asmaanixx thumbnail
Anniversary 17 Thumbnail Group Promotion 8 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 8 years ago
Source of Inspiration:

^^ created by Mais a.k.a. lostmymusic. The more I say about her gifs is not enough. To say they are a masterpiece is not enough. They are like a little token from a blissful paradise.


Run Away

"Bhai saab, bas aap yehi rok di jiye." Sonakshi informed the taxi driver, tapping him on his shoulder.

As the taxi came to a halt, Sonakshi took out the required money and handed it to the driver. When she got out, she mentally reprimanded herself for not bringing an umbrella with her. Taking a deep sigh, she braved herself and carried herself forward towards her house.

The closer her steps took her to her former home, she became assaulted with a wave of memories. Her first entrance, their move in day, the grand party her parents threw for her graduation, Saurabh getting his first job, playing holi, dancing in the rain...

"Ms. Bose,"

Sonakshi halts in her steps. The sweet fragrance from the wet dirt invaded her nose as it mingled with the various pots of flowers that were sitting on the small window sills of her former neighbors. Time seemed to have stopped itself. The rain was falling slowly enough so that she could see each rain drop in its entirety. The wet drops falling in a manner that seemed to deceive the observer into believing they were getting a peek into a long distant past.

A past that Sonakshi had left behind five years ago...

Unwillingly, she turned around to witness the owner of that voice. Of course there was no need for it as she knew exactly who it belonged to. She knew every aspect of that voice, all its tones and diction it held, all the ranges that it could manage, the very vibrations that it evoked, she knew them all as if they were her own.

Sonakshi's muscles tensed, seizing her mind and body from acting and thinking in a rational manner. She knows for a fact it's not possible for him to stand before her, so close to her home, in that classic grey-beige coat and his black shirt underneath.

The air around her darkened and became cooler to resemble that of a cool summer evening that had taken between her and a loved one many moons ago. The echoing of laughter, the hard splashes of rain water soaking ankles, the cold air attacking exposed flesh and sending shivers down spines... it was all too much for her to handle as she wasn't being attacked all at once, but rather in waves. The memories washing over her in vivid colors and sensations and then leaving her deprived, abandoned, and hollow.

Her breaths came in slow, delayed movements to match the slow curl of his lips that formed into a faint smile. His clear, smooth skin glowed in the hazy daylight. The light scruff standing out as a shadow illuminated his rosy pink lips. Sonakshi fell into a trance as her eyes refused to remove from his face. That beautiful, moon-kissed face which she adored so much.

Involuntarily, when her feet began to reach out towards him, he faded away in the wind, taking his heavenly aura with him. Sonakshi's smile broke away, creating a deep hollow pit that was beginning to consume her like a black hole. She was sent back into the same despair and numb setting that she had felt so strongly years ago. Granted, the intensity had decreased as the years went by, but coming here, feeling him around in the vicinity of her home, in the very drops of rain that were soaking into her skin, the intensity increased in a manner that was unprecedented.

With leaden feet, Sonakshi made her way into her abandoned safe haven.


With a weary heart, he made his way to the same house that he has been visiting every day for the past five years.

He got out of his car, like always, and took his heavy steps toward his beloved's home. For the past five years he had been coming to a big, heavy lock sealing up the home that he had wished to call his own one day. For the past five years, he walked with a flicker of hope and went back with a pang of guilt and disappointment. In the past few days, that flicker of hope began to die out completely. Like the ends of a wax candle that was trying to sustain itself from a heavy storm, his hope was dwindling.

However, the five year record broke tonight. That dwindling hope reignited making his heart leap bounds and skip several beats. His breathing going fast, he pinched himself to make sure he wasn't dreaming. When he winced in pain, a grand smile came onto his face as his long penance finally bore some fruit. Leaping onto the doorstep, he bolted the door open and screamed out his beloved's name.


The lady of the house whipped her head around, drops from her wet hair flying across the stale air and falling onto the floor. The slight gulp didn't go unnoticed from the man who had just broken in.

The dilated doe-like eyes, the soft shine from her pink lip gloss, the flowery scent from her shampoo, it was all too surreal for him.

