Jason Shah Appreciation Thread *~*~* I Am Too Hot To Handle *~*~*

ScienceBitchYo thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail
Posted: 7 years ago

Edited by Atonement - 7 years ago


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Frequent Posters

ScienceBitchYo thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail
Posted: 7 years ago

Appreciation threads are to be used to praise and appreciate particular favorite contestant. All discussions related to contestant's performance, looks, style and personality can be confined to ATs. Please don't use the AT's as a forum to bash/mock/discuss other contestants/members, discuss what is happening on the forum or elsewhere on IF or other social networking sites, basically keep it related to what the AT is about.

No Random couple/Group/Member/Animal ATs are allowed in the name of fun as such ATs are mostly filled with only spamming . Only Individual ATs of this season's Contestants and  Host Salman Khan AT will be allowed .

If a real life officially married couple is participating together, then a couple AT only for them is allowed. Individual ATs must talk about the respective person for and his/her interaction with the others one in the context of show post/discussions. If two contestants are performing together then discussion on that performance will be allowed in the respective AT of the contestants for that day. ATs are subject to closures for violations of the AT rules.

a. Chatting: Members seem to be more into chatting so please reduce the personal chatting because we do have a chat club for that purpose so keep that in mind. However, we do allow minimum chatting in ATs, provided it is related to this AT alone. Additionally Do not spam with just emotions/numbers to increase post count/pages. Do not quote long quotes. You can quote three posts maximum and they should be small.

ATs are open for everyone, however, do not invade the AT with the purpose to rile up the fans or instigate them.  Everyone has their right to voice out their opinions and should NOT be judged/generalized based on their likes/dislikes. If any of your fellow members/friends fails to follow the rules, kindly ask them to edit out or tell them its wrong rather than joining them and aggravate the issues further and equally responsible for carrying forward an unfavorable situation. Hence be responsible and take responsibility because that way you may prevent action taken against your AT thread.

ATs/discussions threads can NOT be used to target other members and NO pinpointing activity/mock or taking digs here toward other fan groups.Any derogatory references or name callings against actors /characters/members/Dev team members are strictly PROHIBITED here.

b. Report: If you see anyone breaching the rules in any of the threads in the main forum, you will not come here and rant it out about it and snowball the issue further! Instead make use of the "REPORT" button and report the thread by stating the reason clearly. As soon as the Dev Team comes online they would take the necessary action.

We can assure you guys that we only takes action where it's legit reason. However, here is a little catch for the stalkers who just want to report in order to get the AT closed down - If you report any post/comments that has no legit reason, you will be responsible for action against you for stalking.

c. Penalties: If the DT sees more than 3 people breaking the AT rules constantly for a week, the effects of violations will kick start, which go as follows:

First Violation - Warning Note  

Second - Another Warning Note  

Third - Another Warning Note  

Fourth- Close the AT for 24 hrs (1 Day)  

Fifth - Close AT for 72 hrs (3 Days)  

Sixth - Close AT for 1 week (7 Days)  

Seventh - Get rid of AT completely from the BB10 Forum/Shift it to Celebrity Fan Club Forum.

The rules are applicable for multiple violation and not single post as it will be dealt individually. Having said that, please do not assume that every report submitted by opposite fan group will be entertained. We will go through the reports and only if we find the report valid based on above rules, then we will speak to the Admins of the AT and action will be taken accordingly as stated above.

Edited by Atonement - 7 years ago
ScienceBitchYo thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail
Posted: 7 years ago

- ScreamForMe
- Akdhaparijatluv
- Atonement
- Deepika04
- Aamina13
- shaz2009
- lostNfound
- Amiyah
- yawfeh
- tinaaa
- xPalkix

Edited by Atonement - 7 years ago
ScienceBitchYo thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail
Posted: 7 years ago

Made by Amiyah

Thanks to ScreamForMe

Edited by Atonement - 7 years ago
ScienceBitchYo thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail
Posted: 7 years ago

Jason Shah is a cool handsome hunk who has won million hearts with his dashing personality. He is well known as the International model who has achieved a lot of fame in a very short span of time with his sheer hard work and stunning looks.

Jason Shah is born in Mumbai, India on 26th March 1986. He did his schooling from New York Film Academy and completed his graduation from the University of Memphis. He is very much passionate about modeling and featured in a number of modeling assignments and television ads. He has also made his appearance in some of the Bollywood movies.

He is deeply in love with his girl friend, who also happens to be a model in Brazil.

Edited by Atonement - 7 years ago
ScienceBitchYo thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail
Posted: 7 years ago


Edited by Atonement - 7 years ago
lostNfound thumbnail
Anniversary 8 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail
Posted: 7 years ago
knock knock! can i get an entry to this AT 
SluttySavitri thumbnail
Anniversary 8 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 7 years ago
Can you add me please?
He's cute 😳
ScienceBitchYo thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail
Posted: 7 years ago

Welcome to the AT 🤗
ScienceBitchYo thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail
Posted: 7 years ago

Originally posted by: Aamina13

Please add me 😳

Welcome to the AT 🤗