One Night Stand--One Shot (Completed November 23rd)

napstermonster thumbnail
Anniversary 15 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail + 7
Posted: 7 years ago

Here it is. my version of what the infamous "one night stand" on Ishqbaaz should have been. Enjoy, comment, and like, for more!  

                               ONE NIGHT STAND
Om, he has not had anything to eat this entire day. I thought we would get to eat together after the Sangeet. But after what happened downstairs, with Anika Didi and Daksh, what he looked like when he walked away, Om, I don't think its right to let Bhaiya stay locked in his room. Soumya stopped by his room just now, she got no response from him after five minutes of knocking. At least I got to see him-- I stopped by with his favorite fruits, two hours ago, he opened the door, looking absolutely blank, he thanked me and closed it on my face without taking the plate from me. I don't think he even noticed that mom sent dinner on the tray at least three hours ago. That's lying outside his room right now, untouched. The least we can do is get him something to eat!"

Om unhurriedly poured some water onto the dry clay base he was mixing with mica crystals. Working the mix between his long fingers, he ignored Rudra as his brother paced, like a large, caged beast, all around his studio. Leaning against the wall, far enough away to give an illusion of privacy to the brothers, but close enough to join if she was called, stood Soumya.  Her huge eyes looked anxious, a small frown on her alabaster skin. Ignoring Rudra who had literally growled at him, and tried to snatch away the pigment he was carefully mixing, Om smiled at his soul- sister, beckoning.

She hurried over, and her own words now blended with Rudra's.
 "Bhaiya, we shouldn't be leaving him alone right now." Soumya said, softly, as she stared beseechingly up at her favorite O-Bro.  

"I don't know him like you do, but in my experience, people who go through shocks often react unpredictably. And the shock of finding out he is in love with Anika Didi, just when she is getting engaged to someone else is not a normal thing to go through, Bhaiya. I thought he would stop it, he would tear Daksh Bhai's hand away, like he looked like he would do, when they were dancing. I even whispered to Dadi-ji that it looked like things were finally going to be okay. But then, he let it happen, Bhaiya! She walked out, he left everyone to come up to his room, and we all just stood there, watching. I don't know how Aunty-ji handled the guests, but finally they are all gone. I sent Rudra after Didi, but he couldn't find her, the guards said they saw her leave the Mansion right after the ring exchange. And now, Bade Bhaiya hasn't come out, hasn't said anything, or done anything, either. Its him not doing anything that worries me the most, Bhaiya. It's not like him. I don't like this."

Om nodded, absently getting mud onto his face as he scratched at his eyebrow. He turned away from the two youngsters waiting for him to do something, and waved towards his glasses. Huffing in irritation, Rudra now put the black specs on Om's nose. Rudra was about to say something more when Om turned fully away from the two of them, swiveling and turning his back as his hands went back into the clay he was molding.

Like Rudra, Soumya had not bothered to change out of the glittering floral outfits they had all worn with so much excitement, only four hours ago. The sangeet. The godforsaken sangeet. After the terrible ring ceremony between Anika and Daksh, after Shivaay leaving the venue looking like someone had shot him, Omkara had gone immediately after his brother. But clearly, he had not gone early enough to stop Shivaay from barricading himself in his bedroom. But still, Om had left, first among them, leaving behind the guests still milling around at that farce of an event.

He had been able to ignore Tia's increasingly shrill demands that the brothers and Soumya stay back with her. Soumya had grabbed Rudra's arm, trying to follow Om out when Tia's digging crimson nails had stopped them both. Tia, angrier than they had ever seen her, now hissed that they had to help her cover up for Shivaay Baby's extremely RUUDDEE exit. She had a couple dance she had practiced, and Shivaay Baby was supposed to lip synch to a Benny Dayal number, he had practically promised it! Om had simply ignored Tia as he whispered to his mother, that he would see to Shivaay.

