Memory Chronicles (SwaSan FF) - Page 30


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Nynaeve thumbnail
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Posted: 7 years ago

Originally posted by: Banjaaran.

life on fifth gear. going off the radar. will be back hopefully choon.

my bestest wishes for your mom nynu. hope she is feeling better now.
you take care of yourself too.

sending both of you loads of love and best wishes.🤗

Why, oh why? 😲😲

Anyway, at times, taking a break is good (almost typed "brake" to match "gears") and yes, you better be back very very chooon, preferably with Demon(s) in tow.😳

Thank you for your wishes, amma is recovering well, the doctor has asked her not to pick up her grandson till she is absolutely fit, and that is the best motivation she has😊

loads of love,
Nynaeve thumbnail
Anniversary 8 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail Networker 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 7 years ago

Originally posted by: Sparkler8

Res for Chapter 6

Just finished reading it.. While I was looking for at least a hint for an answer, the chapter raised more questions for me. A few in brief that I remember now,

1. Are Kavita and Swara sisters with similar features?

No, not related and do not even look alike. But this give rise to so many missed possibilities - there is so much one could play on this. Never thought of it, to tell the truth.

2. What is Sudhir upto?

Sudhir, it appears he is upto no good - for the time being I am keeping him ambiguous - spoiler alert, he is not an enemy but is not a friend either. He simply wants the case solved and is quite frustrated as it appears that no one wants to find Kavita's murderer.

3. Did Swara remember something she doesn't want Sanskaar to know about?

Not exactly, all she recalls are images, which she cannot knit together, but she has never shared any of her "recollections" with Sanskaar, apart from being upset at being abandoned. Sanskaar, as of now, just suspects that she might remember somethings but is not sharing with her, also he is suspicious as to how they are simply unable to find anything about her.

Sanskaar is suit - droolworthy😳**Sigh** that he his, ever since I read that quote, I have been dying to use it, and now, who better than Sanskaar.

Laksh was a sweet heart 👏 That is a relief to know, I tried to make him nice here, but I think I will retain his trademark impulsiveness - Laksh without his impulsiveness is no fun (except in your FF - Ignorant Crossroads, where you sort of switched Laksh and Sanskaar, but it was very well done.

Jahnavi and Harsha, I don't know why, I feel they went through a lot and I have developed a kind of respect for them.
They have indeed gone through a lot, and with Swara's memory loss will go through even more. I still have to give some background for Jahnavi, maybe will do it the final few chapters😃

One more question to that list - Does Laksh know about Swaha?

Not yet, he will come to know in the next chapter😊

I am sure by end of the FF, I will have the answers, but curious me, documenting them, in case I forget😆

And I hope the story does end up answering them, rather you reaching the end and thinking, "Thank God, I asked, this FF has none of those answers?😡😡😡"

Well.. I will try to be back with a detailed comment if time permits. Then again this comment looks as long as my other comments.

No issues, take your time😊

Sorry, not in proper senses today as I am rushing madly for an assignment due on Monday. Will try to come back for a proper comment.

And how did your assignment go?


Dear Sharon,

Replied in blue above,

Nynaeve thumbnail
Anniversary 8 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail Networker 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 7 years ago
And finally the FnR for Chapter 6 (FnR 22 to 25) updated. Corrections of Typos and linking /updating index still pending, will get around to that😊
kritz4ever thumbnail
Anniversary 14 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail Networker 3 Thumbnail
Posted: 7 years ago
Want more
Can't get enough
Awesome updates
Nynaeve thumbnail
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Posted: 7 years ago

Originally posted by: kritz4ever

Want more

Can't get enough
Awesome updates

Dear Shweta,

Your comment could be small, but it means a lot, truly means a lot to me. Thanks for reading and commenting. Work is hectic, and with Mom in recovery mode, time is scarce but will still try to update as quickly as possible.

Nynaeve thumbnail
Anniversary 8 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail Networker 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 7 years ago

Originally posted by: iamreader

UNRES for Chapter 6

Dearest Nynu,

This time I'm seriously late! I can't even ask for mercy as I think I have some shame!

