Memory Chronicles (SwaSan FF) - Page 52


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krishuuuuuuuuuu thumbnail
Anniversary 14 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail Networker 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 7 years ago
Nyna baby...
Chapter 9A was awesome...thank God nothing happened to uttara...i cant tolerate another rape or molestation incident...but i liked how u handled rituraj he misunderstood uttu's humble and sweet nature as something else and develop strong feelings in those years...ritu was not completely wrong in his who has no one in his life..if someone will give you importance, care and friendship, anyone can misunderstood and assume it Love...but sudhir also handled nicely..slap was rather embarrassing.but ..he deserve that...good thing that ritu had decent exit...he is not coming back na????

Coming to swasan.they are love .and swara going to MM...which triggered her lost she was planning to seduce laksh..but caught eyes on sanky...I loved harsh detailed observation regarding sanky that he is smart and could be threat to their plans..and swaracould possibly fall in love with him..that was some deep thinking.I just loved this shocking twist...

I'm eager to know what will happen now...

you were asking about my conspiracy got it here...
I assume swara will start distancing herself from sanky...or may be her memory will return soon... I guess...regarding next update..

I had theory of ritu selling orphanage girls and kavi knowing about it..hence she was abducted and killed..but u gave him clean exit...

So I have another theory that kasturi after her daughter visit..decided to ruin she called Dp and inform about kavita'S background. ..Dp who loves his status and power decided to abduct her and force her to leave sanky...but she will not back off and swara who came to know her location , saved her on time...runs from shekhar or other but could not go far and got killed...
That I thought...

But still who raped Harsh's sister ..what happened in past...DP and others are how involved ..I could not guess...was it a gang rape?or single person doing?? Sujju and annu's role that time...I could not think anything proper..
One thing nyna..I want to know why adharsh never felt swara familiar?? She stole that info from his computer ..she spend sometime with him..even though she disguised properly but why he never felt her familiar..they met on anurima son's birth day...too????

Waiting for next part..u made me curious with your are cruel...making me soon

Love u..

Nynaeve thumbnail
Anniversary 8 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail Networker 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 7 years ago

Originally posted by: krishuuu

Nyna baby...

Chapter 9A was awesome...thank God nothing happened to uttara...i cant tolerate another rape or molestation incident...but i liked how u handled rituraj he misunderstood uttu's humble and sweet nature as something else and develop strong feelings in those years...ritu was not completely wrong in his who has no one in his life..if someone will give you importance, care and friendship, anyone can misunderstood and assume it Love...but sudhir also handled nicely..slap was rather embarrassing.but ..he deserve that...good thing that ritu had decent exit...he is not coming back na????

Ritu - I was in two minds and initially planned to have him be a little more rough, but could never write it out, it would get stuck in my mind, but the moment I decided on this, the words came tumbling, so I guess it was better. And I so did not want another rape / molestation incident, one is enough, it has ruined so many lives.
I like your change of attitude towards Sudhir, I mean Uttara could not believe that he suspected Sanskaar (similar to your feelings😆) and she had to take out her frustration on someone, so a Sudhir who sort of saved the day and from embarrassment bore the brunt.😊 No comeback for Ritu planned, so no worries on that count.

Coming to swasan.they are love .and swara going to MM...which triggered her lost she was planning to seduce laksh..but caught eyes on sanky...I loved harsh detailed observation regarding sanky that he is smart and could be threat to their plans..and swara could possibly fall in love with him..that was some deep thinking.I just loved this shocking twist...

SwaSan in love - Swara is, Sanskaar will not even consider that possibility - one because of his inherent nature of not believing in love, 😲secondly, for he is still convinced that he is friends with her and will be able to find clues to Kavita,🥱 thirdly he is now worried as to how she is involved in the Adarsh fiasco,😕 fourthly, he is simply being stubborn😡 and fifthly, destiny or rather me (I have a God complex now) will not allow him too. 😈
Harsha's detailed observations, well as much as I can say while maintaining the suspense, he knows who Sanskaar is, very very well and he also has seen the world and how people can be, it is experience and knowledge speaking. Cannot say more😉

I'm eager to know what will happen now...

Quite a bit, as I said, my God complex will come into full play😈😈😈

you were asking about my conspiracy got it here...
I assume swara will start distancing herself from sanky...or may be her memory will return soon... I guess...regarding next update..

Not exactly, but something similar, or maybe not.😉

I had theory of ritu selling orphanage girls and kavi knowing about it..hence she was abducted and killed..but u gave him clean exit...

I was tempted to transform Ritu into an evil pimp, but then that would only make Uttara feel that Annapurna is right to believe that poor people are villains, so unfortunately abandoned it.

So I have another theory that kasturi after her daughter visit..decided to ruin she called Dp and inform about kavita'S background. ..Dp who loves his status and power decided to abduct her and force her to leave sanky...but she will not back off and swara who came to know her location , saved her on time...runs from shekhar or other but could not go far and got killed...
That I thought...

