Ranveer's unsaid feelings #3 updated Episode 217 page 149 - Page 54


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CarpediemRose thumbnail
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Posted: 8 years ago
Awesome episodes Sakshi dr πŸ‘πŸ‘
Continue soon😳
sakshi5050 thumbnail
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Posted: 8 years ago

Originally posted by: Zenab78

Nainas dream ... 🀒 I am in love with ragini she is angel and ...loved all the chapters Sakshi.thanks for PM

Hi Zenab thanks for the comment hmm ya all would have not liked that Naina's dream happy that you love Raagini and ya she is really a cute angel. glad you loved all the chapters keep reading dear πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰
sakshi5050 thumbnail
Anniversary 8 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail Networker 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 8 years ago

Originally posted by: CarpedeimRose

Awesome episodes Sakshi dr πŸ‘πŸ‘

Continue soon😳

πŸ˜‰Hi Jen thanks for the comment
glad you liked the episodes
ya let me update it dear keep reading πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰
sakshi5050 thumbnail
Anniversary 8 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail Networker 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 8 years ago
Episode 188
It 12 o clock afternoon when Naina was working she was glancing Ranveer at all the moment she can. He was so cutely working in the Laptop. His Red coat and his look today made her to fall for him.
Naina(admiring Ranveer in thoughts): I really don't why more than other days there is a separate happiness in his face today. As usual he is not smiling he is in his RV attitude only but also there is a happiness which is been expressed in his eyes. (seeing him with a smile) But I love you Ranveer I want to kiss you I want to completely give me to you.
When she was admiring him he was so serious in his work. He was seeing the file and was seriously working in his laptop.
Naina(with a anger in thoughts): After joining this office I am staring at you like anything but your eyes never ever saw me Ranveer. See me and feel me.
When Naina was thinking there was a voice that distracted her thoughts with its words..
Security: Madam..
Naina(turning to the person): Haan what you want?
Security: Madam there is a person waiting for you in front of the office. He said he wanted to give a parcel to you.
Naina(thinking about the gift she said to Rithika): Haan let me come..

Security shaking his head to her and started to walk where Naina too walked behind the security and they came to the office entrance. There was a henchmen who Naina saw in the morning was standing in a decent dressing and having a bag crossing his chest and a parcel in his hand. Naina getting Rithika has sent the gift through this henchmen saw the security who was near her.
Naina:(seeing the security): I only ordered this parcel you can go to your security box.
Security(with a honest head shake): Fine madam.

Naina shook her head with a smile to Security where she signed the henchmen to come to the other side. The Man walked some distance from the office where Naina followed him and they were standing away from the office entrance.
Henchmen: Madam Rithika madam gave this parcel and she told this address and told me to give it to you.
Naina: Haan I only gave office address to her and I only said her to send the gift.(getting the parcel from his hand): Tk you can leave now. Go home and be there let me come in the evening.
Henchmen: Okay Madam.

The Henchmen started to walk to the road where Naina saw her phone and dialed to Rithika's number.
Rithika(picking the call): Hello Naina got the gift?
Naina: Haan I have got it. If I have known it is Ranveer's birthday I would have painted Ranveer and my image and I would have given it to him. But I am not able to give that gift as I came to know about his birthday morning only.
Rithika:That is what you have this gift know? give him..
Naina:(seeing the parcel and in phone):What have you brought? will that indicate my love to Ranveer?
Rithika(with a smile): Hmm sure Naina I know he is your future husband so keeping that in my mind only I brought this gift. It will surely touch his heart.
Naina:Tk tell me what is it? I should talk to him related to the gift know?
Rithika: Hmmm tk Its a silver chain after seeing that chain you will surely talk about it to Ranveer by yourself and you will be happy seeing that gift too.
Naina: Hmm tk its a chain nice gift only it will be always in his heart.
Rithika: Hmm tk go and give him.
Naina: Fine.