He had left Rudra and Soumya behind to help the Oberoi ladies.  Rudra had stared at Tia,  unable to believe that out of all that had happened, the tragedy on stage, Anika's robotic pain, Shivaay's devastated face, the only thing concerning his fiance was how it all LOOKED. But both the fiances at this event tonight were acting flat out weird. Daksh Bhaiya was seen preening among the guests, accepting congratulations, seemingly unaware that Anika had disappeared within moments of wearing his ring. Tia had a fake smile plastered on her face as she went around, acting like she had no clue about what anyone with eyes had seen to be true, tonight. And Shivaay...he was just..gone.

Daksh had left the Mansion after dinner, talking wildly about celebrating his good fortune with friends who had seen his status update, and were waiting for him. Disgusted, Rudra refused to go along with the newly engaged man, who thought celebrating his Anika Didi's acceptance at a bar or strip club was somehow going to appeal to Rudra. Soumya had finally managed to get away from Tia when Badi Maa and Dadi-ji came up with news.

Pinky Aunty was starting to get suspicious. She wanted to talk to her son. Or failing that, with Anika.  Far too many guests commented on her son's reaction to her wedding planner's engagement. Far too much raw pain darkened her son's eyes, for even that serenely oblivious mother to ignore, tonight. Finding that neither of her victims were available, Pinky, with none of her usual dramatics, asked Dadi-ji the obvious question-- point blank. Her mother in law's non-answer, and the shining tears in Janvi's eyes had told Pinky far more than any words could have. She went over to Tia, still happily greeting guests, and whispered to Tia's mother.

Pinky Oberoi was sorry. Her son was probably an overprotective friend, and Anika was probably going to be horrified by the gossip, she had just gotten engaged herself, after all. Pinky was too embarrassed for words. But this was a question of her son's happiness. Her son's life. Everything was fine, the wedding was definitely going to happen. She was sure of it. But until she could talk to Shivaay, and discuss some things she had heard and seen with her son, she wanted to postpone the mehndi tomorrow. Pinky Aunty was now the one who needed time.

When they escaped the explosive fight a good hour later, with Tia angrily storming away from the Mansion with her mother and Robin, Soumya and Rudra had rushed upstairs -- to find Shivaay locked in his room.

Frantically, Rudra and Soumya hammered at his door. Shivaay was in there, but his hoarse voice, choked from some unnamed emotion told them to leave him alone. At first they had still tried to get in to see their hurting, devastated brother. Begging, pleading, Rudra even threatened to break the door down if he didn't get entry. Shivaay had just not responded. They didn't know what they could do. They had no idea what state he would be in, whether it was even possible to ..well... help. But they knew they couldn't leave him alone.

So they had come to find Om, to see what he suggested, to find...this.

There, Shivaay was refusing to open the door to either of them and here Om was, casually dressed and working away in his studio, apparently starting a new sculpture, tonight of all nights. Om's indifference was the final straw, on this night of terrible events. Tired, unsure of what to do, Rudra sank down to the studio floor, blindly reaching one hand out towards Soumya. Soumya went to up to Rudra immediately, sitting and letting him slump against her shoulders, as he put an arm around her, and wiped her cheeks dry. Uncaring of how badly he was crushing her sequin skirts, Rudra put his head down on Soumya's lap, she automatically started to stroke his hair. Leaning over him, Soumya murmured words of comfort, as Rudra held her hand clasped against his chest.

Watching the reflection of the two youngsters in the window before him, Om whistled silently to himself. Tonight really was a
night of revelations.

He went back to his statue.


The pre-dawn light filtered in grey-gold waves through Omkara's open window. The first rays of the sunlight broke through the trees, dappling gold coins of light all over the artist as he feverishly worked on the last touches to his statue. With one final twist of his sensitive fingers, one last stroke down the smooth clay, Omkara stepped back. Sunlight, as if it had been waiting its turn, now beamed across his work, highlighting his greatest ever creation -- his most incredible work yet was in Nature's own spotlight.  Om smiled, as the rays started turning the mica crystals he had embedded into the clay into refractive points of rainbow light, causing the 2 figures he had created to shimmer in otherworldly brilliance. The gold pigment he had worked though the clay now picked up gilded sparks as the sculpture, a semi- abstract work of two lovers entwined in embrace, glowed in the dawn's golden rays. His eyes cleared up as he emerged from the fog of creation. How fitting that pure love was what he had been driven to make. Om was aware that he had truly forced his inspiration into his work this time.