He took one step forward, then another and another. With each step taken he didn't take his eyes off of his love. The one love that he had lost all those years ago. The one love that had abruptly taken the colors that he had just begun to embrace with open arms.

He stopped until she was merely breaths away from his touch. His wide eyes roamed across her face, still unable to believe that she was standing before him. Misty eyed, his lips trembled before they formed the one word that he engraved within his very breath.

"Sonakshi," His voice cracked.

Not trusting himself to be able to stand upright anymore, he captured Sonakshi into a tight embrace. With eyes squeezed shut, he buried his head into the crook of her neck as he attempted to hold onto this moment with every fiber of his being. He had lost her every single day for the past five years. He simply refused to let her go again.

With hesitant movements of the arms, Sonakshi completed the embrace. The moment her arms successfully wrapped themselves around him, Sonakshi held onto him tight, with the same tenacity and viciousness as he was holding her with.

"Dev," Her voice broke.

The two former lovers, now reunited, stayed in each other's embrace for what seemed like to them an eternity.

As they parted, a strand of Sonakshi's hair got stuck onto Dev's face. With bleary eyes, they both stared at each other, capturing each other's features and burning them into their memories. Their breaths perfuming each other, they became intoxicated by the heat that was beginning to emanate from their proximity.

Their noses brushing against each other, Sonaskhi's arm hung around his neck while he dug his fingers deep into her waist. The thin material of her pink bathrobe was all that stood in between her becoming his once more. But he refrained himself from acting, unsure of where their relation stood after all these years.

"Are you real?" Sonakshi whispered against his lips.

"As real as you." He whispered back.

Sonakshi chuckled, a sad, pathetic laugh to describe the despair she has been living through in the past half decade.

"That's not much comfort. There have been days where I have completely forgotten myself." Sonakshi explained. Opening her eyes and staring intensely at him, she added, "And immersed myself in you."

Dev's eyes flickered down to her glossy lips. Those luscious, plump lips that are crying out for his taste at this very moment.

"Then let me bring you back to life." He spoke huskily, licking his lips.

Taking in quick deep breaths, Sonakshi dug her fingers into the back of his scalp and pushed him forward towards herself. Locking into each other's taste after years of drought, the two lovers entangled themselves violently. Their hands began to roam each other, wishing to re-explore the familiar terrain that they had left behind. As Sonakshi pulled his coat off of him, Dev pushed Sonakshi backed towards the wall. Her back hitting against the smooth surface, she hissed as Dev pressed his teeth and lips into the hollow of her collar bones. As he nipped and lapped her neck, she squirmed, spreading her legs for him as he inserted his leg between her thighs. Feeling him harden, she panted feeling a deep pleasure begin to pool in the pit of her stomach.

With Dev's coat discarded onto the floor, she turned them around so that Dev was pressed against the wall. Not wishing to fumble with the small mechanics of unbuttoning his shirt, she ripped it open. The small pops of the buttons falling onto the floor, the loud tears of the shirt ripping open echoed around the empty house. She swatted his hands away when he tried to touch her. Instead, she began kissing her way down his chest, covering up every inch of his flesh with her soft and delicate lips hiding the rough and sharp grazes of her teeth.

Dev's head hit the wall as he looked up at the ceiling. His body jerked forward with each kiss and bite Sonakshi planted on his body. If he had thought her wet kisses were enough, the way her fingernails grazed over his nipples and down his abdomen sent him over the edge. Not able to tolerate the 'no-touch' policy that Sonakshi had implemented on him, he pulled her by the hair, so that her head was tilted all the way back. The saliva hanging from her lips made Dev's blood pump wilder. Crashing his lips onto hers again, Dev grunted as Sonakshi began to fumble on opening his belt. The soft clicks of the metal against metal mixed with the fast brushes of Sonakshi's pressing fingers on his groin, made him even more desperate for a more intimate contact. Once she got the buckle open, she pulled on his bottom lip sharply with her teeth.