Naina cut the call and started to move inside the office. She came to her desk and kept the gift in her bag and started to work.
Naina:Let me call him for lunch and then let me present this gift to him during lunch.
She smiled to herself. The time was running it was finally the lunch hour. when Naina was up to get up to call Ranveer for lunch there were two three professional people of their office entering RV room. She saw Ranveer thorough the glass where Ranveer welcomed them with a smile. They all sat surrounding him.
Naina(in thoughts): What is this I thought to call Ranveer for lunch but by this time these people have come.Oh god...
She started to wait where it was almost 2 o clock where they were not ready to leave the room. Naina without able to bear the huger got up and went to have her lunch. After half an hour she returned to her desk where She saw Ranveer sitting in his cabin and writing something. Naina came to her cubical and took the gift from her bag and accessed the card and entered RV's room.
RV(seeing her shook his head): Ya come in..
Naina:(coming to him):RV..
RV: Haan tell me Naina
Naina(showing the gift): Happy Birthday.
RV(with a uncomfortable face): Naina why you need to get these gifts and all your wishes itself a best gift for me.
Naina(with a smile): I know Ranveer but you have helped me a lot then how can I be without giving gift after knowing it is your birthday.
RV: No I am not telling that you should not give gift I know you are caught up in financial crises that is why I said.
Naina(with a happy smile):RV come on Its just a small gift not that much costly and all. As I came to know its your birthday in the morning only I told my servant to deliver gift parcel during lunch hour. If you get it I will be happy and I will think that you forgave all my mistakes.
RV(with a smile getting the gift):Thank you.
When he got the gift...
Naina: Open and tell me whether you like it?
RV(with a head shake as yes opened the gift taking some time he opened and found a silver chain with the initials NS..
RV(seeing the chain and seeing the letters in the chain dollar): Naina NS dollar.
Naina(seeing the gift and getting it is her name Naina Singh in thoughts): Not bad Rithika has brought a good gift only. This chain will always connect me and Ranveer.
RV(seeing her thinking without answering his question): Naina..
Naina: Haan RV.
RV: What is it Naina? NS..
Naina(with a smile); Its Naina Singh RV. you are my friend life long our friendship should go on. wear it so that I will feel happy.
RV(in thoughts): What I should wear the chain that is having Naina's name? Oh god..what is this new type of demand from Naina side fine let me manage it(with a smile seeing Naina) Its really a good chain Naina ya our friendship should always go on but you know these kind of gifts should be wore in a special occasion only so I will wear in any one of the business party okay.
Naina(with a disappointed face): But RV you can wear it today know?
RV: Naina come on I am telling know you have gifted it to me it really means a lot to me and there are many business parties to come up I will wear it in any one of the party and let me tell I am liking this chain so much. I will keep it as a precious gift okay..(he gave a smile and kept the chain in the box and kept it near the file). when going home let me take it.
Naina(hearing those words brought happiness in her face): Really know?
RV: Haan
Naina: RV you are so good in this coat.
RV: hmm thank you..
Naina: Today I thought to have lunch with you but you were busy .
RV: Wo actually important deal hain..(when RV was explaining he saw Ishani entering the office with Raagini in her hand)
RV(in thoughts): How Ishani came here?She didn't even ask for the cab (to Naina):let me tell it to you Naina ek minute.
In a force full act he took his phone and dialed the cab driver number. Naina was seeing the seriousness in his face.
RV: (as the call is picked): Hello Mr. Vinay Bhatia.
Vinay: Ya RV sir tell me
RV: Did my wife boarded the cab today from home?
Vinay: No sir I didn't go to your home.
RV: (he had anger face):Tk...(cutting the call).

He immediately picked the intercom and dialed to the security.
Naina(seeing his anger):What happen RV?
RV(keeping the phone in his ears and signed her to wait as the call is picked): Hello RV here.
Security: Yes sir
RV: Now my wife has come to office know.?.
Security: Haan sir..

As Ranveer asked this question Naina turned and saw through the glass where Ishani was speaking to the staffs holding Raagini in her hand.
Naina(in thoughts):She came again..
RV: (to security):How did she come? I mean she came by walking or?
Security: Madam came by Taxi sir..
RV: Taxi tk let me cut the call(he got anger like anything seeing Naina) Let me talk to you later Naina..
Naina:What happen RV? why are you this much tensed?
RV: (controlling his anger in a low voice): Naina I am in top anger please let me talk to you later..
Naina: Tk...