This was it. He had created his masterpiece.

Omkara, like an unconscious artist awoken from his creative frenzy, now started back, and looked at the time. Good God! He had almost missed it! Turning to race from the studio, he stopped at the sight of Rudra and Soumya, still wrapped in each other's arms, Soumya's dupatta blanketing them both. The youngsters were sleeping, sitting against each other on the floor, as comfortably as if both were flat on their own beds. The tear tracks had dried on Rudra's cheeks. As he stirred in his sleep, Soumya, also fast asleep, unconsciously stroked Rudra's forehead, making him lean back against her. Her own sad face looked puffy and white. Making a decision, Om woke them both. He dragged them, sleepily protesting, out with him.


They were just in time. As they turned the corridor towards Shivaay's room, Shivaay opened his bedroom door and walked across, right in front of them, going towards his private kitchen. The three of them stood stock-still as they took in Shivaay's appearance. The buttons completely undone, the garment barely shrugged on, they could see the defined muscles of his chest stand out, starkly white against the black kurta he wore. The sleeves of his kurta were rolled up, and they saw him smiling down and touching what looked like fingernail marks on his forearm. Barefoot, the famously elegant Shivaay Singh Oberoi was completely rumpled, with his hair flowing around his head in unruly black waves, as he worked quickly at his stove.

He had still not seen them, and Shivaay whistled softly to himself as he reached for a pot and poured in the ingredients to...masala chai???? As Shivaay turned away to grab two mugs, Soumya, who had walked upto the ajar bedroom door, peered inside. She then let out a gasp which (as Rudra told her later) was loud enough to wake the dead AND, worse, their parents. Both brothers' heads immediately swiveled to the open bedroom door, and once they took in what they were seeing, both immediately blushed, and swiveled their heads away.

Rudra buried his face against Om's shoulder and started to chuckle, unable to stop the bubbles of laughter, as shock, relief and pure joy shook him by turns. But as Soumya explained to Rudra later, sometimes shock makes odd things burn into your vision. What all three of them had seen wasn't TOO shocking, because Anika was lying face down, after all, and fast asleep. While she was clearly naked, she was completely wrapped by Shivaay's silk sheets. So, all you could really see was one long bare arm and some unruly curls nestled against Shivaay's pillow. But, it was true, that some things just registered instantly. And the sight of the sleeping girl's slender hand, missing a diamond ring, but wearing the Anika Bracelet, registered on all three of the grinning vouyers right away.

Soumya's gasp and then Rudra's giggles had attracted Shivaay's attention. Now, the three of them waited, smirking as Shivaay stalked over to them, his face absolutely crimson. He firmly closed his bedroom door, after a good long stare at the occupant on his bed, and glared at them, one arrogant eyebrow raised. Daring them to say a word.

Rudra, now laughing openly, held on to Om as Om looked away smiling, not quite knowing what to say to his famously conservative, proper brother. Who right now looked like he had rolled out of bed, and was planning to go right back inside, go on making love to his woman, after getting her that masala chai she adored. The man concerned with the entire world's opinion now didn't give a damn about anything else but his and Anika's happiness. The man Soumya had accused of not taking any action -- well, he had taken several VERY decisive actions, last night, and judging from his face, he was deliriously happy with the outcome of what he had done.

Soumya now shocked everyone, herself included, by being the one to throw her arms around Shivaay, hugging him as her own relief and happiness for Bade Bhaiya and Anika Didi coursed through her. Grinning, Shivaay ruffled her hair, as Rudra hauled Soumya back and closer to him, suddenly scowling. Om ignored his volatile kid brother and his newly discovered obsession, and stared at Shivaay. His artist's eyes took in the glow in Shivaay's eyes, the smile that suffused his face with a happiness and peace that had been missing for months. Shivaay's lack of sleep was obvious, but the joy and the relief he was feeling was more marked than any circles under his light filled eyes. And, all the while, inside his room, Shivaay's entire world slept on, peacefully sprawled on his massive bed.


