Ranveer's unsaid feelings #8 updated Episode 536 page 150 - Page 75


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sakshi5050 thumbnail
Anniversary 8 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail Networker 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 7 years ago

Originally posted by: PrinceAsif

Good episode didu...eagerly waiting for their togetherness... Be safe & stay healthy

Hi Asif
thanks for the comment
glad you liked the episodes 
ya wish they come back together soon 
keep reading 
sakshi5050 thumbnail
Anniversary 8 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail Networker 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 7 years ago

Originally posted by: Ishveer45

Hello Sakshi!!! Great episode as always. Ishaani is worried about Ranvver. She left a note for him and ordered juice for him. It is evident that she cares about him. When Ranveer woke up, he couldn't find Ishaani nearby. He already started to cool down, I think. Waiting for Ishveer confrontation and 18+ episode.

Update soon.

Hi Amritha
thanks for the comment
glad you liked the episode and Ishani is worried about Ranveer 
she left a note for him and ordered juice for him 
yes she is caring him so well 
Ranveer too after waking up didn't find Ishani near by 
hmm already he came to cool nature now 
ya let us see how their confrontation is going to be 
and their 18+ to be 
ya let me update it dear
keep reading 
sakshi5050 thumbnail
Anniversary 8 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail Networker 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 7 years ago

Originally posted by: Neha522

Hi Sakshi. Fabulous episode. Ranveer was mumbling "I'm a servant" while sleeping. I feel pity for him. I wish Ishaani could console him and tell him that it doesn't matter for her if he is rich or poor. She loves him in any way. Update soon. 😊😊😊

Hi Neha
thanks for the comment
glad you liked the episode 
Ranveer was murmering I m a servant while sleeping too 
yes pity for him 
wish that Ishani console him and tell him that it does not matter for her 
if he is rich or poor she will be loving him any way 
ya let me update it dear
keep reading 
sakshi5050 thumbnail
Anniversary 8 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail Networker 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 7 years ago

Originally posted by: adrita08

Hi sakshi
Nice update dear
Now waiting for next
Update soon dear 😉

Hi Adrita
thanks for the comment
glad you liked the update 
ya let me update it dear
keep reading 
sakshi5050 thumbnail
Anniversary 8 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail Networker 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 7 years ago

Originally posted by: anaptiras

Very nice update Sakshi!!! Reconcile Ishveer asap.

Waiting for the next episode.

Hi Anaptiras
thanks for the comment
glad you liked the episode 
ya let me try my best to get back Ishveer together 
ya let me update it dear 
keep reading 
sakshi5050 thumbnail
Anniversary 8 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail Networker 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 7 years ago

Originally posted by: Alisha306

Hello Sakshi!!! Finally Ranveer has woken up. I wonder what the reaction of Ishaani will be. I don't want her to be angry. Please make them up. Waiting for the next episode eagerly.