With a silent face she came out of the cabin and she came to her table. Raagini went to the hands of staffs where Ishani shaking her head to the staffs for their demand to keep Raagini she started to walk towards the cabin of Ranveer.Ranveer saw her where he was having tonnes of anger in his face. He saw Raagini cutely playing with the staffs.All were so attached to his daughter.
Ishani(coming near RV room and seeing Naina): Hi Naina..
Naina(with a smile); Hi Ishani how are you?
Ishani: Haan fine..how about you?
Naina: Haan I am doing good.
Ishani:Tk (giving a smile she knocked the door where Ranveer clicked the button the door opened).
Naina(thinking of Ranveer anger with happy heart):Till he was talking to me he was happy but after seeing Ishani he is angry means they are up to fight. I should enter their house and make this fight big and make them to depart their ways.
Naina thinking to herself acting like working saw inside the room through the glass. As Ishani entered the room and kept her bag in the table and stood opposite to Ranveer with a smile.
Ishani: Hi Ranveer..
Ranveer(saw her with anger): How did you come here?
Ishani(with a smile):Taxi..
Ranveer:(got up in a force with anger and came to her): You came in taxi?
Ishani(seeing his tensed face and in a normal tone): Haan I came in taxi what for that?
Ranveer;(in a shouting tone): How many times to tell you without informing me without me you should not come out of the house?
Ishani:Ranveer I just came to see you that is it..
Ranveer: Then you should have asked for the cab to me know? all the days you have come like that only then what happened today?
Ishani(seeing him with a child face): Ranveer as it is your birthday I thought to surprise you that is why I came?
Ranveer: More than you Birthday is not important for me(he was moving his hands which clearly showed his anger).
Naina(was really happy seeing his anger):Wo Ranveer is scolding Ishani. But what would have happened to the level of scolding but anyway here after I will enter your life and will create all the misunderstandings I can. This fight will get big day by day I won't allow you to get back together.
Ishani(seeing Ranveer's eyes that completely said he is angry):Tk I am sorry.
Ranveer:Sorry you are asking sorry.Like this only you said to me Ranveer I am going with Maa and Baa to get the jewel what happened?you were kidnapped. From that time I am telling you not to go out anywhere alone but what have you done today?
Ishani(seeing him with a eyes that are up to cry): I am sorry its all my fault only.

Ranveer getting she is up to cry cooling down his anger and then seeing the office through the glass and the staffs playing with Raagini getting to know they may see them he went to the glass door and pulled the blind curtains.
Naina(in a happy mood): Wow that Ishani's face is so sad very well Ranveer. pulling the curtains also he is going to scold her only he may also slap her.
Ranveer closing the blind curtains came to her where Ishani was crying silently. Ranveer caught her shoulders where she jerked her shoulder to make him take his hands silently.
Ranveer(with a lovely voice catching her shoulder strongly in a normal tone): Ishani... stop crying..
Ishani didn't even raise her face where she was crying just bowing her head.
Ranveer(touched her chin and made her to see him): Ishani..
Ishani: (seeing him with tears):Even in this day you will scold me know? (trying to take his hands with her hand): Chodo mujhe always I want to be in your control right?Even to travel in a taxi I need to get your permission. leave me..(she was trying to take his hands from her shoulders where he held it tightly).
Ranveer:(in a cute tone): Ishani meri patni first see me.

