|| Ajab Si Kahani Hamari || MehRya FF Completed Pg144, 25/June - Page 4


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Thabassum19 thumbnail
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Posted: 7 years ago

Originally posted by: Shamrouz

Kashish i have a doubt it wasn't engagement ring na which he gifted ?? He buyed it long back and giving it now..

That mother and son already scared me...

Since shaurya had crush on Mehak for a while I guess he got tat ring back to then , one day he wud propose her 😳
But before the proposing their marriage was arranged ..so its simply double bonus moment for shaurya 😆
Mother son scared u ?? Y ??😕
AamnaSharif_Fan thumbnail
Anniversary 7 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail Networker 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 7 years ago
Hey Kashish I'm Anam, but I liked to be called Ammu. Kashish, love ur FF please continue soon yaar.  :)
KashishJ thumbnail
Anniversary 7 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 7 years ago

Originally posted by: Shamrouz

Kashish i have a doubt it wasn't engagement ring na which he gifted ?? He buyed it long back and giving it now..

That mother and son already scared me...

It wasn't the engagement ring. It was something he got for her long back with his first salary. He never dreamt he will be able to give her but still he bought it for his secret love.
Engagement ring is the solitaire  band which he was staring at in the beginning.

@ bold : why ? why ?
KashishJ thumbnail
Anniversary 7 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 7 years ago

Originally posted by: -Thabassum-

Since shaurya had crush on Mehak for a while I guess he got tat ring back to then , one day he wud propose her 😳
But before the proposing their marriage was arranged ..so its simply double bonus moment for shaurya 😆
Mother son scared u ?? Y ??😕

Thabs you nailed it almost .😛
KashishJ thumbnail
Anniversary 7 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 7 years ago

Originally posted by: MomoShivi_Fan

Hey Kashish I'm Anam, but I liked to be called Ammu. Kashish, love ur FF please continue soon yaar.  :)

Thanks Ammu . 😊
KashishJ thumbnail
Anniversary 7 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 7 years ago

Hi Friends, 

Posting the first chapter. Hope you like.

Do post your feedback

BR, Kash

Chapter 1


Shaurya knocked at Harish Sharma's cabin and entered. Harish Sharma was gazing at his grandfather's portrait. "Good morning, Sir. Nicole told me that you wanted to see me" Shaurya stated. "Hmmm. Sit down Shaurya. I wanted to talk to you" he told. Like an obedient pupil he sat down. "My grandfather was the founder of Sharma Group of companies. He passed the torch to my dad. My elder brother was supposed to take over, if he and my parents were not killed in that fateful car crash", he paused to face Shaurya. "I know Sir. You were just 23 when it happened" Shaurya stated. Harish smiled. Shaurya revered Harish Sharma and knew every minute details of his life. Harish too admired Shaurya and always wished he had son like him. He trusted him and it won't be wrong to consider that he depended on him. "I was completely unprepared for it. But I took the responsibility and made our company reach new heights. I have been living among wolves and serpents whom I call my uncles and cousins. They were always on look out to take over me. But I withstood it all. Even during dramatic exit of Meera..." he paused to turn his face away from Shaurya. "My girls are all I have Shaurya. Nehal was very small when her mother left us. I didn't want her to lack mother's love. May be I pampered her too much to spoil her." He came near Shaurya and leaned against the table. " You know, Shaurya. Nehal is my weakness. Whereas my Mehek, she is my strength". Mere mention of Mehek brought a flash of smile on Shaurya which he masked swiftly. " I still cannot believe that Nehal ran away with her good for nothing scoundrel boyfriend. If it was not for you, I would have lost my girl forever" he stated.

Though he felt a bit proud, he replied modestly "Sir, it was the least I could do for you." Harish patted Shaurya and walked back to his chair. "I love by daughters. They are my precious but at times l wish I had a son like you ". " I am always there for you, Sir " Shaurya assured. " I know my boy and it gives immense pleasure" Harish relaxed on his chair. If Shaurya hadn't known him well , he would have considered their conversation came to an end. Shaurya knew that something was pending , this was just the preface and waited for his boss to continue.