Nope - both the Maheshwaris and the Gadodias know Kasturi and Kaveri and their connection, it is quite clear (Chapter 7 part 1 - Ranjit and Sudhir's dicussion). It made no difference to AP & DP for Debo was a very wealthy person with great social connections and on a personal basis, as Kavita was not going to be AP's daughter in law, she did not care, in fact she was happy that a "tainted" girl would be Sujata's daughter in law. Sujata for all her faults and because of AP's fascination for wealth, does not care much for them. She genuinely liked Kavita, however difficult it is to believe, for though she is a joker she has her heart in the right place.) I will give a spoiler, the reason for Kavita's abduction is quite silly which makes the crime even more heinous.

But still who raped Harsh's sister ..what happened in past...DP and others are how involved ..I could not guess...was it a gang rape?or single person doing?? Sujju and annu's role that time...I could not think anything proper..

That is the real conspiracy and one which needed Harsha to excercise so much patience and time - the rape was not the only crime, the true crime was the extent people went about to let it happen and the efforts spent to cover it up. It took Janaki's life and also ruined a lot of other lives - those in the next book (Chapters 11-20)

One thing nyna..I want to know why adharsh never felt swara familiar?? She stole that info from his computer ..she spend sometime with him..even though she disguised properly but why he never felt her familiar..they met on anurima son's birth day...too????

This needs a detailed answer, glad you asked, giving the same in the next post.

Waiting for next part..u made me curious with your are cruel...making me soon

Next part - going to be different, setting the stage for doing what the chapter title says - falling apart😡 I am quite the devil, right?

Love u..

Dear Talia,

Replied in blue, answer to your question about Adarsh follows.

Nynaeve thumbnail
Anniversary 8 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail Networker 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 7 years ago

To tell the truth, I thought you would ask the corollary question - how is it that Swara did not recognise Adarsh?

[Brace yourself, I am going to ramble, a lot]

Adarsh saw Swara at Arunima's place, dressed in a typical Bengal saree draped in the Bengali way and is introduced as Amar's cousin. (he did see her earlier too, when Tarun was born, at the hospital, but he had a lot on his mind, remember the MSS offer?) Nothing to flag anything suspicious, for the girl he met, almost five years ago, had long straight hair, black eyes, wore four inch heels, and was wearing a western styled gown who was enacting the role of a high class escort. Adarsh, was not in his element, remember, he is uncomfortable about sitting in bars and he was angry for his client had kept him waiting in vain. Further, the whole incident had disastrous results, so he does not want to remember. Moreover, there was nothing to indicate that Swara, Amar's orphan cousin could be the stylish escort in the bar of Hotel Hyatt at Mumbai.

Now as to why I was worried if you asked the question you did not ask?

This is tougher to answer and is based on my understanding of how memories work. Memories are tricky and consist of three things, the facts of the event, the context in which they took place and emotional investment of person owning that memory. I will highlight the same with an incident. (very much simplified, but should do)

Two girls caught talking in class, are pulled up by the teacher who spanks both across their knuckes and has them stand outside for the rest of the period. One of the girls is guilty of talking the other had been an unwilling listener.

Ten years later this is how the memory would be - if you were the girl who was talking, it would be embarrassment and maybe a grudge against the teacher for being harsh. But if you were the girl who was only listening, it would be embarrassment and anger at the unfairness of being punished equally as perpetrator was, for in this case the equality of the punishment was not fair. If you were the teacher you would not really care, talking in class was a punishable offence. And finally if you were another student in the class, you might not even remember, especially if neither of those girls were your friends.

Your memory of the incident would also be coloured by the intervening events, sometimes you can laugh at it or you would so hate that incident that you would strive to bury it deep, for remembering it causes you pain.

To put it in scientific jargon -

We have two separate memory systems, we all do, and that all these problems with memory are just the natural results of things our two memory systems sometimes do to keep us alive and functioning under threat. We don't choose whether or not our memory systems will react that way to an immediate threat, and it's not tied to how strong or brave or smart we are. It's a reaction to the way all our natural chemicals sometimes work together under stress and threat.

Just deciding not to remember or think about what happened won't make things better, because the memory system we use when we choose (or don't choose) to remember something isn't the one that sometimes causes problems later. Our two separate systems deal with:

Conscious, "narrative" memory - like what we did yesterday, where we grew up, what we learned in school, where we are in the novel we're reading, what people we know look like, how to do our work, how to get home, etc.

Unconscious, "emotional" memory - vivid sights, sounds, smells, emotions, and physical sensations linked to positive (happy, pleasing) situations or negative situations like the experience of loss, pain, or danger

The conscious memory system keeps its memories pretty much out in the open, and we can usually find them when we choose to and ignore them if we want to. But the unconscious memory system keeps its memories tucked away until our brain systems tell it we need them for survival purposes (to pull us toward things that will bring us pleasure, or warn us about things that will cause us pain). Then it pulls them out and puts them right in front of us where we can't ignore themas images, sounds, or smells "in our heads," strong emotions, or sensations in our bodies.

