery weren't having such a great time. Gaura was fuming that her son and Bahu had given her the slip. This was all Durga's fault. Five years she had her taken care of, trying to make something of her. All she had to do was get Dharam to the hotel, sedate him, tie him up and give the go ahead for Meera to be abducted. But the silly woman had tried to get Dharam to accept her again and spoiled their carefully laid out plans. It was a good thing she never trusted the silly cow fully and had her men following Dharam , otherwise she wouldn't have found out about this hideout. She had earlier left a dazed and confused Durga in the hotel room, after slapping her a few times, crying her eyes out because she had lost Dharam again. Gaura had to remind her that Dharam was never ever hers,. Her son was so handsome but she only got him to marry a plain Jane like  Durga  in the first place because she wanted to control him and Gaura knew if Dharam found someone beautiful she would lose him. And look what happened once Meera came into his life!  If only Bhavani had succeeded in separating them!

Bhavani meanwhile was having an even worse time in her cell.  She sat up scratching her body. She wasn't sure if it was bedbugs or if one of the inmates had put itching powder on her blanket. She felt her life couldn't get any worse. This time around she wasn't able to control anybody in the jail. The new warden was a relative of the commissioner who was a friend of Dharam Suryavanshi and she had heard the jailers talking that Dharam had asked for all of Bhavani 's privileges to be revoked. On top of that ,she was put on toilet cleaning duties. And the toilets seemed to get dirtier everyday. She was sure the other inmates were doing this on purpose now that she had no power. Look at what her life had become-she was the sarpanch of 21 villages and now she was responsible for the toilets of 21 cells in the jail. Her hand went involuntarily to her left cheek. She could still feel her skin smarting after Dharam slapped her. 

"I'd rather die with my family than live with you". His words echoed in her ears. Bhavani heard the clap of thunder outside. She hoped Gaura had succeeded.  

"Meera, wake up."

"What happened, Dharamji?"

"Can you hear the thunder, it's going to rain soon, we need to go, this is open clearing. "

" But go where?. We don't know where we are!"

" we will worry about that later. Let's move"

They started running again. Dharam looked at the sky, it was pitch black and he couldn't see the stars. He didn't know which direction they were going in. All of a sudden they came to a cross road . There was a flash of lightning and Dharam saw a board. Meera hugged Dharam tightly. 

' Government Guest house-1 km'. that's what it said on the board. He remembered his friend telling about the guest house in the forest that was used by officials who came for inspections in the nearby villages.  
" Meera, look at that! Let's find the guest house. Atleast we can get cover from the rain"

They ran towards the guest house. It took them about 15 minutes to find it. When they reached there, the  doors   were locked, there was no one there. The caretaker must have gone back to the village. Dharam took a big stone and broke the lock and went inside. They were in a living room with a few settees and couches. Just as they went in it started raining. 

 " Thank God we made it . Let me look around and see how this place is stocked up"

" later Dharamji. Right now, I want to dance in the rain"

" WHAT!  but We just managed to get in. Meera, don't be crazy"
" But I'm crazy, you love me  and  married me knowing that" Meera giggled and ran out.

She started dancing in the rain. Dharam moved to the verandah.  He couldn't take his eyes off her. The Kurta stuck to her body clearly showing her curves, Strands of hair plastered on her face, sindoor from her hair partition running down her forehead, she looked ravishing. 

" Come here, Dharamji, this is fun"

