|| Ajab Si Kahani Hamari || MehRya FF Completed Pg144, 25/June - Page 3


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KashishJ thumbnail
Anniversary 7 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 7 years ago

Originally posted by: trentzoe

Kashish.. a beautiful beginning. Looking forward to reading ur FF. Wondering whose love story will start off first .. the main leads or the parallel! Shaurya already admires Mahek .. when will Mahek realize his secret love! Waiting eagerly for the first chapter.

Thanks Trentzoe.
@ bold : definitely Mehrya story will start off. Shaurya is alreay in love with the princess.

Niha1999 thumbnail
Anniversary 7 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 7 years ago
Continue soon
KashishJ thumbnail
Anniversary 7 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 7 years ago
Hi Friends, 
Hope to like this brief chapter of my new FF
Do comment and provide your feedback
BR , Kash



Mehek was a slowly wearing her bangles. She looked at her image in the mirror. Her green tussar silk embroidered designer lehenga suited her well and did full justice to her curves. She was getting ready for her engagement ceremony. Nehal came from behind and helped her to adjust the dupatta. "Di ,you are looking beautiful . Just like a princess." she complimented. "Thanks Nehu. I want to look perfect. After all it is the first wedding of our generation. Dad will be so proud."  "Di, are you happy with this engagement?", Nehal asked diffidently. Mehak shot a quizzing look at her. "Di, I feel guilty. Due to my antics, everything got scre**d and dad hastily fixed your engagement. Are you happy with all this ? Nehal asked again. "Of course I am. I would have anyway agreed to marry someone dad chose for me. Time is just relative. Now or later , it doesn't matter. Dad would never settle anything but the best for the best. And my groom is no exception." "But Di, you hardly know him . Do you love him ?"  "Nehal, love is just an illusion. You know I don't believe in love. In our family, marriages are fixed by elders based on heritage, culture and status. Dad knows him for years. If Dad feels that he is the one for me then I don't doubt even a bit." Mehek explained to Nehal. " I know Di. But Shaurya ..." Mehek interrupted Nehal "Where are your manners  Nehu? In our house, we are taught to respect relations. Call him Shauryaji or Jijaji .  Besides don't forget that few days back he risked his neck to save you from those ruffians." Nehal became silent for few seconds recalling past events. " Di, I am sorry. I am extremely thankful to Shauryaji. Yet I am worried about you. How can you get married to someone you don't know? " Nehal shared her concern. "Nehu, you are too young to understand all this. You are still in your world of fairy tales. Try to be practical dear. Our parents had a wonderful love story yet I remember how it ended , it was bitter. I know Shauryaji respects me and he is trustworthy. He is handsome, well-mannered, educated and above all Karuna Madam's son. We will make a perfect pair. I am really happy to be engaged to him".

Nehal understood that there was no point in continuing this conversation with Mehek Di and helped her with the attire.


Shaurya was looking at the solitaire platinum ring he carefully chose for Mehek. He couldn't believe that he was getting engaged to Mehek Sharma , his dream girl. He was so lost that he didn't realise when Karuna came behind. She softly touched his shoulder to wake him from his trance. "Oh , Ma" he exclaimed and hugged her. " I am so happy Ma. I can't believe that I am having Mehek as my wife. I hope she likes this ring. I want everything to be perfect for her. I love her so much. I want to give her all happiness in the world." Karuna smiled and nodded. She knew Shaurya was always in love with Mehek . Nothing was hidden between mother & son , they were best friends. "Shaurie, she will surely like it. You chose it with so much love. Despite being from Sharma family, she is not materialistic. I know her from her college days when she was my student. She was so talented and had passion for cooking. She had a good future, if her father hadn't thought that it was too low for his daughter to pursue a career. Beta, after marriage don't lock her in the house. If she wants to work then do encourage her". " I will Ma. I will do anything for her", Shaurya beamed. Karuna looked at her son lovingly but was a bit worried. "Ma, What happened ? What are you thinking?" "Nothing, Beta", she lied. "Maaa? I can read you like a book. Tell me. What is the matter?" Shaurya was adamant. " I am a little anxious about you. Mehek was your secret passion. By God's grace, she is coming to your life. Your boundless love shouldn't be your weakness. I am afraid you may get hurt". Shaurya knew her source of worry. "Ma , please don't compare Mehek with my father" he pleaded. "Of course not. However I see myself in you. I was just like you when I fell in love. When passion turns to obsession, you are destined to get hurt or hurt others" , she remembered her past. "Ma, I promise I will never hurt Mehek. And If I get hurt, then don't forget that I am your son and I will work my way out of it" he assured her. Karuna smiled at him and blessed him  "May God shower all happiness on you both, Shaurie". She got up to leave. Shaurya was gazing at the ring again . Before leaving him, Karuna turned "Hey lover boy, a piece of advice . Don't try to win her with your gifts, try to win her with your love." He smiled with confused look on his face trying to absorb her words.