Hi Alisha
thanks for the comment
yes finally Ranveer woke up 
let us see what Ishani is going to react now 
hmm wish she won't behave angry to him 
hmm let me try my best to get them back together 
ya let me update it dear 
keep reading 
sakshi5050 thumbnail
Anniversary 8 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail Networker 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 7 years ago
Episode 516
Ranveer seeing the note Ishani has written in the tissue paper had a silent face now were his head was aching like anything where he kept the tissue paper in the bed near him and then he held his head with his hand and then he rested his head in the head rest and then he closed his eyes well. 
Ranveer(to himself):Oh this head ache...(he then took his hand from his head and then taking his head from the head rest and then he took a deep breath and his hands automatically went to the lime juice glass in the lamp table were he took the lime juice glass and then he took the glass to his mouth and in a single gulp he was drinking the juice were in the next few minutes he finished drinking the juice and then he kept the empty glass back in the lamp table and then feeling bit relaxed he thought about yesterday night were he thought about the way he presented a chain for Ishani with R pendant under the water and the way they romanced in the pool and then in washroom and the way Ishani came in front of him wearing the short dresses and then the way he took her to the bed and they were about to make love were the phone call that came from Kailash came to his mind were he started to think the incidents from there were as he picked the call the way Kailash told everything that happened in RV mansion and he came to know about Devarsh calling Amba as servant and their family as servant family were a anger came in his face now and to himself):How dare Devarsh?how dare you call my mother as servant?When I see you in front of me that is the day you will get the heavy beats from this RV's hand. (he then thought about the way he cut the call of Kailash in anger and the way Ishani rested her head in his shoulders were he shouted at her in anger were then he took his phone and called to the security and told him to go inside the house were he was waiting in the call and then when Security brought Devarsh to the hall finally Amba stopped him from sending Devarsh out of the house and then Amba cut the call and in anger he thought to go to Mumbai were he called to Rishab and told him to book the ticket for returning to Mumbai and then he went and told that to Ishani to pack her dress in anger were he finally came back to room Amba called him and told him not to come back to Mumbai and he dropped the idea to go to Mumbai and then he called to Rishab and told him not to book the tickets for flight and he went out of the bedroom and saw Ishani who was packing her dresses in the bag were he clapped and made Ishani to turn to him and he told her that they were not going to Mumbai and when Ishani questioned him he shouted at her and he started to walk out of the room and went to the bar and he started to drink and then thinking all this to himself with a shocked face):Again I shouted at Ishani. (with a feeling guilty face he hit his forehead with his hand and to himself):Mad Ranveer tum? Always you will pour your anger on her only.(he held his forehead with his hand and them trying to think what he spoke to her and he was not getting what he exactly told to her were he was getting only the way he shouted at Ishani in anger but he was not able to figure out the words he spoke to her were taking the hand from his forehead with a guilty face and to himself):Don't know what I shouted at her. (he tried to remember after drinking in the bar were he was not able to get what happened next and then to himself):I went to bar and drank and then how I came back to room and how I came back to bedroom itself? Now how will I face Ishani and how will I talk to her?(with a what to do face and to himself):don't know what all words I used while shouting at her in anger.(hitting his forehead with his hand):If anger comes to me I myself don't know what I am doing and in anger what I am speaking to is not in my control and then I have drunk yesterday don't know what I talked to Ishani in drunken state too.(he had a worried face).
Ishani was seeing the TV were a Hindi song was going on in the TV screen were Ishani's eyes too were not in the TV screen were she was thinking the way Ranveer shouted at her mainly the words he used to shout her was hurting her so much.
Ranveer(seeing Ishani pointing his index finger to her): When it comes to my parents I will never see anything even I will forget that you are my wife.
Ishani was thinking it and was so much worried were as she was thinking it Raagini being in the bed cutely moved herself and she cutely got up in the bed and sat in the bed and glancing all over the room and she saw Ishani sitting in the sofa and having a cute smile in her sleep awaken face. 
Raagini(seeing Ishani): Mama..
Ishani(hearing Raagini's voice came out of the thoughts and then she turned and saw Raagini were a smile came in her face and seeing Raagini):cutie pie got up finally second round of sleep over know?
Raagini(seeing Ishani's lips telling something and smiling to her mother without even understanding too cutely shook her head as yes): hmm 