 He took off his Kurta and stepped down from the Veranda on to the rain. He didn't really  like getting wet  and turned to go back in when he felt Meera's arms encircling him from behind. Her lips started making a trail on his back , while her fingers danced on his chest. He pulled Meera around facing him  and looked into her eyes. He could see his whole world there.  His past, present and future. The life he wanted to live with her, their kids growing up and the two of them growing old together. Meera put her arms around his neck and started moving in a slow rhythm. She was leading the dance and he was following. The cold rain droplets fell on him but his body was on fire.  He cupped Meera's face and kissed her forehead, then his lips moved to her eyes, the tip of her cute nose and finally his lips found hers. They were lost in that kiss while the heavens opened around them. Breaking apart, he lifted her in his arms and turned in a circle.  Meera sighed  and buried her face in his neck . He carried her up the steps , into the room and laid her down gently on the couch and tugged the wet top off her. 
Pollyanna thumbnail
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Posted: 6 years ago
Part 8
The sun rose the next morning. Dharam and Meera were sat at a table eating breakfast and discussing their next move. They knew they couldn't stay here much longer as it would be an obvious place for Gauras goons too look and they would have to keep moving. They had tried to use the phone at the guest house but the line was disconnected. The couple were desperate to call Vidya and find out how their babies were. They also needed to find out if there was an escape route for them abroad. They left the guest house - having showered and dressed. They had found some clothes in the wardrobe and had changed to disguise themselves. Dharam looked very smart in a western businessman outfit. He was dressed in a fitted black suit, white shirt and black tie which he didn't know how to wear. Thankfully Meera helped him as she had helped her own father many times. Meera was dressed in a tight skirt and heels. She tottered beside her husband occasionally stumbling and cursing! After the third time twisting her ankle Dharam had lifted her onto his shoulders, her skirt hitched around her waist and they carried on walking, laughing and joking trying to talk about anything to forget the fact their lives were in grave danger.

After a couple of hours of walking with Meera still on Dharams shoulders, meera called out "Dharamji look ahead". Through the clearing there was life! Meera could see a bustling city ahead of her. She clambered down from Dharams shoulder and grabbing his hand she began to run, forgetting about her twisted ankles and heels. They ran onto the road. People turned to look at a dishevelled Meera but she didn't care. They found a pay phone and called Vidya. Thankfully their babies were fine and to add to their relief the secretary had arranged visas to England! Both breathed a sigh of relief. Vidya wired some cash to Dharam and Meera and told them she would meet them tomorrow with suitcases and the twins. 
She would have to be sly to avoid being followed.

They thought carefully about a disguising themselves. Meera persuaded Dharam to buy some more western clothing. The last thing Gaura would expect to see her son wearing is a business suit she reasoned. Meera appointed herself as Dharams secretary and also purchased smart office wear for herself. They then checked into a fancy five star hotel for the night to await Vidya. 

Dharam asked Meera to wait in reception whilst he went to check them in. They then dined at the exclusive restaurant - throughly enjoying the food and each other's company. Later that evening they walked wearily up the stairs hand in hand. Keen to reach their bedroom Meera hurried up the last few steps, grabbing the knob and pushing the door open to be greated with the most amazing sight! The room was completely dark but full of candles. The glow of the moon shone through the window. Dharam took meeras hand and stood in front of her with a proud grin. "Dharam" she frowned at him in confusion. "What is..." 

"Happy anniversary" I think you forgot but I didn't. Dharam kissed her hand and lead her to the bed...
Pollyanna thumbnail
Anniversary 7 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail
Posted: 6 years ago
Part 9

'Not so fast Dharamji"
Dharam raised his eyebrows. She was the one hurrying to get to the room , so what did she want now? Meera took his hands and led him to the balcony. The full moon created a magical aura, Meera's hair was shimmering in it, 
" I want to tell you something"
" what's it Meera"?
Meera looked into his eyes and started talking" All my life I have felt abandoned and unwanted, you know I was separated from my family and by the time I found my mum, she went to jail. I always felt that I wasn't important, I wasn't loved.  All that changed when I met you. I know we started off by hating each other and fighting a lot but even then I know you cared for me. I have done so many things to hurt you but your love for me never wavered. I want you to know that I am so sorry for all that lost time, time spent fighting with each other, away from you..But I never ever stopped loving you, even when I thought I hated you and I'd rather die..."
Dharam covered Meera's mouth. " Don't Meera. It's our anniversary today and I don't want you to say anything like that.  And no more apologies. I know you, better than you know yourself. And I will never doubt your love for me"
He held her close and moved with her to the room. He took a remote and pressed the button. Slow English music filled the room. ' unchained melody' . Meera was surprised. Dharam had always teased her when she tried to listen to English songs asking why she wanted to listen to useless noise. This was her favourite romantic song and he had paid attention to it. They danced together to the music. Dharam really didn't know what he was doing, but he was happy to follow Meera's lead. Meera took his face in her hands and kissed him passionately. By the end of that kiss she had removed his jacket and unbuttoned his shirt. 

Dharam's hand found the zip of her dress and he slowly pulled it down. Meera let the dress fall around her ankles and stepped out. This time when Dharam led her to the bed she didn't stop him. He lay her down and got on top of her. Meera closed her eyes and smiled. Their love making was like everything else  about them. Passionate. 