His eyes blown wide open, Dev pants as he takes back his former position by putting Sonakshi against the wall. He took a few steps back so that he could get a full view of her form. Her hair was tousled and heavily ruffled by his pulls and tugs. The material of her pink cotton bathrobe was heavily disheveled as it exposed half of her shoulder and exposed her legs and thighs, leaving very little to the imagination. Her heavy breathing put focus to her breasts that were beginning to spill out.

Sonakshi's nerves became more ignited as she saw Dev slowly remove his black shirt. His movement being purposely slow to make her writhe in desperation for a touch. A touch, a kiss, a nip, a bite, a lick, a suck, a pain, a pleasure, an ecstasy or a high that would make this night truly one to never forget. A night that will erase all the sorrow and grief that she had experienced in the past five years. A night, that she will come to cherish and relive in all the days that were yet to come.

With his belt removed, Dev did the same with his shoes, socks and watch. Standing before her in nothing save for his black pants, Sonakshi leaned her head back against the wall and watched him approach her. His slow, predatory walk made her want to steel herself against his advances and become his slave at the same time. He was creating a whirlwind of emotions inside her that she hadn't experienced in a long time.

Placing both hands on either side of her, Dev looked deeply into her eyes.

"I want you to come alive tonight, Sonakshi." He spoke softly, nudging his nose with hers. His fingers trailing the outline of her bathrobe, he added, "I want every fiber of your being to scream my name tonight." Sonakshi gasped as his fingers brushed over her bosom. "I want every inch of your skin to be covered with me tonight." Opening her bathrobe, Sonakshi gasped at the brief contacts his abdomen will make with her newly exposed flesh. Speaking into her ears, Dev interlocked his fingers with hers and said, "Tonight I'm going to make up for all the love we lost." Sonakshi's body slumped as her knees got weak with anticipation. "Are you ready?" Dev asked with a small growl as he peered deeply into her eyes.

His eyes ignited when he saw the same fire lit in her eyes.

"Bring it on." She challenged, eagerly waiting for all their lost moments to be made up.

Locking her legs around his waist, his lips molding against his, her hands pulling at the roots of his hair, his hands busying themselves in shedding their clothes; Dev made his way to his beloved's old bedroom where he made love to her until the moon retired and the sun arose.


It was about two in the afternoon before Sonakshi felt herself wake up. Stirring slightly, she shifted in her place and felt a weird texture underneath her head. Opening her eyes, she saw her room engulfed in a sunny haze. Moving her head, she saw herself resting upon a naked torso. Looking up, Sonakshi's brief moment of dread and fear erased itself. Sleeping right beside her was the love of her life - Dev Dixit. She lightly touched his chin wishing to make sure he was really there. The events of last night couldn't be erased from her mind no matter how hard she tried. Every emotion, moan, gasp, scream, whimper and shout was ingrained within her. If she still had troubles believing it, the ache between her thighs and her sore muscles screamed out the love that she had shared with him.

It was real.

And it still is.

Sighing, Dev shifted his legs in his sleep. Blinking once, then twice, Dev opened his eyes to see Sonakshi staring up at him. First scrunching his brows, then smoothing them out with a smile, he planted a soft, sleepy kiss on her forehead.

"Good morning," He answered, his voice crackling with sleep.

Laughing, Sonakshi responded with a "Good afternoon."

Digging himself deeper into the bed, Dev let out a lazy mewl.

"You should get going." Sonakshi said softly. "You must have a lot of explaining to do."

Dev picked up on her reference to him not coming home at night nor going to his office this morning.

With pursed lips, he said, "Let's not talk about work. There's no way I'm letting you out of my sight now that I have you back."

"But..." Sonakshi began but was interrupted.

"Do you want me to leave?" He asked, pulling his head back to have a better look at her.

As she traced little circles on to his torso, Sonakshi mumbled a "no".

"Then drop the world, and let's focus on us." Dev suggested pulling closer into her again. "How have you been?" He asked, truly wondering how she had managed to get through each day.

"Horrible." She laid her hand flat against his stomach. "I've been miserable. Just getting by."

"That's not like you." He commented in a dejected tone.

"I know. I've just been so off." She trailed, thinking of all the lonely days that she had spent locked in her room.