Two common examples from ordinary life:

You went to a movie yesterday that really affected you in a positive way. Today you're just going about your life, and something reminds you of someone or something in the movie. Right away, a powerful image from the movie comes up in your mind, and for a few seconds you feel the same pleasure you felt watching it yesterday

Last week you were in a minor accident with someone else driving. Now you're a passenger again, and even though it's not the same person driving, your body gets tense every time the traffic gets dicey or the driver gets too close to another car, and you feel anxious or annoyed with the driver.

That unconscious, emotional memory system is kind of like the nearsighted guy who isn't wearing his glasses and says "good morning" to a parking meter. It gets things wrong a lot. Anything that even vaguely reminds it of its memories of pain and danger can seem like a threat and trigger strong survival reactions. And it can do all this without even paying any attention to the conscious, narrative memory system that understands what's really going on.

But why do we sometimes forget times of extreme pain and danger - like the women who forget the pain of childbirth, the adults who don't remember bad things that happened to them as kids, or the veterans who can't remember firefights or explosions they were in? That's because of the way our different brain chemicals work together under stress and threat. In some cases, our brains may "record" intense unconscious memories of sights, sounds, smells, and feelings, but have trouble recording the conscious memories that would help us piece together what happened. In both cases, this is the body's best guess at what will protect us and help us survive.

~ Source: humanprioritiesorg/home/resilience-stress-and-trauma/the-effects-of-trauma-on-memory

So memory and brain can be tricky, which gives me ample scope to play. The emotional connect is why certain names / incidents trigger the memory in Swara (which is what I decide😆, for it is universally accepted that we still do not know much about the human brain) - she remembered what she had learnt about Laksh when introduced to him but Adarsh did not trigger any memory in her😉 Even Sanskaar did not, though the sight of Mihir Bhavan did.

So I hope I have given you some clarity or at least convinced you that I know what I am talking about (I hope I do😉)

Edited by Nynaeve - 7 years ago
krishuuuuuuuuuu thumbnail
Anniversary 14 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail Networker 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 7 years ago
Nyna darling..
Thank u soo much for detailed answer to my query..I loved it...examples were best...

Well I did thought about why swara did not remember adharsh.???...but as her memory is lost...and some thing or other, powerful words or things trigger it..I dropped that question...Cause she also did not remember uttara..kavita whom she spend some time with, in her last hour...ragini etc. .I'm sure while planning revenge since soo long harsh must have given her details of entire families..each individual..she remembered about laksh but not i never give her remembrance importantance...but i thought it was worst day for adharsh and he must have hated that women..and must had tried to findout about i thought he will find her I asked u that...

Thank for the answer...Love u...

Update soon
Nynaeve thumbnail
Anniversary 8 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail Networker 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 7 years ago
Talia you are such a sweetheart, you do manage do get some nuances perfectly well, so you were right in not asking why she did not remember Adarsh because she did not recall any of the rest (that was simply brilliant).

Again I took shelter under the defence mechanism that human mind has to forget unpleasant things, so even though Adarsh would never forget that incident, he had no logical reason to imagine Swara being that girl. 😉

I think for my next venture, I will make you my Beta Reader, I would be able to write a much tighter tale.🤗

Will update soon, hopefully over the weekend.

Nynaeve thumbnail
Anniversary 8 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail Networker 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 7 years ago
Dear all,

I have updated the next part of Chapter 9. As mentioned, it was fun for me to write, all those thoughts swirling in their heads though you might not have as much fun reading it. It could be taken as a filler, a stage for the party that would be held that night and which would bring some changes. But do give a read and let me know. The link is given below:

I could have waited and posted in along with the next part, but it is turning out to be a little tricky to write, so I need a little more time, and since this part felt complete, I am posting it.

kojagorimalik thumbnail
Anniversary 7 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 7 years ago
Heyy nyna dii...
Swara in past had come for some ulterior move...
Shekhar and durga prasad are not planning ragini and sanskar's marriage right???
I will straightaway faint..
Anyways this is a beautiful chapter...
Nynaeve thumbnail
Anniversary 8 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail Networker 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 7 years ago

Originally posted by: kojagorimalik

Heyy nyna dii...
Swara in past had come for some ulterior move...
Shekhar and durga prasad are not planning ragini and sanskar's marriage right???
I will straightaway faint..
Anyways this is a beautiful chapter...

Dear Moumita,

You got it absolutely right, Swara would have stepped into the Maheshwaris' lives with an ulterior motive. And now her memories are taunting her.

I did not think my attempt at suspense sucks (well, I did not try to make it a suspense either😆) but do not worry, it makes no difference what anybody plans, the events set in motion would upset them all. All their plans will do is to cause a temporary heartbreak (not exactly a spoiler) for you see, Sanskaar and co..are quite a stubborn lot, so .. next update and chapter 10 - it will not be easy but nothing of what Shekar and DP plan will happen. I will twist the tale.😉

So please do not faint. I could admire Ragini but it will always be SwaSan and RagLak

Nynaeve thumbnail
Anniversary 8 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail Networker 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 7 years ago

Thanks, Mystic, glad to see you back, I missed you for the last couple of updates.
Nynaeve thumbnail
Anniversary 8 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail Networker 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 7 years ago
Dyuti and Lucky 🤗

Lucky do get back on pm, we are short of time😆