"What Nehal did was unfathomable. Though I can forgive her, I will never forget it.  However I want society to forget it as soon as possible. Only way to do it , is to give them a bigger news so that Nehal's misfortune is sidetracked" Harish revealed his plan. Shaurya understood the real purpose of their meeting. He already started to contemplate few ideas when Harish declared " A grand wedding. Mehek's wedding. That's what I have in my mind". Shaurya's face fell a bit. His dream girl's impending wedding was an ugly truth to him. He was feeling depressed when Harish shot the question "Kya tum Mehek se shaadi karogey ? (Will you marry Mehek?").  "What??" he was shocked. "Don't you like Mehek?" Harish asked. "Ofcourse ,I do." he regretted his quick reply , "I mean... Who wouldn't like Mehek?" Shaurya tried to cover. "Then let's settle it. I will meet your mother in couple of days and finalise everything" Harish concluded. "Sir, wait. Did Mehek agree? ", lover boy inside Shaurya was eager to know. "I know my daughter really well. She will have no issues with my decisions", Harish said. Shaurya became anxious, he knew dominance of Harish Sharma. Last thing he wanted was Mehek being pushed to an undesirable marriage under her father's pressure. "Sir , with all due respect I beg to differ. Before proceeding further I want to meet her once" Shaurya stated. Although Shaurya was usually duteous when he was determined nobody could shake him.  One look at him and Harish knew that Shaurya was resolute. "Ok fine. You can meet her today at our house for dinner" Harish said. Amidst entire family, under her father's nose. No way. They won't be to talk properly, Shaurya thought.  "Sir, I would prefer to meet her alone. May be I can take her out tomorrow for lunch ?" . Harish considered thoughtfully and agreed.


Shaurya felt restless while waiting for Mehek at "Kapoor's Kafe", owned by his friend , Rajeev Kapoor. "Bro, what a pleasant surprise!", Rajeev greeted him. After exchanging pleasantries, Shaurya told him his intention to meet Mehek and Rajeev quickly arranged a quiet corner table where they could chat peacefully. Rajeev wished him luck and left to attend other guests. Shaurya checked his watch and realized that he came early. He knew Mehek is particular about time and will never be late. As he was ideating for his crucial rendezvous to know her mind,  he saw Rajeev leading Mehek to his table. She looked beautiful in yellow anarkali suit. He couldn't stop himself from staring at her.  "Good Afternoon, Mr. Khanna" she greeted. Too formal, he worried in his mind. "Good Afternoon, Mehek" he kept it simple & asked "How is Nehal? Hope she is doing fine?" "I would say she is better now. She is out of the initial shock. I didn't get chance to thank you that day . It was perfect pandemonium and by the time things cooled, you were gone." she explained. "Thanks a lot for what you did to save Nehal" she expressed her gratitude. He just smiled at her. She looked really comfortable whereas Shaurya was feeeling nervous. For few more minutes they talked about this and that. Eventually Shaurya had to bring up the topic. "Mehek, I hope your dad had told you about our...I mean he proposed that... you know.." Shaurya was confused. "Our wedding ? Of course he did. I would say it is a great idea" Mehek quickly told him. "Great idea ? So you are cool with it ?" he was unsure. "Ofcourse, I am. This will keep media busy for days and by then they would have forgotten about Nehal's strory" she said. His heart sank, Mehek was sounding as if she came to sign a business deal. It was not the way Shaurya had pictured themselves. "Mehek, I don't want you take this decision under pressure. This a big commitment and you have full freedom to choose." Shaurya finally blurted it out. " I do know my rights and I am completely okay with this proposal." she assured. "Really ? I mean you hardly know me. Do you even like me ?" he asked earnestly ."For sure, I know you. You have been with my father for 4- 5 years. Moreover you are Karuna Madam's son. What more can I ask for?" she replied. Shaurya felt a blow when she didn't even bother to answer his question on whether she likes him or not. He felt as if she selected him based on his employer's reference and mother's genes. Boy, this is not going right. May be his dreams are going to be shattered soon. Sensing his uneasiness, Mehek pitched in "Let's have a pragmatic approach here, Mr. Khanna. Considering an arranged marriage, we know each other well enough. I don't see any problem here". "But Mehek don't you feel, we need to spend some time to know each other" he asked. "Of course we should. Once dad announces our wedding, we will have may be 3 or 4 weeks courtship time. I think that will do" Mehek's practical attitude confused him. "Mr. Khanna, I have feeling that you are not happy with this proposal. If you are committed to someone else then please tell me. I can convey it to dad and ensure that your career is not damaged." ." Oh come on Mehek. How could even think like that ? I would consider myself lucky to have you in my life" Shaurya stopped himself before spilling his secret crush on her. "Then it is settled. Relax. We will make a great pair. So now let's order." she stated. Shaurya checked menu and enquired about her choice. " You can order as per your choice Mr. Khanna. Anyway I have to get adjusted to your tastes . Then why not start from today?" Shaurya was surprised by her statement, "Mehek, being married doesn't mean that you have to leave you likes, choices and preferences. It's about accepting each other. I like you the way you are and don't want you to change or adjust. It's your life and you have all rights on it ". It was Mehek's turn to be surprised. She was impressed. They ordered food. They had indeed individual choices. When Shaurya preferred Italian cuisine, she was more into Indian food. As time passed , both relaxed and talked freely. When her phone gave reminder alarm, only then she realised that they had spent almost 3 hrs in each other's company. Mehek usually gets bored in company of most men but Shaurya was different. She never had a dull moment in last few hours. "Mr. Khanna, I am sorry I need to rush. I have to attend charity function arranged by Raizadas." Shaurya nodded and walked her to car. "May be we should take a selfie" Shaurya was taken aback by her request. "You know, once dad announces our wedding, I need to update in social media and we don't have any pic together." she explained. She tried to take their selfie but couldn't get a good angle." I don't know how Nehal manages to click these awful things. It is so difficult for me" she whined . "Let me help you" he offered and took phone from her. His long fingers softly brushed hers. He made some good clicks and gave it to her. She was about to enter her car that she turned to say " No need to keep any doubts in your mind, Shauryaji. I really like you". Before he could respond , her car moved away. Shaurya just swayed his head, grinning from ear to ear.