There would be work to do. They would have to somehow sneak an ex-wedding planner from Shivaay's bedroom and out of the Mansion, in broad daylight. There would be two engagements to break. There would be one stubborn, independent woman to convince, still, to give Shivaay a chance at being her equal, her partner. There would be some mothers to placate, high society to handle. There would be friendships to end, and love stories to begin. They all knew this.

But today, Shivaay's face told Om that not interfering last night had been the right call. Om had watched from the shadows as Shivaay had grabbed Anika as she was about to head out of the garden exit, hauling the shaking girl against him. He had chosen not to do anything when he watched Anika struggle, slap Shivaay, and collapse against him when he did not react. She had cried, and he held her even closer to his aching chest. Om's own eyes had watered at the devastation on Shivaay's face, the humiliated, unhappy misery on hers. Om had turned away when Shivaay had finally crushed his lips against the trembling ones beneath his, moaning as he buried his hands in his woman's wildly curling hair. Then, in one move, Shivaay had wrenched a glittering diamond ring off her hand, and tossed it away, to be lost in the enveloping blackness of the garden.

Om had stood by, guarding his brother's privacy when the first broken words of love, of loss, of adoration and desire had been spoken, in a voice of pure worship. A shaking voice that Om had never heard his brother use before. When the sobbing girl had finally collapsed against her Ishqbaaz, whimpering, Om had moved, waving away a security guard coming towards them, with instructions on what to say to anyone looking for Anika, tonight. And Om had said nothing when Shivaay scooped a sobbing Anika up into his arms, ignoring her fists as they flailed wildly at him, and carried her up the private back stairs, and to his bedroom.

And Om had gone to his studio, staying silent when Rudra and Soumya had showed up-- because, really, what could he say to the kids? Clearly, now of course, his younger brother and his best friend were moving rapidly past the "kid" stage. In any case, they had deserved to see for themselves their bhaiya's happiness this morning. Om had worked all night on his own obsession, giving form to the love he had witnessed last night. And Om had hoped that this morning, whatever had begun last night would now last a lifetime. Silently hoped that their first Ishqbaaz had crossed the final barrier, and was safely home, in his lover's arms.

But now, as he watched Shivaay sheepishly repeat that infamous gesture with his hair, as Rudra and Soumya grinned at Shivaay's embarrassment, Om had something to say. Leaving Shivaay by his bedroom and walking to the kitchen to the boiling tea, Om finished his Shayari. He gave words to the incomplete poem that he had never hoped would be completed so swiftly, from that night of devastation, and of discovery--
                                 Abh mukammal hua yeh kahani  
                                 Abh pyaar hi teri majboori hai
                                 Dil dena tha, aur teri deewani...
                                 Woh dene ka hissa bhi poori hai.
Edited by napstermonster - 7 years ago


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Frequent Posters

--Nargis-- thumbnail
Anniversary 15 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 7 years ago
Damn Navin...too good...this is food for my soul!😛Thank you so much for badly needed it was!!  Om...the sly DOG...left me wondering why he was so quiet and non-responsive to Rumya's pleas to help Shivvay!!  The nag that I am...i wanted more of SHIVIKA interaction...first hand description of their silent fight, the tussle in the garden, the acquiescence, and then the wonderful it must have been!!

Ab mukkamal hui yeh kahaani...
dil dena tha, aur leni thi teri dewaani
mohabbat ki hui dastaan 
ab sadaa ke liye bezubani!!
Edited by --Nargis-- - 7 years ago
ISensedYou thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 7 years ago
Yes yes yes  this is is mindblowing
Will come back to edit 