Ishani raised her eyes where she was so cute to Ranveer's eyes. He lovingly wiped her tears.
Ranveer(with a smile): Dekho I know I am controlling you in these things but Ishani wo Nirbhay chapter is not over in our story. He is in coma only he may wake up anytime. He kidnapped you Ishani. After all those obstacles how do you tell me to leave you alone? you want to go anywhere call me. you want to come to office come in the office cab. But in the way anything happen to you means. (with a confirmed emotional tone): If anything happen to you I will die Ishani..
Ishani(kept her finger in his lips): what are you telling? Its your birthday and you are talking like this..
Ranveer: Actually I am not that kind of man to control a wife. But after that incident its really fearing me to send you out all alone. Even when you were near Baa and Maa you got kidnapped. If you are coming alone with Raagini means...(he left her and saw her with a questioning look).
Ishani(wiping her tears properly): I am sorry Ranveer. I thought to give a surprise to you that is why I came like this all of a sudden but...I am in front of you only nothing happened to me know?
Ranveer:(lovingly touching her shoulders): I love you Ishani. More than you nothing is important to me. I know you are missing all our family member but let me tell you this Nagpur life is the best thing happened to me. I am really not missing anybody in Mumbai. If you are with me I will be the happiest person in the world. More than you nothing is needed for me. In front of you this property, business everything is nothing to this Ranveer.
Ishani(seeing him with a cute look): I am sorry,
Ranveer:Tk its okay even I am sorry..
Ishani(with a strict look): I don't want sorry and all.
Ranveer:then what you want? Kiss or hug?
Ishani:(with a light smile): you scolded me right I don't want a night with you.
Ranveer(in a shocked tone):What we won't have a night today?
Ishani: Haan Mr. Ranveer Vaghela...

As she said her mobile rang she picked the call.
Ishani: Haan hello..
Man: Madam I came to the address you said to us.We are in that office front.
Ishani:ek minute(giving the phone to Ranveer) this person is in front of the office ask security to allow him inside.
Ranveer(getting her phone):Tk..(keeping his phone in ears): Give the phone to security.
Man: Yes sir..
Security:(getting the phone): Hello sir..
RV: Allow that person inside and guide him till my cabin.
Security: okay sir..
RV (cutting the call gave her phone to Ishani): Really we are not going to have a night?
Ishani:(a smile came to her face): Haan surely we are not.
RV: who is this man? you are telling him to allow him inside. Any body need job?
Ishani: Nahi nahi..(before she could tell the security accessed the card and a person entered with a big box in his hand seeing him) Keep it down there.
Man(keeping the box in the place Ishani indicated): done madam (he came near her).
Ishani(took her bag and took the money and gave it to him); Thank you... you have taken a box know?(she gave a light smile).
Man: Yes madam thank you.Let me leave.

The man clicked the button and opening the door started to move out of the cabin and started to walk towards the office entrance.
RV(seeing the box);What is this box?
Ishani: aye sweet boxes hain distribute it to your staffs.
RV(with a smile): Tk let me do it but tell me that we are surely going to have a night.
Ishani:(seeing him with a challenging look): Mr. Ranveer Vaghela for distributing the sweets I think I no need your help. I too know  some of your staff let me tell them they will do it for me.

She was about to move where Ranveer held her hand and pulled her close to him.
Ranveer(in a husky tone): I want you today. What ever happens I won't leave you today night?
Ishani(with a smile): who asked you to scold me?
Ranveer: aye concern hain Ishani. I am protecting you that is it. Please I am sorry let me ask sorry to you but I want my Ishani today night.
Ishani: Let me think about forgiving you but now tell somebody to distribute the sweets.
Ranveer: Tk let me..Come with me..
Ishani: Hmmm

They both came out of the room and they stood in the center part. Naina was shocked to see them with a smiling face.
Naina(in thoughts):What is this? these people are smiling they were fighting right?
As she was confused..
RV(in his clear tone): May I have your attention please my dear Staff's
Where almost all of them stood up and saw Ranveer and Ishani.
RV(in a normal): Today is a special day in my life. Today is my Birthday..
where all of them clapped where they in a chorus told "HAPPY BIRTHDAY SIR"
RV(with a smile):Thank you. so now you all can get sweet boxes okay. Taking the sweet boxes you may leave the office now itself.
All the staff: thank you sir..
RV: (with a smile called a person): Please distribute the sweet boxes to all its in my cabin a big box will be there
person: yes sir..