Afterwards as Meera lay in his arms and watched her husband sleep, she knew this was what she wanted most in her life. To sleep in his arms and wake up in his arms. 

While Meera was getting cozy with Dharam, her mother in law from hell was not so happy. For starters , she was starving. She hadn't eaten properly since escaping from jail . 
" Hey Ambe Maa , look at my fate. Three daughters in law and not one is of any use to me now. One has run away with my son, the other one is in jail and the third one is trying to kill me by feeding me rocks." The rocks in question was some out of date pasta that Durga had found in the kitchen in the farmhouse after Gaura had arranged for her to come over and cook for her. All Durga could find were these wierd looking tubes that she had seen Meera cook but she didn't know how to cook them. So she fried some onions, put the pasta in, added chilli and salt and Gharam masala and fried them all together for a couple of minutes and served them to gaura with a silent prayer. Gaura took a spoonful of the uncooked pasta , bit on it, screamed in pain and spit them on Durga. " arre oh, manhoos, are you trying to kill me ? What are these, stones! Looks like my tooth has come off, oh Maa" 
Now her tummy was rumbling , her tooth ached and she wished she was back in jail . Atleast they fed her three times a day there. 
She remembered how she had met Bhavani in jail. She had been transferred to Rajkot central jail for health reasons and the first time she met Bhavani there was with her face inside the toilet bowl. Someone had tripped her while she was cleaning them and she had fallen face first in there. When the warden pulled her out She didn't look great but smelled even worse. Bhavani had told her later how she ended up in jail, leaving out the bits where she had tried to blow up all the Suryavanshis, because she might be evil but not completely stupid. She knew Gaura would not forgive her that. Together they had come up with a plan for Gaura's escape. Now she wished she could talk to Bhavani. 

The next morning, after breakfast Dharam called his secretary and spoke to him. He looked worried
" Meera, He has got our passports but he can't come here,he thinks he is being followed. He has taken a room in a hotel nearby , I need to go there"
" I am coming with you and don't try to talk me out of it"

They were just about to cross the lobby when Dharam pulled her behind a pillar.
"I know that man standing by reception. He is Karans dad"
Meera peered around the pillar. He was right. It was the senior Mr Shah and the last time they had met in court at Karans hearing he had promised to destroy them. Oh boy, it was like all their enemies were out together to get them. Meera wouldn't have been surprised to see Nayya and Bhavani walk in hand in hand. She looked around and spotted people going into a room. . The board outside said it was a conference of some kind. They could hide there for a little while but looked like they needed invitations to get in.

" Dharamji, put on your sunglasses"
" Meera, people will laugh at me if I wear them indoors"
" just wear them and follow me, oh and pretend you are slightly drunk"
Meera approached the young guy issuing passes and smiled at him. She pretended to look in her bag for the invitation and looked at the guy with a wide eyed look.  She started twirling her hair and leaned forward slightly and said in a husky voice" oops, looks like we left the invitation in the room and my boss has a head ache. You see, we were at a party last night and it finished quite late" she giggled. Dhram was swaying slightly on his feet. The young man took Meera's hands in his and said" don't worry, I know how these things happen"
Dharam glowered at him from behind his glasses. He leaned in and extended his hand " pleasure to meet you" he slurred. When the Romeo extended his hand he felt it being caught in a tight grip, and it kept getting tighter, he thought his fingers were being crushed. Dharam grinned watching the other guy's face turn red and then slightly purple. He also managed to tip over a glass of water on his trousers and amidst the confusion that followed, Meera swiped to passes and dragged Dharam to the conference room. Just as they sat down, in walked Mr shah. 

Meera quickly turned to Dharam and started Necking him . he slid  his hands under her skirt and started caressing her thigh. Mr Shah turned to his partner and said
" lucky bas***d, bet he has a dutiful wife waiting at home and here he is banging his secretary."

Meera hiding her face retorted" move on uncle, there is nothing to see here". Mr Shah walked away quickly while Dheera ran out of the room. Dharam called Vidhya, she told him that she couldn't leave today as poor Shravan was sick after crying all night for his mum.  Meera was upset. She was missing her babies terribly. And now she will gave to wait another day. 

They had just stepped out of the hotel when their eyes fell on someone getting out of a car. They froze in surprise