IronThor thumbnail
Anniversary 10 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 8 years ago
Hey everyone. It's me. Vidya aka Thor. I underwent an IF name change πŸ˜† Anyways, since a few people recently commented on the short OS I wrote on the Promo all those months ago, it give me an idea for another piece of writing. This one shows two flashbacks, hidden moments you can say, of Ram and Sita in Ayodhya in order to connect it with that one shot I did from the promo.

Hope you enjoy it.


His footsteps fell lightly on the stone pathway leading to the eastern garden in the grand palace of Ayodhya. For the past fifteen minutes he was in search of the melody of the heartbeat that complimented his own, only to discover that he was not blessed in those precious moments to look upon the mesmerizing face of his beloved. Most of his morning that day was spent with his brothers, discussing matters of the kingdom and also training their warrior skills. They always devoted some time of their day into honing their respective combat talents for it was important that their abilities to protect their family and their people from harm only improved with each passing day.

After his training, he returned to his chamber in search of his beloved but found it empty much to his dismay. Even her lady maids did not know where she had ventured off to since she had instructed them that she wanted to endeavour upon the stroll alone.

"Sitae.."- he muttered to himself as he came to a stop in the middle of the pathway, a cool wind blowing his way. The perfumed scents of the flowers drifted to him but among the fusion of scents that touched his senses, one dominated the others, one tugged at his heartstrings and immediately enveloped his very soul with peace. It was hers... It was his Sitae's. He could recognize it anywhere. It was unique. Sweet but almost magnetic, as though it possessed a hidden power that was capable of always pulling him towards her.

His lips curled up in a small serene smile and he glanced to his right, his curious gaze lingering on the beautiful marble fountain in the distance. Yet the beauty of the grand fountain paled in comparison to the enchanting, ethereal form that dominated his vision. A slow breath left him and his footsteps guided him to the soft melody that was caressing his ears, the sweet sound of her voice. He did not know the song she was humming to herself but regardless of that, his heart greeted the melody with a smile, his heart beats dancing to its tune as he drew closer to her.

He observed her quietly, the curve of the peaceful smile playing on her lips, the light of joy that danced in the beautiful brown depths of her eyes, the beauty...the beauty that seemed almost angelic in her every being. She touched the water from the fountain while she continued to hum distractedly and for a moment he denied his eyes the sight of his beloved as he glanced at the tree where two lovebirds were perched on a branch, the creatures seemingly enjoying the melody that was leaving his Sitae.

Soon his footsteps touched her ears but she did not look up. She knew he was there, long before she felt him approaching her. She knew he would search for her when he found her missing from their room. Sometimes she wondered if he always had to reassure himself that she was with him, safe and sound, in order for his mind to be at peace.

"What are you humming?"- he spoke up gently and the melody ceased, her fingertips lingering on the water before she looked at him, their eyes silently rejoicing at their union. "That melody.. what is it?"

"I don't know."- she replied with a small smile, Ram observing her with a curious tilt of his head before he ventured closer to her- "I was just humming what I felt from what I was thinking.."

"It was beautiful, Sitae."- he said sincerely as he came to sit next to her by the fountain, her eyes brightening in joy at his compliment. "What were you thinking about?"- he queried curiously, not missing the colour that rose in her cheeks as she momentarily bowed her head, the words which his heart was waiting in anticipation to hear not leaving her rosy lips. "Sitae.."- he reached out to touch her hand and she looked at him then, their fingers interlinking together while she stared at him quietly.

"You.. my lord."- she admitted, his joy of his smile immediately touching his eyes while his own gentle gaze lingered on her beautiful face quietly- "I was wondering when you would return, Raghunandan."

"Hmm... But I did return to you and you weren't there."- he replied with a hint of tease, her eyes meeting the amusement dancing in his gaze- "My Sitae had me looking so long for her."

"I wanted to visit the garden."- she explained with a small smile at his teasing, the melody of the birds now gracing the surroundings. "This one is so beautiful."

"I know you love to be around nature."- he said knowingly as he cupped her cheek- "You are most at peace when you are surrounded by the beauty of nature. I see it in your eyes."

"No my lord."- she replied without missing a beat, his forehead creasing in a small frown at her disagreement because he knew how well he read her, how in tune their emotions were with each other- "Yes, I am at peace when I am surrounded by nature. I am not denying that. But, I am /most at peace/ when I am with you Raghunandan."- she corrected with a small smile, his expression immediately softening at her affectionate words. "In fact, nature makes me feel closer to you because we were both surrounded by nature when we almost met each other."