In an hour, Harish called Shaurya . " So all ok ? Shall we come tomorrow to meet Karunaji? " he asked. "Ji, Sir" Shaurya replied. "Okay, please inform your mom to expect us for evening" he stated. "Sure, very well sir" , Shaurya agreed. "And Shaurya one more thing. I know it is difficult to break something you got habituated for many years. But try to call me Dad." 

Edited by KashishJ - 6 years ago


Thabassum19 thumbnail
Anniversary 15 Thumbnail Group Promotion 8 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 7 years ago
Edit ..yay first to cumnt ...😉
Okay it was a great shocker tat nehal ran away with her boyfriend 😲
Shaurya knows harish well, and I can imagine how he wud have felt wen harish kept the marriage proposal ...12 bak gaye honey shakal me 😆...
Shaurya being true gentle men ...told her not to change 👏
Mehaks practical reply to shaurya was bothering me too ...
Bechara asking wether she likes him or not...she calls him Mr.khanna 😳...
But thank...jathe jathe ..she told she likes him..😳
Will she fall for him kya ??? 😳
Harish advice to SK to call him dad was just cute 

Great part kash...⭐️
Plz conti soon 😉
Edited by -Thabassum- - 7 years ago
KashishJ thumbnail
Anniversary 7 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 7 years ago

Originally posted by: -Thabassum-

Edit ..yay first to cumnt ...😉

Okay it was a great shocker tat nehal ran away with her boyfriend 😲
Shaurya knows harish well, and I can imagine how he wud have felt wen harish kept the marriage proposal ...12 bak gaye honey shakal me 😆...
Shaurya being true gentle men ...told her not to change 👏
Mehaks practical reply to shaurya was bothering me too ...
Bechara asking wether she likes him or not...she calls him Mr.khanna 😳...
But thank...jathe jathe ..she told she likes him..😳
Will she fall for him kya ??? 😳
Harish advice to SK to call him dad was just cute 

Great part kash...⭐️
Plz conti soon 😉

Thanks Thabs. Glad you liked it.
Mehek itne jaldi patney wali nahi hain.😉 She is bit practical types , not mushy one. So Hero has lot of work to do 😆
Thabassum19 thumbnail
Anniversary 15 Thumbnail Group Promotion 8 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 7 years ago
If that's the scenario... I really wanna wish 
" Best of luck to shaurya "
Bechare ko bahut papad beal ne hain future me 😆...
sudha_ thumbnail
Anniversary 7 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 7 years ago
Hiee.. 😊
I'm new member here..
Loved ur ff dear..plss continue 👏