Ishani giving a smile to Raagini she having the TV remote in her hand she turned off the TV and then she started to walk to the TV table were she kept the TV remote in the TV table and she turned off the TV switch and then she turned and walked to the bed and then standing in the edge of the bed she opened her hands to her daughter were cutie pie too seeing her mother with a smile she got up in the bed and walking in the bed she cutely came to Ishani and then standing in the bed she opened her tiny hands and hugged Ishani so well were Ishani too with a smile hugging her daughter and she took her daughter in her hand and saw Raagini with a smile. 
Ishani(seeing her):Tk now come my cute doll let Mama make you ready for the day. 
Raagini(cutely seeing her mother and shook her head as okay): hmm 
Ishani smiling to Raagini and holding Raagini well in her hand and then she walked to the cupboard and then she opened the cupboard with her one hand and then she took the towel and dresses for Raagini and then with the same hand holding the dresses she closed the cupboard well and then she holding Raagini in her one hand and dresses and towel for Raagini in the other hand and she walked to the washroom were she finally entered the washroom and closed the washroom door to make cutie pie ready for the day. 
Ranveer with a worried face now developed a hesitation to see Ishani were he didn't know what to speak to Ishani or how to see Ishani's face here after. 
Ranveer(took the tissue paper that he has kept in the bed next to him and seeing the note Ishani has written and in thoughts): Ishani used to come with lime juice and wake me up when I drink and sleep but today Ishani didn't even see me without seeing me she has kept the lime juice and then this note and has gone means somewhere with my anger and words I have hurt her so much don't know how to face her now? What will I tell her and justify my act?Why should I get angry that much?(with a sad face in thoughts):How dare this Devarsh call my family as servant family then how will I be without getting anger?(he took a deep breath and to himself): Haan you can get anger Ranveer you have all the rights to get anger but how can you pour all your anger on Ishani?What is her wrong in this?See you don't even remember the words you spoke to her in anger only the way you shouted at her is clear to your memory but the words are not coming to your memory to that level in a high level anger you have shouted at her. 
Ranveer didn't know what to do but without anyway he got down from the bed having the tissue paper in his hand were he started to walk to the entrance of the room and then he came out of the bedroom were the door of the bedroom was already open were he came to the living room cum bedroom were he saw the whole living room cum bedroom a glance were he was not able to find either Ishani or Raagini were he was seeing for them and he walked three steps in that room were finally he heard the sound of water splashing inside the washroom. 
Ranveer(to himself in a low tone):Raagini is not here means I think Ishani is making Raagini take her bath..(he took a deep breath and then he entered the bedroom again were he went to the lamp table of that room and he took the wine bottle in the lamp table were he kept the tissue paper in the lamp table and kept the wine bottle above it and then he walked towards the cupboard and he opened the cupboard and then he took the towel and the other dresses needed for him and the closing the cupboard and he started to walk to the washroom were he entered the washroom and he closed the washroom door to get ready for the day)
It was 8.45 when Ishani brought Raagini out of the washroom were cutie pie was wearing her yellow woolen shirt and yellow woolen pant were she was looking so cute in her yellow shirt and pant were Ishani having Raagini in her hand and then she made Raagini to stand in the floor near the dressing table and then she saw Raagini with a smile.
Ishani(seeing Raagini cutely): Tk stand like this let Mama comb your hair and then let Mama make you ready okay?
Raagini stood smiling to Ishani were Ishani kneel down to the height of Raagini and the took the comb from the Raagini's make up kit from dressing table and then she started to comb Raagini's hair were cutie pie was cutely showing her head to her mother were Ishani taking few minutes made cutie pie ready for the day. 
Ishani(seeing Raagini): hmm very nice my cute doll looks so cute.
Raagini(seeing Ishani with a smile and cutely touching her stomach): Mama kana..
Ishani(seeing her a cute look and then): hmm so my cute doll didn't have her dinner know yesterday night so only now its hungry for my doll. (she got up from the floor and then seeing Raagini):tk wait let Mama bring your jacket and woolen cap you can wear it and then let Mama too wear my jacket and then let us go to have Kana okay?
Raagini shook her head as okay were Ishani started to walk to the cupboard and she opened the cupboard and she took Raagini's jacket and her Jacket and put it in her one hand were she saw Ranveer's jacket too inside her cupboard were she had a feeling for Ranveer in that micro second were she took her hand to Ranveer's jacket were her hand caressed Ranveer's jacket were she took Ranveer's jacket in her hand too and then putting his jacket over her hand and then she took Raagini's woolen cap and then she closed the cupboard and then she came to the bed and she dropped the three jackets in the bed and then she kneel down to Raagini's height were cutie pie holding the bed was standing cutely with a smiling face were Ishani too smiling to her took Raagini's jacket from the bed and then showed the jacket hand to Raagini were cutie pie gave her hand inside the Jackets hand were Ishani made Raagini wear her jacket and then Ishani took the woolen cap and made cutie pie to wear her woolen cap in her head were cutie pie saw Ishani with a cute smile. Ishani giving a smile to Raagini and she took her jacket from the bed and she wore her jacket over her shirt and then she saw Ranveer's jacket in the bed with a silent face. 