Understanding dawned on his face and he bowed his head with a small smile as his hand returned to hers on her lap, a soft sigh leaving him when he remembered how he had ran to meet this kind soul during his time in the forest preparing for battle, not knowing he was rushing to meet the woman who would soon claim and conquer his heart and soul completely.

"That's true.."- he said, his eyes meeting hers once more- "I heard your voice too. It drew me closer to the camp where you were helping the people just like it drew me to you again, today." She stared into his gentle brown gaze, the eyes which seemed so familiar to the ones she remembered from the dream she had so long ago, right before their paths would cross. "What's the matter Sitae? You are staring at me as though you have recognized a long lost friend." -he said with a soft smile, her eyes lingering on his for a moment longer before she looked away and stood, his eyes following her as she approached one of the rose plants.

"I remembered a dream I had, what seemed like a lifetime ago. I can't remember the details from the dream but I remembered that I was in danger. Something wanted to attack me."- she said, Ram immediately standing at her words for the mere thought of something hurting his beloved was enough to make him uneasy. "But someone saved me in the dream. It was a warrior. I don't remember what the warrior looked like but I remember the eyes.."- she explained, unsure of why she was revealing this to him but her very soul was telling her he needed to hear it. She turned to look at him, her soft gaze marrying his eyes once more while he stared at her in silence at her tale. "It was your eyes.."- she said quietly, but in the privacy of the garden and the close proximity between them, her words resounded powerfully within him- "I know it was yours. Calm... and intense like the sea."- she said softly as she stepped closer to him, Ram holding her gaze as his heart continued to thunder against his chest. "How is it possible, my Lord? How could it be that you were in my dreams, protecting me, when we never met before?"

"Some bonds travel the oceans of time, untouched and unbroken until the souls reunite once more."- he replied softly as he cupped her cheek, her palm coming to rest lightly but comfortingly on his chest- "I believe our bond is one such bond Sitae."

"So if we are ever separated then we will always be reunited then, Raghunandan."- she said with a smile but his own smile faltered, a hint of panic and fear flashing across his eyes in that moment.

"We will never be separated."- he countered with fiery confidence and determination. "Never Sitae. I will not be able to bear it."

Her eyes softened at his words and she reached up to touch his cheek, a soft sigh leaving his parted lips at her comforting touch.

"Nor will I."- she replied quietly, his eyes lingering on her beautiful eyes before his arms wrapped around her in a close hug, Sita resting her head on his chest while she momentarily closed her eyes at his heartbeats with played in unison with hers.


The sound of the arrow slicing through the air invaded her ears and Sita smiled for the search for her prince was now at an end. With excited steps she ventured further into the forest of the western side of the palace as another arrow sliced through the air and lodged itself into the tree, the sounds greeting hers ears even though she was yet to see him.

Finally, her steps came to halt as he fell into her line of vision, a bright smile immediately gracing her lips as she stared at his handsome face. His brows were furrowed in a small frown, a few strands of his silky black hair falling with casual elegance on his face as he pulled the arrow tighter, the strong muscles of his arm and back constricting at the effort. His gaze remained focused intently on the tree before he released the arrow but he looked away before the weapon could hit the mark, his heart desiring to look upon his intruder instead at that moment.

The smile in his eyes met hers and she moved closer to him as he lowered the bow and from the playful smile touching her lips and the energetic joy dancing in her eyes, he knew she was in a playful mood.

"Princess.."- he said with a small smile as she came to a stop in front of him. "You have ventured far today. What are you searching for?"- he asked teasingly, her smile growing brighter at his own playful mood before she looked at the arrows which lodged in the mark on the tree.

"An adventure."- she replied with equal tease, a light chuckle leaving him then. "You did not miss the mark. Not even once."- she said in evident admiration for his talent as she looked back at the tree. "My Raghunandan truly is talented."- she continued, her eyes brimming with joy and pride for his sheer strength and warrior skills which she knew, he tried to perfect with each passing day by devoting some of his time to training. "Have you ever missed the mark?"-she queried playfully, Ram arching a brow at her words as he touched the back of his long hair, his lips curling up with a small smile.

"I never miss, Sitae."- he replied with a hint of tease and now her own brow was arched in amusement.

"Even if you are distracted?"- she prompted and he shook his head slowly.

"I am never distracted."- he said, a silent oh' leaving her lips while his eyes lingered on her pretty face in amusement and in that moment, he felt his heart falling in love with her all over again.