You just turned the meaning of this one night stand in shivikas story😆 and its absolutely more delicious than the crap showed on tv🤢...actually there can be no comparison between ur os and the tv version😳
Tia she will never change🤢 god knows how rumya beared with her for one hour😆
Thank god pinky mata abhi jag yagi looking at her sons face and is trying to figure out whats in her sons mind...
I was like really thinking why om isnt doing anything even after looking at rumya pleading face which no one can ever ignore...i thought he lost his mind seeing his brothers pained face and there u go😆 he already know what was happening😆 which really shocked me while reading it bcoz i wasnt expecting it at all😊
The interection that was there between shivika in this os is something that i really really really wanted on screen but right now my thirst is quenched reading ur os😳
Omrusoums reaction was so funny when they stuck their head inside their bhaiyas room🤣
Gosh shivika are in for a round of teasing now🤪
Im so happy right now that this shivaays brain actually worked and claimed his woman😃
Thank you for writing this os 😊 it just made my day when i read it😳
Keep more OS's like this coming😆
Edited by ISensedYou - 7 years ago
ArhiIPKKND thumbnail
Posted: 7 years ago
Yeah🥳❤️ time to partyyy...
U r brilliant ...solved in ur superb style...i seriously cant stop smiling😊 this is d kind of ONS that i want...wohoo...u made my day!!!
AnnzSageflower7 thumbnail
Anniversary 10 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 7 years ago

Related image

Awesome shot to the heart that was Navin !! ❤️ 

I read it with my heart racing, knowing how it was going to end in a smashingly awesome way.. 
Thanks for the experience..! 

sosweetsumi thumbnail
Anniversary 19 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail Networker 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 7 years ago
oh my mata
this story that too in the morning
loved it
you made my day
i just hoped something like that to happen in serial but no ways
i can always imagine by reading your masterpiece.
please do continue
bye sumi
chottekikhushi thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail Fascinator 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 7 years ago
Navin!! I expected a post from you yesterday itself but this is brilliant!! A big hug to you for this!! I I loved loved it!! 
If only this were true!! 
When and where can I find this Shivaay in the show Navin??  One who will tear down everything for his lady love and not just watch her leave him with tear filled eyes??
Edited by chottekikhushi - 7 years ago
everywednesday thumbnail
Anniversary 10 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 7 years ago

Originally posted by: napstermonster

They were just in time. As they turned the corridor towards Shivaay's room, Shivaay opened his bedroom door and walked across,  right in front of them, going towards his private kitchen. The three of them stood stock still as they took in Shivaay's appearance. The buttons completely undone, the garment barely shrugged on, they could see the defined muscles of his chest stand out, starkly white against the black kurta he wore. The sleeves of his kurta were rolled up, and they saw him smiling down and touching what looked like fingernail marks on his forearm. Barefoot, the famously elegant Shivaay Singh Oberoi was completely rumpled with his hair standing around his head in unruly black waves, as he worked quickly to his stove.

Oh my god. I just imagined Shvaay like you have described and its starting to get hot under the collar?? Damn girl! This is so sexy. ;)

Originally posted by: napstermonster

Rudra, now laughing openly, held on to Om as Om looked away, smiling, not quite knowing what to say to his famously conservative, proper brother. Who right now looked like he had rolled out of bed, and was planning to go right back inside, to make love to his woman, after getting her that masala chai that she so adored. The man concerned with the entire world's opinion now didn't give a damn about anything else but his and Anika's happiness. The man Soumya had accused of not taking any action -- well, he had taken several VERY decisive actions, last night, and judging from his face, he was deliriously happy with the outcome of whatever had happened as a result.

Bold: The blush on my face is so severe that it is not even funny I swearr. I have an exam in 2hours but oh I am fangirling about Mr. Zalim Singh Oberoi. <3 
You have spun a piece of magic. This is very beautiful, something we Shivikians needed to read, considering whatever torture is happening on the show haha "D

mandu thumbnail
Anniversary 18 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 7 years ago
Thank you Navin for this...thanks!
A.C. thumbnail
Posted: 7 years ago
This was beyond PERFECT!
Gosh, I so wish this would have happened on the show! I could completely imagine every moment here and I want to see Shivaay do this man! This is what he needs to do! Why the hell hasn't he?!

This is the SSO we are all desperately waiting for! When is he going to show up?! When will he break all of his preconceived molds and fight for both his love and lady?! He needs to fight dammit! For himself, for her and for they could become! He has to make the first move! 
Gaaahhh, I can't wait for him to do something like this!!

Thank you so much for writing this!
You just made my day! I am at work and smiling like a complete idiot! But oh, what a way to begin the day! Thank you!