"Why did you leave?" Dev asked, his voice bearing the pain of his heart.

"It hurt too much." Sonakshi answered in a broken voice. Her eyes began to water as she clearly remembered the day she had sealed the lock to this house.

"We could have weathered it out." Dev commented, extremely hurt. "Did you not trust me?"

"It's not about trust Dev. It's about having the strength to weather through the storm, which at the time I didn't have. Losing grandma, then having your aunt berate me in front of the whole society like that..." Dev's fingers dug into her shoulder as he remembered that horrible night. "To call me a gold digger in public was the nicest thing she could have called me. But to have me be labelled as a mistress... a home wrecker... it was too much." Her voice cracked as her tears fell onto his stomach. "I wanted to scream and shout at her and tell her that she's a more horrible woman than I am. To question my character and stigmatize it shortly after I lost someone... I came to you because I needed someone. I needed to get away from home, from family who were so strongly associated to her passing... but I never wanted it to be done at the expense of our relationship. Nor my self-respect." She added the last bit with venom. Looking up at him, she added, "I love you with every fiber of my being Dev. But I love myself too. And living with you, I was beginning to forget that."

"I'm so sorry." Dev said, tortured by the pain and humiliation that she had to suffer through at the hands of his family. "I swear, I would have come sooner if I had known. But by the time I did, you were gone." He wiped her tears away only to have more replace them. "Without a word, without a trace. You were all gone."

His eyes traced her face once more as if she might disappear from his hands again.

"I should have spoken with you. But I couldn't at the time. I knew if I did I would have said something to ruin us." She paused as she wondered if they weren't ruined already. "I didn't want to ruin us Dev. If others break us, that's one thing. But to have our relationship be broken at our own hands, that would have killed me."

Dev held onto Sonakshi just a little tighter. His mind was both racing as a kaleidoscope of thoughts swirled around in his head, but also numb at the realization that the separation that he had to suffer through was partially due to his inaction. His inability to say something to his aunt due to his gratitude and duty, he had lost his love. His beloved, the woman that he proclaims to love so much, had to bear humiliation at a crucial point of her life. Rather than receiving warmth and support to get her through the dark times of death, she had to see her character be thrown around in mud and have complete strangers question her intentions of being with Dev. She had to fight for herself completely alone and leave the one thing that she held most precious.

"I'm so sorry Sonakshi," Dev whispered again.

"You being sorry isn't going to change what happened Dev." Sonakshi said sternly. Taking a deep sigh, she added, "It won't fix everything that went wrong."

Dev ran a hand through his hair as Sonakshi sat up. Taking another deep breath, she stretched out her arms to relieve some the soreness that was tensing up her entire body. Sitting up, Dev's left pectoral touched the back of Sonakshi's right shoulder.

"What do we do now?" He asked taking her right in hand in his.

"What do you want to do?" She asked, looking over her shoulder.

"I want to be with you," He whispered against her hair, pulling her closer to him. Placing her on his lap, he added, "I don't want to lose you again."

"Do you mean it?" Sonakshi asked not wanting to be hurt in his love again. "You know I have heard those words before."

"This time they're in stone." He confirmed. "This time it's not just you or me, it's us." Unable to bear her silence, he continued, "I know it's going to take time for you to trust me again, or want to be with me again, but I will fight for you."

Nodding her head, she tucked herself into his arms for another round of sleep.

With her eyes closed, she said, "I trust you. I want to be with you. But it's going to take time."

Wrapping his arms around her, he placed his chin on top of her head.

"But you'll be with me? You won't run away again?"

With a smile, she shook her head. "Unless you want to come with me." She teased him trailing her fingers under his jaw.

Grinning, he gave her a quick kiss on the lips. A kiss that was meant to be short and sweet, quickly evolved into a replay of their passionate night.


Their love carried them well into the starry night where they sat together, hand in hand, looking at the bright full moon and weaving new dreams, a new future. A future that was as illuminated as the bright and burning stars.