"Can I watch you train then?"- she queried and he gave her a small nod, her smile growing brighter as he removed an arrow and fixed it on the bow, her eyes dancing playfully as he raised the weapon and focused his gaze on the tree.

Slowly she inched closer to him, his lips curling up with a small smile at her antics but he did not allow himself to lose sight of the target as he pulled the bow tighter. He was mindful that she was edging closer to him and he knew that she was testing him to see if he would miss the target with her distractions. However, he released the arrow and it hit the mark perfectly, a light laughter leaving Sita which touched his heart with joy. Without hesitating, he removed another arrow and aimed it at the target. By this time, she was now standing very close to him but he still willed himself to remain focused on the target ahead.

Then he felt it. As he was about to release the arrow, her soft palm slid on his shoulder and her comforting touch on the tight muscles of his back caused his heart to somersault in joy. His skin tingled from her warm touch and he gulped slightly, his eyes closing momentarily and without much thought he released the arrow, his head immediately snapping to the target but the arrow missed it completely and lodged itself in one of the branches itself.

The reaction was immediate. Her laughter graced the surroundings at once and he looked at her, his very soul dancing at the melody of her laughter.

"Sitae.."- he said with fake sternness but it only caused her to laugh louder.

"You missed, my lord!"- she exclaimed teasingly and he took a step closer to her and attempted to hold onto her arm, his smile growing brighter when she dodged his hand and quickly ran further into the forest, the melody of her laughter resounding around them.

"Sitae that was not fair!"- he shouted as he ran after her, his own laughter joining hers as searched for her. Soon he ran onto a small clearing and he glanced around, his heartbeats thundering against his chest in in gleeful beats. Her laughter touched his ears once more and he whirled around, his smile growing brighter before he hurried to the direction of her laughter- "Sitae!"

Sita paused her steps and braced against one of the trees as he continued to shout after her, her hand gripping the front of her top while she tried to calm the racing beats of her heart, the laughter still leaving her. However, before she could continue her playful game, her eyes fell upon the cobra on the grass and immediately her laughter ceased. She looked on as the cobra raised its head but she was not afraid not was her thoughts in a panic.

Instead, she stared at the creature with a small smile, her expression softening as she slowly kneeled on the ground and clasped her hands to her chest, hers eyes closing in devotion while the chants of "Mahadev" left her lips.

Ram paused his own steps when the sound of his beloved laughter was now silent and he glanced around, wondering what new game she was playing now with him. "Sitae!"- he called out happily but when no reply came, when no laughter came, a sliver of anxiety pricked his heart and he continued running in the direction where he last heard her laughter- "Sitae!"

She heard his voice and the hint of panic which coated his tone and slowly she opened her eyes, her gentle gaze lingering on the cobra who was observing her quietly. She gave the creature a small smile as Ram came to a stop behind her, his eyes softening when he saw the cobra in front of her, the creature's beady black eyes momentarily shifting its focus on him. He gave the creature a small smile and a nod as though greeting an old friend and soon the cobra slithered away and for a moment he wondered if it was protecting his Sitae until he found her once more.

"Sitae.."- he said gently as he came to kneel next to her, Sita's eyes lighting up with joy when he cupped her cheek with a small smile of lingering amusement- "I found you."

"You always do."- she replied cheekily, his lightly laughter gracing the beautiful forest as he momentarily touched his forehead on hers, their smiles becoming one before they shared a warm, comforting embrace.


The arrow lodged into the tree as the young prince continued to deliver his frustrations out through his training, the tears biting his eyes as the thunder continued to echo ominously around him in the black of the night. Lakshman looked on his concern at the obvious distress and despair his older brother was in and he averted his gaze as he brushed the tear from his eye, unable to see his Ram Bhaiya in so much pain.

The arrow hit the mark once more and Lakshman's eyes lingered on him before he decided to give him a moment of privacy, knowing that Ram's every thought was revolving around Sita. Another arrow hit the mark and Ram bowed his head, the long strands of his hair falling across his face as the memories of his beloved continued to revolve around his mind.

"Sitae.."- he muttered in anguish, the ferocious roar of the thunder echoing the anger he felt at the King of Lanka for snatching his Sitae from him- "I will find you soon. I promise. I promise, my Sitae... Your Ram will find you."

By her spot under the tree in the palace grounds of Lanka, Sita hugged herself tighter as a cool breeze blew her way, the tears biting her eyes at the ferocious thunder that was echoing around her. Nature always spoke to her, it always told her a tale and tonight it was telling her that her Ram was in a lot of pain.

