Omggg This Ashvik Snaps @AshaNegi7 @rithvik_RD
Ashu' snap video
Our crazy but adorable two. #Ashvik CR: @kishwersmerchan snapchat.
Our #Ashvik dancing and having funtime with friends- Credits: Kishwermerchan Snapchat
#Ashvik dancing and having fun with Gurneet Kishwer Suyyash. - kishwers snapchat
#AshaNegi and #RithvikDhanjani on KishwerMerchan Snapchat Stories having fun
#AshaNegi and #RithvikDhanjani having dinner- Credits: Kishwermerchan Snpachat
And the dancing begins. Rithvik and Asha witu friends. CR: kishwersmerchan sc.
Love is in the Air- Follow Kishwermerchan on Snapcaht for some posts of Our Adorable #Ashvik