Dyuti, one is never late, one is always "time challenged" so do not even think about wanting mercy or anything. (it is the selfish me, I have some Res, where the thread has been closed also - so I should actually bury myself in deep earth🤢)

But I've always got some excuse. Once Nimmi told me about her inability to express her opinions about writings. So she gives silent support. This time I got a "Commentators block".This term should be added to IF dictionary, I feel. Still, I can try na?

Nimmi always surprises me, she reads every post (even my random ramblings and that OS on WC - I wonder how she managed to stumble on that😕) writes beautiful stories and amazing posts but is convinced she is not good at giving comments. "Commenter's block" sounds great, add it to the IF dictionary, the very one from which Nita and I removed that offending three lettered word "Res" (refer above for reason😉)

Swara... I think she's getting pulled towards day by day. But her lost memories, feeling of being someone's burden and unwanted are killing her... Sanskar is wary about Swara... He is cordial, sometimes does slip from his formal attitude to more friendly and jovial mode, but still keeps a certain distance. All of these pinch Swara and moreover that engagement photo! I love the way you've picturized that image through your flowing smooth words... but I wished Swara was in place of Kavita!

Swara will feel the conflict between her emotions, both what she feels for Sanskaar and her reactions to those random memories which would make her wonder. Sanskaar, as of now, is more focused on answers for Kavita and does not even consider if he feels anything for Swara. He will start liking her but does not think much of it. That photograph - gave me so much grief, I wrote it twice and somehow, between one draft to another, it got deleted and I had to write it a third time.
We are quite greedy, poor Kavita is dead and gone, in the end it will be Swara in his arms, his heart and his life, I think we should not grudge a single photograph (okay there are many)

I loved the Lakshya's character here. When you wrote the first line about him my hunch told oh, that's Lucky! And I was right.
Is Debobrata planning to adopt Ragini?

Laksh is a nice person here, impulsive maybe flirtatious but nice. No, Debo is not planning to adopt Ragini, she is already eighteeen right and I am not sure if it is possible legally. Anyway, not going there, the story does not need him adopting her, so I am not even going to research on it (as it my browser history would not help me in any investigation - full of how to cause explosions using common chemicals - this was for an abandoned FF, GSW, etc.)

And by the way how's Aunty, I mean your mom doing? Is she completely alright now?

Mom is recovering quite well, though now that the pain killers dosage is tapering off, she is feeling the pain. Her greatest worry is how long she has to wait to hold her grandson, my nephew also seems to be waiting as to when he can be rocked to sleep by his grandmother.


Dear Dyuti,

Replied in this colour (whatever it is called😆😆) I will get back to TAFL, soon.

DreamOfEndless thumbnail
Posted: 7 years ago
Hi Nyna 🤗🤗

Indeed a very long time! How are you doing? 😊 I am doing well and one this relaxed Sunday was missing our "cute sweet little" prince and princess - SwaSan.

I read your FF right from the start till chapter - 6 in one go and it was a wonderful experience👏... First of all, I really love how you carry out a detailed research about everything related to your story and footnote it all for readers' reference. It makes reading so much more enriching experience, also giving the story quite genuine feels. Being from Kolkata, I have been to most of the places and I amazed by your research. I happily admit they enriched my knowledge.😳😊

This memory loss track had always intrigued me because it had so much potential, and I am loving how your story is proceeding. We take our memories so much for granted. It is the being our existence and yet we never realize it, until it falters. I specially loved how you draw parallel between Swara and Kavita - one who has lost memory but is alive and another who has lost her life yet lives in memories. Very aptly written, that names shape an image of your identity in our minds unknown to us consciously. I also loved how Sanskar witnessed a reflection of Swara on Kavita's picture, made for each other..😳😆...BTW, I don't think Sankar needed a three piece suit to make Swara gape at him, his being himself is enough😉.. I am still wondering who is informing Jhanvi about Swara's well being, my guess is either Dr. Amar or Inspector Sudhir.