"Raghunandan.."- she muttered sorrowfully as the thunder roared once more and she closed her eyes, a single tear descending her cheek. The storm spoke of the anger of her prince, of the pain and agony he was feeling at their separation and she wished so very much that she could embrace him in that moment and comfort him with the words that they will never be apart again. But that was not their reality. They were so far away from each other but she knew her heartbeats played in unison with his and every breath that left her was felt by him.

"I know you will find me."- she whispered to the storm as a few raindrops touched her face- "You always do."


The contents of this story should not be forwarded to external parties. It is protected by legal privilege and is not intended to be relied upon without subsequent written confirmation of its contents and permission from the author. Unauthorized use or copying of the information or any part thereof is strictly prohibited. Plagiarizers will be prosecuted under the law.

Edited by IronThor - 8 years ago


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Frequent Posters

Mano.M thumbnail
Anniversary 10 Thumbnail Group Promotion 8 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 8 years ago
Vidya, welcome back
The OS was just awesome
Ur writing gives such a fantasy feel
It was like a dream and I could absolutely visualize it
Keep writing more

Edited by -Mano- - 8 years ago
IronThor thumbnail
Anniversary 10 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 8 years ago

Originally posted by: -Mano-

Vidya, welcome back

The OS was just awesome
Ur writing gives such a fantasy feel
It was like a dream and I could absolutely visualize it
Keep writing more

Thanks Mano πŸ˜ƒ Fantasy is my favourite genre to write although I have experimented with others as well but I had a lot of fun writing fantasy and well for RamSiya, I do like to picture them in that setting. 😳
CutiepieAD thumbnail
Anniversary 9 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail Commentator 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 8 years ago
Seeing u after long Vidhya πŸ€—
Infact if u won't have written your name wouldn't have recognized u πŸ˜›

Just love d way you write.. it's sooo romantic... I had a smile throughout ❀️
Sply that line "My Rughunandan is talented..."
IronThor thumbnail
Anniversary 10 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 8 years ago

Originally posted by: aditi97

Seeing u after long Vidhya πŸ€—

Infact if u won't have written your name wouldn't have recognized u πŸ˜›

Just love d way you write.. it's sooo romantic... I had a smile throughout ❀️
Sply that line "My Rughunandan is talented..."

Hello Aditi and thank youu πŸ˜ƒ

I am just busy with work and other writing stuff which I try to do in my spare time. But this was playing on my mind since yesterday so I wrote it early this morning. πŸ˜†

Glad you enjoyed it. 😳
rajshrip thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail
Posted: 8 years ago
Loved the OS. It was beautifully described. πŸ‘πŸ‘Ram missing his target was so cute. πŸ˜†. Loved how siya distracted himπŸ˜‰ Ramji trying to be stern was so funnyπŸ˜†πŸ˜†
Siya saying my raghunandan was so cute. ❀️

ram siya missing each other was so touching😭😭😭

Look forward to moreπŸ€—πŸ‘
Edited by rajshrip - 8 years ago
khosla03 thumbnail
Anniversary 14 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 8 years ago
You made our weekend with this beautiful OS, was missing skr n was watching before marriage scenes... U have written soo romantically wishing to see such scenes after they return to ayodhya but I know I m expecting too much...
Thanks s lot for sharing really enjoyed reading itxx
Ankita.11 thumbnail
Anniversary 8 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 8 years ago
This was so enchanting!!!
It was magical!!!
Good job!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
IronThor thumbnail
Anniversary 10 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 8 years ago

Originally posted by: rajshrip

Loved the OS. It was beautifully described. πŸ‘πŸ‘Ram missing his target was so cute. πŸ˜†. Loved how siya distracted himπŸ˜‰ Ramji trying to be stern was so funnyπŸ˜†πŸ˜†

Siya saying my raghunandan was so cute. ❀️

ram siya missing each other was so touching😭😭😭

Look forward to moreπŸ€—πŸ‘

Thank you. Glad you enjoyed it! 😊
Edited by IronThor - 8 years ago
IronThor thumbnail
Anniversary 10 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 8 years ago

Originally posted by: khosla03

You made our weekend with this beautiful OS, was missing skr n was watching before marriage scenes... U have written soo romantically wishing to see such scenes after they return to ayodhya but I know I m expecting too much...
Thanks s lot for sharing really enjoyed reading itxx

Glad I made your weekend peep. πŸ˜ƒπŸ˜†