Her phone rang and she saw Shaurya's name being displayed on its screen. "Hi Mehek, It's me, Shaurya. Can you come down to the garden behind?  I am waiting for you here" Shaurya requested. Mehek was unsure to meet him but when he requested again she gave in. "Hi Shaurayji" he turned hearing her voice. His jaw dropped looking at the gorgeous figure moving towards him. His heart was beating miles per hour. He couldn't believe that in couple of hours they will be engaged to each other. "How are you doing?  May I know why you wanted to see me here now?" she asked earnestly. He smiled and pulled a tiny box from his pocket "I wanted to give you this. I was skeptical to handover it earlier . But today Ma gave me some gyaan to boost my confidence." Mehek opened it and found a thin golden ring with a tiny heart on it. She looked at Shaurya and he said "I bought it with my first salary. It is not expensive but very special to me". "I understand. It's really nice of you to buy gift for your future fiance." she was impressed. "Actually , it was not meant for some random girl. I got this for you" he answered shyly. "Really ? I don't believe it" she exclaimed. "Yup. That's a story. I will tell you on our wedding night. Till then it's suspense" he said. "Shauryaji ,you are blushing " Mehek couldn't help giggling. "Oh. Come on Meheku. Please stop calling me Shauryaji. I feel like you are addressing some elderly person. Please , please, I beg you, call me Shaurya" he folded his hand and pleaded. Mehek noticed the way he addressed her Mehku and despite her dislike for nicknames, she liked it. He always managed to make her smile, giggle or laugh. And now also he made her laugh like a school girl with his antics."OK , Shaurya. Stop blushing and leave now. We will meet in an hour or so. I don't want you be late for our ceremony" , she waved and walked to her house. He told himself "You have no idea how much eager I am to make you mine. I love you , Mahek". Shaurya stood there for her to turn back but she didn't. He was disappointed and was about to leave , that she peeped out of the door and waved at him. She gestured at him to leave and come back quickly. Shaurya was in seventh heaven. He pulled his fist, jumped and said "Yeah". Mehek watched him leaving. She smile and muttered "Ek dum pagal hain (utterly crazy)". She was now sure of her words to Nehal . She was indeed happy to be engaged to Shaurya Khanna. 

Edited by KashishJ - 6 years ago


crtkelly thumbnail
Anniversary 18 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 7 years ago
Kash, I was just about to sign off IF to get some more rest (very early here😊) when I saw that you had posted.
What a great start! Even though a pragmatic Mehek and this, gosh I cant even find the right word to describe him...πŸ˜† full on expressive  Shaurya are so different to read,  I am really looking forward to this story. I will probably edit this when I get up proper, but just had to let you know how much I enjoyed it😊

Shamz15 thumbnail
Group Promotion 8 Thumbnail Anniversary 7 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 7 years ago
Absolutely loved it ...
I was waiting for Phir Se update πŸ˜›

When you described about the engagement I was nervous... Thought she is going to engaged to someone else...He had a secret crush on her πŸ˜›
MAHEK looked very practical..She was sounding like lady SSO in the starting... But thank God ladki palat gayi in the end Warna SK heart would have broken before engagement πŸ’”
Waiting for the next chapter ...😊

Thabassum19 thumbnail
Anniversary 15 Thumbnail Group Promotion 8 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 7 years ago
Hey kash...
I totally enjoyed reading the first part ...πŸ˜ƒ
The start was really happy...😳
Mehrya getting engaged πŸ˜³ ...and shaurya got the engagement ring 

From his first salary ...
Mehaks opinion about shaurya was great ...πŸ‘...
And karunas advice was touching too...
Mehrya convo was 

Just one request kash ...u started it well...please be the ending be happy as well πŸ˜³
Its just a request πŸ˜³...as far this update ..u did an 

PS...wen are u gonna update Phir sae ?!?!?! ...I'm just curious πŸ˜³
shristi0706 thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Visit Streak 180 0 Thumbnail + 6
Posted: 7 years ago
Kashish thank you for updating the chapter...Amazing...Our Shaurya is a true lover boy. He got a ring for his ladylove to impress her...Such a sweet gesture and Mehak very practical...She respects Shuarya but is only marrying him coz he is her father's choice..Hmm...I also liked the mother-son bond just like how they are in the show...
I thought Mehak being a rich high society gal would be haughty and rude but I m impressed with her character here...waiting eagerly for the next update dear!!!

And last but not the least simply superb update!!!!Love your writing style..
KashishJ thumbnail
Anniversary 7 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 7 years ago

Originally posted by: crtkelly

Kash, I was just about to sign off IF to get some more rest (very early here😊) when I saw that you had posted.

What a great start! Even though a pragmatic Mehek and this, gosh I cant even find the right word to describe him...πŸ˜† full on expressive  Shaurya are so different to read,  I am really looking forward to this story. I will probably edit this when I get up proper, but just had to let you know how much I enjoyed it😊


Thanks Kelly. I too would love to see such avatar of Shaurya often in ZKM. I'm Glad you liked it.
KashishJ thumbnail
Anniversary 7 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 7 years ago

Originally posted by: Shamrouz

Absolutely loved it ...

I was waiting for Phir Se update πŸ˜›

When you described about the engagement I was nervous... Thought she is going to engaged to someone else...He had a secret crush on her πŸ˜›
MAHEK looked very practical..She was sounding like lady SSO in the starting... But thank God ladki palat gayi in the end Warna SK heart would have broken before engagement πŸ’”
Waiting for the next chapter ...😊

Thanks Shamrouz.
@ bold : Lady SSO? Hmmm true. she could be. 

KashishJ thumbnail
Anniversary 7 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 7 years ago

Originally posted by: -Thabassum-

Hey kash...

I totally enjoyed reading the first part ...πŸ˜ƒ
The start was really happy...😳
Mehrya getting engaged πŸ˜³ ...and shaurya got the engagement ring 

From his first salary ...
Mehaks opinion about shaurya was great ...πŸ‘...
And karunas advice was touching too...
Mehrya convo was 

Just one request kash ...u started it well...please be the ending be happy as well πŸ˜³
Its just a request πŸ˜³...as far this update ..u did an 

PS...wen are u gonna update Phir sae ?!?!?! ...I'm just curious πŸ˜³

Thanks Thabs. Im so glad you liked it 
@ bold : may be some disappointments here. Though i have not decided on ending yet, coming chapters will have some twists else the plot can't thickenπŸ˜‰

Phir Se will be updated in a couple of days.
Edited by KashishJ - 7 years ago