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Frequent Posters

Adi_Ki_Zoya thumbnail
Anniversary 9 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 8 years ago

Am first
Your name is Gurleen na?, if am not wrong πŸ˜†
This is awesome πŸ‘
Enjoyed every bit of it.
They patched up after 5 years .. their emotions, feelings, longing.. everything was portrayed perfectly ❀️

Love you for this πŸ€—
Ok thanks bye πŸ˜ƒ
Edited by Anu_LoveRain - 8 years ago
sourmisery thumbnail
Anniversary 16 Thumbnail Visit Streak 180 0 Thumbnail + 7
Posted: 8 years ago

Ah, dem secksy times

Ya know what first rang in my head when I read the title? The song "Runaway" by Bruno Mars. For a second I thought you'd have worked that song somehow in the OS because it kinda does match the whole nostalgia meta you wrote about the gifset (which btw, I'm still reading when I begin to forget it)

Just take my hand, fall in love with me again
Let's runaway to the place
Where love first found us
Let's runaway for the day
Don't need anyone around us

So yeah, while the song might not have directly come into play in the OS, it was ringing in the back of my head the entire time. Not that it distracted in anyway, it provided a very good BG to the reading

Imma confess, I'm a very PG-13 kind of a person when it comes to writing (yes, I write. Or rather, used to xD) But I gotta appreciate the way you go straight into the bangin' business SERIOUSLY! No shade, genuine compliment! Show mein tou Santra isn't even attempting a kiss. As I was saying to my friend the other day, "Ye bache kaise paida karenge?!" 🀣 But aah..your DevAkshi lose no time in jumping to the more...pressing matters at hand ;) I miiigghhhttt have skimmed through those bits but I got enough to know that you damn well know what you're doing here 😎

So, back to me.

AIIEEE!! That opening sentence about my gifs! Asdajkdhas! Me became a mess again! I was super curious as to which gif had inspired a whole OS outta you and it was THIS one. I loved how you stood true to your own meta about the gifset and implemented that in the OS without going too off track from the canon story of the show. My fav bits were the whole beginning ones when she imagines him there and I swear, for a second I thought Dev was actually there but when it turns out he isn't...yeah, dil toots type moment hogaya.

Also, when Dev comes there and notices the house is unlocked and he has to PINCH himself before he breaks into that uncontrollable boyish grin of his...UFF! SUCH A SANTRA THING TO DO!! I can bet Dev didn't do much of all this Santra-ness when Sona was gone. But the moment he senses that she's back and is well within her grasp again, that side of him takes over him like it was never gone. Love love LOVE this detailing you add.

The whole reason of their "break up" made so much sense? Like I can see it happening in the show. It wasn't anything unique but it just was so true to the story the show is giving to us. Like, I can see Dev hesitating to come to Sona's rescue at that crucial moment because he has other priorities in check. And that moment of hesitation is what could break stuff. Sona putting her self-respect at the top of the list is brilliant stuff. Though I wish there had been some part which told us of the horrible fate of Gareeb Ki Beti cuz I'm so DONE with that woman! :@

All in all, this goood! You're great! And I'm giddy cuz my gif was the source of inspiration for this.
Ahaskdhaskjld! πŸ€—

Edited by lostmymusic. - 8 years ago
ShellJA thumbnail
Anniversary 14 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail Fascinator 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 8 years ago
Oh my goodness gracious !!! That was amazing! The emotions so raw and true! I could feel the entire thing!
Wonderful truly wonderful.

Good job. Hope you write again.
Khusharni thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 8 years ago
Utterly beautiful...I'm honestly at loss of wordsπŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ˜Š
princesspipi thumbnail
Group Promotion 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 8 years ago
Oh my my... Brilliantly written...!!!!!!!
sumana.shesha thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail Networker 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 8 years ago
Wonderful OS :)
Very nice :)
Thanks for the PM :)
Jade0001 thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 8 years ago

Excellent Just WOW !

The whole reason of their break up"made so much sense . It wasn't anything unique but it just was so true to the story the show is giving to us. Dev hesitating to come to Sona's rescue at that crucial moment because he has other priorities in check. And that moment of hesitation is what could break the thread. Sona putting her self-respect first was simply awesome .

Edited by Jade0001 - 8 years ago