As they went inside a staff brought Raagini where she cutely came in the hands of Ishani. she was cutely touching her nose with her tiny hand. Four persons started to distribute the sweets where almost all the staffs wished him where Ranveer thanked them with a smile. Naina was really confused seeing Ishani's smiling face now. As getting sweets all were leaving to home.
Ranveer(in a low tone): I have done what you said now can we leave to home and...
Ishani(having Raagini and seeing him):actually its for your birthday only. So you no need to think that you have done what I said to you. Now we are not going to home we are going to temple.
Ishani: Maa said know you should go to temple and then I have the cake pieces I have contacted an Orphanage let us give those cake to those children. There are only 10 children so they can have it.
Ranveer: Hmmm tk,
Ishani: My bag.
Ranveer: Let me bring it.
Ranveer entered his cabin and brought Ishani's bag and he came back to her.Ishani started to walk where Ranveer was walking behind her with a smile.Naina was standing jealous seeing Ranveer and Ishani and Raagini.Naina accessed the card and entered RV room where she found the gift she presented that was left as it in the table.
Naina(in a evil face):RV has left the gift hear itself and he went behind that Ishani. I won't give Ranveer to you Ishani. I won't Naina was fuming in anger.She started to walk with a complete vengeance face.
To be continued πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰
behirlover thumbnail
Anniversary 8 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail
Posted: 8 years ago
Hi dear how are you?
This naina is mental she is always dreaming only about ranveer but now she has got an evil plan
Chain part was funny how she thinks ranveer will wear it
Ishani bechari she came to give surprise and he scolded her so much
Hope their night is not spoiled by naina her plan should backfire then it will be fun.
Thnx for pm
Waiting for next
Duskyylilac thumbnail
Anniversary 9 Thumbnail Visit Streak 180 0 Thumbnail + 7
Posted: 8 years ago
As usual amazing chapter I really love naina when she gets jealous ishveer are so cute ishani started crying like baby and he has to ask sorry how cute they are...thanks for PM
ayeshamukhtar thumbnail
Anniversary 9 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 8 years ago
Amazing chapter as usual...
Naina day dreaming tat RV showed his anger on ishaani and slaped her...
After gifting him a cheap locket to RV you deserve a tight slap from RV 😑
But RV is RV so he manage the situation very awesomely.. 😳
And jealour naina πŸ˜ƒ you deserve this
lifesobeautiful thumbnail
Posted: 8 years ago
Hii Sakshi,
Awesome chapter..Stupid Naina all time staring ranveer in dirty eye and her gift was 🀒 🀒
Poor ishani coming to give her surpries but he scold her and then he ask to sorry i liked it...!! hehehe...seeing jealous naina πŸ˜† if ishani daily come to rv office and naina seeing her full anger and jealous and one day she would hv die in anger πŸ˜†
Now last hope naina not spoil our ishveer night...!!!
Thanks for pm
shaktiluvradz thumbnail
Anniversary 8 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 8 years ago
Hi sakshi  ragini  actions were sooo cute ishveer  silly fights were nice their cute Nok jhok dis naina s a big dumb chudayil  ranveer  forgot her gift lol..hope  she should  nt enter ranveer  house and if she  does  she ll burn  n jealousy  each  and  every  min
sakshi5050 thumbnail
Anniversary 8 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail Networker 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 8 years ago

Originally posted by: dvprt418.py

Hi dear how are you?
This naina is mental she is always dreaming only about ranveer but now she has got an evil plan
Chain part was funny how she thinks ranveer will wear it
Ishani bechari she came to give surprise and he scolded her so much
Hope their night is not spoiled by naina her plan should backfire then it will be fun.
Thnx for pm
Waiting for next

Hi dear thanks for the comment
ya I am doing good hope you are too doing good
ya bit mental character only Naina always dreaming a life with Ranveer but now she is planning something evil
happy that you found chain part funny ya she is really having a day dream that Ranveer will wear the chain silly girl
cute Ishani came to give surprise where Ranveer scolded her so much
ya even I wish the same that their night should not get spoiled by Naina ya her plan should backfire
so that it will so nice
ya dear let me update it keep reading πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