Ishani(in thoughts):Don't know whether Ranveer has woke up or not?(seeing Raagini):baby ek minute let Mama come okay?
Raagini shook her head as okay with a cute face were Ishani too shook her head as okay to Raagini and she started to walk towards the bedroom were she came to the bedroom and standing in the entrance of the bedroom she saw the whole room a glance were she was not able to find Ranveer there and then she entered the room were she was able to get the water splashing noise inside the washroom. 
Ishani(in thoughts): hmm he has got up(she turned to see the lime juice glass were she saw the empty lime juice glass and then the tissue paper below the wine bottle in thoughts): hmm surely he would have had heavy head ache so he has drunk the juice but tissue paper is still there below the wine bottle only did Ranveer read it or not? anyways had the lime juice know that is enough for me. (seeing the washroom again and in thoughts):Don't know how Ranveer's mood is now?Don't know whether he is still angry or he has come to normal anything may be his mood let Ranveer come and talk to me first then let me talk to him after he talk to me only I can judge his mood and I can manage him accordingly. (she took a deep breath and then she came out of the bedroom were she now saw Raagini holding the bed with her two hands and she was trying to put her tiny leg over the bed were Ishani seeing it had a happy smile were she came near the bed and seeing Ranveer's jacket in the bed and in thoughts):His jacket is here however he need to come to this room and then only he can come out of the room know so surely he will see the jacket(she took a deep breath and seeing Raagini who was still trying to get in the bed and in a cute tone):Raagini.
Raagini(trying to get in the bed and stopping it as she heard her name and seeing Ishani and showing the bed cutely with her tiny index finger): Mama..
Ishani(smiling to her): you can get in the bed soon my darling now come(she took Raagini in her hand):Shall we go to have Kana?
Raagini shook her head as okay with a smile were Ishani smiling to her started to walk to the table were she saw her phone in the charger getting charged were she turned off the switch and with her one hand she took the charger pin from the phone and then she put the phone in her pant pocket and then she saw the table were there was eye glasses, vaccum bottle and the Gudiya doll. 
Raagini(seeing the doll cutely): Mama Gudiya..
Ishani hearing it from Raagini she took the Gudiya doll in her one hand and gave the doll to Raagini were cutie pie got the doll and started to play with it were she held Raagini well and took the vaccum bottle in her other hand and then she came to the corner of the room and she made Raagini to stand in the floor were cutie pie standing seeing the Gudiya doll in her hand were Ishani keeping the vaccum bottle down in the floor and she took the shoes of Raagini and made her wear the shoes in her both the legs slowly were cutie pie too gave her legs to her mother so well were Ishani making Raagini wear her shoes and then she took her shoes and wore her shoes too in her leg and she took the vaccum bottle in her hand and she got up and then she took Raagini in her hand were cutie pie being in Ishani hand was having the doll and playing well. Ishani came to the main door and she holding Raagini in her one hand and opened the door lock with other hand and opening the door and she came out of the door and then she closed the door well and she started to walk in the corridor towards the lift and then coming to the lift she hit the lift button were the lift Indicated that its coming up to her. Where Ishani holding Raagini waited for the lift to come up were finally lift came to their floor and it opened its door for her were she got in the lift and she hit the ground floor button were the lift closed its door and started to take them down. Raagini feeling they are going down she smiled to Ishani were Ishani too cutely smiled to her daughter were the lift brought them to the ground floor and opened its door for them were Ishani came out of the lift and she holding Raagini and vaccum bottle in her hand well and she walked crossing the reception and she walked in the direction for the restaurant were she came out of the hotel and finally she was crossing the swimming pool were Raagini seeing the swimming pool cutely opened her mouth as aww. 
Raagini(showing the swimming pool to Ishani): Mama woo...
Ishani(seeing the way Raagini was showing the swimming pool):hmm swimming pool you are so much happy in seeing the swimming pool from the day we came here. 
Raagini(cutely shook her head as yes): Hmm pool..
Ishani smiled to her daughter and finally she came to the restaurant area were she holding Raagini and she took her to the washing area were she opened the tap and washed her hands and well and the closed the tap and then she walked to the restaurant back and then she got the table were she sat in the chair of the table and she kept the vaccum bottle in the table and made Raagini to sit in the table leaving her legs down. The climate was somewhat moderate were they were able to bear the coldness as they were in their jacket. 
Raagini(showing her doll to Ishani): Mama Gudiya..
Ishani(smiling to her): hmm Gudiya is so cute and sweet like my Raagini and like my Raagini Gudiya too knows only to make all the people smile. 