I am sorry for being superlate in replying and thank you for not giving up sending PMs.
Do continue soon. 😊

- Tia
Nynaeve thumbnail
Anniversary 8 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail Networker 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 7 years ago

Originally posted by: dreamy.tiara

Hi Nyna 🤗🤗

Indeed a very long time! How are you doing? 😊 I am doing well and one this relaxed Sunday was missing our "cute sweet little" prince and princess - SwaSan.

Indeed, a very long time. I am fine, though a tad busy with life and work. I thought you had given up on the Forum so it is great hearing from you.🤗

I read your FF right from the start till chapter - 6 in one go and it was a wonderful experience👏... First of all, I really love how you carry out a detailed research about everything related to your story and footnote it all for readers' reference. It makes reading so much more enriching experience, also giving the story quite genuine feels. Being from Kolkata, I have been to most of the places and I amazed by your research. I happily admit they enriched my knowledge.😳😊

And I am very happy. I do love it when readers write that they like the story but the cherry / icing on the cake is when they say they liked the footnotes and the references. It just makes all the time I spend on researching (and it is crazy amount of time in some days) worthwhile. And if you, a resident of Kolkata, finds the "feel" genuine, then I must be getting it quite right.😳

This memory loss track had always intrigued me because it had so much potential, and I am loving how your story is proceeding. We take our memories so much for granted. It is the being our existence and yet we never realize it, until it falters. I specially loved how you draw parallel between Swara and Kavita - one who has lost memory but is alive and another who has lost her life yet lives in memories. Very aptly written, that names shape an image of your identity in our minds unknown to us consciously. I also loved how Sanskar witnessed a reflection of Swara on Kavita's picture, made for each other..😳😆...BTW, I don't think Sankar needed a three piece suit to make Swara gape at him, his being himself is enough😉.. I am still wondering who is informing Jhanvi about Swara's well being, my guess is either Dr. Amar or Inspector Sudhir.

The memory loss, it truly had so much potential, which the CVs ruined. But the best part, the amount of fan fiction it inspired, almost all of us have written / are writing (present continuous is only me, I guess😆).
So true, we take everything for granted, and usually realised their true worth only when we lose them. Memories are more than simple recall of events, they are our emotional responses, the learning we carry and the foundation for our future decisions. They define our very existence. Swara and Kavita - that parallel is the core of this FF - one whose death sort of ensured that she would be remembered forever, and the other, who is alive and yet is dead to the world.
Actually Sanskaar, does not need a suit to make Swara gape at him but you have to admit it there is something, a little extra about men when dressed in a suit. So Sanskaar in a suit had Swara drooling over him.😉
As to who is informing Jahnavi - I will let in a small secret, it is neither Amar nor Sudhir, both of them do not know of Jahnavi. But how does she come to know - that is my attempt at suspense😆

I am sorry for being superlate in replying and thank you for not giving up sending PMs.

No apologies for delays in response and I shall keep sending PMs whenever I update.
Do continue soon. 😊

- Tia

Dear Tia

Replied in blue above.

DreamOfEndless thumbnail
Posted: 7 years ago

Originally posted by: Nynaeve

Dear Tia

Replied in blue above.


Replied above in Pink😊
krishuuuuuuuuuu thumbnail
Anniversary 14 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail Networker 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 7 years ago
Nyna dear...
My heart felt very late...super busy in personal life...cant help it...sorry...

Coming straight to update sweetheart was outclass brilliant...i just enjoyed the pace n rhythm of story line...nearly one year is passed...lots of things happened which kept me all intrigued and such progress on kavita murder mystery...but soon someone will found out something...i hope...
Swasan on other hand unknowingly and unintentionally grown fond of each other..swara had sort of crush on sanky...she had accepted him as friend or more...i just love their easy going fake talk...just pure n genuine concern...convos...

Im going to be quick...thank u and love u for your efforts all girls keep swasan essence alive and fresh...kisses...i will try to be regular now...muahhh

Update next soon..plzzz

Love n hugs