Raagini smiled to Ishani were Ishani too smiled to her were finally a bearer came to their table having a tray in his hand having the vaccum jug and then the two ever silver glasses in it were he came to their table and he took the vaccum jug and kept it in the table and then took the two ever silver glasses and kept it in the table. Bearer keeping the tray in the table and he put his hand inside his jacket and he took the notepad and pen and then saw Ishani.
Bearer:what would you like to have madam?
Ishani:Two Rava mint Paratha with Urad dhal and then one Wheat Dosa with Mint Chutney. 
Bearer(noting it down and seeing Ishani):your order will be in front of you madam. 
Ishani:Haan(she took the vaccum bottle and showing it to Bearer):get me milk in this vaccum bottle after washing the vaccum bottle well. 
Bearer(getting it):Okay madam. 
Ishani shook her head as okay were Bearer took the tray and he started to walk from there were Ishani thinking about Ranveer and without knowing what Ranveer's mood will be she saw Raagini were cutie pie was cutely playing with the doll were Ishani had a silent face thinking about Ranveer. 
Ranveer came out of the washroom wearing a dark blue shirt and then white pant were he came out of the washroom by drying his hair with the towel were he came to the bed and he throw the towel over the bed were he went and stood in front of the mirror were he took the comb from the dressing table and started to comb his hair were taking few minutes he got ready and then he walked around the bed and he came to the lamp table were he saw his phone and then he took his phone from the lamp table and he put his phone in his pant pocket and then he saw his watch were he took his watch and wore the watch in his hand were he saw the other wine bottles and empty glass and the tissue paper with Ishani's message. 
Ranveer(seeing it to himself):let these things be here itself but where is my purse(he saw the whole lamp table and then he saw the whole bed too and then his eyes casually fell on the table were there was his purse were he went near the purse and he took the purse and then checking the amount in it and then making sure its enough and he put the purse in his pant pocket were he walked to the cupboard and opened the cupboard to see for his jacket were he was not able to see the jacket were he had a thinking face were he got the slideshow of Ishani keeping his and her jacket in her cupboard in the night were he making sure his jacket is in Ishani's cupboard were he closed the cupboard and then to himself):Jacket is in Ishani's cupboard don't know what Ishani's mood is. If I have talked so worst to her and If she is angry means what to do?(he took a deep breath and to himself):first let me see Ishani and then get to know what her mood would be. (he walked to the entrance of the room were he came out of the bedroom and then he came to the living room cum bedroom were he glanced the whole room and he was not able to find out Ishani or Raagini were he was able to see his jacket in the bed were he went near the bed and took his jacket and then he wore his jacket over his shirt and then he walked to the washroom and then seeing the washroom door open and to himself with a doubtful face):Where is Raagini and Ishani?..(he was thinking where they would be).
Ishani(who was thinking about Ranveer with a silent face having Raagini in front of her who was playing with doll and in thoughts);I didn't even write a note to Ranveer that we are coming to restaurant as Raagini felt hungry I brought her to the restaurant. Let me message to Ranveer more than call now message is only better for me to tell him everything. If he is angry still and If I call him means he will shout at me. (she took her phone from her pant pocket and saw the display and she typed a message and she sent it to Ranveer's number and she kept the phone in the table).
Ranveer(who was thinking where Ishani and Raagini would be heard the beep sound in his phone were he took his phone from his pant pocket and then he saw the new message and getting its from Ishani he opened the message immediately and seeing the message he started to read it):I am in restaurant with Raagini as Raagini was feeling hungry I brought her to the restaurant. (reading it in thoughts): She didn't even feel to call me she is telling it through message means surely Ishani is angry on me how will I talk to her. (he had a worried face).
Screen splits on Ishani who was thinking Ranveer to talk to her first to know what is his mood exactly whether he is angry or normal and Ranveer who was hesitating how to talk to Ishani without knowing exactly what all he told to her in anger and in a confusion of whether she would be angry on him or she will be okay with him.
To be continued 😉
Edited by sakshi5050 - 7 years ago
Mayashelly thumbnail
Anniversary 7 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 7 years ago
Hey sakshi
Both arehesitating to talk with each other. Now how gonna they speak and patch up
Waiting for next dr.
Keep smiling and take care 😉
AksharaRosid thumbnail
Anniversary 7 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail Networker 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 7 years ago
Nice updates dear .
 Loved ragini a lot .Hope ishveer problem get solved .Thanks for the pm .Waiting for the next updates
PrinceAsif thumbnail
Anniversary 7 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 7 years ago
Glad to c that Ranveer understood his mistakes... Now I'm eagerly waiting to c how Ranveer will manage Ishaani...fantastic update didu...be safe & stay healthy